Dr Strangelove – A Nationalist Classic?

Yggdrasil wrote in 2000:

This masterpiece of Stanley Kubrick was produced in 1963 and is a nationalist classic.

Now you should find it strange to hear me argue that this “leftist movie” is a nationalist classic, but it clearly is. For beneath the superficial layer of supposed leftist pacifism is a very extensive and accurate portrayal of an ethnic stereotype that most reading this web site will not instantly recognize.

That is because it is the stereotype of us, as seen by the inner party.

And this is what makes Strangelove so important.

Ultimately, this should come as no real surprise, because Kubrick knows full well any movie about a renegade military initiating nuclear war must be populated with believable characters, and although he has absolutely no interest in producing films which strengthen our understanding, he cannot portray the vision of us shared by his own tribe without showing us precisely what they see, if only we are willing to look.

His vision of us, the outer party, is crystal clear, as is his vision of the core reality which must ultimately drive us.

As I recall, I was a very young man in high school when I first saw this movie in 1963.

All I knew entering the theater was that this was a “pacifist” flick, and I wanted to see what the enemy was saying. I was expecting crude propaganda, but what I saw was quite complex and stunning. It answered a number of questions that had been accumulating as a result of the unintelligible mysteries encountered at that magnet school I attended dominated by inner party kids.

In the first two years of junior high, I witnessed these children of wealth and privilege rail in favor of redistributing wealth, and in favor of confiscatory graduated income taxation. They could easily have begun the wealth redistribution right there on the spot by writing me a big check – something which somehow never happened.

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to note that this passion for wealth redistribution was not directed towards the wealthy in any universal sense, but rather a sub-class of the wealthy, defined by criteria that the inner party socialists were stubbornly unwilling to disclose.

I knew immediately that confiscatory taxation was a threat to upward mobility, and thus could have no purpose other than keeping me “in my place”. At the tender age of 16, I began to conclude that these “socialist” passions were directed toward me, a thinly veiled yet obvious program of freezing existing status relationships and preventing competition from the peasants.

The welfare programs these confiscations purchased seemed a sop, an afterthought to rationalize the real purpose, and at best an insult to our abilities and resourcefulness, as humans had made remarkable progress over the past ten thousand years without them, depending on family, village and tribe for emergency assistance.

What remained a total confusion was how these wealthy inner party “socialists” could feel so secure in the knowledge that they would be able to guarantee themselves an exemption from the confiscatory effects of their program, an exemption which was entirely unspoken and just as entirely obvious.

Their acquiescence in the high taxes only made sense if they knew they could evade them, or if they felt that their own incomes were so easily taken from others in the first place that their own tax bills were nothing other than an indirect funneling of other peoples’ money into governmental institutions that they controlled. These people were far too smart to be mistaken about such things.

But the greater mystery lying behind it all was just how these inner party kids defined themselves and how these political attitudes and instruction were spread amongst themselves. None of that effort was publicly visible in high school.

The important words from these inner party classmates of mine always meant their opposite. And so I began searching for answers. At age 14 I subscribed to National Review magazine. At age 15 I began frequenting the John Birch society book store in hope of finding those answers.

Naturally, the logic of free market individualism attracted me, for it seemed that the best way to stop them was to hamstring the socialist state and cripple its power to limit my upward mobility by limiting its powers generally.

I was much taken with the doctrines of Adam Smith, Herbert Spencer and the rest of the laissez faire individualists, because their doctrines seemed a logical way of defending myself against the predations of these “socialists” who always seemed to speak in riddles meaning the opposite of what they say.

But even at age 16 I had this nagging doubt about the effectiveness of a universalist response to a particularist urge on the part of obvious adversaries.

Now I must also confess that while my family’s residence was on the wrong side of the tracks, my immigrant Anglo Saxon parents selected it because it lay upon the edge of an upscale elementary school district that was overwhelmingly from the same tribe.

And I noted with dismay that none of the kids from my own elementary school seemed interested in any of this once we arrived in high school. With few exceptions, none seemed to spot the inherent contradictions behind the urge for wealth redistribution nor did any seem adept at guessing what the hidden agendas might be.

On the whole, my social friends from similar ethnic background seemed remarkably complacent and unconcerned about the emotional forces behind the riddles that were rapidly shaping the contours of public life in America. While many were quite talented in English and math, very few seemed to have the capacity to recognize what was going on politically at the most elemental level.

And because pacifism (remember that this is before 1967!) came from the same crowd as “redistribution of wealth”, I suspected and feared that as gun control was a program to render me individually defenseless, so pacifism was merely a means of rendering people like me collectively defenseless.

It was all of a piece.

And thus armed, I marched into the movie theater at age 16, and saw for the first time Dr. Strangelove.

