LAT: Alicia Machado, former Miss Universe insulted by Trump, emerges as forceful Clinton ally

The MSM are lining up behind this accused accomplice to murder.

When Hillary Clinton told the 84 million people watching the presidential debate how Donald Trump disparaged Alicia Machado’s weight and ethnicity during her tenure as Miss Universe, the former beauty queen, watching at home in Los Angeles, began to cry.

Then she began to tweet: first a message supporting Clinton, then a pledge to vote, complete with a picture of her smiling with her U.S. passport, bestowed when she became a citizen after leaving her native Venezuela.

Clinton’s crisp recitation of the insults Trump lobbed at Machado was a breakout moment in Monday’s lively debate. Machado, now an actress at age 39, has since emerged as Clinton’s latest breakout political weapon: a walking embodiment of Trump’s political vulnerabilities.

His crass nickname for Machado following her weight gain, “Miss Piggy,” got immediate attention as alienating to women. Less noticed, but also potentially toxic, was his other nickname for her: “Miss Housekeeping,” a dig at her ethnicity.

“It’s a dignified job, but he said it in a way that was meant to insult me,” Machado told The Times on Tuesday. “It really is a reflection of how he feels about Latinos.”

By personifying Trump’s crass interactions with Latinos and women, Machado could make an efficient appeal on Clinton’s behalf to key voting groups.

The Clinton campaign is “trying to raise the decibel with its own base” of Latinos, said GOP strategist Mike Madrid, as well as “trying to peel off Republican women.”

“There’s no question that this is a two-fer,” he said.

Machado, who has been campaigning for Clinton since June, said she was surprised to hear the Democratic nominee tell her story Monday night. Her self-professed shock belied the obvious groundwork laid by the Clinton team: a slickly produced campaign video was rolled out online within an hour, a well-timed interview and photo shoot with Cosmopolitan magazine landed by midday Tuesday.

The attention gave Machado ample chance to rehash her unhappy history with Trump.

Machado was crowned Miss Universe in 1996, the same year the real estate magnate purchased the pageant organization.

About eight months into her tenure, she approached Miss Universe officials about seeking help to lose weight. To her surprise, Trump got involved and convened a media scrum to watch Machado, then 20 years old, work out.

“When you win a beauty pageant,” Trump told People magazine at the time, “people don’t think you’re going to go from 118 to 160 in less than a year, and you really have an obligation to stay in a perfect physical state.”

Trump was unapologetic Tuesday about his comments on Machado’s weight.

“She was the worst we ever had, the worst, the absolute worst. She was impossible,” he said in a television interview. “She was the winner and she gained a massive amount of weight and it was a problem.”

In the 20 years since her Miss Universe tenure, Machado’s life has at times resembled the telenovelas she starred in. In 1998 she was accused of being an accomplice to an attempted murder. A judge later said there was insufficient evidence to arrest her and ordered only her boyfriend’s arrest. The judge later accused Machado of threatening his life.

She’s posed twice for Playboy and six years ago launched a foundation that supports single mothers. She’s also become an outspoken advocate to raise awareness of eating disorders, which she herself suffered from.

Machado moved to Los Angeles six months ago in hopes of jump-starting her English-language acting career.

Time hasn’t softened her views on Trump. Machado often uses the hashtag #NaziRat to describe Trump on Twitter.

Steve Sailer nails it:

NEW YORK TIMES Doubles Down Defending the Virtue of Alicia Machado, Conquistador-American Adventuress

This is now the top news story on the New York Times home page.

Furthermore, the New York Times Editorial Board editorialized:

Hillary Clinton’s Everywoman Moment


… When Mrs. Clinton finally got to unload what felt like the pent-up frustration of Everywoman, it was powerful. “This is a man who has called women pigs, slobs and dogs, and someone who has said pregnancy is an inconvenience to employers, who has said women don’t deserve equal pay unless they do as good a job as men,” she said. “And one of the worst things he said was about a woman in a beauty contest. He loves beauty contests, supporting them and hanging around them. And he called this woman ‘Miss Piggy.’ Then he called her ‘Miss Housekeeping,’ because she was Latina. Donald, she has a name. Her name is Alicia Machado.”

Granted, there’s no proof that brand new American citizen and Hillary voter Alicia Machado drove the getaway car when her boyfriend shot his dead sister’s husband at her funeral in Venezuela. That’s just what multiple eyewitnesses said.

