Forward: “Trump’s Reported Pick of Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State Spooks Jewish Groups”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Trump fills his cabinet with Goldman Sachs execs, and idiots still say he’ll be unfavorable to Jewish tribalist causes.

* “In general, people who have led oil companies are not that friendly to Israel,” Klein said. “That concerns me.”

In general Muslim immigrants are not friendly to Jews and Israel, but that hasn’t stopped most Jews from supporting massive Muslim immigration into North America and Europe.

* I’ve got a postage stamp here and a pencil and I’m going to make the definitive list of everything that does not spook jewish groups.

* News flash for Messrs. Halber, Klein, et al.:

The US Secretary of State serve the US, not Israel. Israel has its own government for that.

That’s what different governments are for.

* It’s almost as if Trump is selecting people who he thinks are competent and will do a good job. The benefits of running a tight campaign and not owing a thousand favors tends to scare those the most connected. What country is more connected politically in the U.S. than Isreal?

* One Jewish guy who isn’t spooked.

[David] Horowitz isn’t Alt Right (in no shape or form), but if anyone on the ‘right’ foreshadowed something like the Alt Right, it was Horowitz.

While Alt Right pays homage to Gottfried and Rothbard, neither was the kind of dogged fighter that Horowitz was.

Neocons sought respectability and establishment position. Horowitz, though allied with Neocons on the Israel issue, was far more committed to combating the ‘left’. And he always regarded the ‘left’ as the bigger enemy of the Jews. He knew about the ‘left’ because he’d been part of the 60s Left that made the ‘long march through the institutions’ and became the GLOB. In a way, the GLOB was more dangerous. While 60s radicals had crazy ideas and were delusional, they were driven by some real ideals. But over time, they became cynical, and it was all about the Power. Hillary and those around her were prime examples of this.

Neocons were just happy to gain control of GOP, push Zionist agenda, and even work with Libs and the ‘left’ to suppress White-conscious Conservatism.

Though Horowitz, as Zionist, cannot be a fan of white-centric Alt Right, he is a firm believer that the biggest enemy of the West is the Left and Glob. In this, he was more principled than the Neocons and Cucks who were mainly for position and status.

* There was a National Review gathering in the early 90s when a bunch of respectable luminaries gave nice-sounding speeches. Horowitz then appeared on stage and warned them that they don’t have what it takes to take on the Enemy that is far more dogged, cynical, driven, radical, and ruthless. And given what happened in coming yrs, Horowitz was right.
Where he was wrong was the failure to see that this danger came not only from the ‘left’ but from Neocons who got overly power-hungry and corrupt. Horowitz’s Zionism made him overlook the excesses of the Neocons and Bush II. Still, his attack on NeverTrump Neocons in 2016 indicates his disenchantment with them. Horowitz saw them as careerists than good soldiers.

Now, Horowitz’s reason for supporting Trump is very different from that of Alt Right, but both sides seems to understand that a new vanguard is necessary to move away from old staid and defunct paradigms of power. These are radical times.

Also, Neocons grew out of Trotskyism prior to the 60s. Its heyday was when leftist radicalism was still adult and ‘conservative’ and mature in style. The ideas were radical but the personal style was still respectable, restrained, and even ‘bourgeois’. After all, even Trotsky himself didn’t have a tattoo on his ass or indulge in homomania.

