Why Are Australia’s Schools In Decline?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* One would think Australia’s replace-the-bogan immigration policy should be improving PISA scores. But Australian schools are in ‘absolute decline’ globally says PISA report. How is this so?

* Can’t see scores for Asian-Australians or White-Australians but there are scores for ‘Indigenous’-Australians – ie Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. They don’t do well.


Immigrant Background – could be Asian, could be Arabs or Africans.


Entire file.


East Asians have done very well in past.


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Why Have Conservative Pundits Fallen In Behind Trump?

The New Yorker: Since the election, though, few, if any, blog posts or articles have appeared in the main conservative outlets straightforwardly arguing, conceding, or lamenting that the election of this unfit demagogue is a bad thing. This man they’d execrated and denounced had shocked the world—not just by being his shocking self but by winning; nobody expected him to win!—and yet from them this evoked no reaction. No articles about the Caesarist threat. No articles about a Trump-defiled common culture. No articles about how our ship of state will soon have at its helm the notorious Captain Id. With everyone else flung into various states of surprise and alarm, the conservative magazines went meta. They reacted to other people’s reactions, mainly those of “the left.” If you read National Review in the days after the election, you’d have thought that the big news of the week wasn’t the world-jolting victory of a candidate whom the magazine had itself denounced as “a menace,” a man so foul that it would not endorse him against Hillary freakin’ Clinton, but that liberals were upset enough about this outcome to do some post-election protesting.

But we know they have their misgivings, or did. We know the folks at The Weekly Standard think Trump’s current business entanglements pose troubling conflicts, because in April the magazine ran an article arguing, convincingly, that such conflicts—contrary to Trump’s recent claims—would put his Presidency in legal as well as ethical and political jeopardy. Since the election, though, with these conflicts becoming a bigger and sleazier story every week, The Weekly Standard (like Commentary and National Review) has had nothing to say on the topic. And we know that the folks at Commentary don’t like General Michael Flynn, Trump’s choice for national-security adviser, because, in a post-election podcast (18:40), Noah Rothman offhandedly said, “Oh, he’s awful,” and the other podcasters, Podhoretz and Abe Greenwald, agreed. But what you won’t find on the Web site of The Weekly Standard or National Review is an article or blog post saying “Michael Flynn is awful.” (Rothman, writing for Commentary, called his selection “deeply unsettling.”)

National Review did run a piece by Tom Rogan admitting that Flynn is the “wrong pick” for national-security adviser, but its gentle, equivocal, occasionally laudatory language cut weirdly against the evidence it contained—which added up to a portrait of, well, someone awful. It read like a damning, incontrovertible takedown of Flynn given a vigorous line edit by Flynn’s best friend. Rogan outlines a record of lying and résumé-padding as well as terrible management and scary judgment, and then summarizes it as “a complex picture” of someone who “evidently served the nation with honor.” The title of the article, by the way, is “Why Mike Flynn is the Wrong Pick for National-Security Adviser.” Mike. Buddy.

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Will Trump Be Good For The Jews?

Steve Sailer writes:

First, consider Jewish achievement as measured by fairly objective Scandinavian scientists. Jews make up only about 0.2 percent of the world population but have earned just under one-quarter of the hard-science Nobel Prizes. According to lists kept by Bibi Netanyahu’s former science adviser, 49 Jews have won Nobels in physics, 34 in chemistry, and 53 in medicine.

That’s a tremendous accomplishment.

In the more political categories, Jews have won fewer prizes in Peace (10) and Literature (13 including Bob Dylan), but have done very well in the quasi-Nobel of Economics, making up 25 of the 78 laureates since its founding in 1969.

Second, Jewish wealth. My best guess is that Jews make up somewhere around one-seventh of the world’s and about one-third of America’s billionaires. That’s amazing and important. This huge fact about the modern world comes up all the time in Jewish publications. But in periodicals not aimed at Jews, even in economics blogs, it can be like pulling teeth to get anybody to admit that there is anything at all interesting about 130 or more of the Forbes 400 belonging to one tiny ethnic group.

Third, Jewish influence. In 2009, The Atlantic published its subjective ranking of the 50 “most influential commentators” in America. Just under 50 percent were Jewish by background. Jewish social scientists Seymour Martin Lipset and Earl Raab found similar inequalities in a host of other influential fields for the 1965–95 era.

The numbers are so overwhelmingly obvious that Jewish intellectuals used to worry about how liberal conventional wisdom could be turned against Jews. Back in the 1970s, the first generation of Jewish neoconservatives, such as sociologist Nathan Glazer in his 1975 anti-racial-preferences book Affirmative Discrimination, lamented that the white-privilege logic that imposed racial quotas upon whites in general could easily be used to inflict even more onerous burdens on the most successful group of whites, Jews.

After all, if statistics showing that whites saved more money, did better in school, and committed fewer crimes than blacks were considered prima facie evidence of white racism, what would the same rationale imply about statistics revealing that American Jews enjoy advantages over other whites roughly as large as whites enjoy over blacks? Surely, the pseudo-logic of “white privilege” would ultimately be bad for the Jews?

But this proved to be an example of smart Jews overthinking a potential problem by assuming that he who says A (“white privilege”) must say B (“Jewish privilege”).

In reality, if Jews sufficiently reward blacks for saying A and punish gentiles for saying B, there isn’t much danger of logical consistency after all. For example, in 1990, the media suddenly stopped praising film director Spike Lee for excoriating whites and turned on him for poking fun at greedy Jewish nightclub owners who financially exploit unworldly black jazz musicians, such as Spike’s dad. The artist’s career never quite recovered, and the message was delivered: Europhobia can be a good career move, but criticizing Jews will bring instant retribution down on your head.


* I think this is a great examplar of the basic case against censorship, which is (per JS Mill) that once you ban the questioning of any “truth”, you lose any possibility confidence in that “truth” being true. This kind of piece simply could not be published anywhere in the mainstream media in any of the societies of the US sphere (“the west”). And yet it addresses issues that desperately need to be addressed.

