National Politico Editor RESIGNS After Publishing Home Addresses Of Alt-Right Icon Richard Spencer, Advocating For ‘Baseball Bats’

Michael Hirsh tweets: “I think it’s good that neo-Nazi Richard Spencer is moving to Washington. It’s important that we know where he lives.”

Daily Caller:

National editor at Politico Michael Hirsh resigned after publishing the home addresses of alt-right figurehead Richard Spencer Tuesday morning and advocating for serious violence.

Politico confirmed his resignation following requests for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Stop whining about Richard B. Spencer, Nazi, and exercise your rights as decent Americans,” Hirsh wrote in a public Facebook post. “Here are his two addresses.”


“These posts were clearly outside the bounds of acceptable discourse, and POLITICO editors regard them as a serious lapse of newsroom standards,” Politico Editor-In-Chief John Harris and Editor Carrie Budoff Brown told TheDCNF. “They crossed a line in ways that the publication will not defend, and editors are taking steps to ensure that such a lapse does not occur again.”

While Hirsh’s initial post could have been charitably interpreted to imply advocacy of a non-violent protest outside of Spencer’s home or other similar non-violent actions, a subsequent question and answer clarified Hirsh’s intentions.

“Completely agree we should mobilize against his hateful ideas, but what does knowing his home addresses do?” asked Doug Widmann, Harvard Law graduate and senior vice president at the at The D. E. Shaw Group. “Send a letter? Confront him in person? Seems like counter-speech is the main thing we can do. You can call it “whining” but I’m not sure that’s fair or constructive. Side note: Apparently the GSA-owned Ronald Reagan International Trade Center in DC felt obligated to host his organization’s event because it can’t discriminate against speech under the First Amendment, so there’s that problem, too.”

Hirsh responded in an unhinged manner: “I wasn’t thinking of a fucking letter, Doug. He lives part of the time next door to me in Arlington. Our grandfathers brought baseball bats to Bund meetings. Want to join me?”

Perhaps knowing it wasn’t such a good idea to advocate openly for serious violence against Spencer in a public format, Hirsh deleted the post, but not before TheDCNF grabbed a screenshot.


According to Wikipedia: “Michael Hirsh is the national editor for Politico. He is the former foreign editor and chief diplomatic correspondent for Newsweek. He was a member of JournoList. He is a lecturer and has appeared numerous times as a commentator on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, National Public Radio, and is a frequent guest of The Young Turks, a streaming internet political talk show. In addition to Newsweek, he has also written for Foreign Affairs, Harper’s, and Washington Monthly. Hirsh was co-winner of the Overseas Press Club award for best magazine reporting from abroad in 2001 for “prescience in identifying the al Qaeda threat half a year before the September 11 attacks” and for Newsweek’s coverage of the war on terror, which also won a National Magazine Award. He lives in Washington, D.C.”

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When you put an interracial gay couple in every episode of Black Mirror, I feel like my sons won’t be able to find their way in life.

How could the Nazis take down Weimer without being so nazi-like? Perhaps mutual dialogue with sharing of feelings facilitated by a Freudian analyst?

We need Hamilton, the musical: but with all Jews.

With their pro gay propaganda, were they really surprised the Volk turned on them?

So… how could the Nazis have effectively warded off the decadence… less violently, less nazi-like?

How can we make the critique of Weimar without becoming worse than Weimar?

How do we win the war against Hollywood & the lugenpresse without becoming Nazis?

Perhaps if Hitler and the Nazis practiced the Alexander Technique, they would have felt less need for committing genocide.

It’s a shame that Hitler wasn’t in touch with his feelings.

I think Al Anon might have been the perfect program for Nazis seeking recovery.

How could the Nazis and Weimer have pursued a win-win solution? How can the Alt Right and Hollywood win win? Let’s all be winners.

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The Good Jews

Here’s a discussion at The Right Stuff:

* List of “Good” Jews:
I keep a list of Paleoconservative leaning Jews: Paul Gottfried, Murray Rothbard, Lawrence Auster, Mencius Moldbug/Curtis Yarvin, Theodore Dalrymple/Anthony Daniels, Robert Weissberg, Ron Unz, David Cole, Luke Ford, David Gordon, Samuel Goldman, David Friedman, Walter Block, Bryan Caplan, Roy Cohn, Michael H. Hart, Daniel Lapin, Judah P Benjamin, Andrew Breitbart, Ben Shapiro (before Trump), Ilana Mercer, The Truth Will Live. Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, Tony Judt, John Meerscheimer, Gerald Kaufman, James Howard Kunstler, Carl Bernstein, Miko Peled, William D. Rubinstein (University of Wales-Aberystwyth), Seymour Hersch, Brother Nathanael Kapner, Dennis Prager, Alan Sabrosky, Philip Weiss/Adam Horowitz, Norman Finkelstein, Henry Makow, Max Blumenthal, Matt Drudge, Aaron Russo, Daniel Elsberg, Paul Eisen, Israel Shamir, Edwin Rubenstein, Jeff Blankfort, Professor Oren Ben-Dor, Michael Lerner (Tikkun), Philip Weiss, Lloyd Cohen (law professor who filed a federal civil rights complaint alleging racial discrimination in admission), Bernard Lazare, Gilad Atzmon, Sever Plocker, Kenneth Roth (Human Rights Watch), Jay Hyatt (Jewamongyou blog), Joseph Burg (Ginzburg), Victor Ostrovsky, Mark Levin (maybe on occasion); Byron Roth, Richard Herrnstein, Arthur Jensen, and Hans Eysenck are Jews that I hold in very high regard. (They are all famous racial hereditarians who wrote about IQ and the like.)

