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Tag Archives: petah tikva
Renting To Non-Jews
I think the Torah tradition would be solidly behind the banning rabbis on this one, even though it does not sound democratic. Much of Arab Israel will not rent to Jews. Most traditional Jews living anywhere in the world are … Continue reading
Posted in Israel, Rabbis
Tagged benjamin netanyahu, chief rabbis, jewish neighborhoods, minister benjamin netanyahu, pardes hannah, petah tikva, political correctness, prime minister benjamin, rabbi ovadia yosef, rabbi shlomo aviner, thorn in your side, torah tradition
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Rabbinic Corruption
Gadi Pickholz from the Israel Fathers Rights Advocacy Council emails: "Luke: Just over 50% of all cases before Israel’s rabbinic courts are appealed, and just over 65% of those appeals are found valid. Yet in the US, both the RCC … Continue reading
Posted in Rabbis
Tagged administrative offices, administrative procedures, advocacy council, civil courts, comptroller, computerized system, conflict of interest, counterparts, court administration, court rulings, divorce decree, fathers rights, infallability, judicial proceedings, petah tikva, pulpits, quot, rabbinate, RCA, RCC
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