Second, Sailer makes a very significant point about entirely understandable jewish fears that arguments about white privilege could come to be applied to jewish privilege, with potentially disastrous consequences for jews. He traces this concern back as far as 1975, but presumably it was generally recognised but not published a long time prior to that. He identifies the active social suppression of any expression of this view via media “influence” and credits this with defusing the point.

However another key way in which this potential threat was defused was the endless belabouring of the Holocaust narrative, with its harrowing confirmation of jews as ultimate victims. It seems likely Sailer has put his finger on why this became so much more important in western media and popular culture so long after the war itself was over and the real political issues involved had become so irrelevant to real modern political life. The Holocaust has been raised to the status of a cultural idol, and any questioning of the related details of history made into a breach of the most dangerous taboo in western culture, subject to censorship, social and economic exclusion and even prosecution in many European countries, because it is a key defence against the most dangerous potential threat to jewish privilege.

* I reject the notion that another people are entitled to some kind of summary veto power over my ethnic interests, or that my nationalism is guilty until proven innocent. I especially reject it coming from people who assiduously pursue their ethnic interests and their nationalism.

* Jews are afraid because Trump bypassed the Jewish dominated media and reached enough voters to win the presidency. Jews exercise mass control by inverting morality – teaching Whites that the only real evil is racism (the worst kind is anti-Semitism), and that only Whites can be racist.

But the Jewish morality narrative is not natural, it is in fact a fairly transparent power grab over gullible Whites. It is ultimately a con, and only sustainable when Jews can control every newspaper, TV network, major publisher etc. This is why Trump elicits such hysteria. Even one prominent goy pointing out that the emperor has no clothes terrifies the Jews,because they fear that their whole scam will unravel upon exposure. In reality, unfortunately, it probably won’t. The Jews are resilient and will refine their strategies in the medium and long term. But it sure is nice to see them lose once in a while. They are so annoyingly arrogant. Thank heaven for Trump.

* Noblesse Oblige is rooted in aristocratic culture.

Noblemen could feel this way because they could take their power and privilege for granted. They were born into privilege without trying.

In contrast, Jews rose as merchants, and it was always about saving every cent. And since the state or the mob could take away Jewish merchant wealth, Jews mastered the art of hiding or transferring wealth.

Jews have lacked aristocratic mindset even though some Jews bought titles as trophies.
Jewish mindset developed shylockianly.

Noblesse Oblige is ultimately a bad model because it presumes permanent privilege: the elites will have power/privilege forever and should be nice to permanent inferiors.

For this model to work, it needs an upper caste and lower caste.

In a free society, such a model is bad for the elites. It makes them magnanimous and complacent.
Since their power is not permanently guaranteed, their generosity can lead to weakness and downfall. Look what happened to Wasp power due to NO. Look at Germans and Wilkommen. Decline and humiliation.

NO (noblesse oblige) is also bad for the masses. While talented people like Jews may rise to the top by exploiting cracks in NO, for other groups the prevailing ideal becomes that the rich and powerful should take care of them.

NO was ruinous for both Wasps and blacks. Excessive magnanimity and complacency led to Wasp decline in power and prestige. And excessive expectation of favors and benefits turned blacks into wards of the state.

So, I don’t want NO from Jews.

I just want honesty, so that gentiles can work in their own interests like Jews do. And this means white gentiles too. The only NO that whites need is one where white elites identify with and represent the white masses. But this is more powerful than NO. It is called Nationalism.

Also, NO is never universal. It is who/whom.

So, some Jews could argue that Jews are indeed into NO by pushing for amnesty and Muslim refugees. But this NO to non-whites hurts whites. Now, Jews will argue that whites got ‘privilege’, so they don’t deserve special favors.
But this is Jews projecting their own tribal interests onto non-whites and using them as weapons against whites.

Besides, when it comes to foreign policy, Jews certainly don’t favor non-whites whose lands have been devastated to serve Zionist power.

Jews only offer NO to non-whites when such folks are useful against whites.

But then, white American NO toward Zionist Jews after WWII meant turning a blind eye to the plight of Palestinians. If any people deserve NO today, it is the Palestinians.

* Jews gotta jump off the diversity carousel sometime soon. They’re losing, losing big, and they know it. If they wait too long, they’re going to just be white people.

* Jewish hysteria accounts for very little of the total hysteria over Trump. But as usual, their hysteria gets disproportionate attention for no good reason. I care that Jews are afraid of Trump inspiring his white masses to commit pogroms about as much as I care about UFO sightings.

But actually, they’re not afraid, except of losing power and influence. If they can’t pull the neocon trick anymore they’ve got to find a new game. They don’t have one yet, hence the fear which in their overdramatic minds is presented constantly as the specter of New Holocausts. (At least to the outside; within, they’re probably just thinking of the bottom line.)

* One wonders what “good for the Jews” might even mean these days.

Some decades ago it might have had a clear meaning: good for Israel, which Jews overwhelmingly supported.

But my strong impression is that among younger Jews — of which there are increasingly fewer — who very much incline left, Israel is something resembling an embarrassment. It is among many of them a signal of virtue to denounce Israel for its racism.

A great deal of the war being fought for Israel in American public opinion is being directed by men of such great age that it seems remarkable that they are still alive, much less active. What is going to remain of specifically Jewish interests when these dinosaurs finally collapse into the tar pits?

By outmarriage Jews are now simply blending into the elite class. Their interests will be completely indistinguishable from those of that larger class.

* White person drawing attention to Jewish over-representation – an antisemite.

Jewish person drawing attention to white over-representation – a sociologist.

* Media domination is not really a thing anymore when one talented person can set up a website that in three years gets more hits than nearly every newspaper.

People now have many dozens of full service news sites and to the extent they are dominated by Jews, it is because they are providing what the market wants.

* As this unfolds, you can expect to see massive retconning of history as the beneficiaries devise explanations of why they deserve to inherit racial preferences. For example, who can forget that chilling moment when Jefferson Davis discovered that his Confederate secretary of war, Judah P. Benjamin, was Jewish and immediately had him sold into slavery?

