WaPo’s Anne Applebaum Embarks On Kremlin-Style Disinformation Offensive vs. the Anti-Globalist Right

Breitbart: Washington Post columnist and political revisionist Anne Applebaum is on the warpath against the rising populist forces doing electoral damage to her establishment friends and allies across the world.

The undermining of nation-state sovereignty by the likes of George Soros, the UN, the EU, the IMF, the World Bank, the Davos crowd, the City of London and Wall Street, and the Obama/Clinton/Kerry U.S. interventionist foreign policy groupthinkers has catalyzed the recent, revolutionary sea change in Western politics.

Simply, the silent majority do not want to be led by supra-national governing bodies that are brazenly corrupt.

The blowback can be viewed in Hungary, via the Visegrad 4, at the Austrian elections, in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland, and now in the biggest and most important political battlefield on the globe: the United States.

Applebaum has written about many of these fronts in the Washington Post, the Telegraph, the Spectator, Foreign Affairs, Slate, the NY Review of Books, Gazeta Wyborcza (Poland’s establishment paper of record) and other supposedly “high-minded” outlets and platforms where the urban sophisticates congregate. Populism (read: will of the people), to these people, is a taboo on par with xenophobia and genocide.

The UK, Poland, and the U.S. are the nations Applebaum have made her homes. She is therefore aghast at recent developments in these three nations especially.

Not surprisingly she played an active role in the “Project Fear” strategy ahead of Brexit to try and galvanize the “Remain” vote. Like most of the establishment, Applebaum is a strong believer in the centralization of power around the Brussels/Berlin/Paris axis. Her husband, scandal-plagued former Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, even gave a speech in Berlin in November 2011 demanding Berlin take more control in leading an ever-more integrated and centrally governed Europe.

Poland, her primary residence, has been the setting for the most dramatic rejection of her political worldview. Her husband and their friends were turfed out of power when the Civic Platform party – which continually pushed for “more Europe” were defeated by PiS last year. Civic Platform became renowned, country-wide, for putting EU interests before Polish interests as well as engaging in petty corruptions and duplicity.

Sikorski desperately wanted to replace Baroness Catherine Ashton as EU foreign affairs spokesman. This bid died with the exposure of the Civic Platform corruption. This turn of events ended Applebaum’s dream of being Poland’s first Jewish-American first lady.

And hell hath no fury like a Polish, Jewish, American elitist scorned. Following the fall from grace, Applebaum began utilizing her global media contacts, disbursing heavily curated and obfuscated “facts patterns” meant to construct an anti-democratic global news narrative depicting the new democratically elected Law & Justice government as far right fascists and illiberal anti-democrats.

The first major Western media attack orchestrated by Applebaum was printed at her home paper, the Washington Post. Her long-time friend and colleague, Deputy Editorial Page Editor Jackson Diehl, wrote a brazenly biased editorial “Poland’s Disturbing Tilt to the Right” filled with lies, innuendo, and invective, and to which I rebutted in the Polish magazine Wprost’s online platform.

Since then a barrage of negative hyperbole has been aimed at the new Polish government by friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and fellow travelers of Applebaum/Sikorski such as Fareed Zakaria, Christiane Amanpour, Ivan Krastev, Edward Lucas, Jan Cienski, Timothy Garton Ash, Norman Davies, Tony Barber, Rick Lyman, Joanna Berendt, Tim Snyder, Henry Foy, Jan Gross, Annabelle Chapman, Matthew Kaminski, Adam Zamoyski, Christian Davies, and many others at politically charged and agenda-laden internationalist media platforms such as the BBC, CNN, NY Times, Financial Times, Politico, The Economist, Wall Street Journal, The Telegraph, The Guardian, Associated Press, and of course Poland’s own (Soros-bailed out) Pravda: Gazeta Wyborcza.

Applebaum, notorious for blocking all debate and any critics on her heavily trafficked Twitter feed, often used to remark that she never spoke of Polish partisan politics in her “journalism” (which was reasonable given her husband’s positions). But this certainly has not been the case as clearly evidenced by a pair of Telegraph columns she wrote in April and July 2010. These columns centered on the tragic plane crash in Smolensk, Russia which killed the Polish President and First Lady (Lech Kaczynski and his wife Maria) and 94 others who comprised the upper echelon of Kaczynski’s Law & Justice party. Read more on Breitbart.

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Inside the world of men who’ve sworn never to sleep with women again

The way the game is rigged these days, this makes sense.

Luckily, in traditional societies, things are different.

REPORT: The first rule of Fight Club – the 1999 film about an underground boxing club for men grappling with masculinity and dead-end jobs – was to never talk about fight club.

Almost two decades after its release, tens of thousands of men have formed a real-life online community called MGTOW, or Men Going Their Own Way.

Their first rule? Abandoning all romantic relationships with women.

On Reddit alone, some 15,000 readers are subscribed to the MGTOW page which declares it is for “men going our own way by forging our own identities and paths to self-defined success; cutting through collective ideas of what a man is.”

