Dylan Roof’s Manifesto


* I read Dylan Roof’s ‘manifesto’. Other than a few spelling errors (which he admitted to not having the time to correct) it was a well written piece arguing the state of race relations in the United States today. Roof, it should be noted, was a 21 year old high school dropout yet his writing was at least the equal of Michelle Obama’s Princeton thesis which I have also read.

I think Roof’s crime was horrible. Middle aged and elderly black church goers are not the Trayvon Martins that drove Roof’s racial animus. What’s remarkable is that a self taught lower middle class white high school drop out can make a cogent case for his actions that is hard to refute.

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“Not Sending Their Best”: World Map of IQ Drop Due to Immigration


Average IQ across world:

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Race & Intelligence

From InfoGalactic:

The existence of a link between race and intelligence has been repeatedly observed by scientists, but remains extremely controversial. Research suggests that the average IQ score of East Asians is higher than that of Europeans, and the average IQ score of Europeans is higher than that of Africans and African-Americans. Additional research has indicated that environmental factors such as socio-economic status and education can explain some, but not all, of these observed differences in IQ.

In 1917, tests developed by Robert Yerkes were used to evaluate American draftees. Researchers found that: Southern and Eastern European immigrants scored lower than Americans (who at the time were largely Western and Northern Europeans); Americans from northern states had higher scores than Americans from southern states; and Black Americans scored lower than White Americans.[1] However, some scientists argued that immigrants performed poorly on these tests because English was not their first language.[2]

Psychologist Carl Brigham and anthropologists Franz Boas, and Ruth Benedict and Gene Weltfish argued that environmental factors, not genetic ones, explained differences in IQ scores.

In 1958, Audrey Shuey published The Testing of Negro Intelligence, in which she attempted to demonstrate that the difference between the average IQ scores of blacks and whites had not changed since IQ was first measured. In the 1960s, Nobel laureate William Shockley, argued that black children were innately unable to learn as well as white children.[3] Arthur Jensen, in a Harvard Education Review article entitled “How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?”[4][5][6][7] questioned the value of remedial education for African-American children. Jensen argued that their poor educational performance was genetic.[8] He continued research into the question until his death in 2012.

The Bell Curve (1994), written by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray, emphasized the societal effects of low IQ.[9]. Fifty-two researchers (mostly psychologists) signed an editorial statement “Mainstream Science on Intelligence” which was generally supportive of the claims of The Bell Curve.

In 1995 report from the American Psychological Association, “Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns”, noted that racial differences in IQ scores existed, and concluded that no current theories adequately explained it.

Several books were written in criticism of The Bell Curve, including: The Bell Curve Debate (1995), Inequality by Design: Cracking the Bell Curve Myth (1996) and a second edition of The Mismeasure of Man (1996) by Stephen Jay Gould.[10]

A review article “Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability” by J. Philippe Rushton and Arthur Jensen was published in 2005.[11] The article was followed by a series of responses, some in support, some critical.[12][13] Richard Nisbett, another psychologist who had also commented at the time, later included an amplified version of his critique as part of the book Intelligence and How to Get It: Why Schools and Cultures Count (2009).[14] Rushton and Jensen in 2010 made a point-by-point reply to this thereafter.[15] A comprehensive review article on the issue was published in the journal American Psychologist in 2012.[16]

Rushton & Jensen (2005) wrote that, in the United States, self-identified blacks and whites have been the subjects of the greatest number of studies. They stated that the black-white IQ difference is about 15 to 18 points or 1 to 1.1 standard deviations (SDs), which implies that between 11 and 16 percent of the black population have an IQ above 100 (the general population median). According to Arthur Jensen and J. Philippe Rushton the black-white IQ difference is largest on those components of IQ tests that best measure the general intelligence factor g.[17] The 1996 APA report “Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns” and the 1994 editorial statement “Mainstream Science on Intelligence” gave more or less similar estimates.[18][19]

