The Daily Mail Story That Started It All

Comment: “It was the Daily Mail that originally broke the story of Weiner texting the 15 year girl. Without them engaging in a little bit of real (albeit juicy) journalism, we would not be in this current situation.”

Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: Anthony Weiner carried on a months-long online sexual relationship with a troubled 15-year-old girl telling her she made him ‘hard,’ asking her to dress up in ‘school-girl’ outfits and pressing her to engage in ‘rape fantasies’
A high school girl, whose name is being withheld by because she is a minor, reveals the online relationship began last January
Weiner and Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s top aide, were still together
He told the teen that it had been a year since he and Huma had sex
The girl says she told him she was 15 and a sophomore in high school; messages confirm he knew she was underage
In one message Weiner tells the girl ‘I would bust that tight p***y’
She claims Weiner asked her to undress and encouraged her to touch herself and say his name over video chat
Weiner would not get fully nude, but usually shirtless and wearing boxers
Weiner did not deny exchanging ‘flirtatious’ messages with the teen to He declined to comment on the specifics

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What Are the Democrats / Media Going to Unload on Trump This Week?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Last night, rotund pollster Frank Luntz hinted that there’s a bombshell about Trump coming out Wednesday, from the NeverTrumpers camp, and my gut says abortion is to what he was alluding.

* I’ve been waiting for the Dems to bring forth some woman to claim that Trump raped her… however, the media reported the “Trump kissed me” accusation by the porn star as “sexual assault,” so maybe that was already it.

* One reason to suspect that that might be so is the unrelenting Overism they’ve been pushing. The point of Overism is to kick someone when they’re down so that they can’t get up again. If you’ve got a huge additional sucker punch lined up, I don’t think you feel much need to do that. You let them crawl off the ground and then knock them out for good.

I also don’t think the media is very good at waiting until they see the whites of their enemy’s eyes until they shoot. Frankly, they fight like a group of hysterical women, impulsively grabbing hair, scratching faces, and tearing off clothes, which isn’t a pretty thing.

I don’t think strategy and discipline come naturally to a feminized profession. What comes naturally is complete decompensation in the face of real frustration — which, I think, the FBI thing has induced in them.

* America doesn’t have one homogenous deep state.

You’re seeing some of that now with the CIA versus the FBI. You’ve got an ex-CIA tool trying to sabotage Trump in Utah, and you’ve got four FBI offices swarming on the Clintons.

There’s no one with his hands on all the levers of power. Maybe the closest to it was the Clintons, with their allies in the media, Wall Street, the national security state, Silicon Valley, etc. But you can see that’s slipping.

Part of the problem seems to be that they’ve had so many on their side for so long that they just got sloppy (forwarding government emails to a Yahoo account?). Part of it is probably Hillary’s pandering to Black Lives Matter. How do you think cops and FBI agents feel about that?

* The FBI story will suck all the oxygen out of news reports until at least Thursday – Friday and by then it’ll be too late for whatever they come up with to have full effect. W’s DUI would have had time to sink him if they hadn’t waited until the weekend before election day

Everything they’ve thrown against Trump has worked to a point but then Trump bounces back.

The Capt Khan story which started August 1 was a big nothing that the media blew out of proportion (“he insulted a gold star father” talk about DILLIGAF)

The Alicia Machado story from the first debate on September 26 was another nothing story More than anything it shows the Clinton campaign’s incompetence in choosing such a flawed candidate as their “Trump is a misogynist” poster child.

The Trump as Russian agent angle is laughable to any sane thinking person. Especially coming from someone whose husband visited Moscow in 1969 at the height of the cold war.

The “Trump is endangering our democracy” by refusing to accept the election results attack after the third debate on October 19 was particularly idiotic.

The series of indecent proposal bimbo eruptions that have come out after the p*ssy grabbing tape all have blended into that story and have had less effect than they hoped.

The p*ssy grabbing tape would be perfect for the Dem’s right about now, too bad they used it too soon. You’ll recall it came out October 7, the same day as the first of the Podesta wikileaks. The Dems (or maybe Ryan and other never-Trumpers) thought this would be the killshot to end Trump but he weathered the storm and after the second debate on October 10th it became old news.

