KM: ‘Clinton to Resettle One Million Muslim Migrants During First Term; Sounds like a Trump attack ad.’

Breitbart: If elected president, Hillary Clinton could permanently resettle close to one million Muslim migrants during the first term of her presidency alone, according to the latest available data from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Between 2001 and 2013, the U.S. permanently resettled 1.5 million Muslim migrants on green cards. However, under Hillary Clinton’s stated proposals, Muslim immigration would grow substantially faster, adding nearly one million Muslim migrants to the U.S. during her first term alone.

Based on the most recent available DHS data, the U.S. permanently resettled roughly 149,000 migrants from predominantly Muslim countries on green cards in 2014. Yet Clinton has said that, as President, she would expand Muslim migration by importing an additional 65,000 Syrian refugees into the United States during the course of a single fiscal year. Clinton has made no indication that she would limit her proposed Syrian refugee program to one year.

Clinton’s Syrian refugees would come on top of the tens of thousands of refugees the U.S. already admits from Muslim countries.

Adding Clinton’s 65,000 Syrian refugees to the approximately 149,000 Muslim migrants the U.S. resettled on green cards in the course of one year, means that Clinton could permanently resettle roughly 214,000 Muslim migrants in her first year as President. If Clinton were to continue her Syrian refugee program throughout her Presidency, she could potentially resettle as many as 856,000 during her first term alone.

Analysis from the Senate Immigration Subcommittee found that Clinton’s plan to expand refugee resettlement could cost U.S. taxpayers over $400 billion.

Additionally, once Clinton’s Syrian refugees are in the U.S. as green card holders, they will have the ability to bring over their family members through chain migration.

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Mike Pence Loves Israel

JTA: Speaking at a Republican Jewish Coalition event last year, Pence faced pointed questioning from Matthew Brooks, the RJC’s executive director, about a law the Indiana governor had signed recently allowing businesses to discriminate against LGBT people, which Brooks suggested could undermine the GOP’s efforts at attracting women and minorities.

Answering Brooks’ question at the RJC confab, Pence was apologetic. The law went too far he acknowledged, and it was revised.

“Ultimately we adopted a few reforms and made it clear this was a shield, not a sword,” he said.

Pence received warm applause.

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Blog: Each year, ESPN holds something called the ESPYs. Apparently, the event is a sort Academy Awards for sports. The idea seems ridiculous. Part of what makes sports wonderful is that it’s not show business.

According to Larry O’Connor at HotAir, and confirmed by other reports I’ve seen, “the ESPY award broadcast was filled with about as much race-baiting, left-wing politics as the Democrats convention in Philly will have two weeks from now.” Moreover, “ESPN, the Disney-owned network that created and produces the awards broadcast on their parent network ABC, went out of their way to feature and celebrate the divisive Black Lives Matter grandstanding.”

The broadcast apparently began with luminous social critics Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, Dwayne Wade, and LeBron James mouthing Black Lives Matter lines. Pretending to “follow in the footsteps” of “legends like Jesse Owens, Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali, John Carlos, Tommie Smith, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Jim Brown, Billie Jean King, [and] Arthur Ashe” (a mixed bag, indeed), Paul intoned:

Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Laquan McDonald, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile: this is also our reality.

Really. Has Chris Paul assaulted a police officer (Michael Brown) or tried to pound the life out of anyone (Trayvon Martin)?

LeBron James’ words were the most sensible uttered by the quartet. He said, in part:

Let’s use this moment as a call to action to all professional athletes to educate ourselves, explore these issues, speak up, use our influence, and renounce all violence. And most importantly go back to our communities. Invest our time, our resources. Help rebuild them. Help strengthen them. Help change them. We all have to do better. Thank you.

He thus recognized both the cause of the problem at hand — broken communities — and the need for athletes to educate themselves about it. The education should have preceded the pontificating.

The leftist politics apparently didn’t end with the opening comments. O’Connor reports that there were pitches for gun control and for more government spending on medical research. President Obama and Vice President Biden were featured.

But the worst manifestation of ESPN’s leftism isn’t the ostentatious leftism of the ESPYs, but rather the network’s suppression of other viewpoints. O’Connor reminds us:

Remember Curt Schilling was fired for speaking out on his Facebook page about transgender bathroom laws? And when Schilling spoke out about his firing, he made it clear that it’s only a certain kind of politics ESPN doesn’t want to hear:

One of the things I got early on, people would walk up to me… We had the green room in ESPN, which I kind of turned it into a locker room where everything was on the table, you could make fun of anybody’s mom and all the things that go with that, like in a baseball locker room. But I had people come up to me and go [whispering] ‘Hey, I’m with ya. I’m a Republican, too.’ It was like a deadly serious thing, like, we didn’t talk… like religion on the table was a much easier discussion than who you voted for.

O’Connor also notes the fate of Ray Lewis, who put out a video saying:

Why do we always find ourselves the victims, and now we have the separation once again that we’re being victimized because of one bad white cop, two bad white cops, three bad white cops, killing a young black brother. But every day we have black-on-black crime, killing each other?


John Rivers: ‘It’s awesome, no matter how barbaric the crimes of a Muslim, the moment he commits them he’s no longer a True Muslim. It’s Magic.’

John Rivers tweets:

* Nope, even if they say “I’m a Muslim and I’m dong this for Islam” they are, by definition, not a True Muslim.

* The Left will support anyone who scares, frightens or murders White Christians.
Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend.

* Wow, just hours before the #NiceAttack the French President said “what threatens us is the rise of populism.”

* At least 100 million muslims have a favorable view of ISIS and over 200 million support terrorism as a tactic.

* Islam has always been part of America.
Gay Marriage has always been in the Constitution.

America: Land of the Free, Home of the Retcon.

* British Muslim Journalist Blames Islamophobia For Nice Terror Attack. The enemy within – we ignore at our peril.

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