India’s Uprising

Christopher Caldwell writes for Claremont Review of Books:

* Under Modi’s leadership the BJP, founded in 1980 and focused on the aspirations of the 80% of Indians who are Hindu, has become the world’s largest political party.

* India’s tiny sliver of Western-connected English-language opinion-makers tend to find Modi appalling. Their minoritarian take has hardened into Western conventional wisdom about India: Modi is understood as a subcontinental Viktor Orbán or Donald Trump. He is a demagogue, a populist, a reactionary. Some accuse Modi of religious fundamentalism, or of bigotry against India’s Muslims. He cares little for the rights of women and gays, say others. For certain opponents his sin is nationalism, for others it is cozying up to India’s billionaire tech moguls and venture capitalists. As the marching thousands of the Congress party poured into a village called Ghatiya in rural Madhya Pradesh, one English-speaking intellectual said he was marching against Modi to prevent the “onslaught of fascism.”

This is not how India’s modestly situated monoglots see Modi. Nor does it make sense. Western populist leaders are all, in one way or another, trying to stem the decadence of their once-great countries. Modi’s India has plenty of problems, but decadence isn’t one of them.

* The political advisory group Morning Consult keeps track of two dozen world leaders’ popularity, and Modi is generally in a class by himself. In February he stood at 78% approval and 19% disapproval—extraordinary for a leader nine years into the job. Only Mexico’s Andrés Manuel López Obrador, at 63%, is even in the ballpark. Joe Biden is at 40. Emmanuel Macron is at 27. Modi wins and wins big because Indians see him as the embodiment of a different idea of India, a majoritarian one that, necessarily or not, was suppressed in the 20th century.

* Gandhi had two heirs apparent among the Congress movement’s freedom fighters. They vied jealously with one another. One was his fellow Gujarati lawyer Vallabhbhai “Sardar” Patel, a politician of almost preternatural practical abilities and an intense loyalty to Gandhi. The other was Nehru, privileged, educated at Harrow and Cambridge (where his friends called him “Joe”), charming, shaped by modern progressive doctrines and curious about the Soviet Union. The historian Sunil Khilnani gives an elegant summary in The Idea of India (1997) of the choice that faced Gandhi: “One [Patel] wanted the state simply to express and tend the existing pattern of India’s society, with all its hierarchy, particularity and religious tastes; the other [Nehru] hoped to use the state actively to reconstitute India’s society, to reform it and to bring it in line with what he took to be the movement of universal history.”

* The Indian Constitution, one of the world’s longest, was ratified in 1949. It managed the relationship between faiths much as the British raj had, giving each of India’s major religions the leeway to run its own affairs. So an Indian Muslim, even today, has the liberty to practice polygamy, while an Indian Hindu does not. What was most innovative about the constitution was that it invented the modern practice of affirmative action. Its great conceptualizer and drafter was B.R. Ambedkar, a social-science polymath, a lecturer at Columbia University, a radical political reformer, and a dalit, or “untouchable,” from the lowest reaches of India’s complex caste system, against which he held an understandable grudge. One of the things that made the constitution so long is that it laid out a “schedule” of 1,109 castes and 775 aboriginal tribes who would be eligible for “reservations,” or quotas, securing them a quarter of the seats in India’s parliament and granting them a quarter of government jobs. But only government jobs—in this respect, India’s affirmative-action system, however much it may have been belittled for its complexity, was actually less intrusive than the American one, with its litigation-fueled undermining of meritocracy in the private sector.

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Remembering Journalist Paul Johnson

Conrad Black writes:

* Paul Johnson: “What sustained the English during the Reformation and Counter-Reformation years, what enabled them to preserve heterodoxy in England and uphold it on the continent, what enabled them to defeat the Armada and rip open the world empire of Spain—in short to thrust aside the inert log of the Roman heritage and allow the stream of progress to flow again—was not just patriotism, or nationalism, but racism, the most powerful of all human impulses. The English came to believe that they were the chosen people…. They could thus answer the Continental armory of faith and superstition with the vehement conviction of divinely inspired direction—the English reached the audacious conclusion that God, having found the Jews inadequate for His great purposes, had entrusted the island race with the unique role of completing his kingdom on earth. Their island situation had made them natural racists, overbearing and aggressive towards strangers, holding their own superiority to the rest of mankind to be self-evident.”

* he held that the meeting of the officers of Cromwell’s New Model Army at St. Mary’s Church in Putney in 1647

“proceeded to invent modern politics—in fact, the public framework of the world in which nearly 3 billion people now live…. The ideas flung across that communion table and all the exciting novelty of their pristine conception traveled around the world, hurled down thrones and subverted empires, and became the common everyday currency of political exchange. Every major political concept known to us today, all the assumptions which underlie the thoughts of men in the White House, or the Kremlin, or Downing Street, or in presidential mansions or senates or parliaments through five continents were expressed or adumbrated in the little church of St. Mary, Putney.”

* Paul Johnson was above all a believer in order, with a reasonable amount of freedom, and in the dignity and fundamental equality of all people, although he did certainly believe that the English-speaking Judeo-Christian peoples were psychologically, historically, and societally superior. His enthusiasm for the newer English-speaking countries was undoubtedly enhanced because “the arrogance of the English is gone and with it their self-confidence. The world suddenly seems a vast and alien place.” England had not needed “nation states as allies, because her true allies were the forces of enlightenment, moral, economic, and constitutional.” Paul never explained how he thought Britain lost the magic touch, any more than he explained how Israel fumbled the torch of the chosen, across a millennium, to the English. The custodians of all this are now the British offspring and particularly the Americans. This is the source of his great affection for the United States and for the Dominions of the old Commonwealth: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.

