Category Archives: Rabbis

Rabbi Gavriel Cohen’s Beit Din Of Beverly Hills

Rabbi Gavriel Cohen set up his Beit Din of Beverly Hills in 1983 with the approval of Israel’s Sephardic Chief Rabbi. He has the support of such Sephardic rabbis as the current Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar and the Sephardic gadol … Continue reading

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How The RCA Gave Away The Game To R. Shlomo Amar

Israel’s chief rabbis have traditionally divided up their duties — one would handle Beit Din (Jewish law court handling conversions, divorces, business disputes etc) stuff and the other would handle everything else including kashrut (Jewish dietary laws). Then, every five … Continue reading

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Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff Mentions Me In A Lecture On German Rabbis

The mention comes about 44:40 into his lecture. Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff says on “You would think was an article in the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles one week ago… What’s that guy? Luke Ford? You might think that this … Continue reading

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The Spiritual Warrior

From the Deseret News: Drawing from the faith traditions and personal experiences of people with whom he has interacted, Rabbi Niles Elliot Goldstein has learned some of life’s most important lessons, and he shares them in his book "The Challenge … Continue reading

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L.A.’s A-List Rabbis Visit Israel Together

The rabbis were back by Friday and I’m sure they all talked in their Sabbath sermons about their trip and how wonderfully ecumenical it was. The Los Angeles Times reports: The diversity and stature of the group made the visit … Continue reading

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