Hillary’s Infectious Laugh

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Amazon, Christianity & Islam

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How The Alt-Right Takes Over

Build institutions? Win elections and popular support?

I thought AmNats of white or any variety are supposed to complain about the ADL and call people cucks. Who knew that the boring, decades-long business of building institutions and winning popular support on the issues was even an option?

And that first line item? Do the hard work of joining the system, making compromises and enemies, but also allies and incremental process? I thought that all you need to create change is post rare pepes on reddit!

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FREE SPEECH CRACKDOWN: EU orders British press NOT to reveal when terrorists are Muslims

Express: A report from the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) found there was an increase in hate speech and racist violence in the UK from 2009 to March 2016.

Blaming the press, ECRI Chair Christian Ahlund, said: “It is no coincidence that racist violence is on the rise in the UK at the same time as we see worrying examples of intolerance and hate speech in the newspapers, online and even among politicians.”

The report makes a whopping 23 recommendations to Theresa May’s Government for changes to criminal law, the freedom of the press, crime reporting and equality law.

And despite the report not analysing coverage of the historic Brexit vote, Mr Ahlund saw fit to comment on the UK’s decision to leave the EU.

In a sweeping statement, he said: “The Brexit referendum seems to have led to a further rise in ‘anti-foreigner’ sentiment, making it even more important that the British authorities take the steps outlined in our report as a matter of priority.”

The report lays into the British press and urges the government to “give more rigorous training” to reporters.

In the 83-page report, the Commission said: “ECRI considers that, in light of the fact that Muslims are increasingly under the spotlight as a result of recent ISIS-related terrorist acts around the world, fuelling prejudice against Muslims shows a reckless disregard, not only for the dignit

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The VP Debate

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Strategy tip, gay men always come off as queeny when they interrupt.

* The moderator asks Kaine a question and lets him talk about anything he wants. She asks Pence a question, but interrupts him to make sure he is answering what she asks. Additionally she lets Kaine interrupt Pence continuously. It’s like two on one. I hope the low info voters can see this.

* Yes Kaine is very aggressive, even shrill, more of an attack dog. Pence is far more likable, coming across as folksy. He’s also significantly better looking. Kaine’s LSAT score was likely much better than Pence’s. He’s the smart verbally acute nerd, like Ted Cruz in that respect. So far, I bet Pence is connecting more with the undecided voters.

* The moderator is biased, lets Kaine interrupt, but that’s okay because Kaine does not look like someone you want to be president. They like to say Trump doesn’t have the temperment, Kaine looked like a volcano erupting/interrupting.

This is the first time I’ve really listened to Pence and he did great. He was prepared, he didn’t take bait and gave good information to the audience.

* God, this female moderator is a WORLD CLASS LOSER! Can you imagine if she was a teacher in a school? or a cop on the beat? or a soldier in the US army? She can’t do shit tonight. The MSM needs to be flogged big time for setting her up to be such a laughing stock! What a shit show this is tonight. Pence is dignifies and Kaine is fracking psychotic!

* Pence ran the table.

I knew he was good. But I had no idea he was this good. Pence CRUSHED Kaine. Kaine came across as the shrill minion of a shrill candidate. Pence demonstrated poise, confidence and passion. Pence – game, set, match.

* Pence’ demeanor, knowledge, and polite manner made him the winner far and away. Kaine had a bunch of canned, memorized lines.

Then too, remember: tv is a visual and auditory medium and Pence looked composed and sounded great while Kaine caused a lot of cognitive dissonance with his arched eyebrow, weird smile coupled with attacks. Kaine looked like a clown. He’s not an attractive man at all.

Who’d you like to be your big brother, your dad, your uncle, your boss? Your husband. Kaine or Pence.

Easy answer.

* Thought it was worth noting that, just as Pence described the Clinton crime foundation, and was describing the specifics of the corrupt practices of Secretary Clinton in office, that NBC chose to put up a graphic with a paragraph of text on it to distract the viewer.

* Trump should have run his whole campaign on one simple message: stop letting in so many low quality immigrants. He had the megaphone, why didn’t he use it and show the absurdity of the Davos view on immigration. This campaign lasted like 15 months, he never really attempted to make a sustained case against mass low quality immigration. I think he could have pulled it off with the help of Stephen Miller. Too bad; Adios America!

* Great job by Pence tonight, looked great, sounded great, came across as very likable and unflappable. I really hope Trump learns from him. This is how you do it. Bat away or ignore the attacks, don’t lose your cool, speak in complete sentences, don’t get bogged down in the trenches. Maybe this is wishful thinking, but I think we will see a more Pence-like Trump in the next debate.

Kaine came across as gay, rehearsed, overly aggressive, shrill, and overall very unlikable.

* Pence won. He is excellent.

Trump made a good choice. Further proof that he knows what he is doing, and that schmoes like me do not. (I complained about his choice when he made it. I now eat my words.)

* Me too. I thought Pence was a bad VP choice, and still think either Coulter or Sessions or Giuliani would have been better, but Pence has proven himself thus far to be a good addition/follower.

I just worry about TPTB taking out Trump and installing Cuck Pence. Pence follows orders well, so his boss needs to be Trump and not Soros.

Anyway, the Pence performance showed a lot of people that Trump’s administration won’t be impulsive showmanship/braggadocio without a plan, but an good, knowledgeable;e organization with strongman showman as the leader. In other words, just like Trump’s mega-successful business empire.

MAGA, brothers!

* I believe we are witnessing the beginning of a paradigm shift in the way the American electorate goes about vesting authority in its chosen leader.

