Decoding The Campus Protests (5-26-24)

01:00 Philosopher and author Rony Guldmann,
17:00 Why the swift crackdown on the protests?
33:00 Conservative Claims of Cultural Oppression,
36:00 Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried, Stanford Law profs and progenitors of disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried.
42:00 Affirmative action and student protests
57:30 Rony’s memoir: The Star Chamber of Stanford,
58:20 The Craft of Writing Effectively,

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Decoding Destiny aka Steve Bonnell Part IV (5-26-24)

00:10 Decoding Destiny Part One,
00:20 Decoding Destiny Part Two,
00:30 Decoding Destiny Part Three,
00:50 DTG: Destiny- Discussing Debates, Drama, Depravity & ‘Doing Your Own Research’,
05:45 Destiny wikipedia,
12:30 Destiny clip on allegations about JF and the missing Mama JF,
13:00 Race Realism – Destiny Debate with JF, Andy Warski, Tara McCarthy,
21:00 You’re Being Lied To By Billionaire-Funded Fake Racialist Boomers | JFGT #1108,
55:00 DTG Reddit discusses Destiny,
1:20:00 Simple ways to raise IQ,
1:25:00 Is vegetarianism healthy for children?,
1:32:00 Lead exposure reduces the average American IQ by 3 points
2:33:00 Destiny says his show became less dramatic since he got on vyvanse
2:37:00 DTG: Destiny: Debate King and/or Degenerate?,
2:40:40 Will and ‘Destiny’ debate what it is to be American | Will Cain Show,
2:44:00 Signs of Emotional Maturity – Know Who’s Worth Your Time & Who Isn’t!,
2:52:00 5 Reasons Why People DON’T Understand You,
3:08:00 Ben Shapiro vs Destiny Debate: Politics, Jan 6, Israel, Ukraine & Wokeism,

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Wisecracks: Humor and Morality in Everyday Life

Philosopher David Shoemaker writes in his new book:

* The funniness in jokes is found primarily in their logical or semantic structure. Many writers like to point to the incongruity of jokes as the source of their funniness, perhaps involving the introduction of some unexpected mismatch, the exploitation of some ambiguity in the language, or a switcheroo in how ordinary scripts might go.

* Wisecracks, by contrast, are intentional bits of humor whose funniness is found not just in their formal features but also in their interpersonal features. When we tease others, for instance, often what’s funny isn’t found just in our quips themselves but in the reactions of those we are teasing. When I pull your leg, its funniness isn’t going to come simply from the false remarks I make; it will come, in addition, from the fact that I fooled you for a bit with those remarks, that I “got you.” When two people of shared ethnicity make a crack that exploits some stereotype about their group, its funniness may come only from their shared disdain for that stereotype or for the people who believe that stereotype. These are all contextual, interpersonal matters… Wisecracks are the kinds of witticisms we make with each other.

* Wisecracking, as we all know, can have many dark sides. First, some wisecracks are exclusionary. Humor among members of in-groups about members of out-groups often seals the borders between them. Private jokes do this by speaking a language deliberately obscure to outsiders. Mockery may do this by presenting those outsiders as lower, as lesser, than insiders.

Second, sometimes there are asymmetrical relationships in which only one side gets to engage in teasing or mockery of the other, and this hardens hierarchy. We see this phenomenon most clearly in studies of organizations in which bosses tease or mock their employees, and the employees (for fear of losing their jobs) have to “take it” and can’t tease or mock their bosses back.

Third, some humor just plain hurts. Mockery, in particular, when it’s done by insiders to outsiders (to those who are “different,” socially excluded, nerds, the disabled, etc.) can reinforce exclusion, difference, and the pain of being an outsider. This is the kind of humor that involves “laughing at” someone, and we all know how painful being laughed at can be.

Fourth, some hurtful humor has “next-generation” bad effects, shaping otherwise innocent people in ways that cause them to become hurtful to others down the line.

Fifth, certain kinds of identity-based humor, wisecracks directed at people that reference their group membership (e.g., their gender, class, ethnicity, or race) can generate what’s known as a “social identity threat,” where what’s communicated to the targeted person is “that they are at risk of being devalued, rejected, or of becoming the target of discrimination because of their group membership.”5 It also just plain hurts, as it reminds people of their oppressed or marginalized status.