Roth et al. (2001), in a review of the results of a total of 6,246,729 participants on other tests of cognitive ability or aptitude, found a difference in mean IQ scores between blacks and whites of 1.1 SD. Consistent results were found for college and university application tests such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (N = 2.4 million) and Graduate Record Examination (N = 2.3 million), as well as for tests of job applicants in corporate sections (N = 0.5 million) and in the military (N = 0.4 million).[20] North East Asians have tended to score relatively higher on visuospatial subtests with lower scores in verbal subtests while Ashkenazi Jews score higher in verbal and reasoning subtests with lower scores in visuospatial subtests. The few Amerindian populations who have been systematically tested, including Arctic Natives, tend to score worse on average than white populations but better on average than black populations.[20]

A 2006 study by Dickens and Flynn estimated that the difference between mean scores of blacks and whites closed by about 5 or 6 IQ points between 1972 and 2002,[21] which would be a reduction of about one-third. In the same period the educational achievement disparity also diminished.[22] However, this was challenged by Rushton & Jensen who said the difference had remained stable.[23] In a 2006 study, Murray agreed with Dickens and Flynn that there has been a narrowing of the difference, but stated that the difference was not continuing to decrease.[24]

Some studies reviewed by Hunt (2010), p. 418 found that rise in the average achievement of African Americans was caused by a reduction in the number of African American students in the lowest range of scores without a corresponding increase in the number of students in the highest ranges. A 2012 review of the literature found that the IQ gap had diminished by 0.33 standard deviations since first reported.[16]

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Some of Jerusalem’s rabbis are waging their own war on Christmas

Different groups have different interests. Diversity and proximity equal conflict.

Washington Post: In a letter faxed to hoteliers in Jerusalem, two of the city’s chief rabbis warned against displaying Christmas trees on their premises.

“As the secular year ends we want to remind you that erecting a Christmas tree in a hotel contravenes halacha [Jewish law] and that therefore it is clear that one should not erect [a tree] in a hotel,” the letter reads, according to the Times of Israel. “It is also appropriate to avoid hosting parties to mark the end of the secular year.”

The Israeli daily said the letter could be interpreted as a “veiled threat” to hoteliers who risk losing their kosher licenses. This flies in the face of recent developments, including a March 2015 ruling by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate that lifted a ban on Christmas trees in hotels and tied the criteria for kosher certification more closely to the preparation of food.

Christmas trees and other symbols of non-Jewish traditions rankle some Israelis; the country’s ultra-Orthodox rabbis are known to criticize their display. In a separate incident reported by Israeli media, a rabbi at Technion Institute of Technology in the city of Haifa warned students against entering the student union building because of a Christmas tree there, arguing that the tree was “not a Christian religious symbol, but even worse, a pagan one.”

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Jewish Journal: “Stephen Miller, Meet Your Immigrant Great-grandfather”

Steve Sailer writes: “In other words, the editor-in-chief of TRIBE Media Corp. is baffled by why Stephen Miller doesn’t hold petty grudges against his fellow Americans for slights that are now four generations old.”


* Sir, regret to inform that young Miller has ‘gone native’. Please advise.

* He got the Cossacks in right away.

He kept us in suspense as to whether or not he’d manage to work in the Shoah – came in under the wire.

* Wait until Rob finds out that Trump’s the son and grandson of immigrants – it’ll blow his mind.

* Wait until he finds out Trump has a secret Jew in his family tree.

* Stephen Miller grew up in Santa Monica and realized that America’s future was a 3rd world-esque Santa Monica if immigration wasn’t curbed and he didn’t want to live in it. The guy has eyes.

* A lot of what we got from Europe during the Great Wave wasn’t so great. Fortunately, those who couldn’t cope didn’t park themselves on welfare for five generations, exponentially replicating their failure. And those who were degenerate criminals were either hanged, electrocuted, gassed, or sent back to their point of origin. Now, any degenerate who can get over the border, like Kate Steinle’s murderer, can plant his family tree on US soil and stick us with the poisonous Democrat-voting fruit forever.