So, former Trotskyites didn’t really get what the 60s were about. They just took flight from the crazy left of the 60s and found a new home in the GOP as the Democrats seemed to cave too much to black demands. (As immigration and globalism made the Democrats increasing the Diversity party and Free Trade party and LESS the black party and white ‘dumb Polack’ labor party, some neocons began to move back. But then, BLM & BDS prolly triggered a good number of Jews even if they mostly stuck with Hillary. If Hillary’s loss leads to Democratic Party being taken over by blacks and anti-Zionist POC, it could spell exodus of Jews.)
In contrast, Horowitz was in the very thick of 60s radicalism that was far more nihilistic, narcissistic, and decadent that ‘leftism’ of an earlier time. Those elements of excesses of 60s culture meant that future politics could be more no-holds-barred, reckless, and insane.
If Neocons didn’t get 60s radicalism and just ran from it, Horowitz was at its center and saw everything. So, he knows the mind-set of the Left. Now, he must know that the hardcore 60s leftist types didn’t gain the most power. After all, it was the middle-of-roaders like Clintons and Obamas and Kerrys that gained power, not the Bill Ayers and Abbie Hoffman’s. But Horowitz is convinced that the entire Left spectrum since the 60s is infected with the same nihilistic spirit. Given the rise of homomania and reckless globalist open borders rhetoric, he may be right. GLOB went capitalist, but its spirit is totally nihilistic and destructive of order, the organic, and the meaningful. What the Right failed to understand is that this destructive spirit could also animate the capitalists. If there is anything that unites Wall Street goons like Jordan Belfort and commies like Bill Ayers, it’s their utter nihilism. Anything goes for the struggle, power, and wealth. No holds barred.

And we’ve seen that with the rise of Progs trained and brainwashed by boomer radical globs. And in a way, Trump is also part of this excessive politics of boomer era. Fewer inhibitions, wilder, more aggressive, shameless, blustering, and etc. But Trump victory suggests that some are waking to the fact that in the new order, fire must be met with fire.

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Does Politico Publish Fake News?

In my memory, Politico and the Washington Post ran about nine negative dismissing stories about Trump to every positive one.

Chris Roberts writes:

It certainly got Donald Trump completely wrong.

It is hard to believe, but it has been more than a month since Donald Trump won the presidential election. Since then, the media have developed an obsession with “fake news.” Fake news, they tell us, may have swung the election in favor of Mr. Trump—the implication being that no one who knew what was actually going on could possibly have voted for him.

The latest version of the “fake news” theory is that the Russian government was behind it. The Russians were apparently so keen on a Trump presidency, they set up a network of news outlets to spin things in their—and therefore Trump’s—favor. Anonymous groups of “experts” have complied a list of Kremlin stooges, and mainstream outlets are reporting this as gospel. American Renaissance and have now been unmaksed as outlets for Russian propaganda. Even Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have now spoken out against the scourge of “fake news.”

The purpose of these smears is obvious. The mainstream is losing its hold on its audience, which is turning to alternative news sources, including American Renaissance. The legacy media seem to think that if they say we are “fake” or “propaganda,” the masses will come back to the New York Times and the Washington Post.

The irony is that it was mainstream outlets that have had their predictions proven chronically wrong for the last 18 months—not us or Breitbart—and no site has been more guilty than Politico. The preferred source of political news for Beltway operatives, for this entire cycle, Politico was not only wrong about most everything, it also did everything possible to denigrate Donald Trump, who they constantly assured us, could never win anyway.

A lot of their stories came from “insiders”—which underlined Politico’s status as privileged reporters, constantly rubbing shoulders with important “insiders.” A typical headline would be, “Insiders: Trump Administration Will Be a Disaster.” Somehow, the insiders were almost always anonymous.

Here are some of Politico’s greatest hits.


June 7th: The man to beat in Iowa: Scott Walker

June 16th: The 10 best lines from Donald Trump’s announcement speech

The opening two sentences were typically dismissive:

“Donald Trump launched his quixotic presidential bid Tuesday in a speech at his Trump Tower office building in Manhattan.

The discursive, pugnacious announcement was one of the more bizarre spectacles of the 2016 political season thus far — and one of the most entertaining.”

July 10th: Insiders say Scott Walker is dominant in Iowa

July 14th: The power players behind Scott Walker’s campaign

July 24th: Insiders: Trump has peaked

August 7th: GOP insiders: Trump is biggest loser

This was about one of the Republican candidate debates, which Mr. Trump regularly dominated.