I know all of us here at iSteve are familiar with the historical anecdote that was the Nixon-Kennedy presidential debate, and how those who heard the debate on radio thought that Nixon won while those who saw it on TV thought that Kennedy won. Kennedy went on to win the election, and the debate (which was the first televised debate of its kid, if I recall correctly) was held to signal the birth of the television age. I was no longer enough to simply argue with your opponent. If you wanted to succeed in the new age, you had to succeed especially with age’s characteristic media.

Something similar could be seen happening tonight. Many who watched the Pence-Kaine debate in the heat of the moment will immediately conclude that Kaine won. His terrier-like demeanor and full-auto talking points seemed to succeed on a superficial level. But that, however, is only according to the old paradigm. The last paradigm shift occurred between auditory and visual media. The basis of the current paradigm shift is time.

To anyone who thinks that Pence did poorly tonight, I would make the suggestion to chill out, give it some time, and then watch the entire debate again in a few days. In fact, you can also do that with the first Trump-Clinton debate, which saw Trump’s performance widely panned. I guarantee that you will see an entirely different debate and an entirely different Trump, one in which he emerges as the clear victor.

The Hillary campaign has shown itself to be ruthlessly efficient when it comes to controlling the narrative, but that basically amounts to controlling the room, to managing expectations and responses in the present. But this election is no longer about how people feel in the present. The electorate is wriggling out of the narrative and tuning out the megaphone. They are casting their eyes about hoping to alight on something that isn’t the present. Like all hubristic regimes, the Clinton machine has become a victim of its own solipsism. It can no longer perceive the fact that it isn’t loved and admired but only tolerated, and that only for so long as no alternative appears.

Well that alternative has appeared in the person of Donald J. Trump. The only way that Clinton and Kaine can still control the room is by telling such obvious lies that they wouldn’t stand up at all under critical scrutiny. That scrutiny takes a process of time to eventuate—it is not a momentary thing—but it is eventuating and people are trusting it.They are looking to the analysis and the quiet, stubborn facts more than to the media megaphone. This si the paradigm shift.

And that is why, when Trump/Pence goes on to win this election by a handy margin, the media will be utterly flabbergasted at how such a thing could have happened. The age is changing. TV is no longer the dominant medium, and narrative control is no longer the political skill par excellence. What will take their place is the rigorous rule of idea-less fact-men, of which Donald Trump is a herald.

* Pence has to for PR purposes. Look there never will be a open and honest discussion on Russia in the American MSM. They simply won’t allow it. Any pol who tries to will be labeled a fool and threat.

Look ever since Putin took back the Crimea every MSM outlet has been demonizing Russia. Every computer hack is blamed on the Russians, every blow up in Syria is blamed on the Russians.

I only saw this level of agit prop by our MSM twice before – prior to Operation Desert Storm and the invasion in 2003.

All that’s missing is a forward deployment of 4-5 Army divisions in Poland. Which will probably happen under Hillary.

* The tweet of the night goes to Trump:

“@Jnelson52722: @realDonaldTrump @Susiesentinel Kaine looks like an evil crook out of the Batman movies”

* Nate Silver published a piece entitled, “No, the polls aren’t biased,” or something like that. He did a good job of making sound arguments, while glossing over relevant areas where his argument was weak. E.g., he basically waved away the idea that pollsters could be fudging their polls, because their livelihood depends on delivering accurate forecasting. He spent a little more time than I did writing that sentence, but not much. Two questions naturally arise. First, how is “accuracy” determined? Something tells me it’s determined by how accurate the polls are a short time before the election, not how accurate they are throughout the campaign. If so, that would leave pollsters pretty much the entire time to use their polls as propaganda without regard to their accuracy, as tools to manipulate the outcome (all evidence shows that people tend to vote for who they think will win), only to right the ship just before the election, so as to deliver “accurate forecasting.” Second, the media has made it absurdly plain that they value their credibility far less than they do their ability to manipulate the outcome in favor of Illary, despite the fact that their livelihood ostensibly depends on their credibility. They have obviously decided that Trumpenfuhrer gives them a pass, “just this once”; what makes pollsters any different.

* Pence is much more handsome and masculine. This doesn’t lend itself to feminine activities like studying. I would say Trump has the same problem. Bookishness and manly men don’t go together. Manly men learn by doing or doing and then checking books to figure out details. Trump clearly has a very high IQ and is able to deal with complexities very few people could handle. But you could never imagine him sitting down with a novel or some trendy non-fiction. It is hard from a man to quote Harold Bloom or make reference to a novel he’s recently read and still come across as masculine. It unmanly.

* Trump being an egomaniac is definitely a double edged sword. Only someone with as big an ego as Trump could pull off the unconventional campaign he has run and would be fine with being considered the modern Hitler for espousing views on immigration that are the norm in every non-white country (as well as Eastern European white ones). At the same time, his ego drives him to talk too much about himself, get stuck in too many low level fights and to not prepare.

* It’s not hard to get Trump talking about his life instead of the issues.

* Hillary isn’t running a tight ship at all. She is running a leaky old Liberty ship, but the media is providing massive convoy escort to get her over the finish line. She campaigns once in a blue moon to a tiny, handpicked crowd, then takes a couple days off. She is only getting away with this because of the massive support being provided by the MSM. They’ve already admitted collaborating with her on the Miss Universe story.

* The firefox add-on VideoDownloadHelper will allow you to download the video, then reupload it if the original gets taken down. Don’t worry, youtube doesn’t do anything to your account if you just have a single video taken down.

If youtube gets really aggro taking it down, then there are various grey-market free video hosting sites, some of which are run by Kim Dotcom. Then there is liveleak.

In other words, the video is not going to disappear.

Kim is half-Finnish, and an example of how Finns and possibly Estonians are the only ethnic group as good at computer programming as the Ashkenazi.

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