Indeed. And, of course, we will also start hearing about how the Confederacy stripped the Lehman Brothers of their cotton-trading money once they learned that they were Jews…..


And who can forget how the Cohen family in South Carolina were forced to abandon their plantations and flee the state once people learned that they were Jews….


Perhaps most memorable of all was the moment when people finally figured out that pro-slavery Rabbi Morris Raphall was Jewish….


* “Nathan Glazer in his 1975 anti-racial-preferences book Affirmative Discrimination, lamented that the white-privilege logic that imposed racial quotas upon whites in general could easily be used to inflict even more onerous burdens on the most successful group of whites, Jews.”

Was he afraid that at some point Whites will ask for affirmative action at expense of Jews?

* The majority would be better off if Jews were considered a separate ethnic status instead of playing the never ending game of I-am-white-but-now-I-am-a-Jew. The top caste needs to be identified and known. Only then Jews will have incentive to engage in noblesse oblige trick. As long as they can hide among Whites they can undermine white interests with impunity. This however will happen only if Whites asserts themselves as an ethnic group that has grievances. Jews will do everything to redirect these grievances against Blacks and Browns where they will spent they force.

* Anti-Semitism is good for the Jews – it enforces group cohesion and sustains the victim narrative which justifies endless Jewish greed and the flaunting of moral norms. An essential component of Jewish moral supremacism is the belief that the goyim are fundamentally wicked and out to get the Jews for no good reason. This gives Jews a free pass to cheat the goy and set themselves up as “above the law” in their own imagination.

* There is Trump the man and ‘Trump’ the symbol and icon.

Trump the man is pro-Zionist. He is anti-Iran. He is for better relations with Russia but this could a means to turn China into Yellow Peril Monster of the world, thus diverting American anger from globalist elites to the Chinese(along with Iranians, always the bad guys for some reason).

But within the confines of American and Western politics, ‘Trump’ has come to represent the question, “Is it good for whites?” While GOP has been implicitly white, Trumpism made this all the more brazen, esp as Trump pandered mostly to the white working class and flirted with elements of the Alt Right that is explicitly pro-white.

It is this aspect of ‘Trump’ that is most troubling to Jews. Is it dangerous for whites to ask “Is it good for whites?” in the way that Jews ask, “Is it good for Jews?”

In a way, this shouldn’t be threatening to Jews. In a way, it could be.

Also, it depends on what we mean by “Good for Jews?” Good for Jews in general or Good for Jewish Domination?

Most white gentiles have no animus toward Jews. Indeed, even anti-Jewish feelings among most of Alt Right could vanish IF Jews weren’t so anti-white. As Kevin Macdonald once said — and as Jared Taylor still wishes for — , he would love to have Jews on the side of whites. Macdonald gravitated to anti-Jewish stance because Jewish anti-white politics and rhetoric were relentless.

So, given most whites are not anti-Jewish — and indeed are pro-Jewish — , what is good for whites would hardly be bad for Jews. Whites count as Jews as fellow whites, indeed as special whites. So, what is the problem?

I think the problem is Jewish addiction to domination. Jews no longer just want to be part of white community like Italians or Irish or Poles. They want to rule over white community. Also, Jews fear excessive amity between whites and Jews because assimilation means weakening of Jewishness. Since religious identity is fading among Jews, identity for Jews revolves around history. And since Jews want to maintain some degree of separateness — even if mostly psychological — , they need to prop up the narrative of whites as past oppressors of Jews and potential future oppressors as well.

Also, Jews know that Jewish power relies not only on Jewish Power but White Paralysis. Despite their wealth and influence, Jews are only 2% of the population. They could end up like the British elites of India if the gentile majority were to angrily rise up.

If Jews were the solid majority of the US — as in Israel — , they need not worry so much about paralyzing the enemy with ‘white guilt’. After all, plenty of Arabs in Israel hate Zionists, but Jews don’t care since they have brute majority power over the Arabs. So, who cares what the Arabs think? Whether the Arab minority loves Jews or hates Jews, the Jewish majority has brute power over Israel.

But because whites and other gentiles who comprise the great majority can overthrow Jewish power in the West if they really want to, Jews need to rely on the venom that paralyzes white power. And that is ‘white guilt’. Now, Jews distrust all gentile groups, but since whites are the biggest and most talented non-Jewish group in the US, Jews focus on paralyzing whites first and foremost. Since many venoms are more effective working in tandem, Jews encourage blacks, browns, yellows, Muslims, and etc to sting the white elephant too. So, the white elephant is stung with Holocaust guilt, slavery guilt, ‘Islamophobia’ guilt, Japanese Internment guilt, ‘cultural appropriation’ guilt, ‘homophobia’ guilt (even though white societies are most tolerant of homos), etc. And of course, a group is most weak when divided, and no division is as fatal as man vs woman. Jews have used feminism to make white women side with non-whites against ‘heteronormative white patriarchal males’. (Has anyone met a white male patriarch like Vito Corleone lately? I sure haven’t.) UVA rape hoax was really about driving a wedge between white men and white women.

In a way, what Jews are doing is smart. It’s like what Michael says of Sal. Sallie was always smarter. And it’s a smart move, what Jews are doing. If Wasps, the big solid majority of Americans with great pride and prestige in having founded and built America, fell in grace and power so fast after WWII — the great triumph of Anglo-American power — , imagine what could happen to Jews who are only 2% of the population if they were to lose their eye on the ball? Jewish power could be over very quickly if white gentiles were to awaken to the nature of Jewish Agenda.


This is why Jews are doubling down on ‘white privilege’ and white ‘racism’. But this has negative side-effects because (1) Jews are the most privileged ‘whites’ in America and (2) Israel is associated with ‘right-wing’ government close to GOP and the Palestinian issue that has become cause celebre among both the ‘left’ and the anti-Jewish ‘right’.

Sometimes, the POC can’t tell white from Jew, or they see whites taking orders from Zionists. It’s like the scene in APOCALYPSE NOW where Willard asks, who is the commanding officer, and the Negro says, “Aint you?”

