We Need Critical Thinking About Jewish Tendencies

Steve Sailer writes: “Due to the ban on critical thinking regarding Jewish tendencies, contemporary Jewish media personalities are remarkably lacking in self-awareness, so even something as stereotypically funny as this simply doesn’t register.”

Sailer adds:

Yeah, there’s a lot of projection by American Jews of concerns over Israel’s behavior, such as annexing the Golan Heights, onto Russia for, say, annexing Crimea. Israel, of course, is full of Russians, such as Israel’s foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, many of whom think Putin and Netanyahu are similarly admirable strong leaders.

I predicted back in 2014 that as conservative Jews turn toward Russia, liberal Jews would turn back toward Germany. You are starting to see that with the Merkel worship in the papers.


* You think its a coincidence that Trump has surrounded himself with former generals? It’s like bodyarmor for him. The former usurper elite have been usurped themselves, and unlike those whom they previously displaced(who ceded with grace), this elite is anything but graceful.

They will try to stage a coup if they can. Problem for them is that in any coup, the armed forces hold the key. Trump is beloved among the army and he is now consolidating the brass around him. Yet, the Deep State hasn’t given up hope.

* Agreed; the CIA and FBI have shown signs just this year of being openly hostile to Trump—the CIA in the last few days implicating Russia, and the FBI/Comey in covering up Hillary’s crimes. A coup attempt by those agencies acting jointly is not out of the question, especially since Holder’s ATFE also is likely to be on their side (the ATFE ran guns for Holder, in the infamous Fast and Furious scandal).

Unfortunately, the armed forces throughout history has not been a strong bulkwark against coups. Military men usually fall into line after a changing of the guard; whether that’s from the personalities of soldiers (duty to the leader, whoever he is) or just the self-preservation tactics of military leaders, that’s for others to figure out.

The Roman army did nothing to stop the various palace coups that went on during the empire, merely switching allegiances to whoever was in power. Sometimes they’d run their own coups as well, but they’d never stop a coup.

And then the Soviets and Nazis and Spanish had their secret police keep the armies from revolting during their coups and purges.

In short, don’t trust our armies to protect us from our secret police; it just never pans out that way, sadly.

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When Donald Trump Saved A Jewish Life

TRANSLATED FROM THE PARIS MATCH: The day Donald Trump saved my daughter

“Without him, she had no chance of getting away,” says Yves Cohen, owner of a shop in Terre-de-Haut in the islands of Saintes in Guadeloupe.

“It was a winter afternoon in 1989, the high season with us in Terre-de-Haut, in the islands of Saintes in Guadeloupe. I was in my exotic clothing shop selling items to customers. Suddenly I hear cries. I rush and I see Donald Trump , tempered, holding my daughter Sina, 16, who is struggling just as wet. “Is that you father?” He yelled. He is furious, but I do not understand why, nor the reason why my daughter seems panicky. “You’re crazy to leave her alone!” He launches. Trump eructs literally against me. I do not understand all that he tells me, but I understand that he treats me with all the names. It is all red and seems to be in shock, as if a drama had just happened. What I do not know yet is that he just saved my daughter.

Sina suffers from autism, in one of its most severe forms. She must always be accompanied. But the caregiver who was with her that day had to go away to go to the bathroom. Sina loves the water but can not swim. I live by the bay. Without anyone holding her back, she approached and began to walk into the sea, but very quickly she slipped, because at this place, the underwater bottom is steep. When he heard his cries, Donald Trump intervened. He plunged into the fully dressed water to get her out.

I knew he was passing through. His yacht, the Trump Princess, was moored right in front. It was the attraction of the moment. A few minutes before the drama, I spotted him having a drink with friends at the Café de la Marine, right next door. He did not bring it back particularly, simply, it was impossible to miss it, because of its high stature and its inimitable look. He seemed to have a good time.

I never heard of him until the recent US presidential election. I am not particularly interested in politics, but when I hear the harsh criticisms addressed to him, I can not help but think back. For me, Donald Trump remains the one who saved my daughter. Without him, she had no chance of getting out. There were a lot of people on the terrace of the Café de la Marine where he was seated. He is the only one who has reacted. And for that, I thank him.”

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NYT: ‘An Alt-Right Makeover Shrouds the Swastikas’

New York Times: Ever conscious of the importance of marketing, Mr. Damigo, 30, pointed out that Identity Evropa’s website “looks completely mainstreamed.” And it does, featuring men in business suits who also happen to be sporting the Hitler Youth-style haircut.