And the Venezuelan judge who then accused the telenovela actress of threatening to have him ruined by the president of Venezuela and then murdering him herself for investigating the shooting didn’t ultimately have her convicted.

And nobody seems to have done a DNA test to prove or falsify the Mexican Attorney-General’s allegation that the father of Machado’s daughter is narco cartel boss “El Indio.”

And the sex tape of her cheating on her fiance, Phillies slugger Bobby Abreu, with a fellow contestant on a Mexican reality TV show that caused the ballplayer to dump her may just have been kayfabe for all I know.

Sure, Ms. Machado has been relentlessly pursuing publicity, good, bad, or indifferent, for the last 20 years, but you can hardly expect the Clinton Campaign or the New York Times to fact-check ahead of time anything about her credibility. After all, most all the hundreds of stories about her were in some funny foreign language.

Look, the point is that Alicia Machado is a woman. And a Latina. And an immigrant. Therefore, unlike you, she’s on the right side of history.

Because of that, Alicia Machado has earned the American Dream: to help elect Hillary Clinton President.

That’s just who we are.

[Comment at]

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Police vs Menace

If somebody is so mentally ill that they don’t know what they’re doing and they’re threatening the public order, they shouldn’t be allowed around decent people.

A woman who claims a man was so charismatic that she couldn’t help sleeping with him is saying that she has no moral agency and so she should not be allowed in public without a minder. Nobody without agency should be allowed in public without a minder.

That somebody is shot for brandishing a weapon at police or other innocent parties strikes me as a good thing. I don’t find the mentally ill argument compelling against shooting down rabid dogs. If you act rabid, you get treated accordingly.

LAT: ‘Oh, my God, you killed my brother’: Unarmed man shot dead by El Cajon police was ‘mentally sick,’ sister says

Just moments after an African American man was shot and killed by El Cajon police Tuesday, his sister was captured in an eyewitness video as she wept and screamed at officers, saying she told authorities her brother was mentally ill.


In the video posted on YouTube (some explicit language), the man’s sister said she told officers he was sick and needed help. She said she called police three times but instead should have called a “crisis communication team.”

“Don’t you guys have a crisis communication team to talk to somebody mentally sick,” she asked an officer.

“Why couldn’t you tase him? she asked officers. “Why, why, why, why?”

At one point, the woman yelled, “Oh, my God, you killed my brother” several times.

“I called for help. I didn’t call you guys to kill him,” she told officers as she shrieked.

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The Tech Jihad For Hillary

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Orthodox Jews Will Vote For Trump

The more Jewish the Jew, the more likely he will vote for Trump over Hillary.

I’ve met few Orthodox Jew who are enthused about Donald Trump (most I know wanted Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz), but about 70% of the frumies will vote for Trump (except for Hasidim who will do as their rebbes instruct and vote for Hillary to collect lots of welfare).

Orthodox Jews tend to be less concerned with anti-Semitism than more assimilated Jews. More secure in their identity, they are not as threatened by goyim who are strong in their racial, national and religious identity.

Jewish money in the presidential election is going to Hillary about 96-4. The same proportion holds for Wall Street, Hollywood and tech money. I wonder if there will be blowback on these sectors from a Trump presidency? He doesn’t seem like the forgive and forget kind of guy.

As each day passes, Orthodox Jews account for a higher percentage of all American Jews. Their power has been growing since the 1960s. Secular Judaism with its emphasis on left-wing tikkun olam is getting flushed down the toilet of history as secular Jews assimilate and have few kids.

Chaim Amalek writes: “Torah Yidden know and like generations of Trumps. Trump is the candidate of the Torah Jew. It is forbidden for them to vote for another.”

“If he wins, this next Christmas will truly be a White Christmas. Just like the ones I used to know, before the ’65 immigration act did its dusky work.”

“Virtually every Muslim who hates Trump also hates Jews.”

Armin Rosen writes for Tabletmag:

Donald Trump is a malevolent figure for many American Jews. The Republican candidate’s allegedly anti-Semitic cast of supporters, coupled with his nativist rhetoric and policies have seemingly unsettled the country’s cosmopolitan, left-leaning Jewish community. But at least one group of Jews will still vote for him in sizable numbers and, if history is any guide, a disproportionate number of Jewish voters for Trump are likely to be Orthodox, a sizable constituency that does not appear to share their coreligionists’ sense of anxiety or horror at the possibility of a Trump presidency.