* Let’s see, Immigration Quota Act happened in 1924…..and the Holocaust started in the Summer of 1941….isn’t 16/17 years a rather protracted “eve?”

* Call me crazy, but I’m pretty sure that Israel isn’t very keen on Muslim immigration….

* TRIBE media? Really? That’s gotta be a joke, right?

* A guy who is the head of “Tribe Media Corp.” is telling us that we shouldn’t be tribal.

* Of course he specified American Jews; you don’t think that he’s crazy enough to suggest that Jews in Israel start letting in refugees, do you?

* “But when an American Jew turns on immigrants, there is a whiff of head-scratching hypocrisy, if not something more clinical. It is taking the side of people who, in a historical blink of the eye, would have met your own great-grandparents at the docks with stones and spitballs.”

What’s truly extraordinary is that the notion that an American Jew would choose to identify and stand with that “American” part rather than the “Jew” part is taken as incomprehensible. That’s an assumption of a divided loyalty that, if a Gentile were to make it, would bring howling accusations of anti-Semitism.

* I listened to Miller’s Johnstown Pennsylvania speech where he detailed his family genealogy. It was a revelatory and inspiring tale. I felt that he and I shared the same family pride for our forbears immigration to America. My family’s journey occurred only one generation ago whereas his family’s occurred many genations ago.

I sincerely hope that Miller’s ideas and policies flourish in the forthcoming administration and not be throttled by the inevitable internectine warfare.

* The elephant in the room:
1896 ≠2016
World population 1896 = 1.6 Billion
World population 2016 = 7.3 Billion
Migrant sending nations in 2016 w/ Fertility levels of 2.8 (Guatemala) to 6.8 (Niger)
Western, developed countries did not have welfare states in the 19th Century either.

* Like making sure the drawbridge is raised AFTER you cross it? And only then telling the guards that the rest of the people behind you are plague carriers?

* I suppose Trump could move to a points system, but the problem is that all that points screen out for is IQ, and beyond a certain point, it is a poor predictor for innovative capacity, Canada and Australia have the points system, and their productivity growth and GDP growth is less than impressive once you correct for population growth, and basically the chief thing keeping those economies afloat are the resources industry and real estate.

* I’m glad that Mr. Miller has been able to ignore these ethnic guilt trips, while viewing America’s immigration policies through the lens of American interests. Ultimately, being an American should be about doing what’s best for your fellow Americans.

* I’ve decided jews should be welcomed into the fold as White Americans. How to address the loyalty issues some of them have though, such as those seen in this Rob Eshman character?

* The 1924 act did not prohibit Jewish immigration, it limited southern and eastern european immigration. The many Jewish citizens of Germany, France, and the UK could still easily come, and did in large numbers. Russian Jews were still very much able to go to booming Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, South Africa, and British India. Really anywhere there was a white minority government, which was much of the world in 1924, the local whites were glad to get any sort of European immigrant, whatever their private prejudices might have been.

* What’s amazing to me is the state of blissful ignorance the good thinking whites of California walk around in. Their state has debased their standard of living, their safety, their ability to afford to have a family, their job opportunities and their ability to communicate with and relate to their neighbors, and yet they see nothing wrong with doing that to the rest of the country.

* Fundamentally classifying people by their migration status is stupid; there are myriad reasons for this, but one of them is this: Jews leaving Eastern Europe were not fleeing a Jewish country that Jews had misrun into the ground. Mexicans are fleeing Mexico because Mexicans have made a mess of Mexico, Pakistanis are fleeing Pakistanis have made a mess of Pakistan etc.

