Trump’s Cabinet

Comment: I have a hunch that people are judging Trump by the wrong metric.

They think of Presidents of the recent past, and think of how much they simply delegate to their cabinet members, who have great independence in implementation of their duties.

But all recent Presidents were fundamentally politicians before they became President, and came to the executive role with the sort of management style customary for politicians.

Trump, though, has never been a politician, and has only been in an executive role in business, and indeed a private business, answerable to no one. This, I think, will incline him to judge his cabinet members by a simple measure: are they implementing the policies that I have told them they must? I don’t think there’s going to a lot of tolerance for a failure to follow his marching orders. I suspect he has made them quite aware of that fact, as a condition of their getting their jobs.

I suspect that the usual assertion, personnel is policy, is not going to be true under Trump in the usual sense — Trump will see to it that his personnel does his policy.

In a way it is telling that Trump has chosen so many with military backgrounds. They get the idea of getting orders and following them. My guess is that that is what he is demanding of his appointees.

* Jewish pundits also tend to loathe the WASP foreign policy “realists.” These are the guys who have the crazy idea that the Palestinians/Arabs have legitimate grievances, and that it’s ok to say no to Israel. James Baker III, George H.W. Bush’s Secretary of State, is a good example.

* Since when did Vladimir Putin ever claim to be White first and Russian second?

Vladimir Putin does not give a damn if a WASP in Detroit for example is mugged at gunpoint by a Black or if a WASP in Detroit is racemixing with a Black.

Vladimir Putin’s tribalism mentality does not extend beyond the Russian people. Vladimir Putin does not see Anglo Saxon Protestants as his people. Vladimir Putin is a Russian nationalist, not a White nationalist.

* They’re white – as our countries used to be. They’re Christian – as our countries used to be. And they don’t believe in deliberately dividing their population by race, sex (sorry, ‘gender’), sexuality in order that a relatively small and cohesive elite can farm them for fun and profit.

I imagine the Putin administration might even be concerned about increasing national unity, not decreasing it – which makes them just like most countries throughout history, but not like the West over the last 50 years.

The only other white, Christian countries with such ideas of national unity are the recent EU entrants, formerly Warsaw Pact countries like Poland and Hungary. But Western elites don’t see them as much of a threat – calculating, probably correctly, that a combination of EU gimmedats and the threat of the Big Bad Bear will ensure their compliance and eventual absorption into post-Christian, multi-ethnic Europe. After all, Greece knuckled under when faced with leaving the Euro. The southern European economies have been devastated since 2008, massive youth unemployment, GDP falls – yet they “held on tight to Nurse, for fear of finding something Worse”.

This happy (for our elites) scenario is threatened by things like Brexit, ‘populism’ and the Italy vote, which is why they’ll fight dirty, and why it’s so important to nourish the ‘populists’.

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Keith Ellison – Black Zionist

Keith Ellison once wanted a black country carved out of the United States. He’s like a black Zionist because he wants an ethno-state for his people. That sounds healthy to me. I don’t know why that is shocking to some people.

Let’s face it — in America today, blacks and whites, in general, hate each other. Separate countries might be a good idea.

Daily Caller:

Some newly discovered columns shed light on the shocking views expressed by one of the Democrat’s favorite politicians.

According to columns written several years ago in the Minnesota Daily, obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller News Foundation, Ellison was once a proponent of a blacks-only nation carved out of America and cash reparations paid from whites to blacks. Ellison also called the U.S. Constitution the “best evidence of a white racist conspiracy to subjugate other peoples.”

Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, now in the running to be DNC Chair, has attracted the support of Sens. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Harry Reid. Many think that Ellison, an African-American Muslim, would make a powerful statement leading the DNC. Ellison’s past has gained attention from the media, with Ellison being accused of anti-Semitism and ties to the Nation of Islam.

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ABC News: ‘What It’s Like as an Asian-American Journalist to Interview a White Nationalist’

Juju Chang writes for Nightline about her feelings on interviewing Richard Spencer.

What a brilliant and original angle! Wow, think of the possibilities. Next we might have women writing about what it is like to interview a man, a white writing about what it is like to interview a black, a gay man writing about what it is like to interview a straight.

It’s not every day that a self-proclaimed white nationalist calls you an “honorary white person.”

He was joking, of course, after I said I enjoyed a recent trip near his home in Whitefish, Montana. It would have been light-hearted banter in any other context, but not this one.

Oh, how traumatic for the poor dear. Imagine in a different context a Jew had told her that she was an honorary Jew. How traumatic that would be! How hateful!

Because Richard Spencer had just told me with a smile on his face that I would not be allowed to live in the all-white ethno-state he envisions for the future.

“You could have your own ethno-state,” he offered, as though ethnic cleansing might strike most Americans as anything other than reprehensible.

Oy vey! An ethno-state! How provocative. Gosh, isn’t Israel an ethno-state for Jews? Isn’t Japan an ethno-state for the Japanese? Israel and Japan are not pariah states for being ethno-states. What’s the big deal?

