Why Are So Many Single Women Tatted Up And Obese?

From the Chateau: Sexual markets are vulnerable to changes in the incentives for paternal investment. (Paternal investment itself is a crucial aspect of the sexual market.) As women become more economically self-sufficient and sexually liberated their mate acquisition algorithm begins to emphasize the targeting of men for sexual and romantic validation and to undervalue men who would make dependable resource providers.

Likewise, men who are less interested in commitment and family formation would seek out women primarily for sexual thrills rather than their maternal instinct or faithfulness.

If this is the operative sexual market, then tattoos and single mommery would not only have little effect on women’s SMVs, they may very well raise their SMVs by advertising a greater willingness to go all the way right away, (and to not make much of a fuss when she’s dumped post-chaste).

Now ask yourself, where do you see women with lots of garish tattoos and bastard spawn? The lower classes. And where do you see less dependable fly-by-night men? The lower classes. In the upper classes single mommery is still rare and tattoos, though more common than they once were, are tastefully inconspicuous. Obesity, too, is rarer among upper class women.

So it’s in the lower classes (now gradually expanding into the working and middle classes) where the sexual market has responded to the changing incentives and women have resorted to more “slut signaling” accoutrements like tattoos, skimpy trashy clothes, and yes even bastard spawn (a single mom is a slutty mom).

In the upper classes, paternal investment is still important, so we see less of this among the women who have kept to the traditional SMV norms of their sex: slenderness, clear skin, and childlessness…

So if you notice a lot of tattoos, obesity, and single mommery in the sexual market, you can deduce the following dynamics are in play:

Men have less leverage and fewer mate options (due to sex ratio skew or female emancipation from needing to rely on men to provide for them).
Women have utterly given up trying to find a husband and have settled for finding a cock notch or a sperm donor.
Sluts are ascendant.
Men are dropping out and tuning into substitutes for female companionship.
Enormous upstream social forces are streaming down and wreaking havoc on the normal functioning of the sexual market.
None of the above redact the primacy of the sexual market. They are instead first responder symptoms of a sexual market in dire flux. In the final analysis, SMV remains king of human society, and any secondary markets (economic, social, political) that exert downstream pressures on the sexual market will eventually be reconfigured, even corrupted, by the unstoppable feedback loops unleashed by a primal sexual market convulsing from rapid transformation of the individual players and the higher order systems those players design.

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From the Chateau:

Hillary Clinton……excuse me, thecunt…..has made genital herpes acceptance part of her campaign.

You think I kid. I kid you not.

Hillary Clinton Thanks Woman for Shattering STI Stigma in A Powerful Letter

Hillary Clinton’s powerful letter to a 24-year-old writer living with genital herpes is striking a nerve on social media.

Dawson shared the letter in a Tuesday tweet, prompting a story on the Washington Post.

Clinton praised Dawson for speaking candidly about genital herpes and taking a stand against the hateful rhetoric that women often encounter on the internet.

“I am so grateful to you for not only speaking out against the stigma,” Clinton wrote, “but for also taking a courageous stand against the ridiculous, but very real, barrage of hate you received online.”

“The erosion of civil public discourse is one of the most concerning developments in our society today,” Clinton went on. “As you point out, the internet is not a friendly place for women, and you are not alone in facing the relentless onslaught of baseless, personal attacks.”


That’s the prematurely aging slut with genital herpes and the thousand-cock stare, on the left. Her name is Ella Dawson. (Twatter handle: @brosandprose) I have no problem revealing that, because neither does she. As a strong, empowered, and vaginally adventurous woman in The Current Year, she is very proud of having contracted a sexually transmitted disease, so proud that she wants everyone else to pat her on the back for fucking a battalion of dirty-dicked jerkboys (probably half of them black).

“I have never seen a politician understand the danger of the Alt-Right,” Dawson wrote. “It made me sad that a fringe hate community has become so central to American politics that a presidential candidate has to make a speech about them. But it also filled me with genuine, raw hope for the first time since I became an activist.”

Something’s raw with her, but it’s not hope.

“My work consists of raising awareness of STI stigma”

This is possibly the most Millennial feminist sentence ever written.

FYI, Ella, there’s a good reason why certain afflictions have a stigma. Dirty hos are stigmatized as a warning to other women who might be tempted to follow your path and acquire a petri dish of STDs and regret. Agitating to remove the STD stigma is an insult to people suffering from diseases that aren’t the result of poor life choices and low impulse control.

But hey if you really want to remove your genital herpes stigma, how about a centerfold of your chancrous cunt, the weepy labia spread for the world to admire? That’ll exorcise those man-hating demons inside you for good.

