The Reflections Of Alt-Right Jew Joshua Seidel

From Joshua’s website

As my piece went live, new Twitter accounts begun for this purpose began reaching out. “I’m a Jew, and I’ve always felt this way but I’m afraid to say it” was one common refrain. This was followed up by Facebook massages, invitations to shadowy right-wing Jewish forums, and furtive Kahene supporters verifying my right wing credentials. Was I really a spy? The right wing Jew is such a rare breed in the wild, some simply didn’t believe it.

The comment section of my article attracted a not-so-rare breed: the “get in the oven” trolls, there to let me know they weren’t cutting me any slack and a Jew remains a Jew. Even here there were gems. One insightful commentator noted that I wasn’t a REAL racist like they were, I’d merely made the calculation that the modern right was less dangerous to Jews than the modern left. While this fellow underestimated my genuine support of the west qua west, he wasn’t totally wrong, and his next observation was keen: “Do you realize how incredibly neurotic your people are, including yourself?”

Well… yea!

There are those in the alt-right who define their movement entirely in respect to White Nationalism. To them, the alt-right is the political vehicle in the battle for white “Ethno States”, which will replace current Democracies in Europe and possibly North America/Australia. Many self-consciously model these states on the example of Israel. An “Ethno State” need not be racially homogeneous, but the political, economic, and cultural power in the state will remain in the hands of the dominant race/ethnicity, who will decide for themselves what will constitute citizenship. As some call this “white supremacy”, the alt-right points out that it’s simply how most of the world works:


So what is an “Ethno-State” and why would figures in the Alt-Right look to Israel for an example?

The idea has been around for some time, in different names and reiterations. For Alt-Right leaders such as Richard Spencer, (head of the National Policy Institute, a “pro white think tank”) defining European and North American states using racial criteria is necessary. Spencer, called the “Karl Marx of the Alt-Right” by Glenn Beck, has written at length about the situation facing American and European Whites. What situation? Minority status, loss of culture, and loss of identity in a multiethnic state where the standard of living has fallen for everyone. The solution? Make race or ethnic identity the core organizing principle of the state. Germany for the Germans, France for the French, Japan for the Japanese, etc. The policies of these states can vary, but the bedrock principle would be the maintenance of a majority for the dominant ethnic group.

To the Alt-Right, this solves many problems at once. In his book “The Ethnostate”, Wilmot Robertson (deceased, 2005) talks about what such a state would look like and what policies it would have. The specifics are less important than the idea that race is a “shortcut” to fix other issues. Problems with Wall Street? Less of a problem in a White ethno-state, where high trust and cultural/ethnic pride lead to better behavior from executives. There’s less of a need for regulation in the first place. Where to put educational resources? Easier question when we aren’t dealing with issues of race and immigration, isn’t it? In an ethno-state, the focus of the government will be a more efficient affair. The time and effort put into bridging ethnic and racial divides in our public institutions will evaporate, leaving societies’ energy focused on more productive issues. The well-being of such a country could be more objectively measured. What’s the standard of living? What’s the pay gap? How’s inequality? These questions are easier to answer without issues of race.

Does any of this sound familiar? Do any states exist with policies intended to keep one ethnic/racial group as a majority? Policies that favor this group? The example given by many Alt-Right figures is Israel. Spencer claims to “respect Israel” as a “homogenous ethno-state”. Israeli policies discouraging non-Jewish immigration and encouraging Palestinians to move away from disputed areas are cited by alt-right leaders as examples for their own ethno-state.

Immigration/emigration are part of the story for Israel, but its commitment to the Jewish population is deeper than that. A good description comes from author Sammy Smooha, in the Journal “Nations and Nationalism”. Smooha writes:

Contrary to its self–image and international reputation as a Western liberal democracy, Israel is an ethnic democracy in which the Jews appropriate the state and make it a tool for advancing their national security, demography, public space, culture and interests.

This is what the Alt-Right theoretically wants. A state in which White people, however defined, have control over the public spaces, the culture, the politics, and the demographic future of their country.

What’s that you say? Israel’s not REALLY an ethno-state? They have minorities? Well, of course. Israel has chosen to extend certain rights to non-Jewish citizens, including the right to vote; there are Arabs in the Knesset. This is all true, yet between ethno-states, policies can differ greatly. There’s no need for such a state to be free of minorities, as long as the state itself is defined around the majority. Israel, which encourages (and pays for) large orthodox Jewish families, and calls itself the “Jewish State” is certainly such a country.