For starters, Pew’s 2013 Portrait of Jewish Americans found that 56 percent of Orthodox Jews identified with the Republican party, while only 36 percent leaned Democrat. And, according to an AJC poll from earlier this month, Trump enjoys 19 percent support among American Jews, a number comparable to the share of the Jewish vote for George W. Bush in the 2000 election. Taken together, these polls hint that for many Orthodox voters, concern over Trump is unlikely to override a pre-existing tendency to vote for Republican candidates. Additionally, a September poll of Yeshiva University students found 37 percent support for Trump, compared to 27 percent for Clinton.

It’s not that Trump is especially popular among the community compared to past Republican presidential hopefuls. “Trump’s not doing better than expected among Orthodox Republicans,” said Steven M. Cohen, a professor at Hebrew Union College, a consultant on the Pew study, and one of the foremost demographers of the American Jewish community. “Their political identity is in supporting Trump the same way that liberal Democrats among Jews are supporting Secretary Clinton.”

And yet, the Trump campaign has made inroads with Orthodox Jews without having much of an organized effort targeting them. Richard H. Roberts, the vice-chair of Trump’s Israel Advisory Committee, claimed that there is “overwhelming support for Trump in the Orthodox community,” but said that he is “not aware of any targeting of the Orthodox Jewish community by the campaign” when asked about specific outreach efforts. David Algaze, a Queens-based Orthodox rabbi, told me that he is the co-chair of a “rabbis for Trump”-type group, but it is yet to announce its membership publicly. The pro-Trump side also doesn’t seem to have an equivalent of Rabbi Menachem Genack, the Clinton-supporting Yeshiva University professor and CEO of the Orthodox Union—there’s no one of his visibility or prominence making the case for Trump within the community in any kind of a coordinated fashion.

Even so, support for Trump becomes proportionally more frequent on the more religious end of the observance spectrum, suggesting that Orthodox voters are less likely to be repelled by someone who an ideologically diverse range of American Jews consider to be an enabler of anti-Semitism, among other bigotries. Ben Shapiro, an anti-Trump political conservative and himself an observant Jew, has drawn connections between Trump’s policies, rhetoric, and the anti-Semitism of some of his supporters. The estimates vary—one Orthodox source consulted for this story says that he expects Trump to win 70 precent of the vote in the Brooklyn orthodox stronghold of Borough Park, while another doubts that the Republican will get more than a third of the Orthodox vote, an estimate roughly in line with the Yeshiva University student poll—but a significant percentage of the Orthodox are still going to vote for him.

The Orthodox represent 10 percent of the U. S. Jewish population, and the Modern Orthodox account for only 3-4 percent, according to the 2013 Pew study. But because of their institutional strength and a rising political profile, the community’s impact is greater than that number suggests. As Cohen explained, the Modern Orthodox in particular view themselves as “having an important [position] in holding Jews together,” occupying the space between the two polar opposites that flank them on the religious spectrum. “They stand at a crossroads between the heavily sectarian ultra-Orthodox, and the highly inter-marrying non-orthodox,” Cohen said.

The fact that such a crucial group is so apparently out of step with American Jewish attitudes on the presidential election is proof that one of defining divisions in American politics has firmly established itself within the Jewish community as well. In the country’s fractious political climate—marked by intense partisan divisions along fundamental fault-lines of identity and values—even a Republican with little apparent religiosity and allegedly poor impulse control can count on the support of a critical mass of religious people, Jews included…

Yitzchok Feldheim, a Lakewood, New Jersey-based rabbi who spends much of the year traveling to college campuses to speak to Jewish student groups, explained Trump’s appeal in almost mystical terms. In his view, the Republican candidate is a needed corrective to contemporary liberalism’s vision of “a world without any beauty and any pride and any happiness.” Trump, in his view, is “fighting a battle that we have felt for a long time,” namely the conflict between traditional Jewish life and the spiritual emptiness, and perhaps the inevitable meaninglessness, of the world that he believes the modern-day, Clinton-supporting left envisions. Yet Feldheim realizes that Trump is an imperfect messenger. “He’s not the hero that we want, he’s the one we deserve,” he explained. “I wish we deserved this gallant, noble, refined spokesperson. But you know what, that guy would probably be laughed off his white horse.”