* I had the misfortune to stumble upon Meet the Press while flipping through the channels on my rabbit-ears-only TV. My gaydar went into overdrive as soon as I took one look at the Hillshill that Tim Russert’s smarmy son was interviewing. It made me wonder whether she demands that all of her male minions take estrogen supplements, or something.

So I looked him up, and, sure enough…

Mook is the first openly gay manager of a major presidential campaign.

There’s a word for women who seek out the company of fabulously catty gay men … fag hag. (Fag is only homophobic, and hag is only sexist, when uttered by straight men.)

Trump and his entourage are markedly more hetero.

We’re far more likely to find a dead girl buried in the foundation of one of Trump’s buildings than a live boy in one of his beds.

* Suspect when the last big bad revelation of Trump’s misbehavior was a porn star, there isn’t much ammo left. No doubt they’re beating the …bushes…for something, anything.

* I was actually mostly writing-off the Huma-Hillary rumors as just so much gossip when I thought they went back as an item only to around the time of Hillary’s Sec. of State days. But Huma was plucked while technically still a teenager and Hillary was an active, still-under-50 First Lady! And I have to admit it was around her run for Senate in 2000 that Hillary was at her by-far most physically attractive- still healthy, and finally in the hands of top-notch stylists, she looked like a true ice queen femme fatale- a sort of MILFy Brigette Nielson. So I can definitely see the still-vital Clinton homing in on this exotic young flower for plucking and long-term relationship opportunities, but I cannot imagine a 60+, decrepit Hillary monthly playing the field with young girls she could not possibly make any connection with simply to satisfy her carnal appetites.

A too-little noted aspect of this relationship among us visually-oriented, red-blooded guys is what was in it for Hillary from an emotional/intellectual stand-point (which is even MORE important to the typical woman than the just-physical aspects)? Meaning, after she had plucked this little flower, what could this pretty, but silly little girl have had to offer a mature woman with years of experience at the highest echelons of power? I would venture that Hillary craved the mentor-apprentice relationship with Huma, but that she also thought Huma’s exotic background would give her unique insights into an important but little-understood region of the world, and thus impart some measure of power to the always greedy-for-everything Clinton. I would also strongly venture to say that the marriage to Weiner was in very strong part driven by Hillary’s need to impart more shared experience to her true love. How could Huma ever be an effective emotional sponge for Hillary and all her bitching about what it’s like to be with a charming, ambitious, but sexually-reckless man until Huma was married to one herself? Women really cannot tolerate too much daylight in terms of life experiences between each other, especially the closer they are.

* The White House has just released statements indicating their neutrality and supporting Comey and the FBI. This looks like Obama has decided that Hillary’s mess is too big for him to handle, and he’s cutting her loose before she and Weiner soil his reputation while he’s on his way out of office.

I’ve also noticed that Yellen’s Fed didn’t bother to dump billions of dollars’ worth of paper gold all at once on the Comex market today like they’ve been doing every day for the past few weeks. They’ve been trying very hard to shove investors out of gold (the traditional stock market crash haven) and back into stocks in an attempt to prop up the market for Hillary, because a crash would get Trump elected.

The Deep State appears to have passed the word around and consulted among its members, and they’ve decided that helping Hillary is way too toxic and destructive to their own careers at this point.

The rats are leaving the sinking ship.

* Harry Reid completely lied about Romneys tax returns in 2012 in order to drive the news cycle. He did so using the immunity against slander provided by the floor of congress. If the media had any credibility they would emphasize this in any article about a comment from Reid.

Republicans should have an attack dog like Ted Cruz go on the floor of the senate and say that Reid is a child molester who has homemade child porn in a safe in his home in Vegas and he should prove it doesn’t exist or resign immediately.

It would be an outrageous attack, and the media would be forced to cover it. And they’d also be forced to cover why republicans made the charge in the first place.

* I love how since at least the Nixon days, liberals and the press have concern-trolled the GOP into doing the “honorable” thing and turning on their own in exchange for a few scraps of strange-new-respect while never once feeling the least bit of compunction to do likewise themselves. From Howard Baker and other Congressional Republicans turning on Nixon in exchange for a few post-retirement pats on the head from THE NYT, to voting against the confirmation of Clarence Thomas, to rolling out Goldwater in support of gays in the military, to McCain’s not standing-in-the-way-of-history by making a thing of where Obama cynically went to church, to Justice Roberts letting Obamacare stand so as not to be labelled a judicial “activist” by THE NEW REPUBLIC, to just this year putting a hold on their old white man bashing long enough (but not a second longer) to let Romney summon some of that retro father-knows-best gravitas and kick a little at Trump.

