Stimulus & Inflation

If Donald J. Trump had signed on for a second Covid stimulus package in the summer of 2020, he would have been re-elected. Joe Biden signed on to massive Covid stimulus, won the 2020 election, and set off massive inflation.

Sometimes doing the right thing results in a massive personal loss and sometimes doing the wrong thing results in a massive personal gain.

Successful pundits feed an audience what it wants to hear, even if it is bad for them.

In 2008, Dan Shelley, former news director and assistant program director at Milwaukee’s WTM radio, wrote for Milwaukee Magazine:

…talk show hosts…are popular and powerful because they appeal to a segment of the population that feels disenfranchised and even victimized by the media. These people believe the media are predominantly staffed by and consistently reflect the views of social liberals. This view is by now so long-held and deep-rooted, it has evolved into part of virtually every conservative’s DNA.

To succeed, a talk show host must perpetuate the notion that his or her listeners are victims, and the host is the vehicle by which they can become empowered. The host frames virtually every issue in us-versus-them terms. There has to be a bad guy against whom the host will emphatically defend those loyal listeners.

The enemy can be a politician — either a Democratic officeholder or, in rare cases where no Democrat is convenient to blame, it can be a “RINO” (a “Republican In Name Only,” who is deemed not conservative enough. It can be the cold cruel government bureaucracy. More often than not, however, the enemy is the “mainstream media…”

In the talk radio business, this concept, which must be mastered to be successful, is called “differentiating” yourself from the rest of the media. It is a brilliant marketing tactic that has also helped Fox News Channel thrive. “We report, you decide” and “Fair and Balanced” are more than just savvy slogans. They are code words signaling that only Fox will report the news in a way conservatives see as objective and truthful.
Forget any notion, however, that radio talk shows are supposed to be fair, evenhanded discussions featuring a diversity of opinions. The Fairness Doctrine, which required this, was repealed 20 years ago. So talk shows can be, and are, all about the host’s opinions, analyses and general worldview. Programmers learned long ago that benign conversations led by hosts who present all sides of an issue don’t attract large audiences.

One entire group that rarely gets on the air are the elderly callers – unless they have something extraordinary to say. Sadly, that doesn’t happen often. The theory is that old-sounding callers help produce old-skewing audiences. The target demo is 25 to 54, not 65 and older…
Talk show fans are not stupid. They will detect an obvious phony. The best hosts sincerely believe everything they say. Their passion is real. Their arguments have been carefully crafted in a manner they know will be meaningful to the audience, and that validates the views these folks were already thinking.

A smart talk show host will, from time to time, disagree publicly with a Republican president, the Republican Party, or some conservative doctrine. (President Bush’s disastrous choice of Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court was one such example.) But these disagreements are strategically chosen to prove the host is an independent thinker, without appreciably harming the president or party. This is not to suggest that hosts don’t genuinely disagree with the conservative line at times. They do, more often than you might think. But they usually keep it to themselves.

If you lack compelling arguments in favor of your candidate or point of view, attack the other side. These attacks often rely on two key rhetorical devices, which I call You Know What Would Happen If and The Preemptive Strike.

Using the first strategy, a host will describe something a liberal has said or done that conservatives disagree with, but for which the liberal has not been widely criticized, and then say, “You know what would happen if a conservative had said (or done) that? He (or she) would have been filleted by the ‘liberal media.’ ” This is particularly effective because it’s a two-fer, simultaneously reinforcing the notion that conservatives are victims and that “liberals” are the enemy.

The second strategy, The Preemptive Strike, is used when a host knows that news reflecting poorly on conservative dogma is about to break or become more widespread. When news of the alleged massacre at Haditha first trickled out in the summer of 2006, not even Iraq War chest-thumper Charlie Sykes would defend the U.S. Marines accused of killing innocent civilians in the Iraqi village. So he spent lots of air time criticizing how the “mainstream media” was sure to sensationalize the story in the coming weeks. Charlie would kill the messengers before any message had even been delivered.

Good talk show hosts can get their listeners so lathered up that they truly can change public policy. They can inspire like-minded folks to flood the phone lines and e-mail inboxes of aldermen, county supervisors, legislators and federal lawmakers. They can inspire their followers to vote for candidates the hosts prefer. How? By pounding away on an issue or candidate, hour after hour, day after day. Hosts will extol the virtues of the favored candidate or, more likely, exploit whatever Achilles heel the other candidate might have. Influencing elections is more likely to occur at the local rather than national level, but that still gives talk radio power.

By the way, here’s a way to prognosticate elections just by listening to talk shows: Except in presidential elections, when they will always carry water for the Republican nominee, conservative hosts won’t hurt their credibility by backing candidates they think can’t win. So if they’re uncharacteristically tepid, or even silent, about a particular race, that means the Democrat has a good chance of winning. Nor will hosts spend their credibility on an issue where they know they disagree with listeners.

…This brings us to perhaps the most ironic thing about most talk show hosts. Though they may savage politicians and others they oppose, they fear criticism or critiques of any kind. They can dish it out, but they can’t take it.

…But the key reason talk radio succeeds is because its hosts can exploit the fears and perceived victimization of a large swath of conservative-leaning listeners. And they feel victimized because many liberals and moderates have ignored or trivialized their concerns and have stereotyped these Americans as uncaring curmudgeons.

Because of that, there will always be listeners who believe that [they]are the only members of the media who truly care about them.

Political scientist James Joyner wrote Feb. 21, 2021 about talk radio:

“[Rush] Limbaugh’s schtick ultimately transformed the conservative movement in destructive ways because it showed how lucrative playing to the predudices of an aggrieved base can be… …[A] business model that depends on keeping people riled up and feeding their belief system will inevitably become mean-spirited and dishonest. Discussions of nuanced differences of emphasis—which is where politics in a democracy should naturally gravitate—aren’t enough to get millions to tune in for three hours a day, every day. No, the opposition must be monsters out to destroy all that the Good People hold dear.”

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Greg Giraldo – A Comedian’s Story

Here are some excerpts from this 2019 book:

* “Every day there’s a story in the paper about how shitty our schools are,” Greg Giraldo tells the crowd. Although he has performed this bit hundreds of times, his delivery comes off as instinctive and unrehearsed. With his right hand gripping the microphone, he pauses for a beat, and continues.

“I read a book—it was filled with letters that soldiers during the Civil War had written to their girlfriends back home. These guys were kids—they were 14-, 15-year-old kids. Most of these guys had never even been to school. But every single letter in the book was incredible.”

The onlookers go quiet for a moment as Greg alters his voice to mimic an exaggerated 19th-century Southern accent.

“My dearest Hannah. This morn finds me wracked by the fiery pangs of your absence.”