Sixth, because of their context dependence, occasional reliance on hard-to-read intentions, or serious subtlety, lots of wisecracks may be easily misunderstood, and that can fracture relationships.

Seventh, some wisecracks are deceptive, involving pulling the wool over someone’s eyes, deliberately preventing them from seeing some truth that everyone around them can see.

…First, those who make you feel amusement’s pleasure are going to be people you’re likely to gravitate toward, to want to hang around. Amusing people are likable, they’re fun, and they make you feel good. Humor brings people together. Debbie Downer doesn’t have any friends.

Second, many wisecracks involve self-deprecating anecdotes. In telling these, you invite listeners’ sympathy and protective warmth. A self-deprecating humor style generally also seems to increase one’s emotional and psychological well-being, better enabling one to cope with various setbacks.7 And other people are obviously drawn to emotionally healthy

Third, in making wisecracks about your experiences, you create or reinforce enjoyable bonds with those who also have had similar experiences, inviting empathy and identification. Wisecracking between close friends assumes lots of shared background and knowledge, generating or buttressing intimacy between wisecrackers.

Fourth, wisecracking signals, and can bring about, reconciliation. As John Morreall insightfully notes: “When two people are quarreling, one of the first things they stop doing together is laughing; they refuse to laugh at each other’s attempts at humor, and refuse to laugh together at something incongruous happening to them. As soon as they begin to laugh once more, we know that the end of the quarrel is at hand.”

Fifth, between those who aren’t yet in a personal relationship, humor can reduce uncertainty and social distance, increase cooperation, and generate trust. In general, a good sense of humor is strongly correlated with social competence. Humorous people are more cheerful, and so, again, are more likely to attract friends. They are better able to manage their emotions, so they seem far less volatile and more inviting.10 Sixth, wisecracks of various kinds also serve to create and reinforce group boundaries.

* We are more fearful when our ideological biases are threatened than we are when our more clearly and solidly grounded beliefs are threatened, and so we tend to be more defensive and inclined to lash out, or lash out more vociferously, against perceived attacks on them. When we know full well the clear-cut rational or evidential grounds of our other beliefs, attacks on them pose no such threat. …If you get angry when your beliefs are mocked, that’s typically a sign of defensiveness, a sign that you may have
some kind of ideological bias at work, and such bias is precisely the sort of thing that can prevent you from seeing any funny in the mock. For you to see that funny, you’ve got to identify and eliminate—or at least detach yourself momentarily from—your ideological biases…

* Emotions in general are urgently attention-grabbing, action-readying, affectively-laden evaluative responses to the world around us. Fear evaluates things as threatening or dangerous (as fearsome), admiration evaluates something as having gone well above and beyond some standard (as admirable), and shame evaluates something about you or yours as worth hiding (as shameful). These evaluative responses include action tendencies: fear includes a motivational impulse to avoid the threat (either by fleeing, fighting, or freezing), admiration (of people) includes an impulse to emulate them, and shame includes the impulse to hide (or to cover your metaphorical or literal nakedness).

* Amusement is a lean-in emotion: it’s delicious, it feels good, and when we experience that particular form of enjoyment, we want to roll it around in our mouths, as it were, soaking in all its particular flavors.

* Amusement feels good. Those who have a heightened facility for amusing people are themselves extremely likable, as is anyone who makes others feel good. People want to be around them. They make gatherings fun and easy. In addition, those who are amused are fun to be around. Causing them to be amused is enjoyable as well. When they enjoy your wisecrack, they are enjoying you, and that feels good in its own way. They make gatherings fun and easy too.

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Advanced Introduction to Nationalism

Liah Greenfeld writes in this 2016 book:

* The worth of the nation—the psychological gratification afforded by national identity and therefore its importance—is related to the experience of dignity by wide and ever widening sectors of humanity. The remarkable quality of national identity—and also its essential quality—is that it guarantees status with dignity to every member of whatever is defined as the national community. It is this quality that recommended nationalism to European (and later other) elites whose status was threatened or
who were prevented from achieving the status they aspired to, that ensured the spread of nationalism throughout the world in the last two centuries, and that explains its staying power in the face of material interests that often pull in the other direction.

