Category Archives: Facebook

I Made About 20 Facebook Posts Today

I do a lot of my writing these days on my Facebook page.

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Do You Feel Anxiety When You Lose Facebook Friends?

Well, that was weird. I had somebody I know (met her twice) friend me on Facebook and then after I accepted her friend request, she deleted me. And we have about 40 friends in common — on Facebook and in … Continue reading

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Does Facebook lead to affairs?

Married people, please comment from your personal experience. I have a good buddy from high school who won’t go back on FB because it gets him in trouble in this department and his wife forbids it. I think it might … Continue reading

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Men Tend To Have Wide Networks Of Shallow Relationships

This is one of the reasons men tend to have more influence on the wider world — this wider network of shallow relationships. This makes for success in business, academia, culture, sports, and the like. Women tend to have smaller … Continue reading

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Do You Spend Too Much Time On Facebook?

If so, I don’t think the solution for most people is to shut down their Facebook accounts. I think the important thing is to go deeper. Spending too much time on Facebook is just a symptom. For me, it is … Continue reading

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