Category Archives: Rabbis

Very Rabbinic

I sent an Orthodox Jewish friend a link to my appearance on a Sabbath panel at Loma Linda University ten days ago. “You looked very rabbinic,” she said. “From the way you sat to the way you spoke, you seemed … Continue reading

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The Mob Rule Of LA’s Orthodox Rabbinate

On his radio show May 20, 2010, Dennis Prager says: “I want to tell you a story here. Every kid, for reasons we can never explain as adults, remembers something forever that didn’t even happen to the kid… Every one … Continue reading

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Covering Up Rabbi Sex Abusers

Orthodox rabbi Marc B. Shapiro blogs April 15, 2010: There is another theory as to why the sectarian hasidic world in particular has had so many cases of covering up and defending child sex abusers. It is that they simply … Continue reading

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An Amazon Gift Certificate?

Tom emails: “Mr. Ford, I’m a long-time reader of your work and I am aware that you’ve gone through two different conversions and figured you might have some insight to my question. I recently converted to reform Judaism and for … Continue reading

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When The Rabbi’s Wife Is Not A Rebbetzin

I remember feeling taken aback about 13 years ago when the wife of a Modern Orthodox pulpit rabbi told me in no uncertain terms that she was not a rebbetzin. These days most Orthodox communities are seeking a “Rabbinic couple” … Continue reading

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