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Hillary Touts Ex-Miss Universe at Debate… Who Later Became Porn Actress and Accomplice to Murder

Gateway Pundit: On Monday night Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump of being an insensitive boor for “fat-shaming” Miss Universe Alicia Machado while she was Miss Universe in 1996.

Machado was representing the Miss Universe pageant at the time – which Trump owned.

Machado claimed that she felt humiliated when she was photographed exercising at a gym with Trump watching. He said Tuesday that ‘she gained a massive amount of weight’. (Daily Mail)

In 1998 Alicia Machado was accused of driving her boyfriend from the scene of a murder attempt – at a woman’s funeral.

She was also a porn actress.

It looks like she lost the weight.
She should thank Donald Trump.


Alicia is also a drug kingpin’s baby mama.

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Clinton’s Latest Campaign Surrogate is a: Murder Accomplice, Hard Core Porn Star and Drug Lord Concubine…

Conservative Treehouse: This has to be the worst campaign vetting in the history of failed campaign vetting… Or the most horrible exploitation, Clintonian level exploitation, of a very troubled woman…. You decide.

Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton’s entire campaign narrative is now centered around, and vested in, using a former Miss Venezuela, Alicia Machado, as an attack surrogate against Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign goal is to paint Donald Trump as anti-woman, and fat-shaming, because the Miss Universe pageant owner told Machado she needed to lose the 50+ lbs she gained after winning the 1996 beauty pageant title.


Yeah, it does sound silly. Hillary Clinton is trying to hit Donald Trump for being critical/judgmental of beauty,… in a beauty pageant,… which he owned,… and was therefore the stakeholder in the brand image of the beauty pageant Machado won.

Huh? Yeah, but if that wasn’t silly enough, hold on. It gets really bizarre.

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I Don’t Think Venezuela Is Sending Us Their Best

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* NBC’s Today show just ran a lengthy interview of Machado, leading with a clip of Clinton at the debate, “Donald, she has a name. Her name is Alicia Machado. And she has become a US citizen and you can bet she is going to vote this November.” The sympathetic segment included the most heart-rending parts of Clinton’s TV ad featuring the former beauty queen’s abuse at the hands of the monster.

I guess NBC’s newshounds don’t watch CNN. No mention of the getaway car, the threats to the judge, the engagement-wrecking sex tape, or serving as baby mama for the cocaine cartel kingpin.

When it comes to new U.S. citizens, I’m not certain that Venezuela is sending us their best.

There’s a rumor that Today has scored a major coup in the Morning News Show ratings wars. They’ve recruited Haven Monahan as the newest Senior National Correspondent.

* Great coincidences in campaign reporting: The Guardian & Cosmo sent reporters just before debate to profile Machado, then pubbed today.

* Too bad we didn’t have a fence to keep out this useless eater Venezuelan beauty queen.
USA- not just Mexico and Guatemala’s dumping ground anymore!
Now we are the dumping ground for all of Latin America, for all the flotsam and jetsam washing up from Venezuela and everywhere south of the United States of America.

* “He can say whatever he wants to say. I don’t care. You know, I have my past, of course everybody has a past. And I’m no saint girl. But that is not the point now … (Trump) was really rude with me, he tried to destroy my self esteem. And now I’m a voice in the Latin community.”

Ah yes; the unspoken paradigm of our age – “yeah, okay, so I murdered a few muhfugguhs….so? Murder just a evvyday thing that happen, nome sane? ….but racism! That shit is juss sick and wrong!”

* This story about Alicia Machado is backfiring on Hillary and the MSM so badly it makes the birtherism affair look like a political masterstroke by comparison.

* We all have a past. I’ve been a getaway driver for assassins and threatened to kill judges many times – who hasn’t? Now can we get back to Donald Trump and his fat shaming. Fat shaming is the most important issue facing America today.

* This morning on Fox News, the announcer said an upcoming segment was going to examine whether Trump’s comments about Alicia Machado were blown up out of proportion.

If Ms. Machado put on 60 pounds, as CNN reported, I’d say she blew herself up out of proportion.

* The focus should be on how does someone of such obviously low moral character become a U.S. citizen in the first place? What skills is she bringing to our country and how are we better off that she is living here?

* There seems to be another complication brewing, which is that there are numerous hardcore porn videos featuring an “Alicia Machado”, who is billed as a former Miss Venezuela or somesuch. Not gonna link (for obvious reasons), and I didn’t watch them, but the lady in the stills bears a striking resemblance.

* These Alicia Machado stories are hysterically funny; it’s amazing that Hillary would use this individual to promote her campaign. Who came up with this idea, anyway? Bill?

I would say that Machado fulfills everyone’s expectations about trashy Latinas, and I think it’s only fair to draw attention to her past activities. Also, she’s very good looking in her various stages of undress. I also think it’s fair to mention — but not to link — the references to a sex tape.

