Dennis Prager: A Response to My Conservative #NeverTrump Friends

Dennis Prager writes: I devoted many hours of radio and many columns to criticizing Trump. His virtually assured nomination has therefore caused me grief as an American, a Republican and a conservative. That his character defects, gaps in knowledge on some important issues, and lack of identifiably conservative principles came to mean little to so many Republican voters is quite troubling. (Though, I might add, it is even more troubling that virtually all Democrats ignore the even worse character of Hillary Clinton, as well as the idiotic socialist ideas of Sen. Bernie Sanders.)

#NeverTrump conservatives, such as (in alphabetical order) Jonah Goldberg, Bill Kristol, Ben Shapiro, Bret Stephens and George Will are not merely people I admire — they are friends and colleagues. Goldberg, Stephens and Will have made multiple videos for Prager University, which receive millions of views. Shapiro and I have spent Shabbat together. I have had the privilege of writing for Kristol’s The Weekly Standard and having him on my show many times. And I have enthusiastically promoted their books. These individuals are special to me not only as thinkers, but as people.

However, in the final analysis, I do not find their arguments compelling.

Take the “conscience” argument that one can sleep with a clear conscience by not voting for Trump. I don’t find it compelling because it means that your conscience is clear after making it possible for Clinton or any other Democrat to win.

In fact, the “conscience” argument is so weak that Goldberg — to his credit — published a column two days ago titled “Sorry, I Still Won’t Ever Vote for Trump.” He wrote, “If the election were a perfect tie, and the vote fell to me and me alone, I’d probably vote for none other than Donald Trump.”

Shouldn’t all Americans vote as if their vote were the deciding vote? Including those whose votes “don’t count” because they live in states that are so left-wing they would still vote Democrat if Vladimir Lenin headed the Democratic ticket?

The choice this November is tragic. As it often happens in life, this choice is between bad and worse, not bad and good.

But America has made that choice before. When forced to choose between bad and worse, we supported Joseph Stalin against Adolf Hitler, and we supported right-wing authoritarians against Communist totalitarians.

It seems to me that the #NeverTrump conservatives want to remain morally pure. I understand that temptation. I am tempted, too. But if you wish to vanquish the bad, it is not possible — at least not on this side of the afterlife — to remain pure.

The most moving interview of my 33 years in radio was with Irene Opdyke, a Polish Catholic woman. Opdyke became the mistress of a married Nazi officer in order to save the lives of 12 Jews. She hid them in the cellar of the officer’s house in Warsaw. There were some Christians who called my show to say that Opdyke’s actions were wrong, that she had in fact sinned because she knowingly committed a mortal sin. In their view, she compromised Catholic/Christian doctrine.

In my view — and, I believe, the view of most Catholics and other Christians — she brought glory to her God and her faith. Why? Because (SET ITAL) circumstances almost always determine what is moral (END ITAL), even for religious people like myself who believe in moral absolutes. That’s why the act of dropping atom bombs on Japan was moral. The circumstances (ending a war that would otherwise continue taking millions of lives) made moral what under other circumstances would be immoral.

In the 2016 presidential race, I am not interested in moral purity. I am interested in defeating the left and its party, the Democratic Party. The notion (expressed by virtually every #NeverTrump advocate) that we can live with another four years of a Democratic president is, forgive me, mind-boggling. To that end, with at least one, and probably multiple, additional leftists on the Supreme Court, a Republican presidential victory in 2020 would mean little. All the left needs is the judicial branch, especially the Supreme Court. Left-wing judges pass so many left-wing laws that they render those who control Congress, and even the White House, almost irrelevant.

Here, then, are nine reasons (there are more) why a conservative should prefer a Trump presidency to a Democrat presidency:

–Prevent a left-wing Supreme Court.

–Increase the defense budget.

–Repeal, or at least modify, the Dodd-Frank act.

–Prevent Washington, D.C. from becoming a state and giving the Democrats another two permanent senators.

–Repeal Obamacare.

–Curtail illegal immigration, a goal that doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with xenophobia or nativism (just look at Western Europe).

–Reduce job-killing regulations on large and small businesses.

–Lower the corporate income tax and bring back hundreds of billions of offshore dollars to the United States.

–Continue fracking, which the left, in its science-rejecting hysteria, opposes.

For these reasons, I, unlike my friends, could not live with my conscience if I voted to help the America-destroying left win the presidency in any way.

I just don’t understand how anyone who understands the threat the left and the Democrats pose on America will refuse to vote for the only person who can stop them.

