Category Archives: Germany

Questions about the Hegira to Germany

By Steve Sailer The German chancellor is being celebrated for finally redeeming her subjects’ innate Nazi bloodguilt by inviting into the European Union huge columns of helpless Syrian refugees. Or at least that’s what you are supposed to think, just … Continue reading

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The Deep State

Comments to Steve Sailer: * There’s probably some behind-the-scenes propaganda campaign at work here. The media, politicians, oligarchs, and Deep Staters work very closely together to mount sustained propaganda campaigns. I remember back when the Serbians were supposedly ethnically cleansing … Continue reading

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Germany’s Role In Sparking The Refugee Crisis

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Thilo Sarrazin’s recent book comprehensively and explicitly underlines the way the previous mass intake of third world labor into Germany happened to be a non-working, welfare chomping economic and fiscal disaster. * In my younger … Continue reading

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How Do You Make White Women Have More Babies?

One idea: “Restrict college and most occupations to men only. Take away women’s sufferage. Outlaw abortion and birth control.” * Leonard, Thomas C. (2005) “Protecting Family and Race: The Progressive Case for Regulating Women’s Work.” American Journal of Economics and … Continue reading

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Who Runs The Media In Germany?

NYT: “Among the strongest voices urging tolerance toward immigrants have been the German news media, from the mass-circulation Bild to the public television stations. Experts point to the news media’s positive stance as crucial in helping the public shift its … Continue reading

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