Category Archives: Evolution

The Evolutionary Roots Of Morality

Philosopher Michael Levin writes: Cooperativeness (like intelligence) was probably more adaptive in the colder, harsher, Eurasian environment in which whites and Asians evolved than in sub-Saharan Africa. Food grows year-round in a warm climate. There is little danger of freezing … Continue reading

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What’s The Point Of Group Pride?

Many of my friends say they don’t get racial pride. Why be proud of an accident of birth? I get it. I too felt disgust for “white pride” and “black pride” and “brown pride” and “gay pride,” though I did … Continue reading

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Denying Science Makes A Mockery Of Orthodox Judaism

In a 2009 lecture on Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch for Torah in Motion, Dr. Marc B. Shapiro says: “It’s impossible to cover up these things now they’re out there [online]. “Hirsch says we’re not bound to any opposition to science. … Continue reading

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Miss America Contestants Discuss Evolution

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Rav Kook On Evolution

Dr. Marc Shapiro blogs: He mentions that Maimonides assumes the eternity of the world when he seeks to prove the existence, unity, and incorporeality of God. Maimonides adopts this model so that his proof will be acceptable to everyone. R. … Continue reading

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