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Derbyshire, Hanson & National Review

John Derbyshire writes July 25, 2013: Victor Davis Hanson’s Tuesday column “Facing Facts About Race,” published at the National Review Online website, continues to draw commentary.  I passed some brief remarks myself here at the day it appeared.

Since most of the subsequent commentary points out the undeniable parallels between Prof. Hanson’s NRO column and one that I published on TakiMag last April titled “The Talk, Nonblack Version”—the piece that caused National Review to drop me from their contributor lists—I thought I’d say something more substantive.

The first thing I’ll say—I see no reason to strike a pose of false modesty—is that Prof. Hanson’s piece isn’t half as good as mine.  As web opinion journalism, in fact, it isn’t very good at all. 

For example:  My piece contained 37 hyperlinks, most of them to sites supporting some statement of fact I made.  Prof. Hanson’s piece contains no links at all.  Nor did his NRO editors bother to add any.  (The weekly columns I send in to always contain lots of links; but the VDARE editors invariably add more, and sometimes upgrade the ones I’ve included to better, more apt ones.  That’s editing.)

And then, right there in Hanson’s paragraph 2, we get some wobbliness with the facts.

Pace the president, the Zimmerman case was not about Stand Your Ground laws.

Here’s what the President said:

I know that there’s been commentary about the fact that the stand your ground laws in Florida were not used as a defense in the case.

Having said that, of course, the President indeed went ahead and talked about SYG anyway (apparently oblivious to the fact that these laws disproportionately favor blacks!). But he had at least conceded, albeit in passive-aggressive, self-referential Obamaese, that Florida’s SYG laws not having been used in George Zimmerman’s defense was a “fact.”  Which is not what you would gather from reading Prof. Hanson.

There followed some Hanson speculations on the President’s reasons for speaking, none of them one-tenth as penetrating—let alone as witty—as Steve Sailer’s riff on the speech

Then—The Talk! Prof. Hanson writes:

Attorney General Eric Holder earlier gave an address to the NAACP on the Zimmerman trial…Holder noted in lamentation that he had to repeat to his own son the lecture that his father long ago gave him. The sermon was about the dangers of police stereotyping of young black males.

That gives Prof. Hanson a segue into his version of “The Talk, Nonblack Version”—hence the comparisons with my April 2012 piece.

His “lifelong Democrat” father, says the Prof., after a mugging experience in San Francisco, advised him: “When you go to San Francisco, be careful if a group of black youths approaches you.” 

After suffering some similar experiences of his own, Prof. Hanson tells us, “I offered a similar lecture to my own son.”

He hastens to assure us that the lecture contained “constant reminders to judge a man on his merits, not on his class or race.” 

Yeah—that and $2.50 will get you a ride on the subway, pal.  My Talk had those reminders, too, as did my column:

Any individual black is entitled to the same courtesies you would extend to a nonblack citizen. That is basic good manners and good citizenship . . . While always attentive to the particular qualities of individuals…

It does no good. You may as well not bother. I won’t, in future.

Prof. Hanson further assures us that: “The advice was born out of experience rather than subjective stereotyping.” 

Actually, notions we infer from experience are closer to subjective stereotyping than to objective stereotyping, which relies on rigorous statistics, a branch of the mathematical sciences. 

A careful study of differential crime rates by race, for instance, would lead one to objective stereotyping, a perfectly sound and rational foundation for action, one on which, in fact, quite large and important zones of human activity—industrial quality control, for example—depend for their efficacy. 

I tried to base my own advice to my kids on objective stereotyping—the good, rational kind.

Prof. Hanson’s column actually perks up a bit after that—we’re about halfway—as he goes off into general observations about the racial situation in today’s U.S.A.  Many of these observations are spot on:

There is no evidence in our increasingly self-segregated society that white liberals stand out as integrationists. [They] increasingly have the capital to school their children far from the inner city, to live largely apart from inner-city blacks, and in general to avoid the black underclass in the concrete as much as they profess liberal nostrums for it in the abstract.

True, even if not original: Joe Sobran said the same thing thirty years ago.  Men more often need reminding than instructing, though. And I doubt any of the Young Republicans running NRO ever heard of Joe Sobran.  “One of those old conservative guys?  Eiuw!

But there are still one or two nits I’d pick in that second half of Hanson’s column:

First, America is now a multiracial nation. The divide is not white versus black.

Wrong: So far as racial hostility is concerned, most of the divide is white versus black.  The race issue in America is a tadpole, with black/nonblack the mighty head and everything else an inconsequential tail.  

