Jews For Consistency

Because the biggest Jewish organizations in America and elsewhere in the diaspora frequently push left-wing policies I find abhorrent, I yearn for the development of a “Jews for Consistency” coalition that critiques such activism.

One basis for such a critique would be to compare this activism with Jewish text and Jewish tradition. Another basis for critique would be to ask if these activists seek the same things for the Jewish state and for Jewish communities. Are they pushing one thing for non-Jews and another thing for Jews?

In general, left-wing Jews support identical left-wing policies for Jews and non-Jews and right-wing Jews support identical right-wing policies for Jews and non-Jews.



We might point out when Jewish activists seek the the opposite things for Jews that they seek for non-Jews. Sometimes elite Jews will push cohesion for Jews (in 2016 Israel’s Sephardic Chief Rabbi, in line with the Torah tradition, said non-Jews were not permitted to live in the Jewish state) but push multiculturalism to non-Jews (more immigration into gentile countries, more rights for minorities such as blacks, latinos, gays, and the transgendered, more rights for atheists and less Christianity in the public square, etc).

Now, different Jews push for different things. Jews who want multi-culturalism and immigration into America want the same thing for Israel, and Jews who want Israel to build a wall also want America to build a wall against illegal immigrants.





If unity, strength and cohesion are good for Jews, then these qualities are equally good for gentiles. When you maximize rights and power for minorities, as left-wing activists often try to do in the West, it always comes at the cost of cohesion for the majority. How would you like your country being disunited and fragmented? How would you like the Jewish state to stop being the Jewish state and start being another multicultural hodgepodge of warring groups? Do you want Tibet to stop being Tibetan and Japan to stop being Japanese?









We ask Jewish organizations — such as the ADL (Anti-Defamation League), the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center), and the SWC (Simon Wiesenthal Center) — to follow the Golden Rule and to only do unto others as they would want done to Jews and to the Jewish state.



In life, victory doesn’t always go to the upright, but peoples and organizations that continually operate in deceit usually come a cropper. Such behavior is not in line with Torah.

“Do what is right and good in the LORD’s sight, so all will go well with you. Then you will enter and occupy the good land that the LORD swore to give your ancestors.” (Deut. 6:18)

“Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good repute in the sight of God and man.” (Proverbs 3:3-4)

No group has done more to promote same-sex marriage than Jews (it seems to me like a disproportionate percentage of Jewish men are gay) even though the Jewish tradition only conceives of marriage as occurring between a man and a woman, and the Torah describes homosexuality as an abomination. So what is going on here?






Jennifer Epstein reported for Politico May 21, 2013:

Biden: ‘Jewish heritage is American heritage’

Vice President Joe Biden spoke at length Tuesday night about the influence of Judaism on the United States, dating back to the country’s founding and to the present day as Jews helped shape views on gay rights.
“The truth is that Jewish heritage, Jewish culture, Jewish values are such an essential part of who we are that it’s fair to say that Jewish heritage is American heritage,” he said. “The Jewish people have contributed greatly to America. No group has had such an outsized influence per capita as all of you standing before you, and all of those who went before me and all of those who went before you.”
“You make up 11 percent of the seats in the United States Congress. You make up one-third of all Nobel laureates,” he said. “So many notions that are embraced by this nation that particularly emanate from over 5,000 years of Jewish history, tradition and culture: independence, individualism, fairness, decency, justice, charity. These are all as you say, as I learned early on as a Catholic being educated by my friends, this tzedakah.”
“The embrace of immigration” is part of that, as is the involvement of Jews in social justice movements.
“You can’t talk about the civil rights movement in this country without talking about Jewish freedom riders and Jack Greenberg,” he said, telling a story about seeing a group of Jewish activists at a segregated movie theater in Delaware. “You can’t talk about the women’s movement without talking about Betty Friedan” or American advances in science and technology without mentioning Einstein and Carl Sagan, or music and Gershwin, Bob Dylan and “so, so, so many other people.”
“I believe what affects the movements in America, what affects our attitudes in America are as much the culture and the arts as anything else,” he said. That’s why he spoke out on gay marriage “apparently a little ahead of time.”
“It wasn’t anything we legislatively did. It was ‘Will and Grace,’ it was the social media. Literally. That’s what changed peoples’ attitudes. That’s why I was so certain that the vast majority of people would embrace and rapidly embrace” gay marriage,” Biden said.
“Think behind of all that, I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense, the influence is immense. And, I might add, it is all to the good,” he said.
Jews have also been key to the evolution of American jurisprudence, he continued, namedropping Brandeis, Fortas, Frankfurter, Cardozo, Ginsberg, Breyer, Kagan. “You literally can’t. You can’t talk about the recognition of … rights in the Constitution without looking at these incredible jurists that we’ve had.”
“Jewish heritage has shaped who we are – all of us, us, me – as much or more than any other factor in the last 223 years. And that’s a fact,” he said.
“We talk about it in terms of the incredible accomplishments and contributions” of Jews in America,” Biden added, “but it’s deeper “because the values, the values are so deep and so engrained in American culture, in our Constitution.”
“So I think you, as usual, underestimate the impact of Jewish heritage. I really mean that. I think you vastly underestimate the impact you’ve had on the development of this nation. We owe you, we owe generations who came before you,” he said.