…“Trump has proudly met with visibly Jewish people this campaign season and given exclusive interviews to Jewish-audience publications too while Hillary largely—if not fully—avoids this community. That’s a reason for concern to many voters.”

As more than one person reminded me, Orthodox Jews travel to Israel more often than their conservative and reform coreligionists, and are likely to prioritize a strong pro-Israel stance above other issues. (According to the Pew study, 77 percent of Orthodox Jews and 86% of modern Orthodox Jews have traveled to Israel, compared to 43 percent among American Jews in general.

…Trump benefits from the Republicans’ success in associating their party with religion, and from the social and political polarization that turned religiosity into a indicator of partisan support. “The idea that there’s a fear of God—we call it Yerat Shemayim in Hebrew—that resonates heavily in the Republican party more so than in the Democratic party,” says Frager. “In general the Republican Party sticks to the same traditional values that the Orthodox Jewish community sticks to.”
Algaze made this point is starker terms: “I think we Jews who follow our tradition more strictly are freer. We are not subject to the brainwashing of the media or liberal philosophies that make us change our point of view.”

…Orthodox Jews “put Judaism before their liberalism, whereas more secular Jews who are not as connected to Judaism or to Israel put liberalism before their Judaism.”

…“Probably the biggest predictor of political identity in America is not income as people frequently think, but churchgoing,” Cohen said. “Orthodox Jews go to their church a lot more than other Jews.”

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Steve Sailer: The Hilarious Life of Alicia Machado, Hillary’s Tragic Latina Victim of Trump’s Sexism

How did Hillary Clinton and her team buy this woman’s story hook, line and sinker? Because it served their narrative against Trump. Hillary and company are willing to believe the most absurd and dangerous people in their desire to destroy Trump.

Steve Sailer writes: Last night, Hillary Clinton chose to wrap up her debate with the sad story of a Latina woman victimized by Donald Trump. Alicia Machado was previously little known in the English-speaking world:

HOLT: Very quickly, because we’re at the final question now.

CLINTON: You know, he tried to switch from looks to stamina. But this is a man who has called women pigs, slobs and dogs, and someone who has said pregnancy is an inconvenience to employers, who has said…

TRUMP: I never said that.

CLINTON: …. women don’t deserve equal pay unless they do as good a job as men.

TRUMP: I didn’t say that.

CLINTON: And one of the worst things he said was about a woman in a beauty contest. He loves beauty contests, supporting them and hanging around them. And he called this woman “Miss Piggy.” Then he called her “Miss Housekeeping,” because she was Latina. Donald, she has a name.

TRUMP: Where did you find this? Where did you find this?

CLINTON: Her name is Alicia Machado.

TRUMP: Where did you find this?

Screenshot 2016-09-27 20.26.06 CLINTON: And she has become a U.S. citizen, and you can bet…

TRUMP: Oh, really?

CLINTON: … she’s going to vote this November.

TRUMP: OK, good. Let me just tell you…


Thank God this poor Latina immigrant was just last month given the vote in our election in time to wreak her vengeance upon Donald Trump.

Today, this New York Times article totally buys into Hillary’s positioning of Ms. Machado as a sad victim of sexism:

Shamed and Angry: Alicia Machado, a Miss Universe Mocked by Donald Trump

For 20 years, Alicia Machado has lived with the agony of what Donald J. Trump did to her after she won the Miss Universe title: shame her, over and over, for gaining weight.

Private scolding was apparently insufficient. Mr. Trump, who was an executive producer of the pageant, insisted on accompanying Ms. Machado, then a teenager, to a gym, where dozens of reporters and cameramen watched as she exercised.

Mr. Trump, in his trademark suit and tie, posed for photographs beside her as she burned calories in front of members of the news media. “This is somebody who likes to eat,” Mr. Trump said from inside the gym.

On Monday night, Hillary Clinton turned Ms. Machado’s pain into a potent political weapon on the biggest stage.

In the process, Ms. Clinton, the first female presidential nominee of a major party, elevated a largely forgotten tale of Mr. Trump, when his oversight of beauty pageants collided with his unforgiving fixation with female beauty.

And Mrs. Clinton put a spotlight on Ms. Machado, Miss Universe 1996, who says she has never recovered from the experience.