Enough of this attention whore. The real story here is Hillary Clinton aka Illary, who is now so mentally rekt by her neurological illness that she thinks genital herpes acceptance is a winning campaign issue.

How obtuse can a presidential candidate get? Who is this going to appeal to, besides bitter lonely feminists and their gayfag BFFs? Whatever she gains in xojane readers she loses fifty times as much in normal Americans who aren’t yet on board with the notion that the crotch diseases of street whores are worthy of the same sympathy as cancer patients.

Thecunt is going down in a landslide in November, and it will be because of her hubris, and the hubris of her shitlib feminist supporters, who live in a culture bubble and can’t conceive that millions of people think differently than they do, or that their shitlib project to ulcerate healthy human instincts isn’t yet a fait accompli. The alt-right Basket of Deplorables was the first gut punch they’ve received since wresting power of all the cultural megaphones, and they are reacting exactly how you’d predict a bloated, complacent piggish enemy to react: with squealing, impotent horror and rage.

The next beautiful shiv will be the killing blow.

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Is Trump Hitler?

If so, then Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy.

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Right-populist party’s strong showing in Berlin voting seen as ‘Nazi renaissance’

If you scream “Nazi!” long enough, people stop taking you seriously and when real Nazis come along, they won’t react.

BERLIN (JTA) — In what one German Jewish leader is calling a “Nazi renaissance,” Germany’s newest right-populist party — Alternative for Germany — has broken the Berlin barrier, gaining seats for the first time in that state’s parliament.

The anti-immigrant, Euro-sceptic party, which has been plagued by controversies over anti-Semitism in its ranks, finished fifth in Sunday’s vote with 14.1 percent. AfD, as the party is known, now has seats on legislatures in 10 states following several elections this year. The party was founded in 2013.

Winning the Berlin election was the Social Democratic Party, which retained power over the party of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Christian Democratic Union, with 21.6 percent of the vote to 17.5 percent.

AfD leaders were jubilant at the prospect of occupying 25 seats out of 160 in the state parliament of Germany’s capital.

The elections are seen as a litmus test for Merkel’s controversial refugee policy, with more than 1 million asylum seekers having entered the country from war-torn countries in the Middle East and Africa.

The head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster, told the German news media Sunday that the results were worrying.

A former council president, Charlotte Knobloch, who heads the Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria, issued a statement Sunday urging Germany’s “Democratic parties to make good use of the time between now and the next elections in 2017 to stop the Nazi renaissance.”

Three additional states will hold elections in the first half of 2017, followed by national parliamentary elections in September.

Knobloch, who survived the Holocaust in hiding as a child in Bavaria, called AfD “a party that incites against minorities in a disgusting manner, that wants to make National Socialist terminology and approaches acceptable again, that is unable to distance itself credibly from neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers.” She said its gains in state parliaments are a “true nightmare.”

If the established parties don’t manage to gain support by the national elections next year, Knobloch warned, “I fear for the good and peaceful future of our country.”

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Meet Joel Sollender, the Jewish Prisoner of the Nazis Taking it to Donald Trump in Hillary’s Latest Ad

With few exceptions, Jewish-American prisoners of war were not treated any differently by the Nazis than gentile-American prisoners.

Yair Rosenberg writes: On Friday, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign released an arresting new ad. In it, Joel Sollender, an American Jewish soldier who was taken prisoner by the Nazis, responds to Donald Trump’s infamous claim that he doesn’t consider John McCain a war hero because “I like people that weren’t captured.” Here’s what Sollender said:

Sollender, who will soon turn 92, lives in California and has been speaking out against Trump and his candidacy for over a year, which is how the Clinton campaign found him. “I was very pleased that they contacted me and that I had a chance to voice my opinion,” he told me. Sollender worked for two hours with the film crew to produce the spot. The online ad runs for 90 seconds, while a 30 second version is now airing on TV. It has already gone viral and been viewed hundreds of thousands of times.

Something that didn’t make it into the short clip, Sollender said, was his fear at the time that the Germans would discover that he was Jewish. “As a prisoner of war, and being Jewish, I had some concerns about my dog tags, which were obviously marked ‘H’ for Hebrew,” he recounted. “But they never looked at them. I had blond hair and blue eyes and spoke a little German, so it helped me along.”

“I was a pretty lucky guy to do what I did and get away with it,” he continued, “and come home safely and have a more or less charmed life ever since.”

Sollender has been so vociferous this election because he has been deeply disturbed by the dark resonances he has perceived accompanying Trump’s ascent. For reference, he pointed to Sinclair Lewis’s 1935 novel, It Can’t Happen Here, which chronicles the rise of a fascist demagogue to the presidency of the United States. “There are indications that it could happen here,” he said, “and I’ll do whatever I can to stop it.”

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