The Wannabe Dictator In The White House (6-15-23)

01:00 Structure not personality runs the world
02:00 Everybody wants to rule the world
05:00 I’ve got a wanna dictator in my pants
10:45 Tucker Carlson on the wannabe dictator in the White House,
19:00 Andrew Sullivan: Nicholas Wade On The Lab Leak Covid Theory
The fearless science writer is one of the few to take the subject seriously.
20:00 The left’s denial of human nature & the traditional family
23:00 Race vs population clusters
30:00 Ed Dutton: Human Evolution Has Accelerated! Why Are They Hiding This?,
35:40 Ed Dutton: What Are The Evolutionary Reasons for Fellatio / Oral Sex?,
39:45 Nicholas Wade on the Lab Leak Hypothesis
38:00 Where COVID Came From by Nicholas Wade,
50:00 Why would Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins cover-up the origins of Covid?
54:00 Gain of function means souping up a virus

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News, goodness and great sex don’t pay for themselves (6-14-23)

01:00 Doing the right thing isn’t always cheap and easy
04:00 NYT: A Reporter Investigated Sexual Misconduct. Then the Attacks Began.,
12:00 How to connect by saying it with feeling,
24:00 News never pays,
26:00 Elliott Blatt shares a poem
28:00 Elliott’s been raped by car mechanics
30:00 Fatties vs addicts
39:00 Podcasts that are junk food for the soul
44:00 Parafisting relationships
46:00 Parasocial relationships,
1:07:00 When has a free state invaded a police state? A dozen times,
1:15:30 New Yorker: Daniel Bard Made an Improbable Comeback. Then He Had to Do It Again,
1:36:15 DTG: Interview with Mick West on UFOs and Conspiracy Psychology,

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The Greatest Song In The History Of Humanity By The Greatest Singer In The History Of Humanity – Sarah Brightman – Running (HQ)

I was sad and I was silent
In shadow of my soul
Ever seeking the horizon
For promises untold
I dreamed of silent oceans
And I sang of waters blue
With the crossing of angels
Brought forth to guide me through
To a distant shore so welcoming
Where I was free to roam
In a land of ancient mystery
That I could call my own
This is me and you
And we are running
To change the world
Where hope is shining through
Gaia’s green and blue
And we are running
To save the world
That we’re about to lose
We’ll be running
Watch it coming
Green is shining through
Love is rising
World’s colliding
Green is shining through
Shining, shining, shining

Comment: “When the chorus of voices in the background is singing along with Brightman, it reminds me of ABBA, quite a bit.”

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Why is the right so gay & stupid? (6-13-23)

01:00 Trump stokes anger and fury,
07:20 Two members of the Republican presidential field are gay (Tim Scott and who?)
10:30 Marco Rubio’s gay campaign
12:15 Marco Rubio’s foam parties
14:20 Nathan Cofnas on stupid right-wing movements,
18:00 Perhaps the number one millennial conservative philosopher, Cofnas can’t publish in legacy conservative outlets
48:00 How did Cofnas get a position at Cambridge?
50:00 Matt Walsh documentary What is a Woman?
53:20 Interview with Mick West on UFOs and Conspiracy Psychology,

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Do Free Societies Ever Start Wars With Tyrannies?

Dennis said that if Israel is a greater obstacle to peace than Hamas, it would be the first time in history that a free society wanted war.

In Athens vs Sparta, wasn’t Athens relatively free compared to Sparta and didn’t Athens launch the final war in that conflict?

The United States invaded Iraq in 2003. Iraq was a tyranny. America was a free country. And America started that war while Iraq posed zero threat to America.

The United States invaded Grenada in 1983 and Panama in 1989. Wasn’t this a free country invading tyrannies?

The United States intervened countless times in Latin America. Aren’t these more examples disproving Prager’s claim?

England and other European powers invaded countless poorer, less free, countries during the age of colonialism.

Here is Prager’s quote from the video above: “In modern history, every war has been between a free state and a police state or two police states. I can’t think of a 20th Century example of any other. Where in the world other than Israel does anyone ever argue that the free state doesn’t want peace and the police state wants peace? This would be the first free state in history to prefer war to peace.”

The United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001. Wasn’t that a free state going to war with a police state?

In the 1990s, the United States went to war with Serbia. Wasn’t that a free state going to war with a police state?

In the 1960s, the United States went to war against North Vietnam. Wasn’t that a free state going to war with a police state?

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