In the early days of nationalism, different elite groups, exposed to nationalist ideas, reacted dissimilarly to them, in accordance with the relative ability of nationalism to aid them in their status-maintaining and status-aggrandizing pursuits. An example is furnished by the nobility in various German lands who as late as the 1800s remained indifferent to the appeal of nationalism, embracing it rather reluctantly during the Wars of Liberation.

* Among non-noble intellectuals, the second of the two elite groups that were responsible for the initial establishment of nationalism in Europe, the idea of the nation also had to compete with other status-bestowing frameworks. As long as other identities appeared to promise more dignity, the nation failed to captivate them and secure their commitments. French philosophes were above particularistic self-content. Voltaire wrote that “a philosopher has no patrie and belongs to no faction,” and that “every man
is born with a natural right to choose his patrie for himself.”1 Abbe Raynal believed that “the patrie of a great man is the universe.”2 Great men, explained Duclos, “men of merit, whatever the nation of their origin, form one nation among themselves. They are free from the puerile national vanity. They leave it to the vulgar, to those who, having no personal glory, have to content themselves with the glory of their countrymen.” …So long as one could reasonably hope to become world famous (and French philosophes in the mid-eighteenth century still had a reasonable chance of that), it was foolish to limit oneself to a small part of the world. And if one was confident in one’s superiority and felt assured of recognition, one had no need for shared dignity of a nation. In fact, one had no need for nation at all, a republic of letters was enough.

…German intellectuals remained faithful to their cosmopolitan ideals long after their French brethren had abandoned theirs. Nicolai considered German nationalism “a political monstrosity”;4 Schiller claimed to have given up his fatherland in exchange “for the great world” and wrote “as a citizen of the world.”5 Fichte was a principled cosmopolitan as late as 1799… Nationalism did not appeal to German intellectuals prior to the Napoleonic campaign because they were the only group interested in the redistribution of prestige in society, and without the support of the nobility and the bureaucracy, they lacked the means to enforce it. To insist on such a redistribution (implied in the idea of the nation) in this situation would have only invited ridicule and damaged the chances of social advancement which some of them had. It was more satisfying to dream that one was an equal member of a community of intellectuals…

* Most of our experiences, however, are not experiences of physical or biological realities, but of the social reality. This reality is also constituted by our experiences, but we don’t experience it through our bodily senses, we experience it through, or in, our minds. Most of our empirical reality, in other words, is neither material nor organic, it is mental.

* While all other animal species, irrespective of the level of development and place on the evolutionary tree, essentially transmit their ways of life genetically, we overwhelmingly transmit our ways of life through symbols.

* No human group of any duration, and no individual, unless severely handicapped or (as an infant) undeveloped mentally, can live without an identity. Having an identity is a psychological imperative and, therefore, a sociological constant… An identity defines the position of its individual or group bearer in a more or less extensive sphere of the social world that is relevant for this bearer, and serves as a map or blueprint for this sphere…

* [P]opulations homogeneous as to any particular such characteristic do not necessarily share the same identity and consciousness: medieval peasants and lords in Europe, though all Christians, did not share an identity—peasants identifying as peasants and lords identifying as lords—and, beyond all doubt, thought differently. To return to language, they did not speak the same language… identities were estate-based… there were no ethnic identities before nationalism…

* Language, above everything else, is the medium of thinking, thinking representing the explicitly symbolic component of our consciousness, the explicitly symbolic mental process… traffic lights well may be the most efficient system of communication among humans… To capture symbolic experiences (experiences produced by the specifically human, cultural environment) language is necessary; only it can incorporate them into reality. A stable sphere of new experiences presupposes the annexation to human existence of a new sphere of meaning which only language can create, the emergence of a new semantic space. Therefore, while one can imagine a social current without the participation of language, institutionalization without language is impossible. Any social order starts with the creation of a new vocabulary, and this is demonstrated by every case of nationalism…

* collectivistic nationalisms are more likely to engage in aggressive warfare than individualistic nationalisms… Collectivistic nationalisms, by contrast, are forms of particularism, whether perceived in geopolitical, cultural (in the sense of acquired culture), or presumably inherent, ethnic terms. The borderline between “us” and “them” is relatively clear… collectivistic nationalisms are articulated by small elite groups… To achieve the solidarity of this larger population, made of diverse strands, they tend (though not invariably) to blame their misfortunes not on agencies within the nation, whom they would as a result alienate, but on those outside it. If they do blame internal elements, they define these as agents acting on behalf of or in collusion with hostile foreigners. Thus, from their perspective, the nation is from the start united in common hatred.