Now before I begin to recall my own reactions to the film, I should note that later in life, I purchased the 1985 videotape from RCA/Columbia Home Pictures, and on the back of the cardboard dust-jacket is the most remarkable explanation of the movie imaginable. The reviewer argues that the two generals, Ripper and Turgidson concocted a scheme to bomb Russia, and that the brains behind the scheme belong to Dr. Strangelove.


The movie itself is quite clear that the opposite is true. The scheme is the idea of Ripper alone, a base commander, and the dialog makes clear that Turgidson, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs knows who Ripper is, but does not know him personally. And indeed, it is clear from a remark to one of his fellow officers that Turgidson never knew of or met Dr. Strangelove, a special advisor to the president, before the emergency meeting following launch of Ripper’s nuclear bombers. Further, it is clear that Turgidson is disposed to be suspicious and hostile towards Strangelove because of his German nationality (remember that this movie is set in 1956).

In fact, this movie does have a universalist message in the thick outer layer of its many meanings. Kubrick’s very argument is that the all of the bureaucratic “fail-safe” plans and safeguards to prevent an unauthorized nuclear attack are rife with unanticipated holes. Obviously if all the key players who designed and later implement the fail-safe system conspire to defeat it, then an unauthorized attack is inevitable. But such an interpretation of the movie is not only contrary to the dialog, but it defeats Kubrick’s very message, namely, that the best laid bureaucratic plans and safeguards have vulnerabilities that can be exploited by those who are quite a distance removed from the centers of power that develop and maintain the system.

There is no safety in bureaucracy.

The nature and limitations of central planning and bureaucracy is a persistent theme throughout Kubrick’s films, especially, his two later masterpieces, 2001 Space Oddessey and A Clockwork Orange.

At its core, Kubrick’s demonstration of the vulnerability of bureaucratic safeguards and indeed, the ineptness of bureaucracy itself, is profoundly anti-modern.

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What The Elites Don’t Get About Trump & Bannon

Steve Bannon is an American patriot. He went from the US Navy to Harvard Business School and then Goldman Sachs to TV syndication.

I think his exposure as a devout Catholic to Goldman Sachs and Hollywood made him who he is now — a skeptic of America’s ruling elites. He sees how the 1%, some of it Jewish, is disconnected from the rest of America.

He identified with Trump’s desire to blow up both political parties, blow up the elites, blow up the banks and Big Hollywood and Big Media and Big Tech and blow up the Democrats use of identity politics.

Trump may well have started off his run to build his brand but his his time on the campaign trail changed him. He lost so much economically for his positions (Macy’s severed their relationship, Jose Andres backed out of his deal to be a chef in one of his hotels, bookings dropped off for his hotels, the network that carried Miss Universe cancelled him, the PGA dropped his course from the tour etc) that perhaps made him more determined to fight for what he believes in. Trump and Bannon want to deliver for the average American who’s been screwed over by the elites running Hollywood and Wall Street.

So far, it looks like Trump and Bannon have outsmarted the elites. They’re blowing up the traditional media and the traditional political game.

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Post: ‘My Roman Salute w/ Tila’

If it is publicly acceptable to wear communist regalia such as a Che t-shirt and to use marxist terminology and arguments, then why shouldn’t it be equally acceptable to snap a Roman salute? Communists slaughtered far more people than Nazis and yet communism remains cool with many of the West’s intellectuals, particularly Jews.

A young man, Hugh, with a Jewish father, non-Jewish mother posts:


[Author wears glasses on the left. ]

Personally I do not have any problems with this gesture, as I think it is an inspirational expression of loyalty to, and pride in, our heritage. I understand not all members of the movement would agree, and for that reason I would not willingly put out an image of myself doing it while associated with the movement.

That evening I saw that Tila Tequila had posted this image to her Twitter page. I was at first worried it would come back on both myself and the movement, but as a half-jew posing with an Asian I figured it would be viewed for what it was, a joke. But as the next day wore on, and I saw the image gaining traction, I became more and more fearful of the image’s attention overshadowing the real content and purpose of the conference.

After Richard Spencer’s rousing and excellent speech on Saturday night, several attendees threw up Roman salutes themselves. I personally did not, as I was already quite upset with myself for my part in the photo from the previous night. I do not condemn them, as I imagine they felt the same way I did raising the salute with Tila. Whether or not it was a poor choice is a very subjective matter as we have purposefully grown the Alt-Right as a very big tent, filled with a spectacular diversity of opinions, ranging from those of Andrew Anglin, to the now highly critical Mike Cernovich.

This nebulous and inclusive nature has made us both extremely effective, and extremely vulnerable to problems like infighting. The last thing I would ever want is to see us begin to splinter in the face of such a trivial disagreement, and to be at the center of it personally would drive me to utter despair.