But it turns out that Ms. Machado somehow recovered enough to live an interesting life over the last 20 years, although NYT didn’t see fit to mention any of the following today. From the Associated Press’s archive:

AP , Associated Press
Jan. 23, 1998 6:39 PM ET

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) _ The Venezuelan beauty queen who made headlines two years ago for putting on weight after being crowned Miss Universe is back in the news.

A lawyer for a man who was shot outside a church in November said Friday that Alicia Machado, 21, was seen driving the car in which her boyfriend sped away from the scene of the shooting. Francisco Sbert Mousko suffered brain damage when two bullets punctured his skull outside a church where his dead wife was being eulogized.

Sbert’s family said the alleged gunman, Sbert’s brother-in-law Juan Rodriguez Reggeti, had accused Sbert of driving his sister to commit suicide.

“Our accusations against Alicia Machado are based on coinciding testimony from witnesses, who place her in the vehicle in which Juan Rodriguez fled the scene,” said Omar Arenas Candelo, one of three attorneys who presented the allegations to a criminal court late Thursday.

A couple of weeks later, the AP also reported:

STEVEN GUTKIN, Associated Press
Feb. 5, 1998 4:36 PM ET

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) _ A Venezuela judge said Thursday a former Miss Universe threatened to kill him after he indicted her boyfriend for attempted murder.

Venezuelan beauty queen Alicia Machado threatened “to ruin my career as a judge and … kill me,” Judge Maximiliano Fuenmayor said on national television.

The 21-year-old Machado, who created an international stir in 1996 when she gained 35 pounds after being crowned Miss Universe, allegedly called the judge after he issued an arrest warrant Wednesday for Juan Rafael Rodriguez Regetti.

Rodriguez, 26, is accused of shooting and wounding his brother-in-law, Francisco Antonio Sbert Mousko, outside a church in Caracas last November where Sbert’s wife _ Rodriguez’s sister _ was being eulogizing.

Rodriguez apparently blamed Sbert for driving her to commit suicide.

The victim’s family accused Machado of driving the getaway car, but Fuenmayor has not indicted her, citing insufficient evidence. The judge said there were no witnesses to place Machado at the scene _ or to back up her claim she was home sick at the time.

Fuenmayor said he planned to open a new case against Machado for Wednesday’s threatening phone call.

In the past two decades, Venezuela has had four Miss Universes, four Miss Worlds and two Miss Internationals _ the world’s top beauty title record.

But Machado was not convicted on any of the charges.

Machado later became engaged to major league baseball player Bobby Abreu. From Deadspin:

Bobby Abreu’s Otherworldly Restraint

6/13/05 11:42 am

We had heard nothing about this Bobby Abreu story from last month. Maybe it’s because we don’t watch Spanish language TV. But still.

Here’s the details, if you’re as in the dark as we were. The Phillies outfielder — enjoying the greatest season of his career, by the way; right around the time this story broke, he hit homers in six consecutive games — was engaged to former Miss Universe Alicia Machado. In May, she appeared on a Mexican reality television show called “La Granga (The Farm)” and … had sex with a fellow cast member on camera. Needless to say, Abreu was not a fan of this — as Jason Mulgrew points out, Latin men tend not to handle such matters well — called off the engagement and subsequently went on his homer barrage. We still think this might have been cooked up by Phillies general manager Ed Wade and manager Charlie Manuel, like in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, when they smashed Louis’ car right before the football game. But we still can’t believe we hadn’t heard about this, mostly.

From the website

Machado went on to moderate success as a soap opera star, and appeared nude for the Mexican edition of Playboy in 2006.

“Tienes una pinga divina.”

Abreu and Machado were engaged in 2005, when Machado went on a reality TV show. The concept of being filmed for a nationwide (and with the glory that is the internet, worldwide) reality TV show apparently escaped Machado as she had sex with a housemate,… of course, all caught on camera. The photos and video appeared online, and Abreu called off the engagement shortly thereafter.

Abreu dumping Alicia Machado was announced in the Philadelphia Daily News on May 2, 2005. Freed from her, the Phillies outfielder suddenly went on one of the hottest streaks of his career. From Wikipedia:

2005 Season:

In May, Abreu was honored as the Player of the Month in the National League, after he hit .396 and 11 home runs. He also led the NL for the month in slugging average (.792), on-base percentage (.535), and walks (30) and was tied for the league lead with 30 RBI. He became the first player in Major League history to hit at least one home run in nine out of ten team games.