So, when Jews say ‘whites are evil?’, lots of POC ask, ‘Aint you white?’


Now, the question of whether Jews are white or not…

If whites say Jews are not white, then it sounds like Nuremberg Laws that discriminated against Jews on the basis of their un-Aryan-ness. So, such would be ‘Nazi’.

But if Jews are white, then it means they are part of the same race that produced the Nazis. And there are plenty on the ‘left’ that compare Zionists with Nazis.

Also, there is ethno-white and ‘white bread'(usually wasp), and Camille Paglia plays on this dichotomy all the time. She is a strong loud brash Italian women at war with bloodless anemic vampiric Wasp feminists. Of course, many of these feminists are Jewish, but Paglia blames Wasp culture for having turned vital and colorful Jewish radicals into a bunch of humorless stalinists.

But this ‘Jewish’ or ‘not Jewish’ game can be played in so many ways. Slavs can play it too. They can say Germans regarded Russians as ‘Asiatic hordes’ and marked them out for extermination, so Slavs are not really white and deserve affirmative action.

A lot of Spaghetti Westerns often feature northern Europeans as gringos and darker Italians as Mexicans. An aspect of Italian Leftism was premised on Italians being closer to the Third World since they are swarthier than those light-skinned blonde Northern Europeans who often looked down on Italians, esp those in the South. No wonder BATTLE OF ALGIERS was made by an Italian director. Its dynamics isn’t much different from ROME: OPEN CITY.



And Japanese like to see themselves as honorary whites during their imperialist phase and even after WWII as Japan was part of West whereas much of Asia was either communist or remained mired in Third World status. White or yellow?

It’s like the game of “Are Brits part of Europe or not?” Plenty of Brits and Continental Europeans will say Britain is not part of Europe, either as praise or insult.

But then, are mulattos really black? Are mestizos white or indigenous? Or Latin American whites different from American whites? There is no end to this. It all depends on who controls the Narrative and Symbols and to what purpose.

Anyway, anti-Jewish elements among white folks will have no problem with Jews not identifying as white. It will just make it easier for anti-Jewish forces to identify Jewish Power and Privilege since it is non-white. It will clear up the air between whites with pitchforks and Jews with poison pens.

Also, non-whiteness isn’t necessarily a protection against hostility and scrutiny.

PC isn’t necessarily anti-white in favor of non-whiteness. After all, there is no protection for Muslims(esp Iranians) and Chinese, as the Trump regime plans to target China as the Big Bad Wolf for all problems. Sure, there is some noise about ‘Islamophobia’, but this has less to do with love for Muslims than PC hatred for whites. Because PC is anti-white, it will knee-jerkly side with anything that is attacked by white conservatives. Since whites attack Muslims, the ‘left’ sides with Muslims(for now). But there is no real love for Muslims in the way that there is real love for Jews, blacks, and homos. The narrative says we have to love Jews as Jews, blacks as blacks, and Homos as homos. It doesn’t say we have to love Muslims as Muslims or Chinese as Chinese.

We may show affection for them if and only if they are targets of white or ‘rightist’ ire.

But the fact that so many Americans can bash Muslims or China is proof that PC is not equal. The kinds of things Trump and his supporters have said about Muslims or China(and Mexicans to some extent) would not be permissible for Jews, homos, and blacks(despite the fact that blacks are the champion rapists compared to Mexicans). Notice how problems in EU are caused by Muslims and Africans, but anti-invasion voices only focus on Muslims and remain shhhh about blacks. And they are also silent about the fact that Jewish elites are pushing this mass invasion, not least by pulling the puppet strings of media and governments.

Trump and his minions can dump on China. Trump can even threaten war on Iran. He can call on ban on Muslims. None of that got in the way of his eventual victory.

Indeed, the Jewish elites never defend Muslims as Muslims in the way that Jews are defended as Jews. Muslims are useful ONLY TO THE EXTENT that they, at least in the West, can be used as ‘victims’ of white ‘xenophobia’. Muslims have no value otherwise. Meanwhile, another sector of Jewish Power invokes any number of reasons to keep destroying the Arab/Muslim world through invasions, drone strikes, proxy wars, and sanctions.

Currently, because most whites are not anti-Jewish, the question “Is it good for whites?” cannot be anti-Jewish. Most whites want to work with Jews, admire Jews, marry with Jews, be friends with Jews, etc. Most whites will think “what is good for whites will be good for Jews since Jews are white too.”

But the question can threaten Jewish Supremacism even if whites are not anti-Jewish. After all, even though what is good for whites is good for Jews if Jews are white, it may not be good for Jewish supremacism, which is the sacrifice of white interests of narrow Jewish interests. So, the Question is implicitly threatening to Jewish supremacism since to ask, “Is it good for whites?” must apply to all whites than just favor a small minority group within the broader white community.

But this goes for all white ethnic groups. What is good for whites as a whole must not favor Irish Americans, Serbian-Americans, Polish-Americans, Greek-Americans, Italian-Americans, Croatian-Americans, or Swedish-Americans. While each ethnic group can be mindful of its own identity and interests — a good thing — , no group should say “All of you must do things that hurt your ethnic interests to boost OUR narrow ethnic interest.” That would be supremacism. Suppose lowlife Greek Americans said Greek mothers should have special privilege to have schools favor their dumbass kids over all the other white ethnic groups. That would be really lowdown. That would be Greek supremacism.

The odd thing about Jews is they least need special favors and privilege for success since they do have smarts and talent. Unlike dumb southern Italians who relied on nepotism and corruption to get ahead, most Jews did rise through meritocracy. The problem, however, is enough is never enough for Jews. It’s like Jordan Belfort in WOLF OF WALL STREET. No sense of limits. This is why Jews need God to watch over them. Without God, their egos act like Anthony Wiener’s pud and never know when to stop. It’s like the Jewish kid in RISKY BUSINESS insisting upon Joel that his cousin Reuben from Skokie got to have some action very soon. They wan’t Portnoy’s Empire.