August 14th: Insiders: Trump can’t win early states

August 14th: The 199 Most Donald Trump Things Donald Trump Has Ever Said

October 2nd: 5 reasons to bet $5 on Marco Rubio

December 4th: Democratic insiders: Trump is easy prey for Clinton

December 7th: The 7 craziest things Trump has said

This was on how nuts it would be to ban Muslims.


February 6th: ‘Trump Is Falling Fast’: An Election Gambler Predicts New Hampshire

Mr. Trump won the state by almost 20 points.

February 12th: Insiders: Hard road ahead for Trump

February 14th: Insiders: Trump flopped in debate

In this debate, Mr. Trump flayed Jeb Bush. The next primary was in South Carolina, which Mr. Trump won decisively. Mr. Bush then dropped out.

February 24th: Rubio looking ahead to wins on March 15

Mr. Rubio dropped out of the race on March 15.

April 6th: Wisconsin meltdown puts Trump on track for convention fight

April 27th: Trump declares race won, but it’s not

April 29th: Insiders: Clinton would crush Trump in November

May 13th: Insiders: Trump stumbled in general election pivot

The subtitle: “Democrats aren’t worried by Hillary Clinton’s recent defeats.”

June 17th: Insiders: Trump’s Orlando response was terrible

This was after the Jihadist massacre at the Pulse nightclub. Mr. Trump Florida in the general election.

June 17th: GOP insiders: Trump should pick Newt for vice president

Mr. Gingrich, who attacked Mitt Romney for being too anti-immigrant in 2012, refused to criticize affirmative action while he was speaker in 1990s, and won Wilmot Robertson’s title of “Majority Renegade of the Year” as far back as 1986. He was obviously a terrible choice.

July 1st: Insiders: Clinton dominates Trump on the ground

August 4th: Trump vs. the Constitution: A Guide

August 12th: GOP insiders: Trump can’t win

August 19th: GOP insiders: Trump’s overhaul won’t succeed

This was about Mr. Trump hiring Steve Bannon.

September 27th: Insiders: Hillary won

This was about the first debate.

October 5th: Insiders: Pence outclassed Trump

The vice-presidential debate, which even Politico admitted was uninteresting to most Americans, had fewer viewers than any vice-presidential debate since 2000.

October 12th: How Long Can Evangelical Women Stay Behind Donald Trump?

October 14th: GOP insiders: Trump’s chances fading

November 4th: Democratic insiders: Clinton’s ground game will sink Trump

November 8th: Trump hopes for a miracle

Well, Politico, better luck in 2024. Until then, your readers will be better informed if they read American Renaissance.

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Trump Is A Putin Stooge?

Comments: One of the more depressing things about the current “Trump is a Russian Stooge” craze, and the other lunacies shrieking in the media is their opportunity cost, pushing out all observation of anything true and interesting about our nearly revolutionary times.

What might be the actual economic costs and gains of pulling back from current trade arrangements, and reducing free movement of jobs from our country? Who wins and who loses? Is there any way this can be made to work well for current American workers?

What kind of management style might we expect from someone like Trump, given his unique background as someone who became President without ever being in government in any capacity, but who was successful in his own private business? What might be the upside and downside to such a background?

What does it mean to be looking out strictly for American interests in the current world, from a diplomatic and military point of view? What should be the limits to our obligations to other countries, and to people in other countries?

You see, we can’t have those discussions in the current media environment. In that setting, the only permitted “analyses” are those that show we are heading off to doom, that Trump is the first phase of Hitler, that the Russians are Coming, and that men in white hoods rampage through our lands in bloodthirsty search of the Dark Other.

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Boston Globe: Should Twitter ban the alt-right? The case for online censorship

David Scharfenberg writes:

J.M. Berger, a fellow with the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism in The Hague who wrote the report, says social media give extremists some powerful tools for growth: anonymity and an easy way to seek out people with similar interests.

