Category Archives: Barack Obama

Obama Is Toast

Joe emails: Obama is misfiring on several cylinders, but only one that matters: First, he has lost his ability to cut losses among white males. His ability to maintain a merely significant disadvantage is gone. But, white males are big … Continue reading

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Barack Obama – Pragmatist?

On his radio show Wednesday, Dennis Prager said: “It is almost infinitely easier to damage than to construct. It is very hard to make a good country. The left-wing instinct is to tamper. The further left you go, the worse … Continue reading

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Kudos to Obama’s Brother

Chaim Amalek emails: Subject: Coming soon to America (Once Again, Islam Shows the Way) Kudos to the President’s 52 year old muslim brother in Kenya. I’ll bet you can’t get away with that in Thailand. From AP: NAIROBI, Kenya – … Continue reading

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Welcome to the White House: A Metaphor for Budgetary Excess

Curious to know why the federal government is a monetary sinkhole? Well, follow the money! That admonition, which comes from the cinematic depiction of Deep Throat in All the President’s Men, is even more true in our actual lives. In … Continue reading

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Carly For Senate

The New York Times headline yesterday was: “Paladino Attacks Gays In Brooklyn Speech” The NYT has since changed it to: “Paladino Laces Speech With Antigay Remarks” On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “I would be happy to address … Continue reading

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