Category Archives: Barack Obama

The Obama Years

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The Obama Years: Wages – down. Budget deficits – way up. Homelessness – way way up. Middle East – in flames. Food costs – way up. Test scores – down. Murders – up It’s like … Continue reading

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The Bizarre Charge That Obama Is An Anti-Semite

J.J. Goldberg writes: The campaign against President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal tends toward the apocalyptic even when it’s in repose. Right now it’s virtually jumping the rails, plunging into a swamp of anti-Obama conspiracy theory, with a gaggle of conservative … Continue reading

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Is Obama Blaming The Jewish Lobby?

I am not a Middle East expert and I have no position on the proposed treaty with Iran. Is there a Jewish lobby? It seems to me obvious that just as there is a black lobby, a business lobby, a … Continue reading

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Obama Goes To Africa

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The press coverage is focusing on two themes: polite disagreement about gay rights, and general warm feelings about vague stuff like progress and cooperation. I guess lecturing Kenyatta on gay rights was easier than mentioning … Continue reading

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Obama’s Plan To Desegregate America’s Suburbs

Stanley Kurtz writes: It’s difficult to say what’s more striking about President Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation: its breathtaking radicalism, the refusal of the press to cover it, or its potential political ramifications. The danger AFFH poses to … Continue reading

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