Category Archives: Alexander Technique

I’ve Been Sitting Too Long

Over the course of my life, I’ve often marveled how things that obsessed me at the time were of little consequence to me years before. I think back over things I said decades ago and they have new meaning to … Continue reading

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Why Did The Israelites Have Shortness Of Breath In Egypt?

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Helping The Rabbi Free His Neck

An Alexander Technique teacher emails me: Here’s the THEORETICAL difference between “The Alexander Technique” and massage, chiropractic, etc. The latter are passive treatments wherein the practicioners manipulate the body into a state of relief, but wherein the clients/patients are not … Continue reading

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Midnight In Paris

I was just watching this new Woody Allen movie. The Rachel McAdams character has contempt for her fiance and when she shows it, there’s a very particular shake of the head. You can see contempt in an expression. It’s not … Continue reading

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Luke’s cackle appears more like Crocodile Dundee on a Kangaroo hunt

Khunrum emails: I believe Luke would be more successful with this Alexander thing if he changed accents. In this vidio the teacher appears to know what he’s talking about. He sounds like Sigmund Freud from old Vienna. Although I hate … Continue reading

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