New Jewish Community High School West

Bruce Powell started a community Jewish high school in Agoura. Now Jeff Abram is trying to get one started on the West side. He’s trying to raise $25 million. If he does, that could be the death blow to the Orthodox Shalhevet (half its students come from non-Orthodox homes), which is running at a deficit of $2-3 million. Maimonidies and Harkham Hillel day schools are also running at a substantial deficit.

The Museum of Tolerance is sending out letters around the Pico-Robertson community trying to drum up support for its expansion plans, but many in the community don’t feel the MOT is doing anything for them.

"When was the last time Rabbi Marvin Hier taught in the community?" one frum Jew asked me.

I replied that every event (at least 30) that I’ve attended at the MOT has been first rate and that in my view Rabbi Marvin Hier and his son Rabbi Ari are worth every dollar of their substantial salaries.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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