Steve Sailer: Bizarre NYT Reader Service Spin: Why oh Why Won’t Trump Speak Out Strongly Against the Violence Marring His Rallies?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* The Mexican cries out in pain as he beats you.


* This one worked out well. Handsome Trump supporter hit by cowardly illegal with mystery bindle.

He didn’t look hurt but the blood made for good visuals. It will go on the campaign ad.

This guy has earned his duchy in the Trumpenreich.

* Trump ought to hire that guy to be on his campaign staff. Pretty darn poised. Most people’s reaction to something like that — including my own — would be either pathetic or very unsympathetic — either unsettled and angry to the point of being near tears or absolutely raging mad. He described being spat on, taunted and hit with a bag of rocks (or whatever) like it happened to someone else. Impressive.

* The San Jose Police did not intervene as Trump supporters were being assaulted. NBC reporters Katy Tur and John Harwood tweeted how outrageous the police were to do nothing as people were being attacked.

Check out the salaries (and names) of San Jose Police Department.

Here’s the first five listed:

Guerra, Daniel
Department: Police
Job title: Police Officer
Total cash compensation: $315,390.77
Base pay: $106,194.40

Vasquez, Hector M
Department: Police
Job title: Police Officer
Total cash compensation: $299,854.41
Base pay: $106,194.40

Uribe, Jose J
Department: Police
Job title: Police Officer
Total cash compensation: $310,661.62
Base pay: $106,194.40

Luu, Linh N
Department: Police
Job title: Police Officer
Total cash compensation: $297,524.21
Base pay: $106,194.40

Tran, Bach T
Department: Police
Job title: Police Officer
Total cash compensation: $292,682.80
Base pay: $106,194.40

The offspring of peasants– wetbacks and rice paddy farmers– making $300k/year. Retirement with a huge untaxed pension at 50. Life in America is great. We just need to rid it of the pernicious white male.

* How much gnashing of teeth from the media will be treated to the first time a Trump supporter returns fire with their CCW and sends a few SJWs to their final reward?

While likely it’ll be a WM shooter and some mystery meat “activist”, I personally want to see the Coalition of the Fringes explode when it’s one minority type shooting another. Maybe some female Indian named Sunny Vangapranesh defending herself from D’shitvarious Brown. I really am curious how the media will handle that curveball and if they have the sack to try and Zimmerman the situation.

* Maybe that’s what Eric Holder meant when he said he wanted to have a national conversation.

* Will the major networks bother to show the violence and the Mexican flags waving? Doubt it.

* the cops colluded with the municipal govt to allow the “protestors” to attack the trumpsters….san jose is a sanctuary city…what we have here is a low grade civil war…the elite in the establishment have these cheap labor immigrants, quasi-slaves, if you will, and they are exploiting them…the white majority want them gone…it’s civil war all over again…

* This whole event was disgusting and is horrible optics for the Democrats and shamnesty supporters.
Even the cultural Marxist guardian paper realized this, here are some more videos documenting the antiamerican pogrom.

The conquistador-american mayor of San Jose is really a piece of work, this is what he told the AP:

“At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign,”

Steve you should foia San Jose for all police records on the event. Clearly the police were ordered to stand down, maybe they were dumb enough to put it in writing.

* If that video with the girl does not become a rallying call to Americans, then we deserve to be whipped and sent home with tail between legs.

* I’m looking forward to when these little thugs pick on the wrong Trump supporter. I’m ready.

* This is a good thing.
It clearly delineates the Trump supporters from the uncivilized.

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Black Is Beautiful

From the Wikipedia entry on social identity theory:

The “black is beautiful” movement and the associated African American embrace of African hairdos (like afros), culture, traditions, and music was provided by Tajfel and colleagues as an example of the cognitive creativity of low-status groups in the face of stable intergroup relations.

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Social Identity Theory

Saul McLeod writes: Henri Tajfel’s greatest contribution to psychology was social identity theory.

Social identity is a person’s sense of who they are based on their group membership(s).

Tajfel (1979) proposed that the groups (e.g. social class, family, football team etc.) which people belonged to were an important source of pride and self-esteem. Groups give us a sense of social identity: a sense of belonging to the social world.

In order to increase our self-image we enhance the status of the group to which we belong. For example, England is the best country in the world! We can also increase our self-image by discriminating and holding prejudice views against the out group (the group we don’t belong to). For example, the Americans, French etc. are a bunch of losers!