So why isn’t the alt-right thrilled to have more Jews among its ranks? Surely we could provide the guidance they need to set up their ethno-states. If they are impressed with Israel, why not more engagement with sympathetic diaspora Jews?

Many in the Alt-Right fear Jewish influence on their movement, citing the Neoconservative “takeover” of traditional Conservatism, and the change in the movement’s character as a result. They fear that Jews may “dilute” the ethno-state they ultimately want to build.

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Ann Coulter on Campaign 2016

Comments: In the video Ann calls Preet Bharara “the one uncorruptable man in American government”

His body count includes:

100+ Wall Streeters
Most of the too-big-to-fail crew: Citi, BofA,
The Democrat who ran the NY Assembly
The Republican who ran the NY Senate
Large numbers of other corrupt politicians
Gambino and Colombo mafia family
The Silk Road online drug ring
Multiple Madoff co-conspirators
Raj Rajaratnam, a billionaire hedge fund guy
Rajat Gupta, head of McKinsey & Co and Goldman Sachs board member, worth $100 million
Anil Kumar, founding head of McKinsey’s Silicon Valley and India offices

Preet is now officially #3 on my favorite politician list behind Kobach and Sessions.

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J Street Staffer Is Second Woman To Accuse Shavit of Sexual Misconduct

Forward: It should have been a simple errand. The 26-year-old female J Street staff member was tasked with picking up Israeli author Ari Shavit at the Baltimore train station and driving him to speak at a J Street event at Johns Hopkins University to promote his bestselling book “My Promised Land.”

But the encounter that April 2014 morning turned out differently than the staff member expected. After she picked him up, she said Shavit suggested coffee before the event. The two sat down at a cafe in the campus bookstore, a Barnes & Noble. Shavit began asking the staffer — who asked the her name be withheld to protect her privacy — questions about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, wanting to know her personal connection to the issue, she said.

Midway through the conversation, she said, Shavit reached his hand across the table, as if to shake her hand. The young woman found it “weird,” but shook his hand back. Then, she said, Shavit’s hand seemed to grow limp. He began rubbing her hand with his in a style she called “hand groping.”

“I was very uncomfortable,” she said. She took her hand away.

Shavit told the staffer that he would love to see her again when she visits Israel, she recalled. She leads tours to Israel, she responded, and she was sure that a group would enjoy meeting with him.

“I was thinking about the relationship with him from a professional standpoint,” she said.

But Shavit apparently wasn’t. “He said, ‘No, alone.’”

The staffer said that she was very busy on such trips, but could perhaps make time for coffee. She recalled Shavit didn’t like that idea. “No, I want to get drinks,” she said he told her.

“There was no misinterpreting” what he wanted at that point, the staffer said.

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LAT: ‘After an L.A. reporter accused him of sexual assault, a top Israeli newspaper columnist steps down’

Is an unwanted grope sexual assault? Is an unwanted kiss sexual assault? I’ve had guys plant unwanted kisses on my face as part of their horsing around. I’ve had guys grope me in the same context (though never on my genitals). I hated it. I found it icky. When one guy (Wanker Wang) who used to do this to me turned up dead, I was glad. But is that obnoxious behavior sexual assault? I thought “sexual assault” would mean rape and penetration? So nowadays “sexual assault” means unwanted touching and unwanted kissing? I only recall one woman in my life turning away from me as I was about to kiss her and that’s just because she was shy and wanted a little more conversation. About an hour later, we kissed and she was my girlfriend for a year.

Danielle Berrin says she showed up to this guy’s hotel at 10 p.m. expecting to do an interview and he makes unwanted moves on her in a public area. By her description, his behavior was gross and given that he’s married, it was immoral, but is it sexual assault because she felt unsafe?

On the other hand, while “sexual assault” seems hyperbolic to me (I was not there, I don’t know what happened, it may well have been sexual assault), it does seem Danielle Berrin did a mitzvah in exposing this guy as a serial groper as well as exposing movie director Brett Ratner for similarly entitled and uncouth behavior.

I am sure it is uncomfortable to receive Ari Shavit’s “unwanted, aggressive sexual contact,” but would it not similarly be uncomfortable for a man of his stature to receive “unwanted, aggressive intellectual contact” from somebody far below him in cognitive ability and accomplishment. Have you ever been in a great conversation and been interrupted by an unwanted outsider?