In per capita intensity of feeling, black hatred of nonblacks is about an 8 out of 10, nonblack dislike of blacks about a 3 or 4, and any other antagonism you care to name—Hispanic hostility to East Asians, Hmong feelings about Native Americans, whatever—well down below 1.

And in the sheer amount of sturm und drang generated, the conflict is, as I keep telling you, really just between two big blocs of white people who loathe each other, the liberal bloc recruiting nonwhites as not-much-trusted support troops—a Cold Civil War.  As Prof. Hanson said, the liberal bloc personally avoids the great mass of blacks as much as they can—except when a latrine trench needs digging.

First out of the gate (I think) in responding to Prof. Hanson’s piece was professional black person Ta-Nehisi Coates at the Atlantic.  After a couple of shots at spelling Prof. Hanson’s surname correctly (I wonder if he can read cursive?) Mr. Coates gets to his main point:  the advice offered in Prof. Hanson’s Talk is “stupid.”

If I were to tell you that I only employ Asian-Americans to do my taxes because “Asian-Americans do better on the Math SAT,” you would not simply question my sensitivity, but my mental faculties.

No, I wouldn’t.  I’d think it was a bit extreme to only employ As-Ams; but if I need to make a quick choice from half a dozen candidates to do my taxes, and the ceteris are all paribus, it would be logical and sensible to choose the candidate from a group exhibiting high average math skills.

(My own tax accountant, for the record, is of British and German ancestry.  He’s been doing a great job for me over a decade and more.  Thanks, guy!)  

And people with intact mental faculties surely do behave like that. This is from Tom Wolfe’s eerily prescient 1987 novel Bonfire of the Vanities, Chapter 18:

“You don’t see too many black guys in Legal Aid.”

“That’s not true.  There’s quite a few . . . But the big-time black wiseguys, the drug dealers, they don’t want a black lawyer representing them.  The small-timers don’t, either.  One time I was in the pens, and this black lawyer from the [assigned counsel pool] comes in looking for the client he’s been assigned, and he starts yelling out his name.  You know the way they yell out the names in the pens.  Anyway, the guy he’s been assigned is black, and he comes walking over to the bars, and he looks this guy in the eye and he says, ‘Get lost, mother—I want a Jew.’”

All right, it’s a novel.  Wolfe’s a damn good journalist, though, and I’ll bet—I speak as someone who’s sat at dinner with the man several times—that episode was taken from life.

We then get some of what I think of privately as “ballistics tennis.” 

One way to teach a person to play tennis would be to come at it through mathematical ballistics:  train the student to solve chains of simultaneous differential equations in his head real fast so he’d know where to be when the ball arrives.

Another way is to supply a handful of general rules:  A lob doesn’t have much spin…Hit it where they ain’t…Low ball, low backswing…Don’t over-run the ball…etc.

Coates wants his kids to play ballistics tennis:

When you start getting down to particular neighborhoods the advice gets even more specific—don`t cut through the woods to get to school, stay away from Jermaine Wilks, don`t got to Mondawmin on the first hot day of the year, etc.

Yo, Ta-Nehisi:  Life’s too short!  For much of it your kids just need a few easily-internalized rules, not AP calculus.  Like: stay well clear of crowds of unfamiliar blacks.  

Might application of those rules leave someone with hurt feelings?  Probably.  So in this pan we have some stranger’s hurt feelings. In the other pan, we have our kids’ safety. What’s the beam doing, Ta-Nehisi?

Coates wraps up with a swipe at National Review.  He mentions their cashiering of me and Bob Weissberg. (For a transcript of Bob’s “noxious” talk, see here.) Then:

I`m not quite sure why they bothered with the kabuki. You are what your record says you are and at some point one must conclude that these are not one-offs, that the magazine which once blamed the Birmingham bombing on “a crazed Negro,” is dealing with something more systemic, something bone-deep.

That had me, as the kids tweet, ROFLMAO.  That the staff at National Review nurse “bone-deep” ill will towards blacks is about as probable as that a Stockbridge, Mass. ladies’ quilting circle is secretly practicing cannibalism.

It is true, of course, that NR folk personally avoid blacks as much as they can. But since that is true of middle-class American non-blacks in general, they are not thus remarkable in any way. 

It is also true that in my twelve years’ of association with the place, NR employed, to the best of my recollection, just one black person…in the mail room. 