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Ricky Vaughn aka Douglass Mackey Found Guilty Of Memeing (3-31-23)

00:45 WP: Trump supporter found guilty in 2016 Twitter scheme to undermine Hillary Clinton,
06:00 NYT: Trump Supporter Convicted in 2016 Scheme to Suppress Votes for Clinton,

13:00 Trump indictment
16:00 Hard work destroys character,
25:30 Alvin Bragg prosecutes Trump, ignores violent crime
46:00 Activists mourn trans murderer
1:08:30 3 Instantly Calming CBT Techniques For Anxiety,
1:11:00 Ethnic Diversity and Social Trust: A Narrative and Meta-Analytical Review,
1:13:00 The Great Experiment: Why Diverse Democracies Fall Apart and How They Can Endure,
1:19:00 Revisiting the Brock Turner Case,
1:20:30 Tucker Carlson on Ricky Vaughn’s conviction
1:30:00 Teaching the Holocaust,
1:33:00 Stephen Miller on why they hate Trump – his foreign policy
1:39:00 The lights are going off in South Africa,
1:41:00 California’s Political Dysfunction,
1:46:00 Douglass Mackey faces ten years in prison for posting memes
1:55:00 Rabbit Hole,
1:57:15 Tucker on the protected class

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Revisiting the Brock Turner Case

From the New Yorker:

* In 2016, Brock Turner [white], a former swimmer at Stanford University, was convicted of sexually assaulting [fingering] an unconscious [asian] woman outside of a fraternity party. Two passersby saw the nineteen-year-old freshman thrusting upon an immobile, partially unclothed woman, next to a dumpster, and restrained him while they called the police. At Turner’s sentencing hearing, the woman, known in court proceedings as Emily Doe, read a victim-impact statement that addressed him directly: “You don’t know me, but you’ve been inside of me, and that’s why we’re here today.” BuzzFeed published the entire statement, which went viral.

The Santa Clara County Superior Court judge, Aaron Persky, sentenced Turner to six months in jail, three years of probation, and lifetime sex-offender registration, saying that a longer prison term “would have a severe impact on him.” (The maximum sentence that Turner could have received was fourteen years in prison.) The leniency of the sentence, along with Doe’s viral statement, ignited widespread fury. Soon afterward, Michele Dauber, a professor at Stanford Law School, launched a campaign to remove Persky, an elected trial judge, from his job, through a recall election.

* The anti-Persky campaign also drew liberal critics, who anticipated that a movement to remove a judge for being insufficiently punitive in a criminal case would bring troubling unintended consequences. The retired judge LaDoris Cordell, a feminist who, in the nineteen-eighties, became the first Black woman judge appointed in Northern California and, later, an elected superior-court judge in the same county as Persky, participated in a campaign against the recall. She said, at the time, “I’m opposed to it because I believe this recall is terrible for racial justice.” She and others believed that it would make judges less independent and, in particular, more afraid to be lenient. Such reluctance would breed more punitiveness and harm Black and Latino defendants, who are severely overrepresented in the criminal-justice system.

* They found that, immediately after the public announcement of the Persky-recall campaign, judges began imposing sentences that were roughly thirty per cent longer on average, across the board. Those increases maintained preëxisting racial disparities. In other words, even though the Persky-recall campaign aimed to raise consciousness about white privilege, the additional years in prison were disproportionately imposed on Black and Hispanic people.

* Around the time of Persky’s firing from his tennis-coach position, in 2019, Emily Doe revealed her identity as Chanel Miller and published a memoir, “Know My Name,” about the sexual assault and its aftermath, including the criminal case. Her memoir won the National Book Critics Circle Award for autobiography.

WIKIPEDIA: On the evening of January 17, 2015, Miller accompanied her sister to a Kappa Alpha fraternity party at Stanford University; later that night, two Stanford graduate students found Miller lying on the ground behind a dumpster with another Stanford student, 19-year-old Brock Turner, on top of her.[14] Miller was unconscious,[15] her blood alcohol level was estimated to have been 0.22% at the time of the assault.[16][17] When Turner tried to flee, he was caught and held down on the ground by the two graduate students as they waited for police to arrive.[18] Turner was arrested and indicted on five felony sexual assault charges, to which he pleaded not guilty.

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Former President Donald Trump Indicted (3-30-23)

00:30 Trump indicted
13:20 Tucker Carlson on Trump’s indictment
28:00 Does hard work damage character?

How Hard Work Destroys Character

30:00 Glenn Greenwald on Alvin Bragg and the Trump indictment,–system-update-63.html
32:00 George Soros backed DAs don’t want to prosecute many criminal shooters,
37:00 Former Alameda Co. prosecutor voices concerns, calls DA’s policies dangerous,
1:04:00 George Soros: Why I Support Reform Prosecutors,
1:11:00 Elliott Blatt joins to discuss hard work,
1:30:00 Why do they hate Trump?
1:36:40 Adam Carolla talks to Tucker
1:40:30 Glenn Beck goes MAGA
1:42:30 John Stossel on DEI – Diversity , Equity & Inclusion,

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