Category Archives: Rabbis

Rabbis Back Evolution

From the Chicago Tribune: CHICAGO – For Rabbi Gary Gerson of the Oak Park Temple B’nai Abraham Zion, evolution does not oppose religious belief but strengthens it. "If anything, it all the more underscores the magnificence of creation as the … Continue reading

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The Rabbi From Africa

From Nabugoye Rabbi Gershom Sizomu Photo: O. Stav Hillel , JRep The gently sloping campus of Semei Kakungulu High School, named for the founder of Uganda’s Jewish community, lies in the shadow of the imposing Mt. Wanale, a volcanic … Continue reading

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My First Synagogue Home

I’d been to other synagogues, but Ohev Shalom in Orlando, Florida, was the first one I called home. I was a regular there during my eight months in town (from Aug. 1993 to March 1994). For most of that time, … Continue reading

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The Olympic Rabbi

From Haaretz: There is one man at the Beijing Olympic village who is not officially classified as an athlete, but runs as many kilometers as the competitors. He too began preparing for the Olympics many years ago and he too … Continue reading

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Orthodox Rabbis & Social Activism

Rabbi Gil Student writes:   I don’t recall where, but someone recently mentioned (perhaps in the comments here) that R. Haskel Lookstein had once declared that we should treat lettuce as non-kosher due to the treatment of farm workers. As … Continue reading

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