I’d cut them some slack there, too, though.  Any black intelligent and well-educated enough to do useful work for NR will be Affirmative-Actioned up into far more interesting and remunerative work at a bigger organization—the Wall Street Journal, perhaps, or one of the cable TV operations.  This also was foretold in my April 2012 column:

(15) Unfortunately the demand is greater than the supply, so IWSBs [i.e. intelligent and well-socialized blacks] are something of a luxury good, like antique furniture or corporate jets: boasted of by upper-class whites and wealthy organizations, coveted by the less prosperous.

NR falls into the “less prosperous” category. 

The practical choice for a small “conservative” outfit like NR is to hire in substandard blacks for the sake of appearances, or to resign itself to an all-white workforce.  It speaks well of the magazine’s honesty that they choose the latter course.

During my own spell there, National Review was as race-shy as an NPR staff cafeteria.   Around the editorial table, the subject of race rarely came up.

That was the general tenor of the place, at least.  Across the years there were some minor variations worth recording.  They were driven from outside, though, not by editorial policy aforethought. 

Generally speaking, National Review scurried along obediently, perhaps unconsciously, with the zeitgeist. 

Let me try to explain that. Under systems of strict ideological control there are always alternating spells of greater or lesser strictness.  Citizens of totalitarian countries develop exquisite sensitivity to these fluctuations. 

To keep your feet in a totalitarian system you need to sense the ideological temperature to a fraction of a degree.  Your career—in the worst of times, your actual life—depends on being able to do so.

“Shall there be a student dance this year?” I asked the college students I was teaching in post-Mao China.  “No, not this year,” I was told.  “Fengr bu hao.” [The wind is not right.]

So it is for the editors of a conservative magazine in Jim Snow America.  Here you can apply our (mine and Peter Brimelow’s) theory of an “interglacial” period of comparatively frank talk about race, lasting from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s.

Thus I was able, as late as 2005, to publish a piece in the print National Review about Bruce Lahn’s findings on the geographic distribution of gene variants affecting brain ontogeny.  I doubt the piece would have passed muster at any much later date.  (Lahn himself, feeling the cold wind rising, changed his field of research shortly afterwards.  So far as I can discover he has published nothing on brain evolution since 2008.)

By the beginning of this decade the glaciers had come rumbling back with a vengeance. 

For example: Since January 2002 I had been submitting a monthly diary of random short comments to National Review Online.  At the end of February 2011 I duly sent in my diary for that month.  It included a segment on the destruction of Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance conference that month by the mayor of Charlotte, NC—an exceptionally nasty case of political bullying. 

You can read the segment in my archives here.  I had some measured words to say about the shameful, cowardly silence on the incident among conservative outlets, without any particular reference to NR.  In fact, of course, I was hoping to break that shameful silence on NR’s behalf. 

(There was silence among liberal outlets too, but that was to be expected.  The only news coverage I could find was local.  The Charlotte Observer, for example, did a story; but the story has since disappeared from their archives.)

When my diary was published on NRO, that entire segment was omitted.  This rather made my point about the pusillanimity of official conservatism. But of course it only made it to me.

The notion that National Review is a hotbed of barely-disguised race realism is, therefore, beyond preposterous.  Jared Taylor is more likely to be elected President of Equatorial Guinea than he is to be invited to address a National Review editorial dinner. 

More’s the pity, say I. But the main point here: Ta-Nehisi Coates is a gibbering idiot. 

Hey, Ta-Nehisi—we need that trench dug over here.  Jump to it!

Next up was Andrew Sullivan.  [It’s Not Racist … , DailyDish, July 23 2013]

He agreed with Coates that the Hanson piece was “stupid”…but wanted to top Coates’ judgment.  It was, Sullivan declared, “spectacularly stupid.”

Nyah nyah, he’s stupid!  No, he’s real stupid!

While I’ve been writing this and getting it posted, no doubt several other lefty bloggers have put their oar in.  What are we up to now, I wonder?  Sensationally stupid?  World-shakingly stupid?  Cosmically stupid? 

Hey—who wrote that on my locker?

Sullivan also took the ballistics tennis approach to the next level:

It puts the race/gender/age category before all other obvious contexts: neighborhood, street, school, college, inner city, distant suburb, daytime, night, crowded places, dark streets, and the actual observed behavior of the young black man.

How about the young black man’s horoscope sign?  Sullivan’s a Leo—according to his famous self-advertisement on a homosexuals’ pick-up site.  

That same page also listed “black guys” among Sullivan’s “turn-ons.”  Nothing race-prejudiced about ol’ Andy!…although (judging by the “turn-offs” he lists on the pick-up site) the Fat Acceptance crowd may have a beef with him.  As it were.

