Are We What We Watch?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* It’s amusing how 90% of mental health issues are rich girls following fads – social contagion. All the teen girls wanted to be depressed around the time of Prozac Nation. I read somewhere about a school where half the girls were experiencing ‘gender dysphoria’, and after school closure (because of the lockdown) all the symptoms disappeared.

* Stefan Molyneux, whatever he may be, has recorded a rather good video where a sugar daddy, some confused guy in his 60s, confesses about his experiences with good, sometimes even great looking & affluent girls, 18-25 years age range, who went with him to spend some time out & eventually screw for no reason at all (no gerontophilia, no real financial reasons, no nothing except emptiness of soul & boredom with life). There were perhaps 10-15 such girls; most of them rich & good-to-great looking & going to college.

These girls do it just for fun. They don’t have gerontophilic fetish. They are not nymphomaniacs. They don’t need money (at least, most of them). They just are empty & like being sluts.

Most of them were incessantly talking about finding their “Richard Gere”, referring to the position of Julia Roberts character in Pretty Woman. Those aspiring whores were, it seems, fascinated by the situation of becoming kept women by a good-looking affluent man & finding “romance” in such circumstances.

* Winona Ryder is of course the poster child for the ditzy neurotically crazed modern female. Drugs, shoplifting, wrestling with the Jewish thing while being a hot female — it’s a positive cornucopia of warped mental agony and craziness that makes it easy and convincing to act to type.

Approaching 50, and childless. Some girls need to have kids, if only to put a clamp on their mental derangement.

Rumors floated around that at one point she dated the now cancelled alt-country singer songwriter Ryan Adams, another victim of the #metoo movement, though he also has significant neurotic issues as well. Birds of a feather.

Anyway he wrote this great song, “Harder Now That It’s Over” which is supposedly about Winona, with the great line, “You’re free…free with a history.” This raw live version captures the essence nicely.

* Steve Sailer: Most pundit’s columns consist of: “Here’s a thought I had about a well-trod topic.” So the last line is pretty much the Thought, and the rest of the column is the setup for the Thought.

Some of my columns are like that, but others are like: Here’s a new database that practically nobody has thought about before. Here are some thoughts I have had looking at this new source of information, but don’t expect them to exhaust the topic. Feel free to look at the data and come up with your own ideas.


* One way I measure a movie is how long I continue thinking about it afterwards. Some movies leave absolutely no impact and I forget about them as soon as I am done watching (which sometimes is before the end). Other movies stay with me for a few days, like a sun tan. The most impactful ones leave something permanent.

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Stolen Valor aka Using Politics & Delusion To Cope With One’s Real Life Passivity

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A Place For You (11-30-20)

00:00 Patrick Basham LIVE on why he is concerned about the 2020 election
05:00 Why presidential election puzzles
10:00 How much credibility does Patrick Basham have?
1:14:00 Ep. 36 Election Lawsuits, from PA to MI; Powell Lawsuit; SCOTUS Injunction; Flynn Pardon AND MORE!
1:24:00 More Nonsense about the election
1:47:00 On Faux Analysis of Biden’s Win
1:54:00 US election results: Why the most accurate bellwether counties were wrong
2:02:00 80,000,000?!
2:09:00 Time for conservatives to dump Trump 
2:16:00 Tucker Carlson on Covid crackdowns
2:34:00 Kenneth Brown: Safesearch and the Renaissance of Softcore!

Court Jews

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If I Were A Rabbi…

If I were a rabbi, and I wanted to make some extra shekels, I’d tell people I was a kabbalist and that I had a yeshiva in Israel and I was available to give brachas, and when the rich women came to me for a bracha, the rich Sephardi women, the Ashkenazim are harder to con, I’ll tell them I am getting a special feeling about them, a special feeling about their ketubah and they need to bring it to me right away, and when they bring it, I will look at it and draw a big line right through it and say in Jewish, oh dearey me, this is no good, we’ll have to make you a kosher one, and I’ll be happy to do that for you for no charge, though if your heart compels you to donate to my yeshiva in Israel, well, you can just write the check out to me personally. And then I rope in the ladies with my kabbalistic insights, and when they’re good and vulnerable, I’ll say in Jewish, oh dearey my, I just got a horrible thought, but I can’t share it with you, absolutely no way can I share this with you, totally out of the question, well, if you force me, but I just opened my Zohar to this line and it is telling me that your husband is having an affair and you need to get a divorce right away, and I would be happy to write a get (divorce), yes I am very skilled in writing gittin, no amateur can just write a get, but I studied under the great kabbalists in Safed, you can trust me, perhaps you’d like to help with my yeshiva in Israel, it’s for orphans, I do so appreciate it, you have done so much for me, I’d like to offer you a token of my appreciation, yes, this is for you and it is 100% glatt kosher, oh thank you dear, you are too kind… Please, sit here, on my lap… Oh, you’re going to report me to the…. Oh, that’s a good one. That’s rich. Very droll. Very funny. I’ve got a recording of his mistress. He would not want that out…so no, he’s not going to do bupkes to me. Oh, he said there’s zero tolerance for this kind of harassment. Stop making me laugh, my sides hurt. Anyone who bothers me, I just send two shvartzes to their door and they’re back to minding their own business in no time. Isn’t Los Angeles Orthodox Judaism grand? Baruch HaShem.

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A Place For You (11-29-20)

00:00 Voter fraud allegations
02:00 White noise documentary
20:00 How Biden Won: Ramping Up The Base And Expanding Margins In The Suburbs
34:00 For Trump advocate Sidney Powell, a playbook steeped in conspiracy theories
58:00 The 5% of wignats cost Trump the election?
1:08:40 Sam Harris discusses President Trump’s failure to concede the 2020 presidential election
1:22:40 Shane Burley, the Wolves of Vinland, and Jack Donovan
1:27:00 TFW No GF
1:29:00 Donald Trump will Complete the System of German Idealism
1:32:00 Richard Spencer, Brad Griffin (Hunter Wallace) on the long MAGA
1:42:00 Black american nationalist Tariq Nasheed being racially prejudiced toward a sub saharan Congolese-American
1:52:00 Whoopi Goldberg Interviews Tom Metzger of White Aryan Resistance
2:04:20 Richard Spencer praises Nick Fuentes
2:06:00 Kenneth Brown update
2:21:40 Vaush vs Ryan Dawson
2:23:00 R. Yaron Reuven says Jewish schools must discriminate
2:52:00 Dominion Exec Eric Coomer — ‘Don’t worry, Trump’s not gonna win, I made F-ing sure of that!’
3:02:30 LAT: ‘Why won’t Black folks trust us’ on COVID-19? These doctors and nurses have answers
3:08:00 Jonathan Rauch on information warfare

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