Laughter builds and quickly spreads throughout the Comedy Works audience. Before letting the chuckles subside, Greg continues: “I’ll bear your cherished memory with me as I battle the forces of tyranny and oppression.”

Speaking in his natural, slightly raspy New York tone, Greg says: “Now think about what the typical letter from your average modern-day soldier to his girlfriend back home in like New Jersey’s gotta read like.”

Adopting a New Jersey accent, Greg continues: “Dear Marie. It is hot as fuck out here.”

Applause mixes with laughs, and he resumes: “It is hard to fight these sand monkeys wit’ your balls stuck to your legs. It is very, very hot out here because I am in the dessert.”

Acknowledging the intentional mispronunciation of desert, the fans reward Greg with an extended applause break. Back in character, Greg punctuates the joke: “What else did I want to axe you? Oh yeah, don’t fuck nobody till I get back.”

* Gregory Carlos Giraldo was born on December 10, 1965, in the Queens borough of New York City. He grew up in a close-knit, Roman Catholic home with his two younger siblings—a brother, John, and a sister, Elizabeth—and their parents. Greg’s mother, Dolores, lived in Spain before emigrating to the United States. Alfonso, Greg’s father, was born in Colombia and worked as a fuel-purchasing manager at Pan Am Airlines.

Greg’s parents spoke only Spanish at home, and most of their family friends conversed in it as well. Greg heard English on television and on the playgrounds and streets of Jackson Heights, Queens, but nowhere else until he entered school. The dual linguistic heritage was a boon in practical terms, as Greg became totally at ease in both languages and gained knowledge of two foreign cultures—not to mention the American one that he was born into.

* Greg graduated from Columbia in 1987, and as he put it, felt “dragged along by fate” to enter Harvard Law School. Law school was a default choice rather than a lifelong passion for Greg. Some of his Columbia friends teased him about his academic choice. “How come everyone’s acting like I sold out?” he asked. Downplaying his acceptance, Greg told his friends that Harvard needed another Hispanic. Greg entered Harvard a year before another famous alumnus, Barack Obama, who had allegedly scored five to 10 percentage points lower on the LSAT than Greg had.

* His Ivy League education didn’t focus on vocational preparation. Instead, it emphasized philosophy, rhetoric, and debate—subjects Greg would later put to good use.

* After graduating from Harvard, Greg started working in September 1990 at the same international law firm where he had worked during the previous summer—Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, one of the most prestigious firms in New York. To many in the legal field, a Skadden pedigree carried more cachet than even a Harvard law degree.

Skadden gained prominence in the 1980s when the firm was at the epicenter of a fervent mergers and acquisitions market. The real estate and Wall Street booms helped Skadden generate record revenues. In 1985, it ranked as one of the country’s top three largest law firms. Skadden lured young attorneys with its prestige and pay. Skadden practically built a pipeline from Harvard Law School. By the time Greg joined the firm, it had a sterling reputation, but money didn’t roll in as fast as it had in the ’80s heyday.

Greg’s summer internships were an unrealistic prelude to the treacherous and cloistered career he had now embarked on. Life at big law firms in the ’90s was a grind, not a job where Greg could phone it in. All-nighters were common. Those who worked more than 100 hours a week were praised by other lawyers in the hallways. Brainpower pervaded. Greg could use his entire vocabulary without appearing pompous.

Power partners, mostly overweight men, catered to executive clients of a similar ilk. Large bottles of Tylenol were displayed on mahogany desks like status symbols of the migraines the work caused. Other stronger and more addictive vices were hidden from sight. The chain of command was almost militaristic.

* However, pro bono projects were included too. Greg teamed up with Klein on one such task. It had nothing to do with defending the disenfranchised or fighting injustice. A privileged woman, who was friendly with a Skadden partner, wanted help setting up a nonprofit related to her dance studio.

How the hell did we get this? Greg thought.

The two office neighbors gave minimal attention to what they considered a waste-of-time undertaking. The high-society lady was so unimpressed with their work that she fired them. Greg was let go by a client who paid nothing. Experiences like these helped sharpen Greg’s ability to see multiple sides of an issue. We’re helping one bullshit corporation get the best of another bullshit corporation, he thought. He understood the good and bad in most sides.

* both disliked the notion that lawyers were easily substituted for one another, viewed as fungible assets.

* Greg was ill-suited for a career as a lawyer. In law school, he got by on his book smarts, but practicing law required keen attention to detail and relentless focus on organization—skills Greg lacked. And he knew it. Greg explained, “If you spend five minutes with me or watch me try to balance my checkbook, you can only imagine the disaster I would make of anyone’s legal issues.” Greg would occasionally show up for assignments with the wrong client’s files. One of his closest friends called Greg the most disorganized person he had ever met.

Real estate law was particularly inappropriate for him. Greg loathed poring through mountains of documents to analyze financial statements, lease agreements, title rights, and other deal minutiae. At Skadden, he would have to take orders from real estate partners before he could do any substantive legal work.

The desk work and the sterile office environment took a toll on Greg’s psyche. Law firm drudgery ate at him. Reviewing documents and dealing with law firm politics nearly broke him.

* “Most people who find out I’m Hispanic, they react the same way: “Like, wow, man, you don’t seem Hispanic.” They say it like it’s an enormous compliment.”

* Greg characterized “Spanish it up” as “a million examples of just fucking horrific retardation.” He mentioned that certain plot lines played off the worst kind of stereotypes. He shared an example of one involving a pregnancy scare with his girlfriend. “I guess they thought that she could be all stiff-upper-lippy and WASPy about it,” said Greg. “And I would be all proud Latino, like, ‘I banged that bitch and I knocked her up!’”

In a People magazine interview, Greg talked about the challenges of representing a culture. “Because I grew up in an Irish neighborhood, I never really identified myself with my ethnicity,” said Greg, who didn’t want to be viewed as “the torchbearer for all things Hispanic” just because he was on TV.

* Greg wanted to replicate the type of stable home life that his parents gave him, but he faced personal issues that made it more difficult to achieve. He couldn’t escape his feelings of inadequacy. Perhaps it emanated from some type of depression, but Greg’s mental distress impacted his family. It also caused him to seek remedies to treat his angst. Alcohol gave him a temporary reprieve.

* Greg and MaryAnn entered couples therapy—this helped Greg come to terms with his addiction and see that it was a diagnosed illness. But there were major challenges to overcome. During a session, the therapist told them that there was no point in going to therapy until Greg treated his own condition.

“You can’t go to therapy if you’re an active addict,” the therapist told Greg. “You’re not even going to remember anything that we’re saying.”