In Mexico a few years later, Machado insisted that her new baby was the child of businessman Rafael Hernandez Linares rather than of narco cartel druglord José Gerardo Álvarez Vázquez, a.k.a., El Indio, as Mexico’s Attorney General claimed….

Alicia Machado is a good example of the ongoing envibrantisimoization of American life. But most American institutions don’t really pay much attention to Latin American pop culture.

For example, today wasn’t the first time the New York Times had written about Alicia Machado. In a long article denouncing Trump in May, the NYT credulously used Machado as their anchorwoman to wrap up their indictement:

Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved With Women in Private

Interviews reveal unwelcome advances, a shrewd reliance on ambition, and unsettling workplace conduct over decades.


But when Mr. Trump lost confidence in women, he could inflict lasting damage on their lives.

After Alicia Machado won the 1996 Miss Universe title, something very human happened: She gained weight. Mr. Trump did not keep his critique of her changing body quiet — he publicly shamed her, she said.

Mr. Trump said he had pushed her to lose weight. “To that, I will plead guilty,” he said, expressing no regret for his tactics.

But the humiliation, Ms. Machado said, was unbearable. “After that episode, I was sick, anorexia and bulimia for five years,” she said. “Over the past 20 years, I’ve gone to a lot of psychologists to combat this.”

Deborah Acosta and Nicholas Casey contributed reporting, and Kitty Bennett contributed research.

Alicia Machado became a U.S. citizen last month, just in time to vote for Hillary.

“One of the requirements for naturalization is good moral character (GMC)” – Vol 12 Part D – CH – 9.

How much of her lurid life did she disclose to the U.S. government? Theoretically, applicants for citizenship must have “good moral character,” but we all know that “vetting” is racist.

More on Alicia Machado from the Daily Mail.

Read Steve’s entire post.


* The new America: one part Jerry Springer, one part World Star Hip Hop News and one part telenovela.

* Boy, the Dems are really batting a thousand on these would-be diversity icons they keep coming up with.

You’d think that in a nation of 320 million, they’d be able to find one honest-to-God poster child who doesn’t wind up confirming all the stereotypes.

* Trump should jump on this, the one woman Hillary chose as her example in the debate was in fact believed by the cops to be the getaway driver in an attempted murder and then threatened the life of the judge.

If Hillary can’t even vet the one woman she’s going to use as a prop in the debate for basic non-criminal background–when there were published stories about her!–how is she going to vet 600,000 Syrians whom we know nothing about.

This stuff writes itself. Get off your ass Trump and get going.

* It’s clear: Trump’s insult turned her to a life of crime.

* The thing that I found amazing during this entire exchange, well given that the question was even asked and addressed by the candidates, that Clinton actually boasted about getting this woman into the United States and making her a citizen.

* Why do super predators hate Trump?

* And the beauty of it all is that her story is literally so salacious that there’s no way the media can fail to pick it up, from the tabloids on up.

And the idiot, slimy NY Times obviously coordinated with the Clinton’s campaign to use Machado. How else would it have an article ready to go on Machado the very next morning after the debate?

The Times is going to look like credulous dupes themselves for failing to investigate or report on this sleazy, and very likely criminal, side of Machado. I mean, a google search would have turned this stuff up. What did the Times do in its “reporting”, just take it all straight from a Clinton campaign memo?

They’ll look like vicious little morons, so eager for a slam on Trump that they’ll repeat any crap thrown their way.

Every day that passes, the Times gets dumber and more embarrassing.

* Harvard economist George J. Borjas writes:

I’ve always found libertarians to be the most unpersuadable people when it comes to immigration; their religious-like attachment to open borders seems totally impervious to facts. So it was a bit of a shock to come across this news article describing Charles Murray’s change of heart when it comes to low-skill immigration:

Charles Murray announced his support for a moratorium on low-skilled immigration…“I want to shut down low-skilled immigration for awhile,” Murray said, explaining it was the only way to find out if it would actually help native low-skilled workers…”I have had to undergo a great deal of re-thinking…The thing that has gotten to me over the course of this year… has been the idea, the very simple idea, that the citizens of a nation owe something to each other that is over and above our general obligations to our fellow human beings. That there is a sense that we should take care of our own, our own in this case being Americans.”