In a way, it’s not fair to discuss someone’s personal life; ad hominem, and so on. But Hillary, and apparently with the cooperation of Ms Machado, chose to select her as a paragon of what the US is and should be. Therefore it’s not only fair to discuss the public career of that paragon, it is necessary.

I didn’t watch the debate because when I heard Hillary’s voice (my wife is big on HRC) I told my spouse I had to run the extra car to keep the battery up so I just drove around for half an hour.
I can’t imagine listening to HRC’s voice for the next four to eight years.

However, the point is that therefore I first heard about Alicia and Donald’s infamous fat shaming while scrolling my twitter feed the next morning. So naturally this appeared to be a gaffe on Donald’s part. It was an appeal — perhaps we might say a naked appeal — for the woman vote, since every woman feels that she is fat, and fat shaming is a political issue. But just as every woman feels that she should lose a few pounds, every woman is going to be envious of a woman of Alicia’s appearance, and moreover, the vast majority of woman are not going to approve of a woman who has made a career out of showing off her body. And that is why this further discussion is necessary.

As a guy, despite the obvious pleasant scenery, I couldn’t care less. However, the publicizing of the career of Ms Machado in the wake of the debate has I believe completely neutralized the “Sisters Unite!” nature of Hillary’s debate night appeal. And that’s worthwhile.

* I almost wish Trump would have said, “I’ve called men a lot worse things, Sweetie.”

And then maybe go on to point out that 99% of the soldiers killed in the damn Iraq war she voted for have been what her most ardent followers like to refer to as “males.” So don’t compare my decision to tweak an irresponsible beauty contest winner 20 years ago to the seriously damaging decisions you have made in your years of “public service.”

* Speaking of loaded language. Here’s the opening of the Editorial Steve linked to in a different entry:

“… When Mrs. Clinton finally got to unload what felt like the pent-up frustration of Everywoman, it was powerful.”


And it was “pent up,” because God knows she’s never had an opportunity express this grievance earlier.

* It seems that Ms. Machado has a problem with la verdad. Megyn Kelly on Fox last night asked her about a contradiction about when she got her “eating disorder.” In 1997 Machado told WaPo she was already barfing up her arepas in preparation for the pageant.

Machado stays on the “Trump bad” message:

“I’m heeere because I know dis person and he nada good person. Dad is de poyn.”

* Can you even be a Miss Universe contestant and be a feminist?

* Trump could not have designed a more perfect case in point, for what Democrats do with immigration, than this woman. Hillary finds a repugnant alien from a Socialist hellhole, who obviously does not have the qualities we look for in a citizen, but who is ready to bring her Socialist country’s narcissistic sense of personal entitlement to all the riches of our country; said alien then proceeds to shill for the treasonous political elites who hooked her up with access to native whites’ social and financial capital, promising to vote against the idea that America and its people should come first; when we are not sufficiently obsequious in this process, they have the temerity to spit in our faces and call us racists.

This is obviously illustrative of our immigration problem in its entirety: we should thank Hillary for making our point for us, and publicize the fact everywhere. I think Trump could be almost as angry and hostile to Hillary as he wanted on this topic in the next debate, with excellent results. I keep hearing people say that Hillary is actually quite smart and has been seasoned by years of political manoeuvering, and that Trump should beware her political acumen. That sounds like it should be true, but I keep concluding that, in fact, she and the rest of the Left have simply never faced real opposition. If one is willing to strike back, they have left themselves open to any number of devastating attacks.

* I think its the duty of men on the alt-right, or just plain old responsible white guys of republican virtue, to stop coddling political nonsense in their women.

Lay it out: “This is a war against white people, against Western civilization–against everything i inherited from my ancestors and hope to pass down to our civilization. If you vote against our civilization you’re voting against me and our children’s future. It is not acceptable and i’m not going to tolerate it. It’s a bright line for me.”

I’ll leave the question of a spanking and what follows it to you. But it’s long past time that white men stopped tolerating adolescent political stupidity in their women.

* What would be unforgivable to me as an employer is the lack of background vetting. Hasn’t HRC’s staff ever heard of Google? Anybody who can use a browser could have found out in half an hour what a nutcase adventuress (love that word) this babe is, but no doubt HRC’s staff think they are so much smarter than everyone else.

* Someone uploaded this 1997 CNN video featuring Trump and Machado. I don’t know if someone else has posted it on another thread. I apologize if they did. But if you haven’t seen it, watch it. Trump is amazingly nice to this woman. And she seems very cheerful and friendly to Trump. Anyone watching this will come away thinking Trump is a good guy.

* Machado may be easy on the eyes, but she is fundamentally the Venezuelan version of white trash. She loves to eat fattening junk food, her taste in men runs toward men who are browner than she is and who are known to the police, and she is a baby momma. America has plenty of its own native white trash women and their illegitimate offspring and really doesn’t need to import any more.

* Having checked out her, er, body of work in the last few minutes I can say she definitely has skills. But nothing a willing American lady couldn’t replicate.

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