Danielle Berrin seems like a nice person but nobody of accomplishment is going to turn to her for intellectual contact if there is no possibility for pleasurable physical contact. It’s not unknown for men to endure a woman’s prattle for a chance at her body.

On numerous occasions, I have been the recipient of a woman’s unwanted advances. I often found their pawing icky, but I didn’t feel “sexually assaulted.” I thought refusing such advances was just part of life and not a big deal.

As a kid, I hated it when certain people kissed and touched me (though never on or near my genitals) just as I hated it when certain people tried to talk to me or hang around me.

The Los Angeles Times reports:

After an L.A. reporter accused him of sexual assault, a top Israeli newspaper columnist steps down

A prominent Israeli columnist and author resigned Sunday over recent allegations of sexual harassment and assault made by two American women.

Ari Shavit, a veteran commentator for Haaretz and Israel’s Channel 10 television network, first admitted Thursday to being the unnamed “accomplished journalist from Israel” described in an account of sexual assault published by Los Angeles Jewish Journal reporter Danielle Berrin on Oct. 19.

Berrin wrote that during a 2014 interview about Shavit’s best-selling memoir on Israel’s history, he grabbed her head and attempted to kiss her, then later propositioned sex. She wrote that she was inspired to write about her experience as part of the conversation developing in the U.S. about sexual assault, sparked by the emergence of a 2005 recording of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump bragging about groping women.

Shavit said in a statement Thursday that what happened with Berrin was the result of a misunderstanding. “I felt that we had a friendly meeting that included, among other things, elements of courtship,” Shavit said. “Never for a moment did I think it was sexual harassment. But what I saw as courtship, Berrin saw as inappropriate behavior and even harassment on my part.”

Berrin rejected that explanation. “His claim is absurd,” she wrote. “The only thing I wanted from Ari Shavit was an interview about his book. No person of sound judgment would have interpreted his advances on me as anything other than unwanted, aggressive sexual contact.”

…Shavit’s decision to resign came on the same day as a fresh account of sexual harassment by an anonymous staffer for the liberal pro-Israel lobby J Street, which was published on Sunday in the Jewish Daily Forward. According to the Forward, the staffer was escorting Shavit to a lecture sponsored by the organization when, while sitting down to coffee, he suddenly caressed her hand and suggested a rendezvous over drinks in Israel.

“I am ashamed of the mistakes I made with regards to people in general and women in particular,’’ Shavit said in a statement published Sunday by Haaretz. “In the last few days I have understood that I have been afflicted by blindness. For years, I did not understand what people meant when they spoke of privileged men who do not see the damage that they cause to others. Now I am beginning to understand.’’

Steve Sailer wrote in 2014 about women such as Danielle Berrin:

Since April 2014, I’ve been trying to revive the useful old word “adventuress,” which means a reasonably good-looking heterosexual woman who manipulates other people into all sorts of drama.

Some of 2014′s special brand of craziness — SterlingGate, GamerGate, and now the UVA RaperGate that exploded so jaw-droppingly this afternoon, etc. — revolves around fairly attractive women playing the Political Correctness card for their own complicated ends. It used to be that you could kind of tell that the feminist and other whoop-tee-doos were being pushed by women with palpable reasons for being discontent.

Not an adventuress

When Andrea Dworkin, for instance, announced in the Guardian and the Globe & Mail that in 1999 she’d been raped in her locked and deadbolted hotel room in Paris after the hotel staff conspired to put a date rape drug in her beverage, well, it got some publicity, but the alternative suggestion — Dworkin is obese and unhappy and not quite right in the head — also suggested itself pretty obviously. (Especially because feminists had pretty much put feminism on hold for the duration of the Administration of the Sexual Harasser-in-Chief Bill Clinton.)

But ever since the Obama Campaign/Administration revived feminism and other forms of victimism, something insidious has happened: adventuresses have come flocking to exploit it. I first noticed this in Silicon Valley, and then there was V. Stiviano. Now this UVA Jackie story of catfishing the boy that pretty much has handed Gillian Flynn her next ripped-from-the-headlines thriller novel ought to make the pattern obvious.

Attractive women tend to have fewer problems than unattractive ones, but when our society, starting with the White House, relentlessly encourages reasonably attractive women to proclaim themselves victims … watch out. People are hardwired to like and believe attractive young women, so it’s pretty easy to be an adventuress, and they can wreak a lot of havoc.

