Category Archives: Rabbis

RCA’s Feel Good Resolutions

Michael posts to Hirhurim: Nice feel-good stuff, but really no meat to any of them. The sad thing is that they will likely be ignored by their own membership and OU-affiliated shuls. The smachot in my neighborhood are still over … Continue reading

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Providing Moral Leadership To A Kid At A Chareidi Yeshiva

yeshivaboy: hey luke, i have a quick question, did you find out about the documentary hypothesis before or after your conversion YourMoralLeader: as a child YourMoralLeader: my dad has a phd in bible yeshivaboy: and you converted anyway YourMoralLeader: yep … Continue reading

Posted in Haredi, James kugel, Marc B. Shapiro, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, Personal, Rabbis | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Providing Moral Leadership To A Kid At A Chareidi Yeshiva

Roman Catholics Far More Interested In Truth Than Orthodox Jews

I always laughed inside when I listened to Orthodox rabbis preach about their religion’s great commitment to truth. What’s most interesting to me about a religion is not its theory but how it is practiced. I’ll give you two examples … Continue reading

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Lesbian To Head Southern California Board Of Rabbis

Gay Reform Temple Kol Ami is kvelling that their rabbi, Denise Eger, got selected: WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Congregation Kol Ami, a Reform Jewish congregation serving the diverse community of West Hollywood, today congratulated its Rabbi, Denise L. Eger on her … Continue reading

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Rabbi Yaakov Emden Was Almost Seduced By His Cousin

I’m listening to a lecture by Dr. Marc B. Shapiro (for Torah in Motion) on the Nazir, Rabbi David Cohen (1887-1972). Dr. Shapiro talks about the diary of Rabbi Jacob Emden (a great Talmudist of the 18th Century): "We have … Continue reading

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