“That’s the real danger,” he said in a recent interview. “If you were a radical Druid in 1950 living in Peoria, Illinois, you could go your whole life without ever meeting anybody who shared your views. Now if you’re that same person, you get online, and within an hour you can be following a hundred other radical Druids. And in two or three weeks, you can all be getting together to plant trees.”

In an essay titled “The Social Apocalypse: A Forecast,” Berger notes that ISIS, also known as the Islamic State, has become a globally disruptive force even though its members number only in the tens of thousands. He warns that a network of 1 million, a tiny sliver of the world’s population, could “wreak unimaginable havoc.”

“Without meaningful controls,” he adds, “we will see millions of people organize themselves according to racial, class, or religious identity in defiance of a generation of progress toward pluralism.”

It strikes me that people naturally organize themselves according to racial, class or religious identity. The only widespread exception to that was in dominantly Anglo countries. By destroying WASP dominance, Jews and company made organization along racial and religious identity inevitable.

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A History Of My Underearning

When my computer died and I had to ship it away for three weeks, I went to my first 12-step meeting for debtors in May of 2015 and then I hit my first meeting for underearners on July 12, 2015. Coming out of that latter meeting, I checked my phone and saw that I had received a $50 donation from my blog. “This program really works!” I thought.

Until 2016, I’ve never earned more than $45,000 in a year. I’m a chronic underearner and under-achiever.

I started doing daily chores around age five. We lived in a cold house in Manchester, England, at the time, and I volunteered to do the dishes because it gave me an opportunity to soak my hands and arms in hot sudsy water and that took away the pain of the cold.

I got hit a lot by my step-mom, who was depressed at the time and struggling with being a wife and mother for the first time, and so I learned to lie to try to reduce the beatings. Lying remains an instinct for me whenever I’m in trouble. I want to try to lie my way out of things, but whenever I’m caught, just like when I was a child, I make a full confession to try to reduce the beating. I learned early on that it really takes the anger out of people when you make a complete confession.

Every day my parents would put me down for a nap after lunch and I’d scream bloody murder until falling asleep. During this time in England, I developed an addiction for this toxic stew of hatred I directed against my parents and all authority. I learned to love hurting myself because I saw how much that hurt my parents. I learned to glory in my hopeless and pain. I got addicted to collapsing. I got addicted to losing. “I’ll bloody show them,” I kept thinking.

To escape from my misery, I took up daydreaming. I learned to daydream my days away. Around age seven, I took up pornography, another intense and wonderful escape. I loved excitement. I loved excessive exercise and excessive reading and excessive eating, particularly of forbidden foods such as candy. I’d steal money from my parents and buy candy until a fourth grade campout when the teacher caught me with a big candy stash and reported it to my parents who were very upset and I got a hiding and I learned to stop stealing from them. I never stole from other people. I never developed that habit. I only stole from my parents and only for a couple of years (ages 7-9).

I was an indifferent student. As with work, I didn’t put an effort in unless the topic interested me.

I didn’t like the reality of my life and so I sought out every opportunity to escape from the humdrum of Cooranbong.

I was the class clown. I thirsted for attention and acted out until I got some. The more secure I felt, the more I would make subversive jokes. I gloried in provoking some of my teachers into hitting me and when they did, I felt like a victim.

We moved to California in the summer of 1997 and in September I began sixth grade. I saw that many of my classmates had jobs, so I asked for a job from a family that admired my father’s teaching. The father was white and the mother, a doctor, was black. I worked in their garden and did various chores for about six months for about $2.50 an hour until they fired me for not putting much effort in and for not following directions and for just being a lousy worker. I was humiliated, particularly when the black lady doctor came to our home and explained to my parents in front of me why I was let go.

The same tunnel vision I displayed in that first job, that same reluctance to look for things to do beyond what was assigned, that same lack of interest in my tasks, that same boredom with taking directions, that lack of empathy, all of those character defects still challenge me.

