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Tag Archives: columbia journalism review
Bloggers Should Take Lessons From Rock Stars
Here’s a thought-provoking piece from the Columbia Journalism Review: He takes the stage clad in a black turtleneck. his famous line is, “Green is the new red, white, and blue.” Tonight, and other nights, he is paid tens of thousands … Continue reading
Posted in Blogging, Journalism
Tagged black turtleneck, columbia journalism review, culture method, media appearances, thomas friedman, youtube
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The Wrong Angle
Mickey Kaus writes: MSM reporters–having deemed it unnecessary to report on whether a leading, active Democratic pol, third-place presidential candidate and likely cabinet official cheated on his ill wife while making a big show of his loyalty and then lied … Continue reading
Posted in Adultery, John Edwards, Journalism, Mickey Kaus
Tagged campaign finance law, campaign finance violations, columbia journalism review, government investigators, Mickey Kaus, subpoena power
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