Annie Jacobsen writes in her recent book:
* In 1983, President Reagan ordered a simulated war game, code – named Proud Prophet, to explore the outcome and effects of a nuclear war… According to Proud Prophet, regardless of how nuclear war begins, it ends with complete Armageddon – like destruction. With the U.S., Russia, and Europe totally destroyed. With the entire Northern Hemisphere uninhabitable from fallout. With the death of, at minimum, a half billion people in the war’s opening salvo alone. Followed by the starvation and death of almost everyone who initially survived.
* Fourteen years later, Vice President Al Gore asked Professor Bracken to lead a different kind of war game simulation, not a nuclear war game, but one involving a cyberattack on Wall Street. In the late nineties, VP Gore was worried the newly popular internet was making America’s banking system vulnerable to terrorist attack… Their conclusion — drawn from the war game — was basic, Bracken contends. “Move data storage away from Manhattan. The Wall Street firms accelerated the movement of data storage to New Jersey and Long Island.” Cheaper. Safer. Great. Except: “What we didn’t figure out was the actual attack,” Bracken laments. “We didn’t think of driving an airplane into [the] building” where the game was being played. That is, flying a commercial airplane into the World Trade Center. Four years later, fifteen of the people who were playing that simulated war game were killed in the 9/11 terror attack at the World Trade Center…
* A Nuclear Regulatory Commission report finds that a small – to – medium – sized fire at a facility like Diablo Canyon would displace 3 to 4 million people. “We’d [be] talking about trillion – dollar consequences,” Frank von Hippel, professor emeritus at Princeton University and cofounder of its Program on Science and Global Security, said of such a catastrophe. But a nuclear strike against Diablo Canyon Power Plant will not produce a fire that is small or even medium – sized. It will be a radioactive inferno. The beginning of the apocalypse.
* The president confirms option Charlie. A nuclear counterstrike designed as the Launch on Warning response to a North Korean nuclear strike against America. Eighty – two targets, or “aimpoints,” that include North Korea’s nuclear and WMD facilities, its leadership, and other war – sustaining facilities. This counterstrike launches fifty Minuteman III ICBMs and eight Trident SLBMs (each Trident carries four nuclear warheads in its nose cone), for a total of eighty – two nuclear warheads at eighty – two targets on the northern half of the Korean peninsula. This mother lode of force is but a fraction of what the original SIOP for nuclear war called for in its opening salvo against Moscow. Here, in this scenario, the eighty – two nuclear warheads about to be launched all but guarantee the deaths of millions of people, or maybe even tens of millions of people, on the Korean peninsula alone.
* An ICBM can be launched — meaning the time it takes from the moment a launch order is received, to the weapon’s physical launch — faster than any other weapon system in the arsenal, including those on submarines. “They weren’t called Minutemen for nothing,” wrote former ICBM launch officer Bruce Blair. “The process of arming and targeting and firing the missiles [happens] in a grand total of 60 seconds.”
* “Northern Virginia has well over 60 percent of the world’s data centers.”
* Thousands of commercial airplanes using fly – by – wire technology systems lose wing and tail controls, lose cabin pressure and landing gear, lose instrument landing systems as they head violently toward the ground. One class of passenger aircraft is mercifully spared, namely the older model 747s, used by the Defense Department for its Doomsday Planes. “747 pilots still use a foot pedal and a yoke, mechanically linked to the control surfaces,” Yago tells us. “There’s no fly – by – wire technology there.”
The critical infrastructure systems on the ground fail in succession. Without SCADA systems controlling the more than 2.6 million miles of pipeline through which America’s oil and gas products flow, millions of valves rupture and explode. Combustion sensors on coal – fired boiler systems suffer the wrong mix of air and fuel, causing them to ignite and blow. With the motorized valves on America’s water – delivery systems no longer under anyone’s control, billions of gallons of water passing through America’s aqueducts surge uncontrollably. Dams burst. Mass flooding begins sweeping infrastructure and people away.
There will be no more fresh water. No more toilets to flush. No sanitation. No streetlights, no tunnel lights, no lights at all, only candles, until there are none left to burn. No gas pumps, no fuel. No ATMs. No cash withdrawals. No access to money. No cell phones. No landlines. No calling 911. No calls at all. No emergency communication systems except some high – frequency (HF) radios. No ambulance services. No hospital equipment that works. Sewage spills out everywhere. It takes less than fifteen minutes for disease – carrying insects to swarm. To feed on piles of human waste, on garbage, on the dead.
America’s complex system of systems comes to a sudden, apocalyptic halt. In the ensuing fear and mayhem, people revert to their most basic, mammalian instincts. To using their five senses, their hands, and their feet. People everywhere sense imminent danger all around. They sense that whatever just happened is the beginning of the savagery, not the end.
People abandon their vehicles and begin to flee on foot. They exit buildings, run down stairs, and outdoors. People in subway trains and on buses, in halted elevator cars, work to pry open emergency exits and doors. They crawl, walk, and run for their lives.* As this final blitzkrieg of SLBM warheads strikes and destroys their targets, all that remains of America’s Nuclear Command and Control are its Doomsday Planes in the air and its Trident submarines at sea.
* “The density of soot would reduce global temperatures by roughly 27 degrees Fahrenheit,” climatologist Alan Robock explains. “In America, it would be more like a drop of 40 degrees Fahrenheit, slightly less near the oceans.”
The Earth plunges into a new horror called nuclear winter.