The elephant in the room, as usual, is HBD. If you live in a country cursed by “We take these truths to be self-evident….” you have to come up with roundabout justifications for why you don’t want your country mobbed by low-functioning barbarians. If you can’t explain – to use the most frequently cited example in Britain – why Huguenots are not similar to Somalis just because both are “immigrants” you can’t get anywhere. Of course, you cannot explain why they are different except through racism and, as such, the rules of discourse in modern democracies mean the Right literally cannot win.

* The “Jewish Journal” should note that Israel is quite literally a land of recent immigrants yet has hyper selective and restrictive immigration membership.

I don’t think Richard Spencer is the best intellectual, but he successfully got the NYT to acknowledge this double standard.

I am pro-Jew, and pro-Israel, but I am also pro alt-right here.

* “Pulling up the ladder” is good and appropriate for any nation with a sense of sovereignty. There is no hypocrisy if an immigrant does it. The left makes it sound that way because it mistakes lack of compassion for hypocrisy.

And even if one advocates leaving the ladder there, it would only make sense if the person was keeping the door open for immigrants similar to them, kinda like the way Latinos do.

* The reason most Jews did not leave Eastern Europe is because they did not want to. In particular, religious Jews believed, accurately enough, that they would not be able to pass on their beliefs to their children. Most prominent Rabbis warned very strongly against emigrating. Bundists stayed because they believed in Socialist revolution at home. Some, mostly Zionists, warned that Jews needed to leave, and fast, but they were mostly ignored.

Jewish thought-leaders like to blame this massive clusterf**k on restrictive immigration policies of western nations, the simple truth is that most Jews did not think there was going to be a Holocaust.

* I think the lesson Jews learned from 1000 years in Europe is Gentiles will inevitably turn on the Jews. So it’s best to weaken them first.

* Jewish support for destroying White Countries through Diversity makes sense from their perspective.

But not from ours.

* TRIBE media, can it get any more blatant than that? Besides the massive outcry, if somebody wanted to created a company called Aryan media, it would more than likely not be allowed by the government.

* (How a Trump administration will handle immigration from Israel, where far more terrorist acts are committed than in Morocco, is anyone’s guess.)

As we all know, everybody in Israel is equally likely to commit terrorist acts. It’s unfortunate, but it’s impossible to guess who’s likely to be a risk.

* Regardless of his ethnicity, Miller comes across as a normal American who doesn’t want America to be populated by Mexicans, but can’t come right out and say he doesn’t want America to be populated by Mexicans. (Cuz everyone is equal and wonderful. Except for heterosexual, white, cisgendered Christian men, who we all known are EVIL.)

* About two decades ago, I visited a friend who a few years previously had gotten a tenured position on the faculty of UCLA. He lived in a small house on Mulholland Drive with a spectacular view of the city and maintained by a staff of part time maids and gardeners. He completely avoided contact with the riff raff outside of his small social and geographic ambit.

One day we dropped into a car wash and he commented off-hand but perfectly seriously that one of the great advantages of unrestricted Mexican immigration into LA was how cheap car washes and other services. I suspect my friend is typical of those destroying California. They cannot conceive how a policy that currently advantages the two or three percent of the population to which they belong might harm everyone else and eventually culminate in ruining life even for their privileged and oblivious class.

* All the point system does in Canada is bring in various tribes of ethnocentric groups who form their own ethnic enclaves who mostly look down on the natives. There is very little sense of loyalty to the nation it self. It is not surprising a recent poll revealed that more Canadians than Americans think minorities should do a better job of fitting in.

* Is it possible that the reason so many Jews are in favour of open borders is because on some level they fear the collapse of Israel.

Therefore open borders becomes a kind of Jewish Insurance policy. The main borders they want open are of course first world nations because they want the good life that they offer.

* I forgot to mention the GPS built into Jewish DNA; somewhere over the Atlantic/Mediterranean all around the borders of Israel, this GPS is triggered, and the polarity on the Jewish open-borders position is reversed.

European conquerors, settlers, and pioneers did not take “America” from the peoples they found living on the land here. They conquered, settled, and pioneered the land, and created America atop it. Until they did, there was nothing to immigrate to.