Despite being the product of the selfish act of miscegenation myself, I identify as European. The preservation of our race, our culture, and our way of life is more dear to me than any other part of my life. I lived first-hand through the violence caused by diversity. I was brought to the Alt-Right before it had a singular name, beyond disparate publications like American Renaissance or Occidental Dissent. This is why I do not mind risking my personal future by having my face and identity out in the open. However seeing the movement damaged in such a way, and losing the ability to work toward it’s furtherance is a fate I simply cannot abide.

None of the personal fallout since NPI has bothered me on any deep level, even my own Jewish father seeing my face on MSNBC giving the Roman salute caused me little concern. It was not until Ramzpaul called me a false-flagger that I was truly vexed. I cannot begin to process someone I respect so deeply thinking this of me. I understand though, it is easier to write it off as such than to address the underlying issues that led to this course of events, especially considering my parentage.

Myself and the other attendee in this video Paul posted were trying to play identity politics back at the Antifa members by using their own victim hierarchy against them. As someone personally to the right of many others on the JQ, from personal experiences around Jews, I understand this reaction completely. Still, I openly defended our ideals and promoted our non-violent methods in another video, and have written extensively on behalf of the movement. The other attendee has done the same, and never threw up a Roman salute, neither with Tila Tequila, nor in the conference following Spencer’s speech.

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Who’s Luke Ford?

Luke tweets: How could the Nazis take down Weimer without being so nazi-like? Perhaps mutual dialogue w sharing of feelings facilitated by therapist?

Thesokorus shares and tweets: are you familiar with the great Luke Ford?

>no whoz he

Thesokorus: I say with no exaggeration, one of the greatest trolls/shit-stirrers in history. raised strict christian. emigrated from AUS. Started huge internet site on porn industry gossip. trolled famous conservative jewish LA radio host into distraction. Became orthodox jew! Now trolls jews. his career is epic. Well worth researching for lulz. Also very very smart and funny. I think he is on 7 lvls of irony at all times. But he could just be kidding too…

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Is Richard Spencer A Good Face For The Alt-Right?

Comments at Alternative Right:

* Spencer was ‘larping’.

He gave a very good speech, and he trolled the media at the end with ‘Hail Victory’.

Media say Alt Right is ‘neo-nazi’, so he played the part. But ‘Hail’ salutes have a long pedigree in European history. It’s not only a nazi thing.

There is much more to him, and the speech speaks for itself. It was not a mindless neo-nazi speech.

Another thing. Spencer isn’t about diplomacy. He will never be in the power structure.

He wants to play a vanguard role, and that is always dangerous and edgy because you have to look beyond what is permissible.

Also, Spencer knows the value of notoriety. If he’d just made the speech, it would have been ignored. But because of his salute, he got the attention, and more people will be aware of NPI and the speech he gave.

Trump and Bannon need to distance themselves from Spencer, but we need people like Spencer to say what cannot be said.

And if media are okay with self-professed communists like Cornel West and Van Jones making regular appearances on TV, then they have no moral credibility in bitching about ‘extremism’ on the Right.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* 1) You don’t know what’s good for Trump. Maybe Spencer helps by pushing the Overton window, or by showing people how a “real Nazi” looks like, or whatever. I would’ve thought the alt right memes often hurt Trump, but maybe they didn’t.

2) You need to criticize Trump to keep him in the line. Bannon is totally delusional in that he thinks Trump should reach out to blacks and then he’ll get 40% of the black vote. That’s outright idiotic. Also, Trump has already thanked his black and Hispanic and minority supporters. Who didn’t vote for him in high numbers. He’s yet to thank his white supporters who were the vast majority of his supporters.

Trump is probably well to the left of Steve, and he’s not really trying to implement the Sailer Strategy.

So he needs to be watched, and especially now that he’s won, we shouldn’t be attacking people to the right of him for using whatever publicity lifeline the media is giving them. It’s not going to hurt Trump’s election chances over 200 weeks from now.

In Hungary, Orbán was helped by Jobbik in a similar situation. Jobbik grew out of nowhere, in large part due to similar media tactics – the leftists kept talking about how Orbán “enabled the far right” or how “there was now a far right danger”, and of course Jobbik played into leftists’ hands by creating a clown “paramilitary” organization complete with a black uniform and initially maybe forty “soldiers”. But in the end Orbán simply positioned himself as a centrist between the fringe extremist left-liberals and the fringe extreme right Jobbik.

Trump can now point his fingers at Spencer as a real white nationalist, and paint himself as a centrist. Until Spencer, Bannon was the most far right person imaginable (and in the White House, to boot), but now it’s Spencer, which makes Bannon a moderate or even center-right.