But what may truly be threatening to Jewish Power is that the question “Is it good for whites?” might take on an anti-Jewish tinge, and we see this on the Alt Right. Many on the Alt Right have pretty much given on Jewish good faith. They just hear Tim Wise’s invective about whites. They remember Newsweek covers attacking whiteness. They see colleges blaming whites for everything. They can’t stomach UVA hoaxes that are about as anti-white as Nazism was anti-Jewish. Just vile stuff.

And if this strain of anti-Jewishness comes to define “What is good for whites?”, white politics and Jewish politics will be enemies.

Jews lost a golden opportunity after WWII. White folks really did feel sorry about the Holocaust and had no ill will toward Jews. Jews and whites could have gotten along just fine. But Jewish paranoia made things worse and worse just when, as Steven Pinker said, things were getting better and better.

Pinker’s dream is lost in the EU because of massive invasions. Third World peoples will turn the First World into Third World. Dark clouds are hanging over Europe.

In all my life, I almost never heard anti-Jewish stuff from white folks. If anything, when I sort of half-heartedly defended Palestinians in the 80s, a whole bunch of whites denounced me as lover of ‘terrorists’. Even the most right-wing tard I knew in the 90s was like that John Goodman character in BIG LEBOWSKI. And on facebook, the moron is still like that. Everywhere, all I heard is Jews are good, Jews are holy, Jews are great.

But I think things really began to change during the Obama Era and Homo era, especially as so many Jewish voices ripped off their mask and gloated about how it’s been their agenda all long to destroy whitey.

And if Trump had lost, I think the anti-white gloating would have 100x what it was in 2008 and 2012. Their victory hate would be as deranged as their defeat hate.

Who knows where Alt Right will go, but a genuine rift has opened up between whites and Jews that hadn’t existed before.

And this is why Jews are sensitive about Putin. Putin, like Trump, isn’t anti-Jewish but this question, “Is it good for Russians?” is a broader question that takes all Russians into account, not just Russian Jews. Jews, with their Chosen mentality, cannot abide by that. All other interests must be sacrificed to serve Jewish interests.

Jews in America are used to being favored over other groups, especially white gentiles.

Jews may seek ‘flight from white’ to escape the stain of ‘white privilege’, but paradoxically enough, it is to serve Jewish supremacism. It certainly isn’t a wish on the part of Jews to be equal with everyone else.

I mean why would Jews want equality and parity with other groups? If all groups were equal, Jews would own only 2% of wealth, make up 2% of Ivy League, own 2% of media, own 2% of NBA teams, run 2% of Hollywood, manage 2% of Wall Street, have 2% stake in Las Vegas, etc. Would Jews really want that kind of ‘social justice’?

Invoking equality to maintain supremacy cannot go on forever.

“Unlike dumb southern Italians who relied on nepotism and corruption to get ahead, most Jews did rise through meritocracy. ” Are you sure? No ethnic nepotism among Jews?

* The main thrust of the article, that Jews are voluntarily “piling on” to the “Flight from White,” is tendentious. For understandable reasons, Steve can’t help being tendentious on this point. He can’t bring himself to say anything that might be perceived as critical of the alt-right and doesn’t want to poke the alt-right hornet’s nest, and thus he can’t point out the obvious fact that any sort of supposed “Flight from White” by Jews has been driven by the rise of the alt-right and its harassment of Jews online, especially of the Jewish journalists and media figures who end up writing articles like “Are Jews White?” When Jews are relentlessly harassed online, and when alt-rightists saying to them that they’re not white is among the tamest things they’re harassed with, then obviously Jews will react and begin to question themselves.

* * Trump has just been elected to reverse this process. As I wrote in another thread on November 30, the Orthodox Jews are now at war with their secularist cousins, and they are finally winning.
The Jews of Israel (the religious ones) are thrilled with Trump’s victory and are hardly unaware, not only that his son-in-law is Orthodox, but that his daughter converted to Judaism before marrying him.
The Orthodox understand the threat from Islam and are willing (perhaps only for the time being) to unite with Christians to bring this beast down. That they will have to defeat their cousins in Hollywood and the MSM is now being actively taken into account.
The struggle, although deadly serious and important for us as much as for them, will nevertheless be fun to watch unfold.

* Another problem is that most Jews can afford to move away from highly diverse and “vibrant” parts of the country. It’s much easier to champion diversity and multi-multiculturalism when you’re insulated from its negative consequences (hence, Paul Krugman’s absurd argument that everything’s great in America because he can go for a jog in his upscale New York neighborhood). Stephen Miller would have probably been another Jewish liberal if he didn’t go to public school in Southern California.

* My summation of Jewish power and influence is that they support the -isms that increase it. Any political/economic structure that allows a proportionally small, yet influential minority attain power well above their percentage within the population gets the thumbs up. While the politburos intrinsic to communism/socialism allow this nationally, globalism does this internationally, by diluting the power of individual nations by transferring the self-determination of their citizenry to international federations, organizations and treaties.

And I’m not saying Jews do this as some shadowy cabal, at least not the vast majority. They tend to gravitate to systems as both a hive-mind with the policies promoted within their community, and individually because they make logical sense. Undermining systems (democratic republics) that depend on strength in numbers by implementing technocracies administrated by a cognitive elite work in their favor, and that is why they support them.

Any move away from this progression is met with apoplectic rage. This rage is behind the antagonism towards Trump in the US and his fellow travelers in Europe. Claims that they are fascistic racists are used to “Isolate – Ridicule – Marginalize.” Jews are resourceful enough to prosper in almost any system, and when they fight so hard against nationalism it makes them appear disloyal to the host nation in which they currently reside.

* If Jews are 2% of the population and 1/3 of the folks in the top 1%, then, by definition, they are overrepresented by a factor of 16, or if you prefer more drama, Jews are 1600% more likely than other whites to be in the top 1%. I don’t begrudge them success. They were after all the ones who were smart enough to come to the US rather than wait around to get roasted. Also, I probably benefit a lot because of the tech and medicine etc., to which some have contributed. So, great, they are here and they are contributing and are successful. That is swell. However, like their non-Jewish counterparts, those who happen to be in media or value transference, SJW’s etc., really don’t make life better. So, I am not going to pretend that they do. I don’t necessarily think the nutty New York and San Francisco style liberalism is due mostly to Jews, but that crowd does have a fair amount of vocal Jews. So, again they are over represented and like their non-Jewish counterparts, they are annoying.