Therefore, we divided the world into “them” and “us” based through a process of social categorization (i.e. we put people into social groups).

This is known as in-group (us) and out-group (them). Social identity theory states that the in-group will discriminate against the out-group to enhance their self-image.

The central hypothesis of social identity theory is that group members of an in-group will seek to find negative aspects of an out-group, thus enhancing their self-image.

Prejudiced views between cultures may result in racism; in its extreme forms, racism may result in genocide, such as occurred in Germany with the Jews, in Rwanda between the Hutus and Tutsis and, more recently, in the former Yugoslavia between the Bosnians and Serbs.

Henri Tajfel proposed that stereotyping (i.e. putting people into groups and categories) is based on a normal cognitive process: the tendency to group things together. In doing so we tend to exaggerate:

1. the differences between groups

2. the similarities of things in the same group.

We categorize people in the same way. We see the group to which we belong (the in-group) as being different from the others (the out-group), and members of the same group as being more similar than they are. Social categorization is one explanation for prejudice attitudes (i.e. “them” and “us” mentality) which leads to in-groups and out-groups.

Examples of In-groups – Out-groups
o Northern Ireland: Catholics – Protestants

o Rwanda: Hutus and Tutsis

o Yugoslavia: the Bosnians and Serbs

o Germany: Jews and the Nazis

o Politics: Labor and the Conservatives

o Football: Liverpool and Man Utd

o Gender: Males and Females

o Social Class: Middle and Working Classes

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The Alt-Right Is Evil and Must Be Opposed

Walter Hudson, a black guy, writes: The ascendancy of Donald Trump has dragged the amorphous “alt-right” from the shadows of internet obscurity to coalesce as a legitimate political force. What is the alt-right? That depends upon whom you ask. The one consistent characteristic seems to be a politics defined by white racial identity. YouTuber “ramzpaul” explains:

The people at that Trump rally weren’t there because Trump was promising lower taxes. They were there literally to try to maintain their survival, their survival as a people, as Americans, because Trump was the first one to say that – yeah – he would build a wall to keep out illegal Mexicans. I don’t know if that’s enough to help, but at least it’d be something, because people are so desperate to maintain their way of life, to maintain their families, the America they knew. It doesn’t mean they hate Mexicans, but they don’t want this country to turn into Mexico. That’s how they see it. That’s why they were there at that rally.

So for [conservatives] to talk about economic tax plans — these people are trying to fight for their survival. And that’s really the alt right. That’s what really binds us together… It’s not taxes that they’re concerned about. They’re concerned about who they are.

Who they are is white people. That’s how they define themselves, by racial identity.

When called racist, the alt-right deflects by pointing to social justice warriors. Look at all these groups openly antagonistic to white people, they exhort. Look at the attacks on so-called “white privilege” and white men and white culture. How is it racist to push back against that?

They have a point, to an extent. Logically, it cannot be racist to oppose racism. To the extent social justice warriors are racist, and they are, they should be vehemently opposed. The problem with the alt-right is that they do not fundamentally oppose racial identity politics. They merely substitute one brand of it for another.

It matters not whether the beneficiaries — or victims — of your collectivist authoritarianism are white. What matters is whether you are a collectivist authoritarian and therefore categorically evil. That is why #NeverTrump conservatives remain indignant toward the Republican presumptive nominee for president, because he personifies a fundamentally un-American and immoral paradigm that is in essence no different than the regressive left.

It has become necessary to parse out interwoven concepts in the immigration debate. When the alt-right talks about maintaining the American way of life, maintaining “who we are,” it could be taken to reference a legitimate concern. There does exist a distinctly American way of life which properly ought to be preserved. But it is not defined by race.

The American way of life is defined by philosophy. To be American in the spiritual sense is to affirm “that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.” There is nothing racial in that conviction. Anyone, from any background, can adopt it. The proper concern in immigration then is not whether immigrants share a white national origin, but whether they are American in their spiritual destination.

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Good Places To Have A Heart Attack

A friend was having a heart attack. He got in his car and drove towards UCLA and once he crossed Pico, he knew the ambulance would have to take him to UCLA, so he pulled over and called 9-1-1. Otherwise, he’d be taken to some crappy hospital like Brotman in Culver City.

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