But for all the fresh approaches — the slick marketing, the internet savviness — the message remains the same. It is one of separation, of supremacy, of a refusal to recognize the equal worth of others who do not have the same skin tone or share the same religion.

The ascension of the alt-right has lifted some familiar names from the muck of the past, including David Duke, the white nationalist, Holocaust denier and former Louisiana state representative whose national profile has been resurrected.

When a reporter telephoned him recently to discuss the alt-right movement, Mr. Duke wasted little time with a question of his own: “Are you Jewish?”


* I thought the article was reasonably fair; the headline atrocious, implying that the entire alt-right is basically Nazi, just undergoing a makeover designed to deceive.

* How many Jews does it take to write a short piece about the Alt-Right in The NYT. The answer is three ( plus an Irish-American ).

* I have yet to see a MSM characterization of the so-called Alt-Right that rings true to me. The same goes for MSM summaries of Pizzagate or “Fake News”. To really describe these things accurately would require having been tracking them for weeks and months and possibly years.

Sulzberger at the NYT may have written his “letter to the readers” immediately after the election vowing to do a better job journalistically, but they are still running articles as straight “news” that read like Op-Ed page punditry.

* Remove all the editorializing language plus the terms “Neo-Nazi” and “White Supremacist” and the article is essentially an endorsement. It also has handy little tags that curious people can grab and pull: “red-pilled”, “Jewish Question”, “White Supremacy vs White Nationalism.”

* Brad Griffin a.k.a. Hunter Wallace responds:

Here’s the truth: the Alt-Right movement emerged in the mid-2000s, it started as a collection of people who hated George W. Bush and were strongly alienated from mainstream conservatism in their formative years, it is overwhelmingly comprised of White males who are Gen X’ers or Millennials with reactionary politics, most come from middle class households, have college degrees and tend to be more secular in their religious beliefs, it grew out of online anonymous messageboard culture (forums, blogs, social media), and the vast majority of these people have never been affiliated with any Neo-Nazi organization, Klan group, or skinhead gang.

The Alt-Right are White males (and a smaller proportion of White females) who grew up in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. They are Gen X’ers and Millennials who you can find on almost every college campus in the United States who rejected and rebelled against multiculturalism and political correctness. These are the people who when exposed to doctrinaire multiculturalism took the opposite fork in the road. They resented being demonized and told to be ashamed of their heritage. Whereas the most extreme left-leaning Millennials became SJWs, the most extreme right-leaning Millennials drifted toward the Alt-Right.

What do I know? I’ve only been interacting with these people on a daily basis for 15 years now online and offline.

* “Alt-right” has become a convenient term to tar everyone who sees the corrosive effects of balkanizing multiculturalism and unrestricted immigration as White Nationalists or neo-Nazis. Funny thing is, a lot of those advocating for a white American ethno-state point to Israel as an example of what they want to achieve, wall, legally-discriminated ethnic categories, and all.

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Is Christianity Cucked?

A friend says: Joseph, husband of Mary, was the archetypal cuck. Let’s be honest & presume Mary got knocked up by somebody else, probably an Arab. Then “an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.” Cuck!

So it’s at the foundation of Christianity: let your women whore around, have other men’s babies, and put up with that.

Church/Vatican needs to become basis of sovereign political power–achieve nation state status like Israel. Otherwise, nihilistic liberalism will continue indefinitely.

White writers need to start writing about their experience of whiteness in everything they write.

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Sitting With One Knee Down

As this guy advises, I’m sitting with one knee down…It gives an impetus for me to go up through my torso.

I asked some other Alexander teachers and they replied:

* The argument rests on the assumption that when the thigh bone is horisontal the knee is “lifted”. This maybe what people very often do when sitting, but it is not necessarily the case.

* Biomechanics is often a very bad guide.

* Poise not posture.

* You know you can look at things like this ‘drop the knee’ and wonder that it isn’t called out for the silliness it is. Of course you’ll be more upright if you drop the knee, you’re as good as standing in he chair, or on the way to it.