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Clinton Insider Neera Tanden Complains About “White Boys”

“I’m not the diversity police but there is grumbling on the 4 white boys running next presidential cycle,” Neera Tanden wrote in January 2015. “So I recommend rolling out some people who look like the rest of America soon!”


Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Neera Tanden….kinda cute her images are on the internet. Miss potty mouth likes to use the f-bomb in her revealed Podesta emails.
Here is nice photo of her. She looks European with a tan.

* In all fairness to Neera, she does have her own personal White Boy to service her: husband Benjamin Edwards from Iowa City, Iowa.

She likely supports him as well, for his art is of that peculiar and unmarketable PoMo style.

* Despite the “white boys” chatter Neera Tanden appears to prefer cream in her coffee, like most coloured folk.

* (((Benjamin))) has probably already explained to her that he’s not really a “white” boy.

* If you look at Neara Tanden’s wikipedia entry, she grew up poor on welfare for a while and got great educations UCLA and Yale Law so I am assuming lots of scholarships and free rides due to her ethnicity. She has the brains to not need affirmative action.

Her parents born in India. Neara Tanden is born here and is already sabotaging traditional white America. They don’t wait anymore and have less than zero gratitude that they were allowed to immigrate (via parents) in the first place. And get boatloads of white funded scholarships.

********In one email, Neera Tanden stated that “Israel is depressing. It’s a good lesson that the wing nuts are just ruthless in every country.”[9]

******* She talks trash about white boys but she married one. Will her children get affirmative action bennies?

* Why does Hillary surround herself with so many South Asian women (Neera Tanden, Huma Abedin)? They’re ony 1.5% of America’s population, but there are a disproportionate number of them around Hillary.

* Insecurity. She likes to be surrounded by deferential inferiors. And no straight White men. Explains why Hillary’s career has been a train wreck of incompetence and corruption. Imagine her administration…

* Neera Tanden is surrounded everyday by white male achievement. Her house, her health, her clothes, her tech, her transportation, her city, her state, her country, her adopted civilization, her civic society.

Neera owes everything to white guys. Her freedom and also her personal safety. The white guy system of laws provides a safe space for whiny bitches like Neera to live as they please.

The ingratitude!

* “So I recommend rolling out some people who look like the rest of America soon!”

That is a rather evil phrase, used to dispossess whichever racial group is currently not in style.

Success in the future relies on being able to put together a group that pointedly does NOT look like the rest of America.

* “Tanden is a South Asian woman.”

She sure know to connect the Dots.

But she ought to know those white boys are merely tools of Jewb—. But I dare her point that out in the NYT.

With her and Alv Chang and others, I see a pattern. Jews at NYT celebrate and use diversity by training non-white writers to focus on gentile white men as the source of all evil.

It’s Diverse Dogs on a Jewish leash barking at white boys.

I prefer Anton Chigurh. Horrifying as he was, he attacked everyone.

* A challenge to us all.

Next time you hear someone dissing whites, call them out on it.

Your call out should be in calm and measured terms and tones, but should nevertheless convey that you are upset by their racist remarks.

Watch them back down.

Then enjoy.

* Actually normal Indians are not bad. It’s only when they become Americanized that they become anti-white racists, due to our toxic political climate charged with hate.

In general, the closer you get to the elite global power structure, the more it all turns into a dark, noxious, fetid ooze.

Neera Tanden represents fagets who went to Yale far more than she represents regular Indians.


Obviously, Tanden intended “white boys” as a racist and sexist slur

It could be a throwaway, jocular line (she blames the “grumbling” on others). Or maybe she thinks of “white boys” in a love/hate ambivalent way: She’s attracted (married one), but subconsciously feels inferior/hostile due to her ‘non-white child of immigrants’ background, and thus agitates for political outcomes that make her feel better about herself.

Tanden grew up in Bedford, MA (next door to Revolutionary Lexington and Concord), a town in the region where Jhumpa Lahiri’s protagonist in the novel The Namesake grows up. The title character (b.1968, Tanden b.1970) is a man born to immigrants and struggles with his Indian heritage/identity.

A different flavor of alienation shows up in the standup of Aziz Ansari, who seems bitter about being short, dark, and thought of as foreign. Lots of trauma at the hands of Mean Girls and Haven Monahans.

It would be nice if ‘alienated’ children of non-white immigrants simply realize they are lucky to be here, or failing that, at least properly place the blame on their parents who voluntarily came to this terrible, racist place.

