Category Archives: Education

Who Gets To Graduate?

Steve Sailer writes: Paul Tough in the New York Times has a long article “Who Gets to Graduate” on the high college dropout rate of working class kids, focusing on some black girl from a mediocre Dallas area high school … Continue reading

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Eager Young Minds?

Steve Lopez writes in the Los Angeles Times about California: “At every level, cuts decimate once-great institutions and devalue our greatest resource — eager young minds.” I went to school for many years in California and only on the rarest … Continue reading

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Rethinking Jewish Day Schools

From I was calculating what I spent on the education of my four daughters before they hit college. Three of them went to Orthodox Jewish day schools. A fourth one went until third grade and then was in other … Continue reading

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New Jersey’s Eloquent New Governor Chris Christie

He announced a constitutional amendment for November to cap property taxes at no more than 2.5% per year. A teacher complained she should make more money, say, $83,000 a year or $3 per pupil. “You’re not compensating me for my … Continue reading

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When A Staffer At An Orthodox School Marries A Non-Jew

Joe emails: “What should a modern orthodox school do when a jewish staff member marries a non jewish staff member? Legally they can terminate both of them, but what SHOULD they do? Shalhevet has long had a female Jewish secular … Continue reading

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