Barack Obama – Pragmatist?

On his radio show Wednesday, Dennis Prager said: “It is almost infinitely easier to damage than to construct. It is very hard to make a good country. The left-wing instinct is to tamper. The further left you go, the worse America is depicted.”

“The work to undo the damage the left has done in the past two years will take many years. It is easy to pass a 2,000 page healthcare bill that will hurt the economy terribly.”

On his radio show Thursday, Dennis Prager said: “The country has seen the left-wing abyss and recoiled.”

“Left and right not only have different ends, they also have different means. Politics, the state and power, are the ends and the means for the left. The right wants less power.

“If you are in doubt, do you want to vote for the party that wants to increase its power constantly or decrease its power constantly. That’s a devastating argument on behalf of the right. Our primary position is — don’t let us control your lives.”

“There are very few arenas where the right wants the government to have power and the left doesn’t. It’s about a 98-2 ratio. I can only think of one — abortion.”

“I thank this president for providing clarity. You have made most Americans aware of what the left stands for.”

“All of these years I have been speaking out about the left and for most Americans it was not understood. It was like speaking out against compassion. Compassion for gays, the poor, illegals.”

“It’s amazing to me that people don’t associate the ever-expanding state with bloodshed. Religion is associated with bloodshed.”

“More people have been killed by big secular government than by anything else. The big state has been the greatest source of evil.”

“More men are pro-choice than women because it frees them to have sex with more women.”

“People say, what’s my purpose in life? I’ve never understood that. How about making another person to have a better life?”

Joy Behar and Elizabeth Hasselbeck are perfect exemplars of left and right in America today.”

“I don’t fear companies with economic power. Hewlett-Packard has no ability to arrest me. If I don’t buy a Hewlett-Packard computer, I won’t be met by police and put in prison. The government can do that. Hewlett-Packard can’t tell me what I may and may not say. The government does that with speech codes. This is a left-wing belief that economic power and political power are the same.”

“Nobody on the right ever argues that there is no such thing as left-right.”

“I think big companies are [often] immoral but they do far less damage than big government. No concentration camp was ever opened by a General Motors or a big bank.”

“Blacks are about 12% of the population but in my pantheon of the great thinkers, they make up more than that.”

“The air in Los Angeles today is about ten times cleaner than the air was in London 200 years ago.”

On his radio show Friday, Dennis Prager plays a clip of a young woman celebrating Barack Obama’s 2008 victory by saying: “I didn’t think this day would ever come when I wouldn’t have to worry about putting gas in my car or in paying my mortgage. If I help him, they help me.”

Dennis: “That is the mentality that the welfare state and the left engender in every society. If I elect the left, I don’t have to do anything.”


Friday, October 29, 2010 Radio Show
H1: Grasping Reality
Prager H1: Two of the country’s best reporters, Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, see Obama’s agenda failing because he was too centrist and not progressive enough. Not Left enough?.. Dennis talks to Meg Whitman. The latest poll rates her race with Jerry Brown a toss up… Hispanics are more divided on illegal immigration than you might suspect, according to a new poll… John Kerry thinks that the American people are know-nothing simpletons.

Friday, October 29, 2010 Radio Show
H2: Happiness Hour: Blessing and Curses
Prager H2: Every blessing comes with a price. Identifying your curses and turning them into blessings is one of the keys to happiness.

Friday, October 29, 2010 Radio Show
H3: Michael Barone and Open Lines
Prager H3: Dennis talks to renowned political analyst, Michael Barone, about the upcoming election… Issues raised by callers include: should people be excluded from buying insurance because of pre-existing conditions; are there people with psychic ability; would Dennis go on Jon Stewart’s show. .. Dennis talks again to Colonel Mike Prendergast, running for Congress in Florida. We could use his discipline in Washington.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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