Given the staggering, Third World level corruption of the Clintons, and it only being a matter of if they can ever be charged on some technicality for all the crimes they have already been proven to have committed, isn’t it time for the other side of the aisle to demonstrate some honor too and dump these scumbuckets? Sadly, I think we are at the point in our country where this is absolutely, and very purposely, the last time the IQ of the average voter is sufficient to even grasp, let alone get outraged over, something as intellectually demanding as Watergate or the Clinton Foundation’s pay-for-play.

* The most effective October surprise of all time was the revelation in 2000 on the Friday before election day of George Bush’s drunk driving conviction. Polls before the revelation had Bush up by 3%-4%. In the actual vote, Gore won by 1%. The Friday surprise was especially effective because (1) it was based on undeniable documentary evidence and (2) it was the last thing voters heard before the polls. It’s worth noting that this was the best dirt that the Democrats had on Bush, and they quite deliberately saved it for the very end of the campaign.

The Democrats certainly have not run out of dirt on Trump. They must be saving something for the last minute, and there’s a good chance that whatever they have is more damning than anything that has come out yet. Remember: All of the so-called scandals that they have revealed so far are actually trivial — “Trump called me fat”; “Trump said ‘pussy’” — they have been a big deal mostly because the media have made them a big deal. My own guess is that Hillary’s campaign must have something better than that.

Assuming they’ve got something good, it’s probably something that he said or did on the thousands and thousands of hours of video- and audio-tape that he has left behind in his career. Who knows, though? Bribery? Mob dealings? Maybe a false accusation of child rape.

My best guess about how this plays out:

The media spend the rest of this week spreading the message that there is nothing new at all in the emails on Weiner’s computer and that Comey is a Republican stooge who is attempting to improperly influence the election.

By Friday morning, Hillary and the media are claiming that, since an entire week has gone by and the FBI has not yet disclosed any proof of criminal activity, this was obviously a false alarm. Time to move on.

Later Friday, Hillary’s campaign hits us with its last scoop of anti-Trump dirt. The media spend the weekend beating the drums about it. They go completely silent about the Weiner scandal, which is officially old news. Trump’s campaign has no time to organize a response, and even if they could get their act together, the media would freeze them out and refuse to give their defense any air time.

The last-minute blitz tips the election to Hillary. Obama shuts down the FBI investigation and issues pardons all around. Hillary takes office and unleashes the hounds of hell on her political enemies, starting with Trump and Comey.


* My theory is Weiner is about to go to jail, lose custody of his child and be divorced. What does any criminal in that situation do? He strikes a deal. He has dirt on his wife and Clinton so he strikes a deal with the FBI to inform on bigger fish. He has given the FBI consent to search the laptop without a warrant. If everything works out for him charges dropped or reduced for cooperating. His soon to be exwife ends up in jail for 30 years and he gets sole custody of his child.

* My initial take on this was that by letting her off the hook in the summer, Comey retained more hooks on Hillary than if they had indicted her. Until the statute of limitations expires and/or every last email is recovered, he can always keep finding “new evidence”. There was a story in the NY Post around a week ago to the effect that there were a number of places that the emails could have been mirrored that the FBI never tried that hard to get to (they never served a single warrant on anyone, unheard of in a criminal investigation). At the time, it looked like they were going easy on her (and this was driving the field agents nuts) , but maybe in retrospect Comey was just keeping his powder dry.

In this era of cloud based services and routine backups and widespread hacking, it never made sense to me that even someone as evil and obsessive-compulsive as Hillary could really have found and destroyed every last copy of her emails. It’s almost impossible. It’s not like the old days where Nixon could erase 18 minutes of the one and only tape that existed. Hillary only THOUGHT that she had erased the emails. I’m sure that she is technologically incompetent due to her age and overall incompetence. The yes men she hired would have been way too intimidated to tell her the truth – would you tell Stalin that you had “defied” his direct order to find and destroy all copies? If they don’t turn up on Weiner’s laptop, they will turn up somewhere else.

* If Weiner had already seen counsel, chances are it was a divorce attorney not a criminal one. After the business with a minor, it was criminal. My guess is that Huma did that same as well, probably even before Weiner.

