Category Archives: Rabbis

I Was A Talmid Of The Rav!

Only now can the truth be told! I know every rabbi claims to have been a talmid of the Rav, but I really was. I studded under the Rav for three years when he was still teaching in Yiddish. The … Continue reading

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Rabbis Vs Journalists

The Jewish Week reported in its June 10, 2009 issue: The halachic adviser to Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services, which receives millions of dollars in state and federal money, told a Bergenfield, N.J., synagogue audience in 2007 that tax … Continue reading

Posted in Orthodoxy, R. Dovid Cohen, R. Steven Pruzansky, Rabbis | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Rabbis Vs Journalists

Conformity In Orthodox Judaism

Should I stay or should I go? If I go, there will be trouble. If I stay, I will be troubled. Damn phone’s not ringing. I don’t care. So you want me to repress my feelings? Just shove them right … Continue reading

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The Rabbis Club

From the New York Post: The lower Manhattan lockup known as the Tombs was like a "private club" for a group of Orthodox Jewish jailbirds, whose politically connected prison-chaplain rabbi regularly treated them to feasts of roast beef, salmon and … Continue reading

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First Black Female Rabbi Ordained

Bob emails: There goes the neighborhood. Khunrum emails: "There’s one shul that might let Luke attend." Fred emails: "I wonder if they’d make him sit in the back of the shul." Bob emails: "Even they would probably question our hapless … Continue reading

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