Category Archives: Alexander Technique

A Conversation In Norwalk

Friday. 12:30 pm. I’m hanging out at a Starbucks on Pioneer and Firestone in Norwalk. I’ve drunk several iced green teas and I’m feeling good for the first time in a month. Outside, the LA County Sheriff’s department has blocked … Continue reading

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His Kids Said No

Walter Carrington was one of the great Alexander Technique teachers along with his recently deceased wife Dilys. The couple pushed Alexander Technique so hard on their kids that all three of them turned against it.

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I was relaying to friends how appalled I was by this Jewish girl taking communion, and this Alexander Technique teacher noted that every time I said I was appalled, I shrunk down. He insisted I keep my length. Then I … Continue reading

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My Sore Stomach

"Do you have any thoughts on stomach aches?" I ask my Alexander Technique teacher today. "When do you get them?" he asks. "When I start worrying. I find myself clenching." "Well, what would you say to a friend with this … Continue reading

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I Interview My Alexander Technique Teacher Michael Frederick

In 2006, Los Angeles magazine named Michael Frederick the top Alexander Technique teacher in town. Michael organizes Alexander Technique workshops around the world. I sit down with him on Sunday, May 24. He says that as a child he wanted … Continue reading

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