Huma Abadin’s income was probably set to rise exponentially. Being the right arm of who would have been the most powerful person in the world would have given her opportunities that could have enriched her well beyond measure. Weiner’s fortunes were not looking good. Jail and excommunication from society, he would have a hard time. That meant that it was now or never for her to divorce him. She would have been the one to pay alimony and child support, and it would have been huge and women don’t like that. But with him conveniently in the slammer, custody would not be an issue and who could blame her for leaving him? And who knows whom Huma has been seeing? It would have been very easy for her to cut his throat unless of course, Weiner had a card up his sleeve.

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Who’s Racist?

Linh Dinh writes:

Over three days last week, at least 150 blacks attacked whites at random around TempleUniversity. Victims were surrounded, punched and kicked. Wallets and phones were stolen. Rocks were thrown at passing cars. When cops showed up, one was knocked from her bike and a police horse was even punched twice in the muzzle.

Most of the assaults took place on Friday. On Saturday, Joe Lauletta, a father of one victim, reported on FaceBook:

I spent last night in the ER at St. Mary’s HospitaI. I received a call from my daughter Christina after my sons football game. She was crying, I couldn’t understand her, my heart dropped, I became scared, I said what is the matter? Dad, I was jumped, I’m beat up pretty bad. Where r u? Temple, they stole my phone. We’re heading to the police station. I do not hear from her until she gets to her apartment. Rage is running through my mind the whole time. She said she is getting a ride home and wants to go to St. Mary’s. I find out that her and her 2 male friends where badly beaten by a group of 30-40 black teenagers on their way home from the Temple football game. This happened after they got off the subway at Broad and Cecil B Moore. These sick animals held her down and kicked and stomped on her repeatedly. Thank god, the people from the pizza place intervened. They arrested 2 people at the scene. I have not let Christina out of my sight, she is resting. Every part of her body is badly bruised, it makes me cry just thinking about it. No broken bones. If you have children at Temple, tell them to be careful. Please keep Christina Lauletta in your thoughts.

CBS Philadelphia describes another victim’s ordeal:

He says around 9:30 Friday night he was leaving work when he saw what looked to be at least 200 juveniles walking in large groups.He said he overheard police saying the kids were playing the knockout game.

He says a juvenile around 10 years old started shouting obscenities at him and grabbed his phone out of his hand. The student says the juvenile then came back and threw the phone at him, striking him in the face.

Around 15 minutes later, the student says he was walking with his girlfriend when they were approached by at least seven juveniles. The student says he went to hit the TemplePolice alert button when his girlfriend was struck by one of the juveniles.

As the student was chasing them away, he says he was struck in the face by a someone he estimates to be eight years old.

This is not new. In 2014, five black girls, aged 17, 15, 15, 15 and 14, committed three separate attacks on random white people at TempleUniversity. Struck across the face with a brick, a 19-year-old white student suffered a fractured jaw and nearly had her teeth knocked out. Her 15-year-old assailant, Zaria Estes, was given a 2 ½-6 year sentence.

Across America, gangs of blacks have beaten random people for decades, just for the sport of it. This cathartic recreation has been dubbed wilding, catch and wreck, knock out game or flash mob, and it can happen at parks, shopping malls, state fairs or even your living room.

In 2012, a mentally-handicapped woman was relaxing on her stoop in Chester, just outside Philadelphia, when she was attacked by six black teenaged girls. When the terrified woman tried to flee inside, they rushed into her living room to continue the savage beating. Had these girls not posted their exhilarating workout on FaceBook, they might never have been caught.

A white bartender at my neighborhood dive was attacked, just outside her front door, by a group of black kids around 12 years old. After throwing a rock at her head and knocking her down, they kicked her a few times as she curled up on the ground, then they scattered. “Just like that, it was over. All I could do was go inside and cry.”

Not surprisingly, the latest incident at TempleUniversity has received scant media attention. Though AP did cover it, it never pointed out that these were racial crimes. As usual, only “teens” are fingered, with their race not mentioned. Had mobs of whites attacked random blacks, the entire world would have known about it by now.

Locally, a black writer editorializes in the Philadelphia Inquirer that gentrification is ultimately responsible. In “BehindTemple attacks, rage often comes with exclusion,” Solomon Jones explains.