* In addition to the skilled artisans (Jewish immigrants were often skilled tailors and came to dominate the garment sewing industry and Jews practiced other trades such as (surprisingly) blacksmithing – Samuel Yellin was perhaps the greatest ornamental ironworker in American history) Jews were very good at trade so Miller’s great grandfather and his descendants grew his little corner store into a major department store and then a regional chain of discount department stores in Western PA. The same story was repeated in almost every city in America. Gimbels, Macy’s, Filene’s, I Magnin, Neiman-Marcus, Bloomingdales, Bergdorf Goodman, Rich’s of Atlanta, Kauffman’s of Pittsburgh, Lazarus of Columbus, and even Sears-Roebuck – they were all either started by Jews or the non-Jewish founders bought out by Jews at an early stage. What are the chances that the Macy’s of the future will be founded by Somalis?

* Dr. Kevin MacDonald has a standing offer to the Jews: how about, you back us on closing the borders to all the non-White non-Jews, and we agree to keeping our borders open to Jews-only? If the Jews would just be honest enough to agree to it. Alas, no. He receives only vitriol.

* Leftist Jews in Weimar Germany weakened Germany and this led to the rise of Hitler, so anyone who does this is playing with fire.

Traditional (observant) Jewish wisdom is not to advocate for regime change on the (reasonable) possibility that whoever comes next may be even worse for the Jews. If you had bet that way in the 20th century you would have been right most of the time. Jews become revolutionaries only when they reject Maimonides for Marx. At the beginning of the Exodus story, the Bible says “there came a new king (Pharoah) who knew not Joseph.” In other words, the new guy didn’t owe any favors to the Jews and that’s when the sh-t hit the fan for the Jews. Better the devil that you know (old stock Americans) than the devil that you don’t know (Latinos and Muslims).

So even if you view immigration thru this sick twisted lens of “is it good for the Jews”, the answer is still no.

* I’m no hypocrite when I oppose immigration from the 3rd world. In fact I’m being true to my immigrant grandparents, who wanted very much to come live in America among Americans — not in Africa, Mexico, India, China, Afghanistan and most definitely not Syria.

* Stories are so important. ‘Narrative’ is just fancy word for story.

What was the source of Jewish power in ancient times? They told a story in their Book, and it caught on. So, even though others had stories, the Jewish narrative came to define how even non-Jews came to see the world.

In a way, idols and images are powerful, on their own, they tell no stories. Jews suppressed idols and focused on story-telling, and they told one hell of a story.

It’s like it’s more fun to listen to a radio story without images than to see a movie without sound(which actually feels suffocating). Words make sense of things in ways mere images cannot.

But with the coming of sound era in movies, there was the mass culture of Image + Sound, and nothing has been more powerful. It is Idolatry and Story-telling fused into one.

Prior to sound-era in cinema, images had limited means to tell stories. Images were in sculpture or painting. Sculpture cannot move. And paintings are fixed. Artists tried to create illusion of motion in sculpture and painting. Or via symbolism and various means, artists tried to tell a story in a painting or sculpture, like in totem poles and reliefs. This is why certain old paintings are so packed with detail and unrealistic. The artist is trying to capture an entire event in a single image.
So, the main way of telling stories was through theater where dialogue was key or through literature where words were king.
Cinema created the flow of images, and this flow could tell a story without words. Silent cinema added intertitles and musical accompaniment, but they were still unsatisfying as story-telling vehicles. Indeed, radios and record players were more fun and engaging. But then came sound cinema, and that became the most effective form of story-telling as there was the power of image, power of words, and power of music all in one.
And TV surpassed the radio in popularity cuz it had sound and image.
No wonder Hollywood is the most powerful Narrative Factory in the world.
Rap is also powerful because it’s not just music but a story-telling format. It’s about the Arrogance of Ignorance — ghetto-trash morons who know nothing but have opinions on everything based on ‘muh gun’ and ‘muh dic*’ — , but it’s told as a tale, and people love stories.