Thanks to evangelical Christians, the USA is more friendly to Jews than any place else including Israel which is full of hostile Palestinians.

* Sanchez was one of the most bland commentators out there & had as borish, CSPAN type demeanor and his positions were painfully neutral & moderate and yet look how he was crucified.

* KMac brings up good points, but IIRC he is not prescriptive in his approach to the JQ. Knowledge of that information naturally provokes resentment and anger. It takes a fairly big person to emerge from that head space and note that Jews are not monolithic and that we have a not insignificant number of Jews or early order mischlinge on our side. Some are actually doing constructive things. For example, Stephen Miller.

Nevertheless and irrespective of how we arrived at this point, from the perspective of the average Jew, rising anti-Semitism (AS) can lead to pogroms, and this is understandable as what has happened before can happen again. Jewry at large has (regrettably) taken a “fix it when it breaks” approach to AS rather than a preventative type of approach that would have been more sustainable. But anyway, it is good to see the occasional Miller when one mostly sees the likes of Soros.

One should also remember that it is most probably in our own interest to moderate the AS. It took a lot of work to get the UK and USA to come in or remain on the Jewish side of WWII, but they did – and despite the brilliance of Hitler and the immense human capital of Germany, the Germans eventually got their asses kicked. Nukes were invented by Jews, in response to Hitler. Those who would promote violent AS should be careful what they wish for. And they should also realize that the victors had some magnanimity – the Morgenthau plan was not implemented.

* Leo Frank was probably guilty of that girl’s death. He has remained a fixation of the America-based Jewish community despite being mostly forgotten by the American people. To his coethnics, his case is representative of the Jewish experience in the South. I see no evidence that anyone considered Jews with murderous intent for most of this country’s history, so I reject that representation. Some of my family has Italian derivation. The Italians were lynched much more often than the Jews. I can contemplate the phenomena of Italian lynchings dispassionately and admit that they probably occurred as an extreme reaction to certain kinds of un-American behavior in the Italian community. For some reason, though, the Italians have moved past all that.

* Does any ethnic or religious group really love any other ethnic or religious group? Even if the evangelicals really do love Jews (and Israel), it’s a recent phenomenon.

* No writer (as far as I know) has yet encapsulated the perpetual motion machine comprised by leftwing Jewish pundits and alt-right Nazi-meme warriors provoking each other. To highlight one without the other paints a distorted picture.

* Most Jews alive today are descended from ancient merchants or rabbis, and because these two classes of people had the most financially stable and/or successful professions in Jewish peasant communities, they were able to raise more children than men who chose other professions throughout the centuries. Their genes dominate nearly all modern Jewish bloodlines.

Both these classes of people make a living by flapping their jaws. They are monetarily and psychologically dependent on having an audience. Jews don’t farm because when you’re out there on the north 40 with a plow, there’s no one around to listen to you pontificate, and this is extremely distressing to them. If you didn’t like having an audience, you wouldn’t have chosen to be a rabbi or a merchant in the first place. This is how the ‘needs-attention’ gene got passed on and became widespread throughout the Jewish community. The vast majority of Jews cannot bear being alone, or not talking to someone. That’s why they congregate in cities.

* Last Sunday, 60 Minutes ran a story about a Jewish lawyer who files BS lawsuits against small businesses for tiny violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act. (It’s not enough to have a wheelchair ramp; said ramp has to be such-and-such feet wide and such-and-such feet from the handicapped parking spots.) It’s a nice little scam made all the nicer by the fine folks at Google, whose Earth and Map apps helpfully allow one to look at detailed photographs of nearly every building in America from the comfort of one’s grungy little (fully ADA-compliant?) law office.

All of the business owners interviewed for the segment were Arab or Persian or swarthy-Middle-Eastern-something-or-other.

So, do we white non-Hispanic Christian 60 Minutes-watching goyim side with the Jewish lawyer, or the Muslim businessmen? If we’re straight, do we take note of the fact that Anderson Cooper is so flamingly not?

I side with the latter – the businessmen, that is, not the silver-haired hack who kept shilling for Shrillary at the presidential debate.

I’m not for the businessmen so much as I am against the lawyer, and all that he represents. I’ve been burned over minor code-enforcement issues.

I wasn’t the contractor, and I wasn’t the one who hired the contractor, and it turned out that the contractor wasn’t even the contractor (the real certified contractor had died, and the guy doing the work – his former assistant – was forging his signature) … but when the contractor screwed up the permits and did work that wasn’t up to code, I was the one who had to pay for it. It was a ten-thousand-dollar mistake that wasn’t even my fault.

And I’ve been burned by scummy lawyers, some – okay, many if not most – of them Jewish.

One of those scummy lawyers was the one I hired in the wake of the contractor fiasco. He never did anything for me except send me hefty bills.

(The fake contractor was hefty, as well. A morbidly-obese Cuban guy, he left a trail of sweat everywhere he went.)

Most of the lawyers I know are Jewish; most of the scummy lawyers I know are Jewish. Most of the scummy people I know are not Jewish, but a good number of them are. Then again, Jews make up a good number of the non-Hispanic people who I know, period.

Lawyers – both Jewish and goyish – are well-represented in the ranks of those I wish I’d never met.

I’m not so fond of contractors, either … but, for the sake of interfaith relations, I’m happy to report that I’ve never met a Jewish contractor. After the Cuban, the contractor who did me the wrongest was a crotchety old Irish Catholic guy.

Many if not most lawyers fall on the prickier side of the nice-to-nasty personality spectrum. So do many if not most Jews. This is more than a mere coincidence. Say what you will about Jews, good or bad, but excessive politeness is not a stereotypical Jewish trait.

