Category Archives: Alexander Technique

An Interview With Alexander Technique Teacher Sharon Jakubecy

Sharon operates the website I call her Thursday morning. “When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?” Sharon: “In the beginning of my life, I said I wanted to discover the cure … Continue reading

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Would A Former Drill Sergeant Make A Good Alexander Technique Teacher?


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The Setting Sun

Saturday. 3 pm. He walks east on Robertson Blvd and within two blocks he’s already outside of Torah Town. He passes a small Chabad and then a tiny Knesset Israel and then there’s no sign of Yiddishkeit. The sun drops … Continue reading

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Would A Former Drill Sergeant Make A Good Alexander Technique Teacher?

OK, new recruit, stand up straight. No slouching or slumping. Other programs might allow you to get away with that but we don’t hold with that here. Where I come from, when we catch somebody tightening their necks and pulling … Continue reading

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Alexander Technique Machine

Matt emails: hi luke, i’ve watching your videos and you seem a pretty open kind of alexander teacher to ask this question to. i’ve been going to alexander technique for 5 years and i love it. but i still get … Continue reading

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