* During war, ethnic nationalism is more conducive to brutality in relation to the enemy population than civic nationalism. This is so because civic nationalism, even when particularistic, still treats humanity as one, fundamentally homogeneous entity.

* In the sixteenth century, English emotional vocabulary dramatically expands: numerous new terms appear (redefined concepts as well as neologisms) without equivalents in any other language, which capture widely experienced emotions that had not been experienced before. On examination, they are all related to the three principles of nationalism: its secularism, fundamental egalitarianism, and popular sovereignty.

All three of these features place the individual in control of his or her destiny, eliminating the expectation of putting things right in the afterlife, making one the ultimate authority in deciding on one’s priorities, encouraging one to strive for a higher social status (since one is presumed to be equal to everyone, but one wants to be equal only to those who are superior), and giving one the right to choose one’s social position (since the presumption of fundamental equality makes everyone interchangeable) and therefore identity. But this very liberty, implied in nationalism, both empowering and encouraging the individual to choose what to be—in contrast to all the religious pre-national societies in which no one was asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?” since one was whatever one was born—makes the formation of the individual identity problematic, and the more so the more choices for the definition of one’s identity a society offers and the more insistent it is on equality. A clear sense of identity is a condition sine qua non for adequate mental functioning, but national consciousness—modern culture—cannot help the individual to acquire such clear sense, it is inherently confusing. This cultural insufficiency, the inability of a culture to provide individuals within it with consistent guidance, is what Durkheim named anomie…

A member of a nation can no longer learn who or what she or he is from the environment, as would an individual growing up in an essentially religious and rigidly stratified, hierarchical order, where everyone’s position and behavior are defined by birth and divine providence.

* Ambition, aspiration, romantic love, and happiness… appears with a corresponding form of suffering… Ambition was the main cause of the characteristic suffering in sixteenth-century England. The defense against threats—or experience—of a thwarted ambition was love.

* Like ambition, love made it possible for the free and therefore rootless modern individual, whom the society around would not define, to find one’s proper place and to define oneself. Functionally, both love and ambition were identity-forming devices. This, above all else, explains the tremendous importance of this emotional complex in our lives. Moreover, in distinction to ambition, which led the searcher by a circuitous way, made an obstacle course by the myriads of simultaneous, crisscrossing and overlapping searches of others, which demanded unceasing effort on one’s part, and never guaranteed the result, love required no effort whatsoever—it happened to one, one fell into it. Thus it led to the discovery of one’s true identity directly. The supreme and truest expression of the sovereign self, it was, in effect, a miracle, for which one was in no way responsible.

What made it an expression of the self nevertheless was the immediate recognition of the true love’s object, the One, that particular her or him who was one’s destiny and yet, paradoxically, was most freely chosen. One’s identity, one’s true self, was found in that other person and what he or she saw in one. This was the central theme of Romeo
and Juliet.

* since no genetic or any other organic origins of functional mental disease have ever been found, despite constant and constantly very well-funded attempts to find them (in fact, schizophrenia and affective disorders are defined as diseases “of unknown organic origin” and this is precisely what the term “functional” emphasizes), our knowledge of it essentially consists of clinical observation, that is, observation of visible symptoms…

* Madness spread with national consciousness and already in the seventeenth century was severely affecting Scotland, Ireland, and the English settlements in America. But until the French Revolution it was known elsewhere only as “the English malady.”