This message hit home for Greg, who felt incredibly guilty about what his family had to endure. It gave MaryAnn comfort, knowing that he had heard it from a licensed professional. Greg worked to improve his health, but he struggled. MaryAnn, who had witnessed her own father’s bouts with alcoholism, wanted desperately to help Greg. But she knew it was his battle to fight. She saw signs that were less obvious to others. She noticed that sometimes Greg’s hands would shake, a symptom of alcohol withdrawal.

As Greg’s drinking issues worsened, MaryAnn stepped up and worked feverishly to help maintain the relationship between her three sons and their father. The situation was serious. The family spent tens of thousands of dollars to send Greg to rehab. MaryAnn, however, thought about much more than just money. “All I want is for the kids to be able to spend time with him,” she said. “Because I don’t expect him to live.”

* [Jay] Dixit wanted to interview a successful comedian. By 2009, Greg had been doing comedy professionally for almost 20 years. Audiences loved him and comedians respected him. From Dixit’s perspective, Greg was the perfect counterpoint to failure. He connected with Greg. What transpired shocked him.

In his interview for Psychology Today in May of that year, Greg revealed that the outward success was not something he felt or saw in himself.

“I’m constantly tortured by a sense of failure,” Greg told Dixit. “I feel like quitting all the time.”

Dixit was surprised not only by Greg’s perception of himself, but by the open, honest, and thoughtful way in which he spoke. In Dixit’s long experience as a journalist, this was rare.

Several times, Greg referred to himself as a “fuckup” and criticized his perceived lack of resiliency. “I’m not a ‘get knocked down and just pull myself back up by my bootstraps and come back harder’ kind of guy,” he said. He admitted to “this constant feeling of not having achieved enough . . . the sense that I suck constantly . . . frustrated with myself and my limitations.”

Greg was not perfect, of course, and some of his harsh self-assessments were accurate. “I’m constantly tormented by the fact that if I could get organized enough to just sit down and write, I would be 50 times further than I am today, creatively,” he said. During his time preparing for Tough Crowd, Greg excelled under the constraints of deadlines and deliverables, but in the less structured environment of a comedy tour, his creative output flagged. He also received regular requests from film executives asking him for movie ideas, but after coming up with some concepts, Greg said, “I get all fucking ADD and the opportunity slips away.”

Apart from the ability to be a disciplined writer, though, Greg had many skills and accomplishments. Comedy clubs wanted him to headline. His peers admired his artistry. Television producers paid to work with him. Still, he criticized himself for falling short of his potential. High achievers such as Greg often hold themselves to unrealistic standards. In one sense, it helps them, it drives them, it pushes them past plateaus. But expectations can get so elevated that they create a constant sense of failure. Greg looked for examples of himself as a failure, and of course he found them. The cycle continued.

“It’s confirmation bias,” Dixit explained. “If you think you’re a fuckup, you’re going to find reasons to justify your belief.”

Greg’s issues with self-confidence became so severe that he wondered if he even deserved to be a comedian. “That was such an insane thing for a guy like that,” said Colin Quinn. “A lot of young comedians looked up to him the most by far as the guy they loved.” Greg worried about the effect of being perceived as unsuccessful, a “loser” whose projects never “take off.” He didn’t care about the lambasting he often got at the comedy roasts—he famously dished it out too—but he did worry that some people might conclude that the jibes about him were actually real.

“It’s not so much the jokes, I just worry that it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy,” Greg said. “Like, great, I’m Greg—the guy that kills fucking pilots. It maybe gets to me on that level. There’s maybe this little part of me that thinks, Fuck, maybe they’re right. I haven’t really accomplished anything they can make fun of.”

In conversations with friends, Greg discussed suffering from the impostor syndrome—an internal experience of intellectual phoniness that researchers say “interferes with the psychological well-being of a person.” The consequences are very real, and those impacted confront fear, stress, self-doubt, and feel uncomfortable with their achievements. The results can be debilitating, and the more success the person has, the more they focus on how much they are below their ideal, “strengthening the feeling of being a fraud or an impostor.”

* Greg became a staunch admirer of comedian Doug Stanhope. He respected how Stanhope always said exactly whatever he wanted to.

* Greg was not afraid to take risks on stage and he didn’t always play it safe with his material. This helped Greg stand out comedically, but the risky material sometimes clashed with his natural empathy. He could be overly sensitive to those who felt alienated or offended by his edgier humor. Many comedians are able to separate the two aspects of their person more categorically. Patrice O’Neal, who famously sparred with him, was one of those. O’Neal could cut hard at any topic or even an audience member, and he always laughed it off and just moved on. It doesn’t mean that he was heartless. He was just more able than Greg was to make the separation between what he was performing on stage and how it might affect the person he was talking about.

As an example, Greg and Schrank made a series of online videos, with one involving Greg interviewing a supplier of communion wafers used for the Eucharist in Catholic church services. Greg asked if the wafers came in different flavors, such as jalapeño for Latinos. This bit caused someone from his high school to send him an angry email. Greg took the criticism to heart. He worried that he had offended the entire Regis High community.

* In an infamous exchange between Greg and Denis Leary on the show, Leary himself remarked about Greg’s preparation. The incident occurred on May 7, 2003. Greg and Leary joined Lenny Clarke and Sue Costello on the Tough Crowd panel. Quinn steered the conversation to North Korea. Rumors had circulated that the country was developing nuclear weapons and pointing them toward the United States.

The comedians threw around suggestions on how to mitigate Kim Jong-il’s destructive tendencies while cracking jokes about his drinking habits and diminutive stature.

“Do you know how short you have to be to have a Napoleon complex in North Korea?” joked Greg about the five-foot-three dictator.

Moments later, Leary more sternly endorsed an American military action against the communist nation. Greg commented that “maybe there’s a nonviolent way to solve the whole North Korea thing.” Leary interrupted and mocked Greg’s point by proclaiming, “There’s a nonviolent way to solve a problem with the country that we hate, that hates us, that’s got weapons pointed at us? I don’t think so.”

Without hesitation, Greg replied: “No, you’re right, like Russia, for example, that big Russian war.”

The audience went silent—processing the sharp comeback—then laughter broke out in the crowd. Meanwhile, Leary looked at Greg stone-faced, pointing his left index finger in Greg’s direction.

Moving on with his planned material, Greg proposed that the two nations could temper their grievances by offering economic concessions: “I heard they’ll agree to stop building nukes if American women agree to get their nails done at least twice a week.”

Leary—displaying no reaction to the manicure joke—accused Greg of over-preparing. “This guy writes so many jokes before the show it’s not even funny,” said Leary. ”Unbelievable. He’s got, he’s got a pocket full of them.”