Those who live may tell the tales, but those who tell the tales live to rule the world.

This is why BIRTH OF A NATION has been so threatening to the Progs. It was the first great work in history of cinema, the most powerful medium the world had ever seen, and it was made by D. W. Griffith, the father of cinema-as-art and proud race-ist.

A people who want to prevail and survive must tell the tale. News media, education, and entertainment are all about story-telling. This is why Russians had to regain control of media from the globalists. And this is why MSM is panicking about ‘fake news’ as ‘Russian’ spy stuff. It is alternative narrative, a different story-telling.

Indeed, what makes us human? Storytelling. An intelligent animal like a wolf can lead a most interesting and exciting life filled with all sorts of adventures: hunting bison, fending off cougars, fighting bears, warring with other wolf packs, chasing rabbits, surviving winters, etc. But it can’t convey any of to its cubs since it has no language. So, whatever it and its pack may have gone through, the cubs will know NOTHING of it. And wolf cubs have no sense of ancestry — grandwolves and greatgrand wolves or wolf heritage.
So, there is no narrative, no culture among wolves. It took a human like Jack London to tell the tale of a wolf or half-wolf in White Fang. Humans have this power to tell stories, and that creates memories through time, and that creates culture.
A wolf cannot tell its cubs what it went through, but through stories, human kids can find out about their grandparents and great grandparents and forebears through storytelling EVEN IF the kids never met their forebears. No modern Jew has met David, Moses, and Abraham who died long ago, but he feels the ‘living’ presence of those Biblical figures through the power of storytelling. It’s like the girl in DOCTOR ZHIVAGO. She never met her real father and grew up under nothing but Soviet propaganda. But Yevgraf sets her straight with the simple power of storytelling. (She sort of looks like Putin, so maybe they are related too.)

So, it is incumbent upon every parent to be a story-teller. He or she must tell the story of his/her life, of forebears, and of the race/culture as a whole. And this responsibility must not be outsourced to other groups, especially hostile groups. Imagine Israelis leaving it up to Palestinians to tell the Jewish story.
This isn’t to say we should shut our ears to counter- or alternative-sources of story-telling about OUR story. After all, maybe Arabs can say interesting things about Jews, and Jews can say interesting things about Arabs. Outsiders and even enemies notice things about OUR KIND that we don’t, and we notice things about OTHER folks that they may not notice. It’s like smell. A hindu cannot notice curry smell on himself cuz he is so filled with that stuff. But we notice. A Negro cannot notice raw onion smell on himself cuz he eats too much of that stuff along with the chicken.

Still, the final narrative of any people must be devised by themselves, remembered by themselves, and insisted upon by themselves, and etc. Any people who lose that power, responsibility, and sense of duty are lost.
I mean Jews don’t let gentiles tell Jews what being Jewish is all about.
I recall a Firing Line debate with Buckley, Father Neuhaus, and Dershowitz. Neuhaus said something about Jewishness and what it stood for, and Dershowitz rebutted him by saying that he’s Jewish and he doesn’t agree with any of Neuhaus’ formulation of Jewishness, however sympathetic and flattering it may be.

But look at our culture. So many kids grow up without fathers. That means no story-teller in the home. (And most single-mothers only know trashy TV culture.) Also, even fathers who stick around have no sense of ethnos, culture, history, or spirituality. Their entire culture is pop music and TV and videogames, and their idea of raising kids is playing video games or watching negro-filled sports or watching dumb TV shows filled with morons like the fatso in LOST.
Too many fathers are like that guy we see through the window in the opening of GHOST WORLD. Notice the kid is bored and beating something with a plastic bat.
But even the smarter Jewish father in the movie is a total dolt who has reneged on his fatherly duties. He’s not like Vito Corleone. (And they have the damn TV on during lunch. Rule should be NO TV during eating time.) I love the characters of GHOST WORLD, but they are all so clueless.