* No disease caused by an outside agent—plague, tuberculosis, common flu, and so on—affects populations exposed to it uniformly: while some succumb, others don’t, and among those who succumb, some catch the severe form with a lethal outcome, and some get away with weaker, curable expressions of the disease and survive. This depends on the interactions of the agent with the environment, on the conditions in which it operates: predisposition of the patient, availability of therapies, and so on. The same applies to functional mental illness. Its agent—national consciousness itself—is always present in modern society; it makes anomie pervasive and the formation of individual identity one’s own responsibility, and therefore problematic. This general problematization of individual identity and specific problems with the formation of identity led to degrees (clinical and subclinical, permanent and temporary) of mental impairment, derangement, and dysfunction, today recognized as schizophrenia and manic-depressive illness. The common symptoms of these conditions are social maladjustment (chronic discomfort in one’s environment) and chronic discomfort (dis-ease) with one’s self, the sense of self oscillating between self-loathing and delusions of grandeur, megalomania, most frequently (in cases of unipolar depression) fixing on self-loathing, and in rare cases deteriorating into the terrifying sense of a complete loss of self (in the acute psychosis of full-fledged schizophrenia). This mental disease reaches its clinical level in a minority of cases (even if it is a very large minority, as in the United States). But the pervasive anomie of modern national societies affects very large numbers of people—statistics claim, close to 50 percent of Americans today, for example, are occasionally mentally disturbed—and therefore, makes very large numbers of people socially maladjusted and deeply dissatisfied with themselves…

* nationalism radically changes our social and political experience. Because of its secularism, egalitarianism, and insistence on popular sovereignty, it makes people activist. It follows logically from the explicit or implicit recognition that man has only one life, that social reality, at least, is a thing of his making, and that all men are equal—that nothing can justify this one life falling short of giving full satisfaction, that men are responsible for all its disappointments, and that everyone has the right to change reality that disappoints.

* An example of individual ideological activism is “lone-wolf” Islamic terrorism: young Western-born or Western-educated people from generally secular, mostly Muslim but quite often Christian backgrounds, converting to Islam (as a rule without acquiring much knowledge about the tradition) and carrying out violent acts against targets which symbolize the West. In the overwhelming majority of cases of apprehension and post-act investigation the person is revealed as a consciously maladjusted, unhappy, confused individual—a misfit, frequently complaining of one’s loneliness and unhappiness on the Internet. Why do these mildly disturbed people, who clearly suffer from the modern malaise, rally to radical, particularly violent, version of Islam? They do this for precisely the same reason young people in their existential situation earlier rallied to

* …ideological politics is a specific form of politics brought about by nationalism. They are irrational in the sense of being motivated by a dedication (passionate, if not fanatic) to causes which in the large majority of cases lack the remotest connection to the personal experience—and therefore objective interests—of the participants, but characterized by their capacity to justify and explain the discomfort these participants feel with their self and social environment. At their core invariably lie visions that bear the most distinctive mark of a schizophrenic delusion: the loss of the understanding of the symbolic nature of human social reality and the confusion between symbols and their referents, when the symbols themselves become objective reality.

* Different types of nationalism favor different types of self-medication through social/political activism. Thus individualistic nationalisms naturally encourage individual activism, which explains why lone-wolf terrorism is particularly widespread in liberal democracies… When suffering from the modern malaise, each one of them turns against the society that makes them, each individually, uncomfortable: their own society, their own nation.

* Collectivistic nationalisms, in distinction, encourage violent collective action. Thus all the great revolutions—the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the German, that is, National Socialist, revolution—happened in collectivistic nations.

* the rates of severe (clinical) mental disturbance should be inversely proportional to the possibilities of engaging in ideologically motivated collective activism, that is, necessarily the highest in individualistic nations, and higher in collectivistic and civic nations, than in ethnic ones. Thus most aggressive and xenophobic nationalisms—the worst for the world around—would be, in fact, of all nationalisms, the best for the mental health of their individual members.

* oppositional movements in them, as a rule, insist on ever greater group equality, superimposed on the equality of individuals before the law (equality of opportunity) and at the expense of individual rights. Dignity of personal identity in nations derives from membership in a sovereign (that is, self-governing, free) community of equals—those who share in sovereignty or freedom, which, in individualistic nations implies the right to distinguish oneself. The goal of oppositional movements in individualistic nations is to assure the dignity implicit in this equality without exercising this right, thus escaping competition and personal responsibility for one’s possible failure in it.