“That’s kind of what we do here, Denis, a little comedy writing,” said Greg. This line caused the fatherly Clarke to shout, “I’m not coming back.”

Leary countered: “You’re the guy in school who did all the homework and then asked if there was any more that needed to be done.” To which Greg snapped: “And if you had tried a little comedy writing, maybe your show would still be on the air.”

The atmosphere flipped from comedic to combative. With the two alpha males engaged in trash talk, Quinn set one foot on the coffee table that separated Greg and Leary, to play peacemaker. Quinn then said that the segment was over and alluded to a possible scuffle that might take place on the set. Before the lights faded out Quinn said, “This is as ugly as it’s gotten, and it definitely gets ugly on this show.”

This exchange between Greg and Leary has gone down as an epic moment in the annals of comedy lore. Comedian Steve Hofstetter called it “one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen.” Maron said, “There’s no better moment of television that I can imagine.”

Once the episode returned from commercial break, no ugliness or tension lingered. The comedians appeared undisturbed and joked almost dispassionately about fraternity hazing.

“Fraternities are great,” said Greg, referencing his college days. “If you get drunk and pass out, there’s always someone to pee on you.”

So why were things so calm? Details behind how the altercation went down add to its mystique. The portion of the show involving North Korea was a replacement segment and not part of the original taping. Quinn considered the first version too “boring” and requested a reshoot. The exchange between Greg and Leary was taped last but aired early in the show. So the reordering gave the appearance that nothing had carried over from the fight between Greg and Leary.

* As for Leary, he was more objective about the incident. “It was a great moment, where I really looked like a douchebag,” he said in an interview almost eight years after his appearance on Tough Crowd. “And I felt bad. In Greg’s defense, he actually—he was very prepared for almost anything that could have happened.” Quinn granted Leary the opportunity not to air the segment. Leary, however, insisted that it stay in, telling Quinn: “That was good TV.”

* Greg: “Of course blacks watch more TV: there’s not a hell of a lot to do in jail.”

* Greg responded: “The people that are in the media that review shows are a certain kind of upper-class, elitist type of person. They have a certain view of comedy. This show was more in-your-face, very blue-collar, down-to-earth, honest, not ironically distant, and they didn’t know what to make of it.”

* [Nick] Di Paolo: “Last night I was at The Stand, a club in New York, a little tiny club in there, smaller than the friggin’ Comedy Cellar. There’s two black gentlemen up front probably older than me. They had suit jackets on. They fucking loved me. I made a couple cracks about the riots in Baltimore. The rest of the room was fucking Johnny White NYU students. They’re getting all nervous and clamming up. The two black guys are howling. I’m talking to them. I said, “Look around,” to the black guys. I said, “Look at all the white kids afraid I’m going to hurt your feelings.””

* Jim Gaffigan also commented on the amount of rejection in show business and characterized the effect it can have on a performer as a “tax” quite unlike anything experienced by anyone in a regular profession, such as being a lawyer, where objective hard work and long hours will eventually get you the success, the money, and the partnership that you strive for. “In the entertainment industry,” Gaffigan said, “the rejection, the television show that didn’t work, the second television show that didn’t work, the five or six Comedy Central shows that didn’t work—there’s a tax to that.”

There was an extra shock in this for Greg because he had a pattern of success since childhood. He was successful in grade school and college and even in law school. That changed when he was in his late 20s and trying to break into the comedy business. The failures were difficult to stomach. “He was a great comedian,” said Gaffigan. “But his track record would have told him that he might not be a great comedian.”

* Dr. Ildiko Tabori, the in-house psychologist that Masada hired, has a unique perspective on the range of issues that impact comedians. She is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in matters of the brain and behavior.

According to Dr. Tabori, addiction is not an independent affliction, unrelated to the rest of a person’s life. It is a coping mechanism. Happy people don’t abuse drugs. “If things are going great in your life, you’re not going to be smoking crack,” said Dr. Tabori. “Substance abuse does not exist in a vacuum.”

Dr. Tabori followed Greg’s career, and she noticed that the subject matter of his material seemed to reflect his mental state. “You can see him starting in a really great, positive place and being really successful,” she said, “and then things went awry. I don’t know what was necessarily going on in his personal life but you can see it in his comedy where he started to get really, really angry on stage, and it was dramatic, the difference.”

She surmised that most of Greg’s mental struggles didn’t start with drug use. “He was doing drugs because he was sad and depressed,” said Dr. Tabori.

She also speculated that a desire to perform often has more to do with low self-esteem than confidence. Some comedians view the stage as the only place where they can get attention. “And if they’re not center stage, they’re not comfortable and they start feeling those self-doubts,” said Dr. Tabori. “Somebody who is feeling secure doesn’t always need to be the center of attention.”

When it came to addressing the causes of his angst, Greg thought initially that alcohol and drugs helped him cope. He said: “I’m actually fixing my problem. I’m treating my illness.” Then he quickly learned that this approach didn’t work. “And then you try to stop, and not drink or anything, and all of a sudden that illness is still there with no medicine,” Greg said. “It gets fucking worse and worse and worse—until you address what’s wrong with you, then you’re going to keep picking up and going back down that path.”

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Frame Game Radio From 2018

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Florida vs New Orleans

Florida seems much more independent than helpless New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. I don’t see Floridians looting and murdering as much or sitting around crying for rescue. Are there many snipers in FL shooting people for sport? Do Floridian rescuers fear crims shooting them? Is there widespread rape in Florida now?

New Orleans residents after Katrina seemed like the most pathetic Americans I’ve seen on the tele.

We’re all going to be helpless at times, but whenever I encounter someone who asks me to do something they can do for themselves, that person drops so far in my esteem that we’ll never be friends. I’ve never known such a person to snap out of it.

I’m looking at the devastation in Central Florida and remembering all the women I loved there in 1993-1994. I was no angel. I was just looking for love. I pray they are safe. I pray they are blessed. I pray they have moved on. I pray they are still not still pining for me. I pray that whatever it was they were looking for in me they’ve found instead in God.

In January 1994, I had fallen out with both my ex-girlfriend and my girlfriend, and so I walked around Flagler College in Saint Augustine seeking to feel good and I saw this lovely blonde woman walking towards me and I started up a conversation and we soon delved into our shared transcendent values and things led on from there in a largely chaste manner. I was just coming out of six years bedridden with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I was on Nardil and feeling about two-thirds of normal strength. I was a stranger in a strange land after having moved to Orlando in August of 1993 for a love that quickly flamed out. I had to move and for six months relied upon the kindness of strangers until departing to Los Angeles in March of 1994 and burying myself in the heart of Orthodox Judaism. I was a tad compulsive during those years, but heck, as our president reminds us, love is love. Whatever my faults in Central Florida, I didn’t devastate as many people as Hurricane Ian.