I did other odd jobs over the next four years and I got fired from every one after a time because I was not willing to put the effort in to do the jobs right.

The summer of 1982 was great because I fell in love for the first time with a girl, Rainy, who reciprocated my affection to a degree, and I had my first job I liked — as a summer camp counselor. I only earned $400 for the entire summer but it was fun work. I only got reprimanded once — for getting my kids out of the pool early so we could all get first dibs on the hot showers. I felt great at the end of the summer that I had held down a job and enjoyed it and wasn’t fired, though they did not hire me back the next summer.

In the summer of 1983, I worked as a janitor at Pacific Union College, and earned close to $2,000, and I didn’t get fired. My job review was mediocre.

There are some incidents I remember from that summer. I asked a Vietnam vet on our crew if he was a baby killer. I alienated much of the crew and they took to tearing me down until some latino immigrant said that was unChristian of them. I remember walking back from one task, seeing some friends, sitting down and chatting with them, and the boss walking past, noticing me and saying nothing. I remember sitting in the office with my crew after the day was done and my telling jokes and hanging out on the clock until we all finally punched out. I didn’t have a strong work ethic, though it would never have occurred to me to steal anything. I’ve never been a direct thief (except from my parents for a couple of years). I’ve never lifted money or things. I was a thief in the sense that I didn’t feel much obligation to work all the time I was on the clock. I often had that intention, but my flesh was weak, I hated working, and I looked for every opportunity to tell jokes and to enjoy distractions. I particularly liked romantic intrigue on the job and sexual tension. That was my favorite form of distraction.

Not satisfied to be a worker among workers, either I get attention or I lose interest in my job, a yearning for distraction, looking to have conversations and intrigue and fun in the office, getting interested in everything but my work, all have been characteristics of my work life over the decades.

As I write this retrospection on my underearning, it is stunning how the same character defects have been with me from the beginning.

“Don’t take the easy way out,” my parents often admonished me because my tendency is to do that very thing. I’d rather watch football and think about football than work or study. It’s always been easier for me to numb out to distractions than to do the hard work necessary for me to create an honorable life.

I graduated from high school in 1984 with a 3.3 GPA and an 1135 SAT score. I hadn’t learned to put an effort in on topics that didn’t interest me.

I went back to Australia for a year to live with my brother and to work. It took me a few weeks to find a job and that wait was devastating to my sense of self. I felt useless. I finally landed a job as a shop assistant at KMart (GJ Coles), probably because I was the only job applicant who wore a suit to the interview, and because I stopped telling the truth about my intentions to return to America after a year.

I hated the humdrum job. I got admonished for talking too much to girls and for calling my boss, “Mate”. I told my aboriginal superior that the best way to get an abo girl pregnant was to cum on her shoe and let the flies do the rest.

After a few weeks of this work, I resolved to study hard when I went to college.

Four months in, a friend of my brother’s landed me a great job for three times the pay (I made about $25 an hour) — a contract to clean and maintain the Boyne Island Shopping Centre. As long as I showed up and did the work, I was my own boss. I was on contract. And I got to read on average two hours a day or more in my little shed.

I must’ve done a lousy job because the shopping centre never again did such a contract.

I came back to California in June of 1985 and started a full-time unpaid internship at KAHI/KHYL radio in the news department. After a month, I got hired (following my pulling an all-nighter covering a story) at minimum wage ($3.35 an hour) for 16 hours a week (for anchoring the news on the weekend). I never had any doubt that I would rather do work I loved at little or no pay than work I hated at solid wages.

I bought my first car that summer — a 1968 VW Bug — and totaled it in September through my own carelessness. I had to rely on rides from my mother for a depressing couple of months until I decided to spend the $900 to repair my car. I never felt the same affection for my car after that crash.