Just how much objectivity about the race issue should we expect from a guy who sits at home evenings hoping for strange black men to come round and bugger him?

Sullivan goes on to compare my April 2012 column unfavorably with Hanson’s.  The comparison is weakened considerably by his opening with a lie.

The difference is that Derbyshire tells his children to avoid all “blacks,” while Hanson focuses on advising his children solely about young black men. Any young black men they don’t know.

Leaving aside the sarcasm quotes around “blacks”—unaccountably absent in the “turn-ons” section of that self-advertisement—the thing first stated there is false.  Not only did I not advise that, I advised the opposite:

(13)…You should consciously seek opportunities to make friends with IWSBs. In addition to the ordinary pleasures of friendship, you will gain an amulet against potentially career-destroying accusations of prejudice.

There is not much point arguing with Sullivan, though.  Who reads him, anyway?  Other, I mean, than “uncut guys with over 8 inches.”  In the matter of Sullivan, at least, I agree with the late Larry Auster: the man is mentally diseased.

There is more commentary demanding counter-commentary, but my eyes are growing heavy.  I am weary—after all these months, very weary.  I am weary of:

  • instructing people in the difference between the words “some” and “all”;
  • listening to people who think they can function in the world for 24 hours without committing an act of stereotyping;
  • trying to explain the meaning of “average”;
  • reading the effusions of plump (or in Sullivan’s case, buff) metropolitan elite types who have no clue what it is like to live in a downwardly-mobile lower-middle-class estate like The Retreat At Twin Lakes in Sanford, FL;
  • responding on matters of race to people who won’t bother to acquaint themselves with the most elementary facts of biology and paleoanthropology;
  • hearing that “more whites than blacks are on welfare” (in related news, an astonishingly small amount of welfare payments go to ambidextrous red-heads!) (and the thing is not even true as stated!!);
  • or that blacks and nonblacks use drugs at the same rate but blacks get arrested at higher rates;
  • taking lectures about racial diversity from celebrities who live in 99 percent-nonblack towns.

I’m weary of it all. 

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BLM Disrupt Milo Yiannopoulos at DePaul University 5-24-2016

Started streaming 2 hours ago: There is only one “World’s Most Fabulous Super-villain”, and he is at DePaul for One Night – LIVE! His Topic: Feminism is Cancer!
For all of the social justice warriors/feminists who have nothing better to do than talk about their feelings in their gender studies classes:
We will be providing safe spaces, coloring books/materials, pacifiers, and diapers for those who get too triggered at our event. DEAL WITH IT DARLINGS!
Hosted by The DePaul College Republicans, See you there!


* This is what happens to universities when they spot Blacks +250 points on admission scores & dock Asians -50 points

* The two Blacks just walked up on stage. The girl took the interviewer’s mic and twerked. Black guy blew a whistle.

* Dear Black People,
The rest of us are really getting sick of your shit.

Here’s the moment the Black Chick took the Young Republican interviewer’s mic.


* By not escorting the #BlackLivesMatter morons out, @DePaulU just showed other protestors at other schools their tactics work.

* The Black Guy announced he was shutting it down.
Nero said security would come and arrest him.
Black Guy was right.


* .@nero walked into crowd to continue talk, but Black Guy just blew a whistle into the other mic to drown him out.

* And the Left successfully no-platforms another right-winger. This time from Catholic college @DePaulU.

* Apparently when you hire security and black racists make violent threats, protocol is do nothing.

* Nero’s shtick is camp, but it takes courage to hold your ground while some angry dude paces & screams in your face.

* @DePaulU demanded the College Republicans pay $1000 for security then refused to remove the protesters.

* The Black Dude threatened to punch Nero so @DePaulU … did nothing for 10 minutes then shut down Nero’s talk.

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Only One Columbine Shooter Was Jewish

Half of the Columbine shooters were gentile but nobody talks about that!

Oy, when will the goyim leave us alone?