I came. I loved. I conquered. I was conquered. I moved on.

Don’t judge me bro until you’ve worn my soiled things.

I was last in Florida in October of 2005 when I met photographer Holly Randall at the Tampa Show.

I still have the t-shirt she’s wearing here. I only put it on for special occasions.

I met Heather Pink and her boyfriend Andrew Parker in Tampa Bay between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur of 2005.

We were at the “Tampa Show”, an informal gathering of Shakespeare scholars.

I wrote then:

She’s a nice Jewish girl (the youngest of five children) who went to Brandeis University before transferring to the University of Miami where she graduated with degrees in journalism and political science.

Heather grew up in New York (she now lives in Manhattan), attending at times a Reform synagogue with her family. At age 12, she had a bat mitzvah. “My brother had a better one.”

She says she’s been reading me since 1998.

“I wish I would’ve stayed at Brandeis. I would’ve turned out a lot better. I had the grades. I was intelligent in that way. But I was very immature at 19 and I wanted to go to Florida.”

Heather Pink says her mother describes Canadians as “sophisticated Mexicans.”

Luke: “I imagine this has all taken some toll on your health.”

Heather: “My health is not good. It’s becoming obvious to other people. I’ve spent this year in the hospital. These people weren’t loyal to me when I was in that.”

Luke: “Have there been people in your life who pleasantly surprised you during these difficult times?”

Heather: “No. They stick around for a while and then leave.”

Luke: “Have you been reading anything good?”

Heather: “I haven’t been able to eat much. My stomach’s been bad. I haven’t been able to eat. I’ve lost a lot of weight, which is why I’ve been in the hospital.”

“At the beginning of this year, I was in hospital but I still had friends. I had somebody in my life who was there and basically they betrayed me. They turned on me.”

“The unsung hero of the film Jiggly Queens 3 returns in this action-packed indie flick as a shirtless BDSM proponent!”

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The Ideology of Democratism

Emily B. Finley writes in this 2022 book:

* democratism is a hypothetical or ideal conception of democracy that is only tenuously connected to the actual, historical desires of real popular majorities.

* Democratism can perhaps best be summed up as the belief that democracy is real or genuine only to the degree that it reflects an idealized conception of the popular will. The president of Freedom House was oriented by this democratist conception of democracy when he declared popular majorities a “threat” to democracy.

* The original idea for this book was sparked by an observation that the vast majority of democratic scholarship in recent decades is oriented by a shared normative assumption about democracy, namely the belief that real democracies are more or less legitimate as they conform to an ideal of democracy. This assumption is rarely spelled out, but it underlies almost all normative questions about democracy in political science and public discussion. Furthermore, because a democratic ideal is held to be normative, it is assumed that all countries of the globe must be striving toward it, even if it is not apparent that they are doing so. The assumption is that in undemocratic countries most of the people, if they were able to think rationally and clearly about their interests, would choose something like Western-style democracy, and specifically “democracy” as the elite representatives of this ideology conceive of it.

* This book argues that the modern Western world is enchanted with an imaginative vision of democracy that at times is almost indistinguishable from religious belief. And like religious belief, it has its apostles, who define the democratic orthodoxy, and also its heretics, who must be managed and censored.

* It is routine to hear about this or that policy or action being urgently needed in order to “save democracy,” for example. Yet increasingly, it seems, democracy must be rescued from itself. It must be saved even from popular majorities. The term “populist,” paradoxically, is now often used to indicate those who allegedly wish to destroy democracy. “Populists” are often derided as “authoritarians” or “fascists.” The democratist ideology has created the framework for this otherwise perplexing phenomenon, equating populism with what would seem to be its opposite: authoritarianism.

* Democratism’s belief that the people are generally good leads to the idea that the people must only be awakened through some form of enlightenment to their true and rational interests. Then, it is assumed, they will elect leaders representing the policies that correspond with those interests. It is always assumed that the people’s best interests align with those valued by democratism. Politics is a matter of correct reasoning and judgment rather than a moral-ethical challenge, as it was for classical republicans.

* democratism tends to hold with Rousseau that man’s destructive passions “have alien causes,” and once those external sources of evil (bad institutions and traditions) are eliminated, a harmonious equilibrium can be restored. Peace and amity are the norm, disrupted by corrupt institutions and bad actors.

* Because democratism assumes that the people are inherently good, it must account for the perpetual deviations from the state of freedom and equality that it claims should be the norm. So public officials, institutions, and other sinister forces are blamed.

* Democratists identified in this book, such as Woodrow Wilson, Jacques Maritain, and George W. Bush, adopt the Christian language of good and evil, light and darkness, and the providence of God to describe what they interpret as a world-historic battle for democracy. But the democratic philosophy of history need not take on overtly religious or millenarian language to describe what is essentially the same belief. Rousseau’s confidence in the existence of a General Will, Jefferson’s faith in the people, and John Rawls’s belief that through a “veil of ignorance” people will almost invariably arrive at some form of liberal democracy as politically normative, all evince an underlying faith in democracy as historically inevitable given the right conditions—which democratism proposes to facilitate. The language of “waves” of democracy and democratic “backsliding” indicate that for many, democracy is the norm and other political and social forms are outmoded, awaiting evolution. In ways more or less subtle, much of modern democratic theory rests on this philosophy of history.

* Among democratism’s foreign policy consequences is a tendency toward expansion and democratic imperialism. This comes into special focus in the chapters on Jefferson, Wilson, and war democratism. Oriented by the twin beliefs that politics can be ordered according to reason and that we are approaching the dawn of a new global democratic age, many democratists have called for the liberation of oppressed peoples in distant lands.

* These so-called democrats are reluctant to admit openly that they do not wish to translate the popular will into legislation and instead hope to find ways for their own beliefs to become instituted.

* Democratism does not conform to a single set of rules. Sometimes it manifests as a foreign policy of idealism abroad and sometimes it is more subtle. Deliberative democracy is one example of a powerful yet understated expression of democratism. Deliberative democracy has been described as an “ideal in which people come together, on the basis of equal status and mutual respect,” to discuss and decide political issues. 1 It would seem to be a much-needed democratic corrective to democratism’s typical reliance on an enlightened leadership class to “represent” the people. This approach to democracy, however, tends to incline toward the same paradoxical embrace of “the people’s” will as democratism, and it overlaps considerably with Rousseau’s philosophy of democracy. 2 Indeed, many deliberative democracy theorists self-consciously draw on Rousseau’s political ideals. 3 The editors of the recent Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy (2018) bemoan the global ascendancy of “post-truth” politics and the rise of populist leaders. These deliberative democrats and others assume that if the people were better educated and more informed, they would naturally reject the populist leaders whom they had once supported. The corrective for this failure of democracy, according to deliberative democracy, is deliberation “to help the citizens to understand better the issues, their own interests, and the interests and perceptions of others.” Where agreement is not possible, the deliberative democracy framework is supposed to help “structure and clarify the questions behind the conflict” before the issues are finally put to a vote.