In our world, when the narrative isn’t PC, often anti-white to the point where so many white people are made to feel evil and wicked even to entertain the notion of white identity/history/unity, it is Pop Culture where young people are primarily encouraged to identify with fantasy figures like the dwarf in GAMES IN THRONE, lunatic rappers, mindless celebs like Lena Dunham, has-been trash like madonna(who complains about ‘age-ism’ in a pop culture industry that has no use for older people), and etc.

It wasn’t always like this, even on the Left. Take a movie like IMITATION OF LIFE where the daughter has a black mother but rejects it to totally pass for white. Back then, the theme was Accept What You Really Are. Now, we are supposed to praise Michael Jackson who only only wanted to be a white but a white girl. And Bruce is Caitlyn, an act of ‘courage’ according to Obama.
Now, we can understand the appeal of the ideal. In SHANE, the boy is drawn to Shane as the white knight figure. But Shane of noble heart tells the kid some good lesson in life. We must accept the real over the ideal that is more myth.
But what is totally nuts in our age is that even the ‘ideal’ is totally degenerate. At least we can understand why the boy is drawn to Shane. Alan Ladd is handsome, stylish, dashing, good with gun, and tough. But in our age, Ladd’s character would be the new ideal with a tattoo on his ass, piercing through his nose, and talked like one of Tarantino’s demento characters.

AVALON isn’t a very good movie, but the ending with the TV set is pretty disturbing. It was the beginning of the rise of kids as Pod People zombies who primarily identify with pop culture than their own people and culture. Pop Culture is fine as pop culture but destructive as Core Culture.

Also, the American Narrative via domination of entertainment and education has led to destruction of local narratives around the world. It’s as Americanism expects all the world to revere ‘heroes’ and figures who are particularly rooted in American history. So, the whole world is supposed to look up to MLK when he had nothing to do with other nations. And since the West has Negromania, the whole world must revere Mandela… while shhhh and just forget about it with Arafat who is inconvenient to the peddlers of the globalist narrative.

Parents who don’t develop skills as story-tellers have failed. A wolf cannot tell its tale. Humans can tell tales. And in some ways, human communities were richer in primitive times than today. As rough as it was for primitive folks, they got together around campfires and told their tales and passed these stories to their kids.
Today, white parents have failed to talk to their kids. They outsource storytelling to the TV that is controlled by the hostile and deracinating GLOB. And these parents have themselves been raised in the Age of TV and feel closer to the Jetsons and Flintstones than to their actual forebears and larger racial community. Kids don’t have family albums in the room. They got posters of trashy degenerate celebs on the wall. Bad parenting. Also, there is no respect for nature, ways of which offer so many metaphors for life. If polluting nature is bad, why is polluting culture a good thing?

And things have been made worse by rise of feminism and careerism among women. As women take more higher level jobs, it means men have fewer good jobs, and that means fewer of them will be able to attract wives and raise kids. But the harm doesn’t end there. It also hurts women who want to be wives and mothers because fewer men with good jobs means fewer men as marriage-prospects. Of course, it also hurts many career women cuz they will eventually grow older and lose market value. Also, since they took jobs from men, there are fewer men worth marrying.
In a way, the argument for mass immigration from places like India and Muslim nations is an admittance that feminism and materialism have failed. They have created conditions of such dire demographics that the West must look to non-feminist places for more people.

* A forgotten incident from the early 1960s was when the PGA Championship golf tournament was awarded to the Jewish Brentwood C.C. in west L.A. California’s Jewish attorney general complained about the PGA’s whites-only rule (also, Brentwood CC definitely didn’t have any non-white members, and not many non-Jewish whites, either). The tournament had to be moved to another state, the PGA opened integrated, and no historically Jewish golf club has hosted a major championship since, unlike in the 1920s and 1930s when the PGA and US Open went several times to Jewish clubs.

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