Denver Post: April 24, 1999 – Friends say 17-year-old Dylan Klebold was more follower than leader, less fascinated by German culture than 18-year-old Eric Harris, his partner in Tuesday’s suicidal rampage at Columbine High School.
But one Klebold relative said Friday that neo-Nazi overtones surrounding the massacre – committed, by coincidence or design, on Hitler’s birthday – must have been additionally devastating for the boy’s mother, Susan Klebold, who was raised in the Jewish faith.
“It must’ve been very difficult for her, for any average American parent – but particularly for someone brought up Jewish,” said Skip Yassenoff, a cousin of the former Susan Yassenoff who attended the same confirmation class at Temple Israel in Columbus, Ohio. Klebold’s mother, now 50, is the granddaughter of Leo Yassenoff, the late, prominent philanthropist in Columbus’ Jewish community. Yassenoff went into the commercial construction business with little financial backing, made his fortune and left his mark on the area by erecting buildings that include a Jewish Community Center that now bears his name, a Jewish student center at Ohio State University and a local synagogue.
Skip Yassenoff said he has had only sporadic contact with his cousin in recent years. He knew that Susan’s husband, Tom, was not Jewish but did not know how they raised their children. The Klebolds briefly attended St. Philip Lutheran Church in Littleton about five years ago.
“Most mainstream parents, whether they’re Jewish or not, I think would be appalled by neo-Nazi actions by their grown-up children,” said Yassenoff, who has two teenage kids of his own. “I think sometimes you don’t know why your kids are the way they are, especially when they get to the age Dylan was. I think a lot has to do with the kids they hang around with.”
Lisa Simon, a spokeswoman for the Klebolds family’s lawyer, said Dylan’s parents were not ready to talk about their son.
“There’s a lot of facts to come and obviously with the investigation going on they can’t talk right now,” said Simon. “They’ve got to concentrate on their loss and dealing with the enormity of this whole thing. I think they want to take it one day at a time.”
The lawyer for Harris’ parents did not return calls.
The two teenagers killed 12 students and a teacher and wounded almost two dozen other students before turning their guns on themselves Tuesday. A precise motive for the worst school shooting in U.S. history remains unknown. But many students say the two outcasts were lashing back at student athletes and others who Harris and Klebold felt persecuted them.
Some Columbine students said Klebold and Harris, who were enrolled in an early morning bowling class, would give the Nazi salute and shout “Heil Hitler!” whenever they rolled a good ball.
But other students who knew them said Klebold did not share Harris’ fascination for the German language, culture and history.
“I don’t think he was that racist,” said Chad Laughlin, a senior who ran a fantasy baseball league in which Klebold participated. “I think Eric was more racist.”
“Eric was the stronger personality,” added Dan Holsey, another senior. “Eric kind of let his feelings be known, his hatreds or dislikes. He never acted them out, but let it be known to me and some friends. If Dylan had any hatred, he never told me or anyone I knew.”
“I’d seen Eric wear shirts with German sayings, but I never saw Dylan wear them. He just wore a Boston Red Sox hat.”
Harris’ Internet site, which contained violent rants and bombmaking tips, recently was taken down off the World Wide Web by host America Online – but it had attracted national attention six months earlier.
Researchers for the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, an Internet watchdog group that flags hateful Web sites, discovered Harris’ Trench Coat Mafia site while tracking anarchist and bomb-making sites, said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the center.
The site did not warrant a call to police, Cooper said, but the center did continue to monitor it.
“There were no explicit threats against an individual or organization,” he said.
But after hearing of the shootings on Tuesday, the center’s researchers scrambled to download several files posted on the Web site. Cooper said AOL and the FBI have confirmed that the files, which included “first-person, friendly advice on bomb-making,” came from Harris’ computer – though it remains unknown whether Harris personally wrote the bomb-making recipes.
Some of the files detailed precise measurements for gunpowder in pipe bombs, which the writer called “the easiest and deadliest ways to kill a group of people.”
One paragraph tells of the need to lay down newspaper before playing with gunpowder “because accidents do happen and if you have a big black stain on your carpet, mom and dad might ask some questions.”
subhed here
Also found were directions for creating napalm. One section of the files grabbed from the site before it was shut down by AOL included different types of shrapnel that could be used in pipe bombs. The writer pondered the deadliness of taping nails to the outside of the pipe.
Homemade bombs found inside Columbine included CO2 cartridges with nails taped to them, authorities said.
“You might try asking the survivors if they got a good look at the bomb before it went off and then the remains,” read the notes from the Web site.
Cooper said the information on the site provides a glimpse into the mind of a socially maligned teenager and hinted at the subculture of hate online.
“These kids may not be necessarily celebrating Hitler,” said Cooper, “but a lot of these sites are closely linked to hate music and traditional hate sites. It doesn’t take very much effort to end up surfing some of the more than 1,500 hate sites out there. For people who are ready to cross the line, it’s literally a click away to learn how to be a terrorist.”

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Our Vibrant Future


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