* The news media often announce the need for “national conversations” about the controversies or incidents making headlines. In 2016, the anchor of World News Tonight , David Muir, moderated a “town hall” with President Barack Obama called “The President and the People: A National Conversation.” The Woodrow Wilson Center and National Public Radio coproduce “The National Conversation,” a “forum for deep dialogue and informed discussion . . . of the most significant problems facing the nation and the world.” 6 Lofty appeals to the need for a national conversation are so frequent and so abstract that they hardly mean anything, yet they testify to the core idea of deliberation that is at the heart of deliberative democracy, as if the nation’s “deliberating” would clarify issues and render political decisions more legitimate. This language and way of thinking reflects the same belief of deliberative democracy that public discourse ought to be normative, even central, in political decision-making. Unreflectively, many would likely agree with this notion. However, it must be asked how such deliberation would clarify issues. If a bunch of uninformed people get together in a forum, what is to say that their discussing issues will improve their thinking? Implicit in deliberative democracy’s assumption (as well as that of Muir and other hosts of “national conversations”) is that the discussion will be carefully moderated by enlightened experts of some sort.

* The belief that rational inquiry and dialogue can act as disinterested forces in the search for truth and justice is quintessential of Enlightenment thinking and informed its progressive philosophy of history. As citizens become more educated in scientific and rational principles, they will naturally discern what is right and moral. These ideas helped to give life to a new sensibility and ethic that held that morality is not a result of habit and struggle with self, as the older classical and Christian traditions held, but a function of right reasoning. Deliberative democracy follows this Enlightenment tradition, believing that the major obstacle to a thriving democracy is not moral-spiritual but rational and educational.
Deliberative democracy’s first principle is the belief that reason is autonomous and that, through it, we can arrive at shared conceptions of the good, regardless of our personal beliefs.

* Historical circumstance and personal experience, identity, and worldview are not only unnecessary in determining what is politically just but cloud that determination. The procedures and methods of proper deliberation are to guide citizens toward the type of thinking that deliberative democracy believes is “objectively reasonable.” That such thinking must be cultivated suggests that it is not as natural as deliberative democracy would initially have us believe.
Deliberative democracy’s belief that abstract reason ought to guide discussion places quite a burden on citizens. They must practice “conversational restraint,” listening to and engaging with other speakers on equal terms. A citizen is not permitted to “respond by appealing to (his understanding of) the moral truth; he must instead be prepared, in principle, to engage in a restrained dialogic effort to locate normative premises that both sides find reasonable,” Ackerman says. 39 Using one’s own experience or philosophical views as justifications for an argument is not acceptable. Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson expect “citizens and officials to espouse their moral positions independently of the circumstances in which they speak. This is consistency in speech and is a sign of political sincerity: it indicates that a person holds the position because it is a moral position, not for reasons of political advantage.” 40 While deliberative democracy poses this as an ideal, it might be argued that such an ideal is incompatible with human psychology.

* Democratism in general holds the view of deliberative democracy that reason is an impartial force capable of discerning general political truth. It contends that a majority of the people, when brought together, can give form to their general will.

* Deliberative democracy’s reliance on procedures at times amounts to the type of coercion it seeks to avoid in deliberation. To demand citizens suppress the expression of thoughts and ideas which arise from particular considerations does not encourage the “frank and free flow of ideas” that it purports to seek. 48 Is it fair to say that citizens whose moral positions derive from their particular circumstances are acting with a view to “political advantage”? It is not clear that citizens attempting to suppress “whatever moral principles they hold privately” in favor of the common good is possible or desirable. 49 Personal moral convictions may be as conducive to the common good as not; it is not possible to determine in the abstract. The demand that citizens act, or more importantly think in this way inclines dangerously toward a type of thought-policing that deliberative democracy would no doubt wish to avoid.
One of the major sources of tension within deliberative democracy and also a source of its kinship with democratism is its assumptions about human psychology and what ultimately motivates human beings. Prescribing rules to change the nature of civic debate does not, on its own, bring about the desired changes. Power to restrain must be exercised internally or externally on the part of citizens.

* Rawls’s modern, Enlightenment understanding of persons as free, equal, and rational itself constitutes a comprehensive doctrine about human nature, epistemology, and political society.

* Pre-Enlightenment understandings of freedom, equality, and rationality, following Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, and classical and Christian traditions, for example, hold that persons are not autonomous individuals, and, for good or ill, hierarchy and leadership are natural.

* Deliberative democracy’s abstract and procedural understanding of justice and democracy lend themselves to governance by bureaucracy, in which the particularities and experiences of individual persons and communities are unimportant, even hindrances to the system. Administered and overseen by experts, deliberative democracy is “democratic” in the sense that other democratist theories are. Hiding behind an apparent rationalism and objectivity and orienting it is a comprehensive and imaginative vision. Engaging in extensive and elaborate reasoning, deliberative democracy fundamentally reimagines political possibilities. It wishes for us to drain our consciousness of experiential reality and known cause and effect. Its use of logic confirms something that has already happened at an imaginative level. Rawls’s “veil of ignorance” relies primarily on the power of imagination. He does not try to demonstrate that humans are epistemically disposed to the type of abstract rationalizing to which he enjoins us. Whether or not we are capable of divorcing our identities and experiences from our beliefs about what is normative is not a question on which Rawls and other deliberative democrats dwell. They take for granted that not only are we capable of this, but also that it is the moral thing to do.

* According to deliberative democracy, politics is largely a matter of reprogramming the citizenry according to rational rules.

* Like other democratist theories, deliberative democracy requires us first to believe. Thompson has admitted as much: “The general conclusion of surveys of the empirical research so far is . . . mixed or inconclusive.”

* Favoring the ideal over the historical and empirical as a heuristic is one of the central features of democratism and animates many of its beliefs.

* The extent to which deliberative democracy itself relies on an unreal vision—“ideals”—to support its reasoning suggests that some other, imaginative capacity holds sway over our beliefs and ultimately worldview. Is it reasonable to envision a new way of conducting politics that has never happened before? If the imagination, perceptions, and emotional longing influence opinion-formation and, more important, action, then to what extent will citizens behave according to what is “rational” or “reasonable”? And to what extent will citizens agree and conform to deliberative democracy’s rules for deliberation? If, in general, citizens cannot be expected to follow deliberative democracy’s regulations, then should only the few, “true” democrats govern? Do those who defect from the deliberative democracy framework, as Patrick Deneen observes, “forfeit the right to be considered full-blown members of the democracy”?

