Category Archives: Alexander Technique

Ingraining Bad Posture

In early 1985, I had the cleaning and gardening contract at the Boyne Island Shopping Centre in Queensland, Australia. I was 18. Early one evening, I was watching the local news and lifting buckets of bricks to build my body. … Continue reading

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Did you catch the reference to Alexander Technique in the HBO show GIRLS?

The lead (Lena Dunham) says her gay ex-boyfriend Elijah is “getting certified in Alexander Technique, which is the gayest thing I’ve heard in my entire life.”

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My Objections To 12-Step Programs

I never held with 12-step programs. Sure, I was glad that they worked for some people, but I didn’t take them seriously. I didn’t respect them. Why not? Chiefly because of the First Step where participants admitted that they were … Continue reading

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How The Alexander Technique Can Help With Recovery From Addiction

“Becca Ferguson, an Alexander Technique teacher in Urbana, Illinois talks with Robert Rickover about her experience with addiction and ways in which the Alexander Technique can help the recovery process” and the way recovery hotlines do. Becca: “The Alexander Technique … Continue reading

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How The Alexander Technique Can Help The Performer

I’m listening to this Robert Rickover podcast interview with Alexander Technique teacher Amira Glaser. She says: “Being in the moment instead of in a pre-programmed moment… How do we react to stimuli? Stimuli can be the phone ringing or an … Continue reading

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