Sure, Israel has two million Arab citizens, but the average Israeli wishes they would disappear tomorrow just as the average Japanese wishes that Korean immigrants to Japan would similarly disappear.

The Torah makes no provision for non-Jewish citizenship in the Jewish state, but I doubt any mainstream journalist would attack the Jewish religion for that.

Every people want to control their own destiny and their own culture and their own way of life. This applies equally to Torah-observant Jews as it does to the Japanese and to the followers of Richard Spencer.

Keith Ellison, possible future leader of the Democratic National Committee, once advocated for a blacks-only country cared out of the United States. Was that super-hateful?

Juju Chang is shallow. She writes, “as though ethnic cleansing might strike most Americans as anything other than reprehensible.” Well, it was ethnic cleansing that created the United States of America. We ethnically cleansed the Indians so that white people could do their thing.

Would the average American today support ethnic cleansing of the country from blacks, Jews, and Muslims? Perhaps. It would not be far-fetched to see that sentiment.

As for the idea of saying “No to Hate”, that’s very unJewish and unBiblical. The Torah and the Talmud are filled with hatred for Israel’s enemies and those who transgress God’s will.

Spencer, 38, earned national attention after a video surfaced on “The Atlantic” showing him at a so-called “alt right” conference shouting “Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory,” as some in the crowd raised their hands in a Nazi salute.

Spencer says he yelled out “Hail Trump,” “in the spirit of irony and exuberance.”

“What is exuberant about genocide?” I asked him.

He then tried to dismiss it, telling me, “a half a dozen people in the audience or so who gave a Roman salute.”

“It was not a Roman salute. It was a Nazi party salute, you know that,” I replied.

It was both a Roman salute and a Nazi salute and probably other cultures used it as well. The salute does not equate with genocide any more than reading Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book or wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt equates with genocide. Communism slaughtered far more people than did Nazism. Why don’t beliefs of communism equate with genocide? America’s leading communists have usually endorsed voting for the Democratic party. Does that mean that America’s left-wing party is genocidal?

Spencer did acknowledge that provocation is a strategy for the alt-right and that he had been toiling in obscurity until this shot of notoriety. He sees President-Elect Trump as someone who “sling-shot our movement into fame.” Spencer says he was euphoric the moment he found out Trump won the presidency, “it felt like a kind of miracle.”

Richard Spencer was a significant thinker, perhaps the most significant, of the Alt-Right long before Donald Trump ran for president and those who were interested in making America white again knew his name.

When Obama talked about, “When they bring a knife, we bring a gun!“, does that mean Obama was promoting genocide? Or was he just being provocative to get attention?

Spencer and I talked one-on-one for more than an hour. He claims he is not a white supremacist or a racist, but it is difficult to understand his incendiary rhetoric any other way.

What does white supremacist and racist even mean? These are just slurs. There are only two honorable forms of argument – to contest facts or logic. Name calling is not an honorable form of argument.

I asked about his quote in Mother Jones magazine that “Hispanics and African Americans have lower average IQs than whites and are more genetically predisposed to commit crimes” — a pseudo-science argument of white supremacists which has been widely discredited.

Discredited by whom? Lower IQ people commit more crimes. That is a universal pattern. It is also a universal pattern that Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of around 110, East Asians of around 105, whites of 100, latinos of mestizo heritage about 90, and blacks of 85 and lower.

His deeply inflammatory world-view involves that all-white “ethno state” perhaps outside the U.S., he says, where races are segregated. He claims there would be no forced deportations, though says it could result in a violent race war.

Why is Richard Spencer’s idea of an ethno-state any more inflammatory than the Torah’s idea for a Jewish ethno-state? Most people want their own states and to control their own destiny. It’s not something that is deeply inflammatory. It is a basic human desire.

Tensions erupted during Spencer’s speech several times. He fat-shamed a female protester dressed as a clown for effect and spewed insults at a man who stood patiently in line to ask a question, even before he had a chance to ask his question.

“You’re a coward. You can’t beat the —- out of anything,” he said. “You need to go to the gym.”

His tone reminded me of an exchange Spencer and I had during our long conversation when he laughingly dismissed values like compassion, diversity, even freedom as “weak” or “lame.” I pointed out that these are bedrock principles of our country, “diversity, inclusion, Lady Liberty bring us your huddled masses.”

“I would keep Lady Liberty. I think that’s a beautiful statue,” he said, laughing. “I would tear down that stupid horrible poem about ‘Send us your worst! Send us your ugliest, your stupidest. Let them wash up on our shores!'”

…But in the end, it was the anti-hate folks who showed up at the Kyle Stadium — including a multi-cultural group of students and anti-hate groups – that sent a far more powerful message of tolerance and diversity to drown out what they considered the repugnant and unwelcome din next door.

JuJu Chang writes like a 12-year old girl.

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Trump Says Blacks Who Stayed Home Were ‘Almost as Good’ as Those Who Voted for Him’

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Does anyone know if the WaPo’s anti-Trump hysteria comes from Bezos or from the editors? I never heard of Bezos being political until this election.