* One of the very few things I agreed with the feminists on was the annoyance of women constantly being judged on looks even in areas where it’s inappropriate. Margaret Thatcher wasn’t that cute–who cares? You’d rather have Sarah Palin, who’s attractive but not that knowledgeable? Feminists are ugly–so? What matters is if they’re *wrong*. We’re not talking girlfriend material here.


* She is a whiter kind of South Asian. I wonder if she uses skin cream.

South Asian ‘Aryans’ and Latin-American white elites pull the same dirty trick.

Though much whiter and privileged than the great majority of their countrymen(many of whom were subject peoples of distant white conquerors), they play the people-of-color card against whiter whites in EU and US.

White boys ought to call her a WHITE South Asian Princess.

And it needs to be asked again and again. If these folks are so hostile to whiteness, why do they insist on coming to live in white nations under white power structure? Why don’t they prefer their own? Do they feel their own kind is inferior as neighbors, co-workers, managers, and leaders?

“I hate white folks with whom I want to live.” That is globalism.

* As an aside I should say I really like Indians. Of all non-European ethnic groups, their souls are most akin to ours. After all, which other ethnic group embraces self-abegnating altruism (Buddha, Gandhi, the Jains) to the same suicidal extent as us? Can’t imagine Kim Kardashian, from a technically “whiter” but entirely self-serving rug-merchant ethny, stopping to save a dying child in the street if it means breaking a nail.

With that said (and with all due props to all the brothers-in-arms like Reihan Salam, Dinesh D’Souza, Razib Khan, etc., etc.) it is astonishing how quickly Indian-Americans have insinuated themselves into the upper tiers of American politics, business, etc. with some very nonsalutory effects (the high-profile white collar/insider trading crime cases of the last several years have featured them in wildly out-of-proportion numbers). Are we in the midst of another Veddic invasion? The formation of a Hindu-Ashkenazi-Han elite caste, with various lower castes beneath them to do the plumbing, roofing, no-sleep truck driving, deep-sea Alaska crab fishing? I’m sure a whole new codex of taboos broken by the lower castes and justifying their abject state will be codified too (sexism, heteronormatism, implicit bias). I can even suggest a name for these new lowest-of-the-lowes- instead of “Untouchables”, how about “Deplorables”.

* When “America” becomes short-hand for Non-White, expect White Men the only ones left out of the party, while paying for it, to burn the whole thing down. Not with torchlight marches or even collective action, but radically atomized individual actions of sand in the gears, or worse. I’ll note that while home DNA sequencing is still primitive, it does exist, and much like the maker movement generally (which is generally but not exclusively a White male identity movement) provides a lot of opportunities. It takes but one angry White man fired to make way for some non-White incompetent to brew up a virus that kills say, 90% of the African, or Indian, or Middle Eastern population. Should he desire.

The reason this has not happened already is that almost all White men consider America to be theirs by reason of heritage, birthright, and their ancestors sacrifice in battle. Paid for in White Male blood in other words. Should that change the desire to burn everything down would change. And individual radically atomized is impossible to stop; since he would talk to no one, speak to no one, leave no marker of intent and would be impossible to find.

But just as importantly this shows the bankruptcy of Martin Luther King’s “Dream” and indeed the whole Lennonist “one people.” There will be either serfs or masters. There will be no possibility, EVER, of non-Whites and Whites living as equals. ONE will be the slave of the other. Non Whites are not interested in full equality, but rather racial rule over Whites, particularly White men.

Thus the choice for White men is simple: A. be slaves of Non-Whites (with White women along as their concubines/camp followers); B. make non-Whites their slaves; C. total separation and self-determination along the lines of the Easter Rising and anti-Colonialism in the 1950′s and 1960s in Africa and SE Asia. I personally vote C.

Regardless Martin Luther King Jr. has to be marked as someone like Marx whose ideas were not only spectacularly wrong but harmful.

* Jews think they out-competed the WASP elite on brains alone when it was more a mixture of brains and nepotism.

And now they’re replacing the White population to prevent a resurgence.

However high caste south Asians have a similar mix of brains and nepotism.

The end result, if successful, will be a dystopia either way as neither group has any sense of stewardship but I’d put money on the south Asians coming out on top once they have the edge in numbers.

(Leaving aside the politics of it all the most interesting part of all this from an hbd point of view is Jews are a test case of gene-culture evolution – they became adapted to White people.)

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