Steve Sailer: ‘Has anyone ever asked the President if the main result of his Libya policy, the current Camp of the Saints in the Mediterranean, strikes him as a bug … or as a feature?’

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* We are living at a decision point that is every bit as consequential, if not more so, as any in the last century. Western culture has voted for hedonism, self-righteousness, and for demographic and cultural suicide – the result of an ideology in which so many are brainwashed that is every bit as fanatical as communism, nazism, or the worst religion.

* Everyone knows that the (current) people of Europe are completely against mass immigration. The elite politicians and academics are pushing it on them. Whose side are they on?

I read some article saying,

“The polls are against it. The Hungarians are against it. A lot of the new members from Central Europe are against mandatory quotas. So it’s going to be difficult. But the E.U. commission is working on ideas that perhaps some countries won’t take refugees, but provide money instead for these centers.”

Maybe if the indigenous people of Europe are overwhelmingly against this destruction of their homeland, the noble leadership shouldn’t be “working on ideas” to make it happen, they should be working on ideas to stop it?

And it still baffles me that the liberal media academic outlets are putting all the pressure on White Christian areas to accommodate, but are giving nations like Qatar a complete pass. Qatar funded much Syrian upheaval, is filthy rich, and gets a complete pass. The liberal world ignores the aggressive anti-refugee policy and physical borders of all the non-white nations of the world in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.

* If you are troubled by the relative poverty and backwardness of sub-Saharan Africa, pouring sub-Saharan Africans into Europe is a way to ameliorate that in two ways at once. It will make the individual Africans who migrate to Europe richer, and it will make Europe poorer and take it down a peg.

Similarly, if you are troubled by the continuing inequality of income, wealth, etc. between blacks and whites in the U.S., a half century after the Great Society, one way to tackle that is to bring whites down by making everyone on the bottom half of the economic ladder poorer. The jobs report released Friday offered some encouragement if that’s your goal, as the workforce participation rate is at a 38 year low, with 93 million working-age Americans out of work.

An added bonus of creating more poor whites is it increases popular support for various welfare programs.

* I am British and have been in Switzerland for a number of years. Switzerland has wages that are DOUBLE those of Germany, France or Austria. But why aren’t the migrants coming here? Because they know if they come here they will be deported. The Swiss have a no-nonsense approach to immigration.

Legal immigration in Switzerland (mostly from the EU) is very high. “Immigrants” or foreigners make up 30-40 per cent of the Swiss population but it is truly a paradise on earth. You only have to cross the border into France on a weekend to feel the difference.

* Obama in his 20s wrote short stories about himself, and had his friends read them. They thought they were okay but they don’t seem to have advised him to quit his day job. I would imagine that some of those drafts made their way into Dreams from My Father.

As a Creative Writing-type prose stylist, Obama is competent but undistinguished. Literature as a career is a steep pyramid, and there was never much evidence that he would ever be quite good enough to, say, get a string of stories published in The New Yorker. There’s not a lot of money in being good enough to get published in little journals that nobody except other short story authors read.

As a nonfiction analytic prose writer, he’s competent too. He wrote up essay questions and answers for his U. of Chicago race law classes, and they are fine.

But most of what he writes has been moderately to extremely dull because he doesn’t want to say anything too interesting or, heavens, controversial. He’d rather draw attention to the gracefulness of his personal thought processes than to any conclusions he reaches.

You can’t say that his career strategy of being an attractive “blank screen,” of emphasizing his theoretical potential rather than the ideas he has actually achieved, has worked out badly for him.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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