* If everyone has their own “list”. Then we will end up with millions of “honoraries”. It’s a risky game to play.

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If Jews are not white, then Jews have no right to talk on behalf of white people

Friend: I just got a call from my mom and she was watching the news and they were showing people doing the straight armed salute and she was all freaked out

Then there was an Orthodox Jew there, an Israeli, at NPI. He was interviewed on Red Ice.
Then there was Alex Goldstein from the Stark Truth and his sister and they are half.

And then this guy hugh who was in that photo that was floating around and he is half
This is his blog:

Alex Von Goldstein is hilarious. He was doing all these impressions of everyone and they were so spot on.

Luke: I’ve never been so happy in my life

Friend: About what? Trump winning? The problem is they still control all the institutions.

I’m just worried people will get turned off by the Nazi references at NPI.

Luke: Only Germans can be Nazis, anyone can be national socialist, but only Germans can be nazis. At shul, “But that’s like the nazis” is usually the first argument against anything I propose to give goyim the same ethno-nationalism that Jews enjoy.

Friend: I do think if most people on the right who voted for trump heard what Spencer or Taylor said they would likely agree. Right? I mean I agreed with everything Taylor said the first time I heard him speak.

Luke: Objectively, there are no good guys or bad guys in the universe. Nazis are not superior or inferior to Jews unless you have faith in some transcendent source of morality such as God and Torah. The world is composed of different forms of life competing for survival. Faith is subjective. It’s wonderful but often prevents an objective view of the world.

Friend: Is fairness objectively good though? Because we all know who plays fair, even if we know it’s not necessarily a great evolutionary strategy Do you think that the media is giving Richard Spencer all this attention because he’s more ridiculous than Taylor? Like his approach? I’ve been thinking about it all night. I just get nervous when my mother, a race realist who voted for trump calls me freaking out about neo Nazis. Can you imagine what a more typical Jewish reaction to that would be?

Luke: It’s generational. We can’t worry about what old people think. Young people are more transgressive, they get the Nazi humor. Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor work for the same cause. They are white advocates. Richard does more newsworthy things. He’s younger. He’s not ridiculous. He’s a mighty warrior for his people. Richard and Jared are like Theodore Herzl. They’re promoting white zionism.

Friend: My friend said she got teary eyed when she watched Richard Spencer’s speech. So I guess what is endearing and heartwarming to one person is the Holocaust to someone else. It’s another Shoah! So why are so many whites opposed to their own interests then?

Luke: Just like birds in nature tricked to raise others. They’ve been cuckolded to think that they don’t have group interests.

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Trump Today

A friend says: There are three things of particular note today.

The first is that Hawaii’s representative, Democrat Tulsi Gabbard (one of the prettiest members of Congress) met with Trump today at Trump’s invitation. She did not refuse the invitation. She wrote about it in what appears to be a press release, but may be her own words today.

She said she went for the purpose of urging Trump not to listen to the neo cons but to keep the U.S. out of Syria. This is tremendously important as she is a respected Democrat (who is also a major in the Hawaii National Guard who served in Iraq). Her being willingness to meet with Trump because she and he have common ground regarding U.S. foreign interventions, is, as they say, cause for cautious optimism. This will encourage other like minded Democrats to do the same and be a warning to neo cons that if they try to seize the initiative in the Trump administration, they can be marginalized, because Trump will have the backing of sufficient Democrats to offset the neo cons.

The second is floating (actually more than floating) Kris Kobach’s name as director of Homeland Security. He met with Trump today and brought with him plans to reintroduce the sort of screening for potential terrorists that was imposed in 2002. Kobach is very smart and is a hardliner on immigration issues. This has to be encouraging news (unless it turns out to not be the case) for those who think that the nations security require greater vigilance toward Muslims, especially Muslims who come here as immigrants or visitors, those who want our immigration laws enforced for reasons ranging from wanting to uphold the rule of law to those who don’t like the cultural changes made when large number of immigrants come here.

The third is Trump’s off the record meeting with members of the press. The anchors and heads of the Networks and other top executives were at the meeting. It was supposed to be off the record but word has leaked that Trump called the meeting to dress them down and call them liars. This is interesting for two reasons. Yesterday Trump met with Ari Emanual (Rahm’s brother ) who is Trump’s agent for the Apprentice and its spin offs. Since Emanual is quite the power broker in Hollywood which was mostly strongly and vocally opposed to Trump, some may have mistakenly thought this was an overture to get back into Hollywood’s better graces. It looks to me that Trump has taken the position that the main stream press is dying and that he can go over the heads of the press through social media and outlets like Breitbart. Perhaps Steve Bannon advised Trump on this approach. The press doesn’t like being made irrelevant, although in this case they deserve and one can hardly blame Trump as viewing the press collectively (a few sympathetic persons, notwithstanding) as the enemy.

The press may try to take a tough collective line against Trump, but he holds all the cards. If they don’t cooperate with him he can ignore, and that will cost them beaucoup bucks since television (both Cable and Network) news operations bring in much more revenue than they cost to produce. Frankly, without a mea culpa from the press, not that they missed the Trump phenomenon, but admitting they actually advocated unfairly against him and did not fairly cover his substantive policy proposals and in doing so abdicated their responsibilities, along with a commitment to more fairly report the news without favoring one political party or one political position over another, Trump may refuse to have anything to do with them, feeding them news releases and holding interviews only with his favorites. If anyone one on his staff leaks to the press, Trump should fire them immediately. Eventually the press will have to come around. However, if they knuckle under to Trump, even if this is by doing relatively objective reporting, they lose their reputation with Democrats and liberals.

The issue with the Press will be a fun one to watch shake out.

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