Category Archives: Palestinians

Decoding The Winning Strategy Of The Palestinians Part Two (6-25-24)

01:00 Great Netflix documentary on the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, A Blockade Is An Act Of War, Media BLATANTLY LIES About LA Synagogue Protests, WSJ: Mob Targets Synagogue As LAPD Stands By, Dooovid joins, Jewish activist … Continue reading

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Decoding The Winning Strategy Of The Palestinians (6-25-24)

01:00 What are real moral categories vs fake moral categories (racism, imperialism, sexist)02:00 Tucker interviews Steve Sailer, Dooovid joins, NYT: Israeli Military Must Draft Ultra-Orthodox Jews, Supreme Court Rules, Elliott Blatt joins with a juicy story 1:05:00 … Continue reading

Posted in Adas Torah, America, Human Rights, International Law, Israel, Palestinians | Comments Off on Decoding The Winning Strategy Of The Palestinians (6-25-24)

UCLA Pro-Palestine Protests (5-23-24)

I report, you decide!

Posted in Israel, Palestinians, UCLA | Comments Off on UCLA Pro-Palestine Protests (5-23-24)

Dennis Prager: Moral people cannot support the Palestinians

Palestinians, like other Arabs, have an average group IQ no higher than 85. Their behavior is pretty normal for Arabs, for Muslims, and for that low level of average IQ. You can only have prosperity when you have an average … Continue reading

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I want your help in compiling a list of ten Palestinian tech ideas that changed the world in 2014

Aryeh: “Their greatest accomplishment: Co-development of the world’s greatest defense force – the IDF. Their generous contribution in relentless scrimmage helped Israel become the world’s best Air Force, and develop so many technologies (such as the Iron Dome). They have … Continue reading

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