* The American South is possibly the most philo-Semitic place that has existed anywhere on earth in the last 5,777 years.

* The annoying and detrimental SJW tendencies of some Jews predates the alt-right by many decades. Most alt-right do not attack Jews for being Jewish. They attack them for being hypocrites who speak about privilege when the same arguments can be used against those Jews to mark them as the most privileged.

The Jews are mostly great and I appreciate them. But the whinny social activism by some can be taken down a notch.

* Left-wing Jewish punditry is one giant Fellow White People, We Need to Talk About White Privilege, and it’s actually doubling down on that front in the face of Nazi memers.

No, the Jewish flight from white is a response to the growth of non-white pro-Muslim pro-BDS social justice movements biting the white-gloved hand that’s fed, founded, funded, groomed, nurtured, empowered, and intellectually bolstered them in order to destroy gentile white identity and self-interest.

* You hear about Leo Frank all the time because it allows contemporary Jews to see Jews in the Jim Crow South as fellow victims along with blacks. In reality, Jews in the Jim Crow South tended to be popular members of the local elites who tended to have complementary talents that were appreciated in Southern towns.

* Trump seems to have a talent for spotting and hiring under-appreciated individuals. Lewandowski was knocking around New Hampshire, working as a lobbyist, AfP staffer, cop, and running unsuccessfully for small-town mayor. Miller was communication director for Senator Sessions, which is important but not the apex of Washington politics. Bannon is an interesting character with a varied background including the Navy, HBS, Goldman Sachs, Hollywood, and Brietbart, but not much in the way of DC or campaign experience. Roger Stone is a longtime operative but often of the prankster variety.

Sure, there’s some ex post facto rationalization here. If Trump had lost we’d all be saying it was because he’d hired bums. Still, it would be easy for a wealthy political neophyte dilettante to hire high-dollar consultants and ape what ¡Jeb! did. Trump didn’t got that route, and his unconventional hires and strategy worked. The other campaigns were buying TV time while Trump was using a postmodern/premodern dual strategy that combined both social media and old-fashioned in-person political rallies.

I wonder what the turnover was in the top 25 positions in the Trump campaign. Was it a case of Trump making unconventional hires but firing them quickly if they didn’t work? (Trump did fire Sam Nunberg.) Did he make good hires and stick with them? If he did make good hires, what led him to make those decisions? A good reporter would pay more attention to this more and get the vapors about deplorables less.

* Let’s not forget something: both Trump and Bannon have, by life and career experience, long experience with Jews. The fact that publicly commenting on Jewish accomplishment and prominence in public life is verboten doesn’t mean that intelligent, ambitious, and worldly people who have intimate experience with how things really work in centers of power with large numbers of Jews aren’t going to get the memo.

I have a feeling that Trump and his campaign has succeeded in various ways by exploiting the cognitive dissonance Steve highlights, with Jewish Narrative-molding working better on themselves than anyone else. The fits and starts towards accusing Trump or Bannon of being some sort of crypto-anti-semite just haven’t stuck. (Anyone remember the six-pointed star?) The pro-Israel shtick, the Jewish son-in-law, the hard line on Muslims, the gay Jew writing for Breitbart, all of it throws a massive “pattern interrupt” in the anti-semite train of thought.

Also, I believe that American Jewry is, at this point, in a unique and historic identity crisis of its own. Trump likely won the Orthodox vote, and the cleavages between liberal, reform, conservative, or secular American Jews and American Orthodox Jews, or Israelis, is getting wider. It’s possible that the left side of this cleavage is slowly drifting towards assimilation into the rest of liberal America (basically “Democrats with holidays,” as I’ve heard some people snarkily call American Reform Jews), until they’ll basically be just an undifferentiated mass that watches the Daily Show and worries constantly; while the more aggressively and ethnocentrically Jewish orthodox and Israelis embrace tribalism and nationalism in preference over “tikkun olam.”

* “Tikkun Olam” is phrase that comes up a couple of times in the Talmud and then was re-used in certain strands of mysticism. In neither case does it mean anything resembling its present meaning. I grew up in a traditional Jewish home attending an Orthodox synagogue and Sunday School and I never heard the term till my 20s. I strongly doubt even 15% of Israelis have heard of it.

There is a wider point here: Reform Judaism is literally a denomination of Liberal Protestantism that is designed to appeal to Jews. Its twist and turns have nothing to do whatsoever with anything Jewish and everything to do with trends within Liberal Protestantism, which it follows slavishly and pathetically. No-one in Israel, excepting a few American olim, thinks Reform is anything other than a sick joke. In England the only people who go to Reform synagogues are intermarriers who need a place for a bar mitzvah.

Conservative Judaism is different, it’s a heterodox movement, but recognizably a Jewish one. However, it’s really just a concept rather than a real movement (it was once described, accurately enough as “Orthodox Rabbis and Reform congregants”). In any case the movement is dying and American Jewry is polarizing into its orthodox (i.e. Jewish) and Reform (i.e converso) factions.

Anyway, the point to bear in mind is that while American Jewry retains certain ethnocentric Jewish traits, the majority of it has – literally – converted to a different religion. This is not the case with Jews in Israel, Britain, France or any other large community. As Isaiah Berlin said, “the syangogue I don’t go to is Orthodox”. (It was the case with German Jews, as well as certain other European communities, but they’re dead).

It follows that you cannot turn an account of American Jewry, even an accurate and sophisticated one, into a theory of Jewry in general.

* As Steve and Moldbug would tell you, the real power is in the megaphone, bureaucracy, and academy, where the kind of traditional protestantism you speak of has been utterly routed. See also: the Supreme Court, which is now imagined to have veto power over anything the seats of power you’re paying attention to can do and which includes exactly zero protestants, believing or otherwise.

* Jews care about losing the Diversity Sweepstakes. That’s what this is all about. They’ve painted themselves into the HMIC (head minority in charge) corner, and can’t get out. One escape hatch would be if they could run white people, which is part of what they were doing with neoconservatism. Trump makes that less likely, therefore he’s Hitler.

