Category Archives: Education

New Jewish Community High School West

Bruce Powell started a community Jewish high school in Agoura. Now Jeff Abram is trying to get one started on the West side. He’s trying to raise $25 million. If he does, that could be the death blow to the … Continue reading

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L.A.’s Orthodox Day Schools

Over 100 Jewish kids in the San Fernando Valley go to the right-wing Toras Emes (Yeshiva Rav Isacsohn Torath Emeth) in Beverly La Brea: ….includes 1,100 students in preschool to eighth grade, 240 staff members, five different buildings in the … Continue reading

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Jewish Day Schools

Jane emails: Perhaps you should re-consider the subject of Jewish Day Schools. You’d written a while back on Etz Jacob, and Aron Abecassis. My understanding now is that Aron abandoned the struggling school, walked away, and left them with a … Continue reading

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In Praise Of Etz Jacob Philanthropist Aron Abeccasis

Etz Jacob’s rabbi Rubin Hutler sent Aron Abecassis this letter of gratitude on March 25. Perhaps a reader knows the back story to all this better than I do.

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Shalhevet Financially Stretched

Sarah emails about the Modern Orthodox Los Angeles school: I get the sense that the conflict between opposing forces (Friedman and the people who are sick of him) is unresolved, and that it will countinue to play out over time … Continue reading

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