Doesn’t this sound an awful lot like the responsible nationalism now advocated by Larry Summers:

“A new approach has to begin from the idea that the basic responsibility of government is to maximize the welfare of citizens, not to pursue some abstract concept of the global good. Closely related to this is the idea that people want to feel that they are shaping the societies in which they live.”

Who would have thought it would take the rise of Donald Trump for these very wise men to see the obvious?

* Alicia Machado, doing the jobs Americans won’t do-drug-dealing, robbery, murder, porn, gold-digging, whoring. Wonder if Ol’Bill had a hand in her application for citizenship.

* …whole fact check thing is really getting out of hand and is now being used as a weapon to show that everything out of Trump’s mouth is a lie. Obviously we need fact checking, but there is a degree of difference between lying and being slightly off with a figure. For example, Rush brought up how Trump said Hillary has been around power for 30 years. That’s a lie because the correct answer is 26. But the point he was trying to make was valid.

Now Trump seems to have figured this out. At his rally tonight he mentioned that Hillary wanted to increase Obama’s Syrian refugee take by 550 percent. He said he had originally stated the number was 500 percent, but the fact checkers told him he was lying. He asked them to explain and they said the real number was 550 percent. The crowd ate it up.

Maybe this is a new strategy Trump will use. Ridicule every little fact check that is used to make Trump seem like a liar so that the public becomes immune to the constant claims of the fact checkers.

* Please Mr. Trump, return to the subject of Alicia Machado in the next debate.

I think Ms. Clinton has a little explaining to do.

How proud is she that Machado is a citizen? How happy is she to have Machado voting for her, and supporting her?

And the vetting of course, how about that? Better or worse than for the many thousands of Syrian refugees?

* She gained 50 pounds! As Miss Universe she has a responsibility and image to uphold. This would be akin to having an baseball player under gaining too much weight which would affect his performance. Physical appearance is important with Miss Universe. Ask yourself if she would have won carrying that weight? Gaining so much weight after winning goes against one’s responsibility in wearing that crown.

A boxing promoter would have every right to condemn his boxer if he got too fat and out of shape. Likewise a beauty pageant guru has the same right.

* Steve, they don’t care who they are using as poster children, nor do they have to. NYT is not going to do a follow-on correction story on what a tawdry little specimen Machado actually is. Lester Holt is not going to do a 20/20 docudrama on her real life. Pretty much the only people who will know the truth are we band of brothers reading these blogs. Everyone else will buy the sob story hook line and sinker. This is guerilla warfare, plant a limpet mine on the hull then swim away into the murk after the damage is done. The Machado story has put another hole under Trump’s waterline and she will now be dropped down the memory hole like Khan. That’s the power of owning the megaphone.

* Vanessa Williams was pressured to resign as Miss America when nude photos of her came out. So I see nothing wrong with ensuring Miss Universe maintains her physique.

* Here is the original CNN article from January 29, 1997, entitled “Expanding Miss Universe Works to Shed Pounds”.

This excerpt shows CNN had fun with her weight gain. They don’t sound as sympathetic as they do today.

NEW YORK (CNN) — When Alicia Machado of Venezuela was named Miss Universe nine months ago, no one could accuse her of being the size of the universe. But as her universe expanded, so did she, putting on nearly 60 pounds

This excerpt shows others were noticing too. Possibly Kellogg might not have renewed her contract over this.

And as her weight grew, so did reports that Kellogg had canceled a deal for her to appear on boxes of Special K in Venezuela or that Kellogg modified her body on the box. But a Kellogg spokesman said the contract simply expired in December and that they were “real pleased” with the promotion.

This is a great excerpt. Trump decided to work with her and not force her to give up the crown. This sounds quite reasonable.

Rumors also surfaced that she might be forced to give up her Miss Universe crown.

But Trump, as co-owner of rights to the pageant, said he would never let that happen. “We had a choice of: termination or do this,” he said. “We wanted to do this.”

The pageant’s meaning of “do this” was for Machado to get her weight down to about 130 pounds.

Finally, Trump pokes some fun at the media about their weight. Maybe this was done to help make Alicia feel better, or to put some in their place for having made fun of her.

“A lot of you folks have weight problems. I hate to tell you,” Trump told the rowdy pool of reporters.

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