Category Archives: Rabbis

Orthodox Women Rabbis

Moshe responds to the argument that there is no objection in Jewish law to a woman becoming a rabbi: You mention the Rav, which is ironic since it’s well documented that he objected to women even being shul president, let … Continue reading

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Can Converts Become Rabbis?

It doesn’t bother me that there is a substantial case in Jewish law against converts such as myself becoming rabbis. I never knew this until I read this post. I have fantasized about becoming a rabbi because I am obviously … Continue reading

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Obama’s Shameful Joke About Special Olympics?

Shmuel Herzfeld is Rabbi of Ohev Sholom — The National Synagogue in Washington, D.C He writes in the Washington Post: President Obama was only joking last week when he quipped on Jay Leno’s show that his bowling is "like … Continue reading

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Rabbi Moshe Tendler Ascends The Temple Mount

From A prominent U.S. rabbi recently ascended the Temple Mount – Judaism’s most revered site – stirring a quiet debate among some within the Jewish religious community about whether Jews should be permitted to enter the mount. Some rabbis … Continue reading

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Orthodox Rabbis Claim There’s No Liberal Bent To Traditional European Jews

BERLIN (JTA) — Orthodox rabbis in Europe challenged the interpretations of a new study that suggests a liberal bent among some traditional European Jews. The reported results "raised both a frown and bewilderment" among Orthodox rabbis, according to a statement … Continue reading

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