Luke: Is Alexander Technique ever a very bad guide to muscular pain caused by spasms and unnecessary tension? I’ve had a lot of chronic aches and pains that the Technique did not help, but physical therapy immediately removed, and with the help of decent use, these particular aches and pains did not return. I know Alexander teachers who go to their physical therapist or chiropractor and lecture them about how these other professionals should do their job based on the holy principles of Alexander Technique, but despite their best Technique, these Alexander teachers still need the help of other professionals for muscular pain. How insecure are we to pretend Alexander is always the first answer to muscular pain? Are we always so much wiser when it comes to the causes of muscular pain? I guess we have nothing to learn from outsiders.

If you are sitting down in an office job 8 hours a day, are you more or less likely to get back pain with your knees straight out in front of you, or one knee dropped ceteris paribus? Veteran Alexander teachers with beautiful use and devotion to the principles of the Technique who work an office job sitting 8 hours a day with a regular chair or a stool and their knees straight out from the hip, are they going to develop back pain and the like?

I definitely feel more up flowing through me with one knee down then both knees straight out, but perhaps I am a fatally flawed and sinful vessel for the Technique.

I fear I am the only Alexander teacher in the world who must go to bed for a couple of days (every year or two) due to lower back spasms. The shame! It is killing me. Thank you for letting me share.

Am I the only Alexander teacher in the world who chronically and perhaps beyond all hope still tightens and compresses his lower back when sitting down? (Though not as much as before I found the Technique and saw a path to salvation for my crooked and debauched self.) Seriously, how many Alexander teachers still tighten and compress the lower back despite their best efforts when routinely sitting down even when highly conscious and diligent of our holy calling? Most Alexander teachers, in my experience, gasp for breath when speaking (the bigger the stimulus, the bigger the gasp). We’re all sinners. We all fall short of the glory of Constructive Conscious Control.

How many Alexander teachers go through life with various forms of chronic pain because they are so pure in their Technique, they don’t want to sully themselves with PT or chiropractic and the like, and their suffering is unnecessary because other disciplines have contributions to make? Many teachers in my experience. Is chronic muscular pain a shameful thing for an Alexander teacher to admit to his peers?

Every strongly believing group has this strong pressure towards ideological conformity and strong faith.

Does form count for nothing in the graceful and efficient use of the self? Or is that just 100% poise? It seems to me that form can often count for something in the use of the self.

For some of us teachers, I often think the Technique has been both the best and worst thing to ever happen to us. Most of us teachers come from a place of great pain (we don’t train for rational career-based reasons) and we took to the Technique like drowning swimmers take to air and perhaps we pursue it way past what is in our best interest. Perhaps it gives us more freedom than is good for us given that we come from such brokenness. The Technique is so enticing with its ease of movement and release of constriction, and teaching Alexander is such a rush, that perhaps we get seduced to go down a rabbit hole of ever-increasing ease and we chase that high too far and lose sight of the bigger picture of a meaningful life?

Bud: “Kind of like Dexter? He could pull off being a serial killer and holding down his demanding full time job as a blood spatter specialist for Miami PD, but when he added emotional relationships and a family into the mix, it was just too much, and ended very badly for him.”

LF: I wonder how many Alexander teachers got intoxicated by the freedom and divorced and later regretted it? Or divorced from the rat grind and later regretted it? Or divorced from a conventional life and later regretted it, perhaps in part?

When I was 11, I took up marathoning, completing five of them. It was not a good thing for me but the runner’s high was intoxicating. I think a lot of people have run farther than is good for them. Or done more yoga than is good for them.

I think Patrick MacDonald was of the opinion that 90% of Alexander teachers shouldn’t be teaching and I guess he would have applied this to any teacher who consistently gasps before speaking.

As professional Alexander teachers, we are not supposed to publicly disparage different schools of the Technique, but privately of course, we often do. I’ve often felt very strong negative reactions to the Macdonald approach because unless you are trained in it, it can be very challenging and humbling and off-putting.

What happens when a graduate of Alexander Technique teacher training has lofty dreams of becoming a successful Alexander teacher, miserably failing, takes an office job, finds out nobody in the office gives a toss about the Technique, finally shuts up about it, and then as the weeks and months of office work go by, all sorts of muscular pain crops up, including the killer back pain, pain he can’t Alexander his way out of, and when he goes down for the count with back spasms, his mates at the office snicker and say, “I thought you had the Alexander Technique!” Out of his mind with pain, this teacher visits the chiropractor and other modalities to get help and then he starts posting on FB, not always making sense.

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