Besides, if there’s a movement to the right of Bannon, it keeps Trump on his toes, because whatever he’s saying, he might think this Spencer might have some effect, and he might need the votes of those who might listen to him. Jobbik probably helped focus Orbán’s thoughts a bit on some important questions.

* While I agree that Trump shouldn’t play the press’s “will you denounce him?” game (they want him to denounce everyone to the right of Bernie Sanders), no good can come of Spencer. Guys who march around saying Heil and giving stiff arm salutes are never going to be a mainstream force in American politics – they are just going to be punching bags for the left who will do their best to tar Trump with his nonsense. Bannon has it right – what we need are American nationalists, not white nationalists.

As for your other points, please give the man a chance. He hasn’t even taken office yet and everything he has said and done so far and every appointment he has made are a million times better than what Hillary and Obama had to offer.

Blacks are not permanently wedded to the Democrat Party. They’ve been strongly bonded since Johnson won them over with the Civil Rights Act and food stamps, etc. but the same forces that have pried blue collar whites away from the Democrats could do the same for blacks. Kanye West has been praising Trump. Some significant % of blacks could begin to see that the globalists have been tossing them the snouts and trotters and eating high off the hog themselves.

* here’s a good summary of the take of T A Frank, a liberal journalist at Vanity Fair, on the rise of Trump, and its connection to the immigration issue.

It demonstrates among other things how it is possible to support one partisan side while seeing the merits in the arguments of the other side. This is truly a lost art among the vast horde of contemporary journalists; indeed, worse yet, it is an art they now actively despise.

One of the most discouraging things about this election, both before and now after, is how completely journalists have turned themselves over to unchecked partisan hackery. If a journalist has no basic interest in the truth, there will be no useful facts or worthwhile insights to be gleaned in their works. I now find myself virtually never reading The NY Times or the New Yorker when the subject is remotely connected to politics. Their product really does make you dumber than before.

* For years now I’ve noticed the constant caricaturing of segments of the white population in movies and television. The hatred just never stops.

* Spencer is extraordinarily brilliant and, at 38, is at the perfect age to ride the rising wave of pro-white identity politics. He will be 46 in 2024, the perfect age to run for president (assuming the republic survives that long and that he doesn’t try to run against Trump or whomever in 2020). I can honestly see him being our next president. Or whatever we call our leader in the post-republic era.

* It’s hard for people to wrap their heads around how immigration has closed off a lot of geographic opportunities for Americans who want to make something of themselves even if their relatives aren’t going anywhere in life.

* This is a travesty. I don’t know why Richard Spencer is getting all this attention all of the sudden when there is no connection between him and Trump, other than he and his friends like to root for trump on twitter. He likes to say he is the brains behind trump: absolutely not. It’s clear “Adios America” provided the intellectual impetus behind the Trump campaign, making immigration Trump’s signature issue for proving how corrupt/incompetent elites are. I don’t see any profiles of Ann, especially since her ideas are (somewhat) in the overton window. I’ve seen like 10 profiles of Spencer so far, and he’s getting all these interviews. And it’s clear who Coulter is inspired by. I don’t see a lot of reflection or intellectual examination of the Trump phenonmenon in the MSM: it’s just “look there’s a racist”! …

* Terms like ‘white supremacist’ and ‘white nationalist’ miss the point.

It’s really about White Differencist.

All races are different and superior and inferior in different ways.

When it comes to skin cancer under the sun, blacks are superior and whites inferior.

When it comes to digesting milk, whites are superior to blacks and Asians.

When it comes to running and fighting, blacks are superior to whites.

When it comes to scientific reasoning, whites are superior to blacks.

So, it’s all about Racial Differencism.

* Progs bitch about White Privilege, but the real problem all over the world is Globalist Privilege.

It’s a new way of exclusion and privilege that favors the elites of all groups at expense of masses of all groups.

Globalist Privilege is neo-aristocratism of the rich, smart, and/or well-connected.

* At a nfl game in Mexico city, Mexican fans chanted anti gay slurs and shined a green laser at the Houston Texans qb during the game to distract him. I guess this is the sort of vibrant diversity that the open borders SJW types want for America.

* White identity politics did not end with Trump’s election, although it certainly did facilitate it. If “we” need American nationalists and not white nationalists, then logically “we” also don’t need Zionists right? (This is an argument I’d prefer not to make btw.)

I would expect Trump to disavow anyone making saying Seig Heil etc but it should be tied to specific individuals and group. The alt-right is a very broad brush. And I would argue that in the scheme of things, alt-right < WN < WS in terms of repugnance. And WN is not particularly repugnant. What is repugnant about the 14 words?

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