Category Archives: Rabbis

Hate Speech Has No Place in a Synagogue?

Rabbi Michael White and Rabbi Jerome Davidson write: We write as rabbis devoted both to our faith community and to human rights for all peoples. We were disheartened to learn that the Great Neck Synagogue has invited Pamela Geller to … Continue reading

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Obama, Immigration, and the Bible

Rabbi Aryeh Spero writes in 2014: In his Executive Order speech defending what most consider outright amnesty for five million illegal immigrants, President Obama cited the biblical verse in Exodus: “Thou shalt not afflict the stranger (22:20)”. There is no … Continue reading

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Rabbis Helping Refugees

For self-interested reasons, Jews in Europe and America have often sided with the fringe against the core (Steve Sailer). Every Major American Jewish Organization Including The Orthodox Union And Agudath Israel Supports Immigration Amnesty. Israel is run to benefit the … Continue reading

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Censors For The Sake Of Heaven

Paul Shaviv reviews Marc Shapiro’s new book: “I just spent the recent holiday weekend reading this important and fascinating (if somewhat depressing) book from cover to cover. Marc Shapiro has given us another excellent work. With meticulous documentation he shows … Continue reading

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Rabbis React To The Goyim’s Tragedies, April 27, 2015: As people worldwide mourn the devastation in Nepal, one rabbi posted a different reaction to Facebook: Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi: “All the idols worshiping places in nepal are now destroyed” The post appears to express the rabbi’s … Continue reading

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