* It’s not harassment. It’s counter-harassment. Anti-Euro Jews in Big Media browbeat the masses, the Euro masses browbeat them back. Playing the fiddle about the counter-harassment is an attempt at counter-counter-harassment. Maybe if they’d had some of this back-and-forth in the Weimar Republic, Hitler wouldn’t have taken power. Jews know this stuff is all theater, they’re the “iconoclastic” “irreverent” “chutzpah” etc. people, remember? Bit late for them to switch to sanctimony now.

Some innocent Jews get caught in the crossfire, of course, but that’s been true of innocent Euros on the receiving end of the harassment, too. Keeping one’s co-ethnics in line is a good way to avoid this stuff.

* These days, I have a standard answer for my fellow Jews when they ask me why I voted for Trump. I tell them I did it out of sympathy for the goyim because they’ve been good to us and America is the only country they have.

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Are Jews White?

Israeli academic and philosopher “Ari Ben Canaan” blogs:

In the past week, two articles have appeared in the Jewish publication Forward that are principally concerned with the question whether or not Jews are White. One, by Karen Brodkin, contends that Ashkenazi American Jews have ‘become’ White, but stand in danger of ceasing to be White; the other, by Micha Danzig, contends for a variety of reasons that Jews are not and have never been White. Both pieces, my arguments shall show, are seriously confused, and their confusion only obscures the nuances of what is today a very important question. The principal target of my essay, however, is Brodkin’s article, as it is her article that best exemplifies the disingenuity and hostility of liberal Jewish attacks on White Identity, although much of my response to her shall address the errors in Danzig’s.

The central thesis of Brodkin’s essay is this: after being discriminated against for decades, American Jews in the middle of the 20th century managed to ‘become’ White; although, in the wake of Trump’s election, Jews stand in danger of losing their privileged White status. The evidence for this danger, Brodkin claims, consists of certain “chilling parallels” between Trump and early 20th-century eugenicists – in particular, Trump’s suggestion that his success is a result of good genetics, various ‘dog-whistles’ to certain undesirables on the part of his supporters, and the apparent re-emergence of the swastika as a prominent symbol in American life.

Obviously, this supposed evidence is nothing but the smoke and mirrors of paranoia and hysteria. To suggest that someone’s success is a result of their good genes is no more to create a parallel with eugenicists than it is to create a parallel with the majority of Jewish mothers in this country (whose children, as science confirms and most Jews silently acknowledge, are genetically predisposed to have those traits most conducive to success). Moreover, to imply that our evaluation of Trump ought to take into account the ‘dog-whistles’ of his supporters is equivalent to saying that we ought to attribute to Trump views that certain people he has never met are merely suspected of having – and this is surely ridiculous. “Trump’s plan to impose a compulsory registry for all Muslims echoes Hitler and yellow stars,” claims Brodkin, but it echoes this no more than Brodkin’s own claim that it echoes this echoes the ‘echoes’ used by online anti-Semites to identify Jews. Just as I would not, on this basis, accuse Brodkin of ‘dog-whistling’ to anti-Semites, so no one ought to accuse Trump of the same. There is simply nothing that Trump has said or done that might warrant any fear that Trump is anti-Semite….

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Highlights From My Twitter Feed

My Twitter:

* Under-earning thinking: Hoping others will take care of you. That collapsing will get you the love you seek.

* Under-earning thinking: If I could just get in a minor accident or get sick, I could rest for a few days.

* I know I can be sailing along fine, and then if one prop under my life gets kicked out or disturbed, I’m dying to porn or act out other ways.

* I want to love God. I have such a distant relationship with Him.

* I tend to treat God like a necessary evil.

* You can’t hear God when you’re chewing gum.

* Every time I’ve fallen in love, it’s been with a fantasy. I wonder if
I am capable of loving a real person.

* If you are a leader, it is right-sized for you to go out and lead. (Underearners Anonymous)

* If you are a writer, it is right-sized for you to write (while earning an honorable living).

* If you are honorably on disability, it is right-sized for you to write, paint, develop your gifts.

* If you are funny, it is right-sized for you to make jokes on Twitter and other social media.

* My mate, Yezter Hara, says bipolar alcoholic Catholic girls are the best. But Torah says no.

* I do feel much better as I age. The torrent of hormones was too much as a young man who wanted to love God.

* Mate: “No wonder you’re so good at blogging. The Kundalini people are right about redirecting sexual energy. Ellen White would be proud.”

* Writing with a nice pen is an erotic experience, but does that make me gay? Am I sublimating my urges?

* It is easy for me to lose my mind and my sobriety over the combo of brains, beauty and breasts. Higher Power! I need you! I love you!

* If you don’t connect normally (me!), you’ll try to connect abnormally, often with people who are not interested and then the police come.

* Humility means accepting reality. Humiliation means not living in reality (truth). (UA)

* #JudaismIsExclusion

* Ari Ben Canaan: No offense, Luke, but that’s odd coming from a convert. Jewish racial-religious complex is inclusive – see Ethiopians, e.g.

* Everything is a matter of perspective and context. In some ways, Judaism is open and universal, other ways tribal and exclusive.

* Casey: continually distinguishing between converts & “regular” doesn’t seem very inclusive…

* @JudaismIsExclusion is more true than Judaism is universal and open.

* How would Jews react to people burning Torah scrolls? Asking for a friend.

* I’ve found that lower back pain leads to a dramatic increase in lustful thoughts. Higher Power please!

* Would you act that way if you realized God was in the room?

* Nerdy white guys including Jews (Mark Zuckerberg) find asian women more tolerant, amenable to their autism.

* Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg could have landed any hot chick, but married a homely asian woman. Low self-esteem.

* The looks of your woman (when you initially married her) reveals how you feel about yourself.

* White woman are much more likely to spend you to oblivion to keep up w their friends, asian women more likely to be frugal and sensible.

* It’s a shame goyim don’t get to have goyim community centers, goyim restaurants and hotels, goyisha colleges and hospitals, newspapers etc.

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