* In a 2020 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, chief executive Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Jack Dorsey of Twitter defended their companies’ rights to “moderate” conversations on their social media platforms, citing the preservation of democracy as a reason. “We are required to help increase the health of the public conversation while at the same time ensuring that as many people as possible can participate,” Dorsey said. Zuckerberg stressed the importance of “the role internet platforms play in supporting democracy, keeping people safe and upholding fundamental values like free expression.” 104 Yet their “moderation” amounted to plain censorship of ideas. Their justifications for this censorship in the name of democracy mirror the type of logic that deliberative democracy uses to justify its “parameters” for discussion. Public conversation, proponents of such thinking believe, must be moderated in such a way that “extreme” or “misinformed” views are excluded. The assumption is that the “moderators” are rational and enlightened, and it is appropriate for them to be the arbiters of truth. Ordinary citizens, on the other hand, may need to be “deplatformed” or have their public postings removed, paradoxically, to protect “the health of our democracy.”

* Over the past twenty years, armed intervention in the name of democracy and humanitarian ideals has become second nature as a response to threats to freedom around the world. Guided by the belief that “the survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands,” U.S. foreign policy is not restrained by actual threats to national security or national interests. Considerations of territorial integrity, national sovereignty, and maintaining a balance of power—concrete goals which historically guided questions of foreign policy prior to the turn of the twentieth century—are second (or third) to grandiose aspirations such as “ending tyranny in our world.”

* The influence of Strauss specifically on many of the decision-makers in the Bush administration has been well-documented and is discussed in this chapter. But Rousseau’s influence can also be detected in Bush’s thought and actions insofar as he was inclined toward the same type of thinking about a general will toward democracy written on the heart, a disinclination to take seriously the effects of a society’s historical evolution on its present constitution, and the belief that, upon the ruin of the old society, a new egalitarian society can be legislated into existence. Bush need not have been familiar with the specific arguments or even general philosophy behind the strategy that he found himself pursuing, ad hoc or ill informed as it may have been.

* Donald Trump tried to buck the trend of foreign intervention and succeeded in bringing some troops home, as he had promised to do, but even Trump, who campaigned for a more restrained foreign policy, faced an uphill battle extricating America from its various entanglements around the globe, demonstrating the grip of “liberal hegemony” on the Washington foreign policy establishment. Joe Biden’s pullout from Afghanistan, fraught as it was, may signal a turn in U.S. foreign policy, at least for now, away from armed intervention in the name of democracy. But his vow to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack illustrates that the United States has not abandoned its commitment to “protect democracy” around the globe. Afghanistan may soon be replaced by other interventions that we will be told are crucial to making the world safe for democracy or saving a particular nation from “authoritarianism” or “tyranny.”

* [Leo] Strauss is a famous critic of modernity and the Enlightenment and, to a lesser extent, of Rousseau, but his political philosophy represents a fundamental ahistoricism and corresponding conception of abstract right that is fundamentally in keeping with Enlightenment modes of thought and also with Rousseau’s philosophy. It is perhaps not as paradoxical as it might seem that Strauss’s skepticism of democracy, even disdain for it, represents a quintessential tenet of democratism. Strauss contends that the proper ordering of politics depends on knowledge of the ahistorical truths of natural right. This itself presupposes a “legislator” or lawgiver figure who establishes a polis (as opposed to a historical understanding of the organic development of a polis). Existing customs and institutions that do not reflect universal truth are inherently unjust and illegitimate, according to the philosophy of natural right. Modernity is in crisis, Strauss argues, because it has turned away from the insights of classical thinkers like Plato, whose doctrine of the Forms exemplifies the notion of right by nature. According to Strauss, modernity’s descent into moral relativism and nihilism can be traced to the philosophy of historicism—the belief that human existence is historical—supplanting natural right. Not unlike Rousseau, Strauss claims to have the insight needed to restore what he takes to be the natural order.

* …Strauss’s philosophy is not compatible with democracy in the ordinary sense. His reading of the classics and his belief that the classical natural right doctrine “is identical with the doctrine of the best regime” assumes an inherent conflict between right and the popular will. 20 Although Strauss states that “the fundamentals of justice are, in principle, accessible to man as man,” he agrees with Plato and Rousseau that only a few possess the virtue necessary to prefer the general over the particular. The political philosopher, who is concerned with the question of “the best political order as such,” must act as “umpire” in all questions of political controversy…

* neoconservatives hold that the United States originated as a compact based on the universal principles of freedom and equality. 24 This reading of American history supports the belief that America is based on an “idea” and did not form organically and historically as did other nations. According to this narrative, America is unique and has a special role in the world. “Most nationalisms are rooted in blood and soil, in the culture and history of a particular territory. But in the case of the United States, the Declaration of Independence and the Revolution produced a different kind of nationalism, different from that of other nations,” Kagan asserts. 25 Americans freely came together in Philadelphia and rationally decided the course of their government. The Constitutional Convention was not, according to this interpretation, the result of historical process and the colonists’ attempt to recover their historical English rights from the tyrannical King George III. Rather, the American founders transcended their heritage and broke radically, even metaphysically with the past. The American represents a “new man.” 26 Quoting Hans Kohn’s 1957 essay, “American Nationalism,” Kagan contends that Americans escaped the “confines of historical-territorial limitation.” 27 Citing Jefferson and Paine, neoconservatives argue that the American founders were the first to assert their natural rights and to found a nation based on universal principles. In the words of Charles Krauthammer, America is “uniquely built not on blood, race or consanguinity, but on a proposition.”

* Rereading American history as a sort of rational social contract, such as Rousseau and Jefferson envisioned, neoconservatives imagine that the Constitutional Convention was a “moment” that gave birth to America. 32 This country is not the result of an organic and historical process, like other nations.

* This retelling of American history as a social contract has helped to inform the neoconservative logic of regime change. America is a testament, according to this interpretation, to the idea that a political order can be rationally decided upon and codified. Replacing or reeducating the ruling class with one versed in “universal principles” can bring a state closer to the democratic ideal, at home or abroad. Neoconservatism does not dwell on the historical and cultural conditions of a society because, it assumes, inherited practices are largely arbitrary and irrelevant to the new order. Consideration of a people’s ancestral practices, rooted in the “meaningless process” of history, in the words of Strauss, should not be a major factor in questions of politics. 33 Political order has its source in “nature” and “universal principles,” which are taken to be identical with the American regime.