The Forward reported June 26, 2015:

Jewish Groups (Mostly) Celebrate SCOTUS Gay Marriage Decision

Thirteen Jewish groups, among them organizations representing the Reform, Reconstructionist and Conservative streams, were among the 25 joining the amicus brief the ADL filed in Obergefell v. Hodges.
The preeminence of Jewish groups among those backing the litigants was not a surprise. In recent decades, much of the Jewish establishment has embraced gay marriage as a right equivalent to the others it has advocated, including racial equality, religious freedoms and rights for women.
Multiple groups, in their statements, cited the passage in Genesis that states humans were created “in the image of God,” which has for decades been used by Jewish civil rights groups to explain their activism.
“Jewish tradition reminds us that we were all created equally, b’tzelem Elohim, in the ‘image of God’ (Genesis 1:27), and also shows us that marriage is a sacred responsibility, not only between the partners, but also between the couple and the larger community,” the Conservative movement’s Rabbinical Assembly said in a statement.
Groups also were looking to next steps in advancing LGBT rights, including in the workplace.
“You can now legally marry in all 50 states and put your wedding on your desk and be fired and have no recourse in the federal courts,” Rabbi Jonah Pesner, who directs the Reform movement’s Religious Action Center, told JTA in an interview.
“We hope this will energize and inspire a bipartisan effort to end discrimination in the work place,” he said, specifying the “T” in LGBT – the transgendered. “People should not be discriminated in the workplace because of expression of gender.”

If same-sex marriage is such a Jewish value, how come it was unknown in Jewish life prior to the 1990s? How come the Jewish state of Israel does not celebrate gay marriage? If being transgendered is cool, how come the Torah prohibits a man from wearing a woman’s clothing?

Jews provide most of the funding for America’s Democratic party, much of the funding for the Republicans, we exercise disproportionate influence in media, finance, academia and law. We often set the agenda in America. For instance, we got the country to provide Israel with over $100 billion in aid.

We need a greater agenda than making the West is more user-friendly for Jews.

I have no problem with Jews putting Jewish interests first (and for other groups to put themselves first). I am a Jewish nationalist. I support organization and cohesion for all groups (whites, blacks, Gentiles, Jews, Japanese, Cubans, Croats, Tibetans, etc). I want all peoples to work out their national destiny free of outside domination. I never seek anything for my group (Jews) that I would not want for all groups to enjoy (except in zero-sum cases where I side with my group in my actions while striving to remain objective in my thinking). I do object, however, when I find groups operating with deceit.

Life is often a vicious struggle for scarce resources such as land and water and power. Different groups, different individuals, always have different interests, which is why all relationships have stress. No two people and no two groups are exactly alike and no two countries have identical interests. As one tweet put it: “The world isn’t a party where everyone gets along. We can associate with whomever we wish & can exclude you even if it hurts your feelings.”

If Jewish organizations want to protest America being a Christian country, then they should also protest Israel being the Jewish state. If Jewish organizations want to ban hate speech, they should first turn their attention to Jewish texts beginning with the Torah and seek to ban anti-Gentile sentiments. If Jewish organizations want to protest anti-Jewish sentiments, they should protest Jews making negative comments about non-Jews. If Jewish organizations want to track down and persecute ex-Nazis, they should track down Jews who participated in genocides. If being a Nazi is horrible, then surely being a communist is equally horrible and just a couple of generations ago, a million American Jews were communists and socialists.

Now, if Jewish organizations such as the ADL and the SPLC will be honest and say that they are ethnic advocacy groups, then we’ll pay them no mind.

If Jews get to have safe spaces free of gentile influence, then gentiles should be allowed safe spaces free of Jewish influence. Jews have strict dietary laws (kashurt) limiting their social interactions with gentiles, why should not gentiles be allowed clubs without Jews?

If Jewish organizations such as AIPAC want to lobby for Israel, we’ll ask if these policies are in America’s interests. Every group has a right to protect its interests, and if goyim won’t stand up for themselves, Jews will have to. Perhaps Israel is the best tool we have. We can say to the world, Live like Zionists! Put your own interests first.

If Jews want to call anti-Semitism a mental illness, we’ll ask that they apply the same label to Jews who hate Gentiles.

If Jewish organizations want to make Holocaust revisionism a crime, we’ll ask that they also support criminalizing other revisions of the conventional wisdom (the crucifixion of Jesus, etc). Why should Jewish suffering be any more sacred to the world at large than the suffering of other peoples? If Jewish organizations want to push for Holocaust education in public schools, we’ll ask that this education be proportionate to the number of deaths in genocides, so that most attention goes to the genocides under communists, which were sometimes carried out by Jews (the Ukrainian famine, etc).

