Category Archives: Barack Obama

Did God Appear At The White House?

Joe emails: I hate to say it to many atheists who read your site, but God just appeared in the white house. No, I am not talking about Mr. Obama. I am talking about the question asked Obama about the … Continue reading

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Obama’s Health Care Fiasco

DENNIS PRAGER said on his radio show today: The American healthcare system works. The president talks about how we spend the most and we have the least effective results. We don’t. We have the best healthcare in the world. If … Continue reading

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Time To Start Worrying Over Obama’s Israel Policy

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky writes for The Jewish Press: President Obama’s long-awaited speech in Cairo on U.S.-Muslim relations met expectations. It was passionately read and delivered (except for one stumble: calling a "hijab" a "hajib," an understandable error), touched all the … Continue reading

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Obama Hate In Jerusalem

From the Jerusalem Post: A new video posted on the Internet featuring inebriated American Jewish youth in a Jerusalem bar spouting hate-filled sentiments has garnered massive exposure and caused a firestorm in the media and the Jewish world. In the … Continue reading

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The New Rage In Mug Shots

These are all real mug shots from the police:

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