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Nationalism and the Mind: Essays on Modern Culture

Here are excerpts from Liah Greenfeld’s essay on nationalism and religion published in this 2006 collection:

* Both essentially secular nationalism and the transcendental religions are ways to interpret – that is, invest with meaning – otherwise meaningless reality, providing prisms through which it is to be perceived and seen as ordered. Both nationalism and religion are order-creating cultural systems.

* No human group of any duration and no human being, unless severely disabled or as yet undeveloped mentally (as in early infancy), exists without an identity; having an identity appears to be a psychological imperative and thus a sociological constant. But if the development of some identity is inevitable, the emergence and ascendancy of a particular kind of identity – for example, of a national versus a religious identity – is always, at root, a matter of historical contingency. There is nothing in human nature, and therefore in society in general, which makes any specific identity necessary.

* An identity defines a person’s – and a group’s – position in the social world; it carries the set of expectations that its bearer, whether an individual or a collectivity, can legitimately have, orienting the actions of the bearer by defining what can be legitimately expected of the latter. The least specialized type of identity, the one believed to define the bearer’s very essence, shapes behavior in a wide variety of social contexts and reflects, by containing in microcosm, the image of social order or the social consciousness4 of the given society. In the modern world, national identity, much more than any other, has been such a generalized identity. Its framework, nationalism, thus has been also the framework of the modern social consciousness. It was religion, by contrast, that formed the framework of social consciousness in the premodern world; nationalism has replaced religion as the main cultural mechanism of social integration. But though on this (sociologically crucial) level religion and nationalism are functionally equivalent, they differ in virtually all other important respects and inattention to these differences obscures the nature of nationalism.

For example, since the transcendental religions to which nationalism is sometimes compared held out the promise of eternal life, it is maintained that nationalism, for all its this-worldly orientation, must proffer similar guarantees; otherwise, why would people die for their nations?

* Most of the experiences that drive people to distraction – making them curse the day they were born and wish they were dead, or turning them into suicides, murderers, or revolutionaries – has to do with people’s relations with others. The nature of most suffering is social, not physical; it is caused by rejection, humiliation, betrayal, shame, and social disorientation – that is the proverbial anomie – not by aging or mortality. If people’s actions are any indication of their obsessions, they are, on the
whole, far more preoccupied with injustice than with death. It is the ability of religions (and nationalisms) to justify otherwise distressing social arrangements, to create a sense of a just social order, and to make social suffering sufferable,7 that explains their endurance over time.

* The perception of the mundane as meaningful in its own right implies its sacralization. With nationalism, the heavens, so to speak, descend to earth; this world, the world of empirical reality and social relations, becomes the sphere of the sacred. Unlike the need for immortality, the need for meaning is universal; proximity to the perceived sources of ultimate meaning takes our breath away. Nationalism provides countless opportunities for such perception in the routines of quotidian activity, business, parenting, and neighborly association, which to the religious mentality are the very strongholds of the profane. It was this uniquely modern sacralization of the secular through the experience of national identity that moved Durkheim to declare that God is society…

* The perception of this world as ultimately meaningful – its investment with the creative powers and authority that the great religions were willing to recognize only in the mysterious beyond – makes our everyday existence, contrary to the Romantic deprecation of modernity as soulless and materialistic, far more intensely spiritual than that of any of the prenational social formations. Within the framework of nationalism, society is saturated with spirituality…

* It is no coincidence that the age of nationalism is also the age of science. The nationalist enchantment of the world is reflected in the apotheosis of the means of knowing the world. Science is expected to penetrate the world’s mysteries, harness its powers, and uncover its meaning. It is forced to take the place of theology. But society is God
(pace Durkheim) only if we make it so; the meaning of the world is not simply there to be uncovered.

* nationalism replaced religion as the order creating system, substituting the social and political relations between men for the bond between man and God as that which gives meaning to life…

* Because most religious nationalisms are ethnic nationalisms, the fanaticism, the abnegation of self (one’s own as well as others’) for the sake of the community, which we associate with religious nationalism, are more often than not predicated on the essential worldliness of this complex of sentiments…

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