I had mono from January to May of 1986. They were miserable months. I pushed through with my obligations. That June, I looked for work (in addition to my radio gig). It was depressing that most of it paid around $4 an hour, after I had made about five times that in Australia. I couldn’t find a steady job on my own, but after I registered at the California Department of Employment, I got a landscaping job right away but it only paid $4 an hour. The work was very tough until the third day when we worked at the home of this real estate titan, Doug Hanzlick, and Mr. Hanzlick and his family were so nice to me that day, that I fell in love with them and with my job. It was that little bit of recognition, that touch of human kindness, that completely changed the way I felt about my job. In the ordinary job situation where the boss gave me a task and I did it and that was it, I dreaded my work. When I received some recognition from people I liked and respected, however, my work gave me meaning and pleasure. It gave me so much meaning and pleasure that I quit most of my classes at college that fall (only took two instead of the scheduled five) so that I could work more.

Working in landscaping in the Sacramento winter was miserable. I had a familiar feeling — that people my age were excelling me. They were moving ahead with their education or they were working in higher paying jobs. They had girlfriends. And I felt like I was lagging behind. I felt out of it. I felt isolated. I felt sad. I had a sense that there was something wrong with me, but felt like if I just made better decisions, I would get out of this mess.

In the Spring semester of 1987, I returned to school full-time, I got close to straight As, and in addition I worked about 30 hours a week in landscaping and in radio. I felt like my life was on track. I was accepted into UC Davis and other colleges. I decided instead to attend UCLA and got accepted there. I spent almost all of my time either studying or working. I didn’t socialize much. I felt like I had finally got my life on track.

Then in February of 1988, disaster struck in the form of an illness later diagnosed as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which would keep me in bed about 20 hours a day for the next six years. That hellish time convinced me there was something wrong with me beyond my illness and I converted to Judaism and hoped to remake my life followings its principles and practices.

After making two-thirds of a recovery, I moved to Los Angeles in March of 1994. I was social, going to every interesting Jewish event I found, and checking out as many synagogues as possible. I dated widely. It was an exciting time with a lot of emotional and spiritual highs, but it had many stunning lows as well. I lived out of my car from June of 1994 until February of 1995, when I met an Israeli guy at shul who offered me a place to stay in exchange for helping him with a script.

I wasn’t interested in taking a regular job or in going back to UCLA to finish my degree. I wanted to blaze new ground. I thought I could work as an actor or model. I had a few auditions. I got some extra work. I went through all of my savings and then started living off credit cards while I devoted myself for about a year (September of 1995 to June of 1996) to writing my first book. Upon hitting my credit card limits ($20,000) and forced to find a new place to live (I got a room with a Holocaust survivor with two dozen cats, in exchange for cleaning up after the cats, I only had to pay $200 a month rent), I started working as a temp secretary (earning about $12 an hour on average). There were a bad few days when I was too sick to go to work and I was late with the rent on this one occasion, the only time in my life I have been late with the rent.

I got fired from three temp job for inappropriate speech. I got kicked out of three acting schools for the same reason. When I’d land a temp job, I’d use much of that time to research and edit my book. That would usually get discovered and I would get in trouble, but in many cases, I didn’t get fired because my temp employers liked me. A friend gave me the wise counsel, “Work only one job at a time”, but I wasn’t able to live up to that advice.

Beginning in March of 1998, I began earning about $3,000 a month from my writing and my financial situation stabilized, and over the next two years, I paid off all of my credit card debt.

From 1998 to 2015, I never made more than $45,000 in a year, and never less than about $25,000. From 1998 to 2007, I made most of my money doing what I loved — writing. In 2009, I went back to school to study for three years to become a teacher of the Alexander Technique. I found the first 18 months so exhausting that I couldn’t work much. I limited my earning to things I could do from home, such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization). My credit card debt maxed out at about $52,000 in early 2012 when I took some office work and began slowly paying it down.

In February of 2013, I bought my first luxury car (a 2004 model for $4200 total, meaning monthly payments of $150 for three years).

Through working my various 12-step programs, 2016 was my most prosperous year ever and 2017 looks even brighter.

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