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Maybe CIA / Washington Post Brainstorming About a Coup Needs a Rethink About Just Whom They Can Trust to Carry It Out?

Steve Sailer writes: Judging from the reaction to Trump’s arrival at today’s Army / Navy football game among military cadets, young military officers wouldn’t be on board.


* I do wonder what Trump is going to do to the people at the CIA who have gone all in on attacking him.

It’s not the usual thing for employees to go out of their way to trash the incoming CEO publicly. Can they be so smug that they don’t think there will be consequences?

* I think this is why he’s been behaving extra-Presidential ever since he won. In order to ensconce himself in the minds of many people as possible as the incumbent, in order to deter game-playing with possible recounts, the Electoral College actual vote, and potential coups. In other words, he’s behaving like he’s already President to dare them to try any of those shenanigans.

* Heavily armed rural whites will always be outgunned by the government. I think that what it would come down to is whether the white soldiers and lower-level officers who come from these communities would obey orders to fire on their friends. It could go either way.

I like to play out what would happen if/when the government decides to confiscate firearms door-to-door like in Australia. Despite the noble cries of “from my cold dead hands,” I don’t think that most responsible gun owners would really take it to that level when the SWAT team shows up. It will all come down to whether the ATF/FBI agents obey orders. I guess the Feds will marshal the agents from Boston and San Francisco field offices to go to Alabama and Wyoming to carry out the task to improve their odds. I wouldn’t count on resistance to succeed, though it could get messy.

No doubt the left is acutely aware of this risk, hence their efforts to eviscerate the cultures of the military and federal police forces, and to try to nationalize local police departments. A few more generations of their recruitment, social programming, human capital management, and purges, and they may succeed.

* It looks like they’re trying to lay the groundwork for a Tahrir Square or Ukraine Maidan style campaign during Trump’s presidency, with massive protests in the major cities, amplified by media coverage, to try to get Trump impeached or removed from office. The particular event or thing that would initially trigger the movement and protests are unforeseen at this point, but this is obviously a psyops/info campaign by the CIA to delegitimize Trump and lay the groundwork for a potential uprising and removal. The most charitable interpretation of the CIA’s actions here would be that the Russians have simply penetrated too far into Trump’s orbit. This would also explain why Trump is being surrounded by generals.

These nonviolent coups are based on the work of Gene Sharp, and many of the tactics have been field tested. They don’t depend on military personnel, rather they try to use military attempts to quell the protests to further delegitimize the regime.

If this situation turns into a hot conflict, it would quickly turn into a proxy war between Russia and NATO on the North American continent.

* A successful coup in the United States wouldn’t look like the Turkey coup at all.

What they would do is assassinate the President, and possibly simultaneously assassinate the Vice President. The exact circumstances depend on a number of factors. They may want to feel out the VP for a year or two and see if he will play ball. If he will, then he is the replacement. If not, they will take him out too.

Hypothesize that Air Force One is shot down or crashes while the President and Vice President are aboard. The Secret Service at the point would basically take the speaker of the house into custody. Whatever intelligence agents and generals were around the speaker at that moment would basically be in charge of the country. They could feed the speaker whatever “intelligence” they wanted to, and in that environment, the new president wouldn’t have the means to do any independent analysis at all.

“Mr. President, it turns out the previous president and vice president were making a deal with Russia to do XYZ, and the deal fell through, so the Russians had them killed. The following members of the administration should be considered suspicous: the attorney general, the secretary of state, this general, that admiral, etc.”

If they could make it look like an accident or a lone wolf job that might be even better. But if they can tie it to some perceived enemy, they can isolate the incoming president, and get him to execute an emergency purge of the government.

I believe that this is how any coup would go down.

The problem with such a coup is that there are something like 17 intelligence agencies currently operating in the United States. This type of thing would require broad consent across all 17 intelligence agencies that the current administration is so dangerous to the current paradigm that immediate action has to be taken, at high risk to everyone involved.

* Exhibit 1. The video from the Army/Navy game.

Exhibit 2. Financial markets have voted vigorously in favor of the election outcome.

Exhibit 3. The US dollar. The dollar spot index is up 3 to 4% since the election.

Say what you want about elites or the deep state — they aren’t big on risk. Trump isn’t all that risky. He promised to spend more money on the military. And if he quits sending them into losing battles in the Middle East, whats not to like?

Army just snapped a 14 year losing streak in their annual matchup. The Cubs won the series. Is the system ‘rigged’? Isn’t Trump proof that it isn’t rigged?

The real danger to Trump is the Republican establishment. If they have any sense they will look back and see how poorly it worked out for them to trade LBJ for Kennedy. Consider swapping Trump for Pence/Ryan. If they actually got their entitlement reform and privatize Medicare and Social Security, that would prove less popular than the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Democrats lost the South forever. Old people vote.

The US needs some strong economic growth and taking the shackles off ‘tight oil’ and actually encouraging the banks to lend money is a plausible path. Note that the Democrats and Elizabeth Warren are still trying to refight 2008. The best performing sector since the election has been financials.

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