* In 2017, at the end of the sixteenth year of the war in Afghanistan, McChrystal argues for “staying the course” and expanding the war in Pakistan. In a piece in Foreign Affairs , he and his co-author Kosh Sadat look to none other than the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin for guidance in Afghanistan: “In 1902, Vladimir Lenin published a now famous pamphlet titled What Is to Be Done? , in which he prescribed a strategy for what later became the Bolsheviks’ successful takeover of Russia’s 1917 revolution. Lenin argued that Russia’s working classes required the leadership of dedicated cadres before they would become sufficiently politicized to demand change in tsarist Russia.” 78 McChrystal and Sadat laud Lenin’s “clear-eyed assessment of reality” and conclude, “[T]he same is needed for Afghanistan now.”

* Removing the old elite by military force and consolidating military gains with cultural and institutional programs are, like its communist antecedent, at the heart of its program. War democratism is similarly premised on the belief that the military can provide a jump-start for democracy in countries under the rule of dictators. Clearing away the old and backward norms, neoconservatives and many other liberal internationalists assume, will open the way for the people’s natural desire for liberal democracy to come to fruition: “[T]he force of American ideals and the influence of the international economic system, both of which are upheld by American power and influence,” will inevitably erode the inherited ways of undemocratic nations. 81 Through regime change, America can accelerate the historical process of modernization and democratization (which are held to be synonymous). This should happen, according to Kristol and Kagan, across the globe, “in Baghdad and Belgrade, in Pyongyang and Beijing,” and “wherever tyrannical governments acquire the military power to threaten their neighbors, our allies and the United States itself.”

* In a 1999 paean to Senator John McCain, Brooks laments that Americans “no longer aggressively push hard-edged creeds” and would rather “enjoy their sport-utility vehicles, their Jewel CDs, and their organic lawn care products.” In other words, Americans prefer the business of ordinary living to the frenetic desire to remake the world that drives Washington elites such as Brooks. Brooks reveals the yawning chasm that separates elites such as himself from the rest of Americans, telling his readers, “If you drive around the country, looking into the cultural institutions of the middle class . . . you see a nation that is good-hearted and bourgeois” but “tranquil to a fault.” Brooks is of the opposite opinion of G. K. Chesterton, that “the most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children.” For Brooks, the life of most Americans may be quaint, but it is morally uninspiring. Instead of attending to a spirit of “patriotism” and a higher calling, Americans preoccupy themselves with their own daily concerns: “When a people turn toward the easy comforts of private life, they inadvertently lose connection with higher, more demanding principles and virtues.” Brooks does not have in mind the worship of God, whom many Americans would have identified as that “higher calling,” but a civil religion of “muscular progressivism.” He imagines the American people finding new life and spirit in a “public philosophy” of “patriotic sentiment, an emotional style and a set of rituals.” The end of this patriotism is not simply worship of the nation-state but the inspiration for a new foreign policy fitting of America’s greatness. In the dénouement of Brooks’s piece, he writes, “America’s moral destiny is wrapped up in its status as a superpower. If America ceases to assert itself as the democratic superpower, promoting self-government around the world, it will cease to be the America we love.” 87
The neoconservative belief that Brooks expresses, that democratizing other nations constitutes “more demanding principles and virtues” than the “small-scale morality” of day-to-day life, exemplifies the democratist ethic. Concern with the local and domestic is often derided by democratists as unimportant compared to grand, national missions.

* Brooks as well as Rousseau are of the democratist belief that virtue consists in abstract and romantic longing for a national (perhaps ultimately international) togetherness and feelings of equality and camaraderie—the general will or public interest.
Brooks’s article augured the foreign policy that would dominate the Washington consensus after 9/11, yet it does not seem to have made America any better off by the metrics of American domestic peace and prosperity, national security, national unity, or international reputation. On all of these counts, America is decidedly worse off than in the 1990s.

* It is characteristic of democratism to lament that the nation is not united behind a great international (or domestic) cause that would not simply alter the status quo but fundamentally change human existence as we know it. That democratists often look to the supporting institutions of a civil religion is not surprising. Democracy, in the ideology of democratism, is the Christian eschaton. Just as Christ’s coming is expected to usher in a new age, the global democratic revolution is expected to utterly transform life and politics.

* In Stanley Kubrick’s 1987 film, Full Metal Jacket , the colonel tells a discontented subordinate that America is “here to help the Vietnamese, because inside every gook there is an American trying to get out.” This was of course a criticism of the type of foreign adventurism that has been analyzed in this chapter, yet over thirty years later the colonel’s statement appears to be the genuinely held belief of many so-called experts in U.S. foreign policy. Despite political setbacks (some might say failures) and the suspicion that with its magazine the Weekly Standard and its Washington-based think-tank Project for the New American Century, neoconservatism might be dead, its philosophy continues to animate Washington politics. Trump, who campaigned promising to restrain American foreign policy and otherwise limit commitments abroad, still could not help but refer to America’s “righteous mission” in his State of the Union address in 2018. 115 The idea of American exceptionalism construed in terms of a “righteous mission” has become so ingrained in the American imagination that passing references to it are hardly noticed.

* Stephen Walt analyzes the reasons that liberal hegemony has “remained the default strategy” among the foreign policy elite despite being “sharply at odds with the preferences of most Americans.” 117 While the factors Walt mentions, such as political and financial gains for those invested in the status quo, are undoubtedly factors in its perpetuation, this chapter has tried to broaden the picture and show that an interventionist foreign policy in the name of democracy is the practical culmination of the democratist ideology. Liberal hegemony has been a grand strategy in the making in the West since the sentimental humanitarianism of Rousseau became the ethic informing Western politics. Rousseau’s philosophy prepared the way for this type of foreign policy thinking among the elites, who, as Walt demonstrates, benefit most from it. Walt’s conclusion that the elites have entrenched interests in “[o]pen-ended efforts to remake the world” reflects one of the general findings of this book, that the democratist ideology has served primarily the interests of the powerful, who draw on the ideology’s deep rhetorical reserves of language about “freedom” and “equality” to pursue goals that often lead to oppression, greater discrepancies in wealth, sharper political divisions, and devastating wars.

* President of Freedom House Michael J. Abramowitz laments that “right-wing populists gained votes and parliamentary seats in France, the Netherlands, Germany, and Austria during 2017.” “While they were kept out of government in all but Austria,” Abramowitz says, “their success at the polls helped to weaken established parties on both the right and left.” These “right-wing populists,” according to Freedom House, are a source of the global democratic “crisis.” 11 For those who support the democratist interpretation of democracy, such as Abramowitz, it is entirely consistent to treat the results of popular elections as undemocratic.

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