Steve Sailer: Q. Is Obama a Muslim? A. He Was Raised to be a Muslimist

Steve Sailer writes: The President of the United States has long claimed to be a believing Christian. For many years, he trumpeted his decades of theological tutelage under his spiritual adviser Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Rev. Wright has made clear that, although he was a Muslim for a while, he espouses “Black Liberation Theology.”

Before finding Rev. Wright, Obama was, according to his Dreams from My Father, a regular reader of the Nation of Islam newspaper The Final Call. But the failure of Rev. Farrakhan’s “POWER” attempt to launch a blacks-only brand of toothpaste and other toiletries convinced Obama there wasn’t enough money in black economic nationalism.

But some people remain skeptical, citing Obama’s formative years in Muslim Indonesia.

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Obama is not a Muslim. He reminds me of every other liberal I’ve ever met in my life. That means he’s atheist/agnostic, but favors Islam over Christianity because he favors whatever is seen as Eastern/Brown as opposed to Western/White.

It’s absolutely bizarre, but expected, to watch the media demand that Republicans serve as witnesses to his Christian faith.

* When Barry made his bizarre turn to Chicago in 1985, he had decided to become a professional black man. Not a black professional man, but a professional black-man. To do this, he needed to join a black church.

If blacks were all Mormons, he would have joined a Mormon temple.

The man has no religion. Imagine.

* Keep in mind that Barack Hussein Obama not only carries his father’s name (abjuring “Barry,” which he was once called, for “Barack”), but he called his “autobiography” “Dreams from My Father” despite the fact that his father was out of his life after a couple of months and he had very little contact with him, being raised by his white mother and white grandparents. He didn’t become a Christian until he joined Rev. Wright’s church sometime in the late 80′s, by his own admission. Both his father and step-father were Muslims. So, for some reason, his father played a much greater role on Obama’s life than the facts would justify, and he has more reason to favor Islam over Christianity than what you suggest. There was also that incident when he was being interviewed by a prominent newsman and inadvertently referred to his Islamic faith only to be corrected by the newsman that he meant his Christian faith and Obama quickly said he meant to say his Christian faith. I have never made such a slip-up in my life, and I doubt anybody who was raised a Christian ever made such a verbal slip. (BTW I was raised a Christian, but have been a nonbeliever since I was 13 or 14, despite being dragged to church every Sunday until I graduated from high school and went away to college.) I don’t subscribe to the conspiracy theories that Obama is a “secret Muslim,” but the record is less clear than his most ardent supporters insist.

* Obama strikes me as basically secular, but will spout a gilded veneer sort of a mix of leftist black Christianity and non-fundamentalist Islam for political purposes.

Since Trump is begging this whole discussion (ironically, by not saying anything), notice how quasi-religious Trump is getting.

* At this point is there really any reason left to doubt that Obama has zero respect for Christianity? He takes every opportunity to criticize Christianity for ancient sins while forgiving Islam for both current and past sins.

SFAIK, since leaving the Reverend Wright’s “church” and becoming president he has yet to join any other religious congregation. If he hasn’t done so this late in his presidency, then he never will again.

Speaking of which, when’s the last time Bill and Hillary and Chelsea attended church for anything other than political campaigning? After Bill was defeated for re-election for governor back in the late 70s, he and Hillary took up attending a big church in Little Rock which broadcast its meetings. They sat on the front row every Sunday, where everyone watching the church on the teevee could get a good glimpse of them.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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