If it is illegal for the majority to have free association and to have exclusively white businesses, white schools, and white neighborhoods, it should be similarly illegal for minorities to have free association. As a gesture of good faith, these Jewish organizations pushing for more Muslim and non-white immigration should ask Jews to experience the vibrancy of racial diversity in their own homes.

Jews have done wonderful things, and Jewish organizations understandably trumpet Jewish accomplishments, but it is obnoxious if we do not admit the negative things that some Jews have done such as to promote communism, feminism, same-sex marriage, gangster rap and pornography.

In Genesis 22:18, God says to Abraham: “In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.”

It’s worth monitoring the effect Jews have on the world. Jewish intellectual Paul Gottfried told me April 14, 2014: “The one indispensable element for Western civilization are the white Christians. Once they go, everything goes. Jews aren’t going to save anything except Jewish self-interest, which is often viewed as incompatible with the preservation of a Western Christian civilization. Jews typically tend to weaken that.”

“To say that Orthodox Jews are less of a threat to civilization does not mean that they are an appealing alternative. They’re not as dangerous as the more assimilated Jews. It doesn’t make them the good guys. It doesn’t make them a model you want to imitate if you are interested in preserving Western civilization.”

“The neoconservative position is that if blacks don’t like us, we have done so much for them, we have sacrificed ourselves, they should kiss our toes and support Israel and if they don’t, they’re making us suffer because they’re extremely evil. What Kevin MacDonald shows is that leftist Jews take certain positions because they’re trying to neutralize the Gentile [threat]. Most Jews I have known on the left fear white Gentiles.”

“I was listening to this guy Alan Dershowitz on a television program and he was asked if the Ten Commandments are good and he said, oh no, they’re awful. They were written for primitive people. And they have nothing to do with us. Now why would a Jew be attacking the Ten Commandments? Because he doesn’t want the Gentiles to have it. He doesn’t want them to have any religion except left-liberalism. He hates the goyim. If you read his book Chutzpah, it is even more obvious that he hates Gentiles. I’ve never seen Jewish liberalism as anything other than an attempt to neutralize a group that Jews fear and hate.”

“The neoconservatives identify America with global democracy, human rights, Jewish interests, Zionism, the struggle against German Nazism in two world wars, the victory of the Civil Rights movement. They have their own myth of America and it differs only slightly from Obama’s view of America, that America is good because it has progressed, overcome prejudice, it is universal and it is based on human rights. Other Jews on the left are more radical because they are still afraid of Christian influence. However radical Americans have become, Jews are even more radical with gay rights and things like that. Jews often play a pivotal influence in introducing new phases of radicalism.”

“Neoconservatives are selectively for academic freedom when it advances what they see as Jewish interests. They’ll say it’s everybody’s interests.”

“The Jewish positive [intellectual] tendencies are seen in science and business. Most of the Jewish cultural [and political] influence in America is very bad. I just don’t see the good cultural influence of Jews.”

Luke: “Have Jews collectively been more of a blessing or a curse to the United States?”

Paul: “I think it is mixed.”

Luke: “What do you think about the accusation that American Jews have dual loyalties [to America and to Israel]?”

Paul: “I could say what the late Joseph Sobran said, ‘What’s so dual about it? Is there any country but Israel for them?’ That’s partly true. Theoretically, they love Israel as a Jewish land but they are not going to go there to live. It’s some distant country they admire. In traditional Jewish circles [outside the haredim], anything for Israel is good. But they’re not going to leave the United States. They have a physical and financial and residential attachment to the United States.”

Torah wants Jews within the Torah Corral. It’s when they leave it and start pushing radical politics that I get nervous.

Ashkenazi Jews have the highest average IQ of any people (somewhere between 105 and 120). As the journal Social Psychology Quarterly reported in 2010:

More intelligent people are significantly more likely to exhibit social values and religious and political preferences that are novel to the human species in evolutionary history. Specifically, liberalism and atheism…

The theory suggests that more intelligent people are more likely than less intelligent people to adopt evolutionarily novel preferences and values, but intelligence does not correlate with preferences and values that are old enough to have been shaped by evolution over millions of years.”

…Kanazawa argues that humans are evolutionarily designed to be conservative, caring mostly about their family and friends, and being liberal, caring about an indefinite number of genetically unrelated strangers they never meet or interact with, is evolutionarily novel. So more intelligent children may be more likely to grow up to be liberals.

The reason anyone who notices racial differences is called a Nazi is not because they are one or have anything in common with one per se, but rather, because of the fear of exacerbating group tensions.

The most natural thing for an animal — any animal, insects too — to ask when their environment begins to change is, “Is there something that is f***ing up my s***?”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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