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Donald’s Accusers Are Snakes In The Grass

Comments: There’s a type of heroine whose-virtue-is-in-danger story that goes all the way back to the penny dreadfuls and beyond, which was read eagerly back in that era by silly lower-class women with weak minds and erratic, hysterical, and suspicious temperaments.

Unhappily, as the great middle-class expansion grew in the 20th century, the descendants of these women have followed their men up the social ladder into middle-class jobs, but they continue to have the same silly, half-witted peasant-cum-cornerstore-shopgirl emotional mindset despite their improved education, and they eat that sort of narrative up. You can’t make an inherently silly woman sensible and stable.

* There used to be a warning in the Victorian era about women “who read French novels.” It was considered a sign of madness and/or bad wife material. It’s laughed about now, but I think they were on to something: the same women who would have indulged in penny dreadful romances then would be watching marathons these days of SVU and other rape-fantasies-in-cop-procedural-format.

Martin Van Creveld writes:

Enter the Donald’s accusers. Whether their stories are true, as they claim, or not, as he says, does not interest me here. What I do find strange is that, after decades and decades during which the females of the species have been “empowered” in every possible way, the women in question still did not have what it takes to give him what, according to them, he deserved. So dumb are some of them that, at the time, they do not even understand they have been “harassed” or “abused.” Or so they claim.

Miserable creatures! Like snakes in the grass, they spent years and even decades nursing their grievances, real, imagined, or simply invented for the occasion. And waiting for a suitable opportunity. Only then, and only when they had their behinds protected by the likes of the New York Times, did they finally crawl out of their hiding places, screwed up their “courage,” went public, and injected their venom into the presidential race. Or was it just greed and the wish for the fifteen minutes of fame?

And what does going public mean? Whining, of course. About how unable to help themselves they felt. About how humiliating the experience was. About the deep and lasting psychological damage they suffered, the psychotherapy they needed, the compensation they deserved, and so on. If these and other women who come up with similar claims are lying, then they are pathetic. If they are telling the truth, then in some ways they are even more pathetic.

As to what to think of an electorate, now made up mostly of women, that in today’s dangerous world is only interested in what happens from the waist down, make up your own mind.

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Phyllis Chesler wrote in 2015:

Dr. Denise Dalaimo Nussbaum, Chair of the Sociology Department, distinguished author and professor, is suing the Governing Board of Mount San Jacinto Community College for 9.5 million dollars for “assault, battery, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence, gender discrimination, failure to prevent discrimination and harassment, violation of constitutional and statutory rights of free speech and political activities, retaliation, tortious interference with law enforcement investigation, and breach of fiduciary duty.”

I think she should sue for more—far more—since this long-time tenured professor now faces a potentially dangerous and hostile work environment.

Her crime? She is a Zionist and proud of it. More importantly, she is a great believer in objective truth. This is currently out of fashion on so many American campuses when the subject of Israel, Palestine, and Islam are discussed. Dr. Nussbaum is also a feminist—and this figures in this story as well. Her love of truth, love of Zion, and love of freedom for women and minorities are anathema to those who have attacked her.

What is going on?

Pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel Brownshirts are growing more and more aggressive on North American campuses. They support “hate speech” and “blood libels” but in the name of “free speech.” They claim “academic freedom” to do so. But they behave in absolutely uncivilized ways.

They glare, stare, yell, march, chant, intimidate and bully, even as they conduct intense internet and campus-wide smear campaigns. They interrupt, challenge, and walk out on outside speakers who hold “false” ideas. If a faculty member shares such ideas, the Brownshirts create a hostile, even a dangerous work environment—all the while accusing their (usually) single opponent of having done so.

Such Brownshirts (students, faculty, administrators), are both actively and passively involved in destroying, one by one, all those who hold “false” ideas. They advance on—or refuse to stop such an advance on—the “politically incorrect” professor like a swarm of killer bees. For years, I have called this phenomenon Gaza on the Pacific or Gaza on the Hudson. Otherwise good people fear them and do not want to get involved.

I have been writing about this danger for fifteen years now; as I feared, matters have worsened. Senior, competent, beloved professors are being forced to flee for their lives by mobs of vicious haters, often led by one or two Islamists who are always, always “pro-Palestine” and “anti-Zionist.”