Regarding Russian Interference In America’s Election

I expect every nation to act in its self-interest and that will usually involve spying and interference in other countries. So if Russia or Israel tries to influence our elections, or China hacks our government and private websites to gain an advantage, I’m not surprised or outraged. I assume that America does similar things. I assume that it is America’s responsibility to protect itself from outside interference and that if the interference occurs and damages America, that is the fault of America’s government for not protecting us.

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Sometimes Jews & Non-Jews Get On Great

Sometimes differences are fantastic for a relationship and sometimes they make a relationship impossible.

According to Wikipedia:

The Jewish question is the name given to a wide-ranging debate in European society pertaining to the appropriate status and treatment of Jews in society. The debate was similar to other so-called “national questions” and dealt with the civil, legal, national and political status of Jews as a minority within society, particularly in Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

The debate started within societies, politicians and writers in western and central Europe influenced by the Age of Enlightenment and the ideals of the French Revolution. The issues included the legal and economic Jewish disabilities (e.g. Jewish quotas and segregation), Jewish assimilation, Jewish emancipation and Jewish Enlightenment.

The expression has been used by antisemitic movements from the 1880s onwards, culminating in the Nazi phrase “the Final Solution to the Jewish Question”. Similarly, the expression was used by proponents for and opponents of the establishment of an autonomous Jewish homeland or a sovereign Jewish state.

Since the 1950s, there’s been little public discussion of The Jewish Question. Most citizens of the United States, Canada, Australia, England, France and Germany do not question granting their Jews the same rights as everyone else. Prior to the 20th Century, however, most Europeans nations were not down with this.

With the rise of the Alt Right in the past year, there’s been a renewed interest among a few thousand people (my guess) about The Jewish Question.

Alt Right Jewish philosopher “Ari Ben Canaan” tweets: “I support the eventual end of the Jewish diaspora. We belong in Israel, where our home is.”

The sacred texts of Judaism debate this question. Some texts argue that Jews belong in Israel. Other texts say Jews have valuable work to do in the diaspora shining the light of Torah.

From an objective perspective, it seems to me that no people has permanent friends or enemies. In some circumstances, Jews and Muslims, for example, have common interests, and in other circumstances, they have conflicting interests. In some circumstances, gentile countries will find the presence of Jews in their interest and in other circumstances, they will find the presence of Jews a problem. It does not make sense to me that in all times and places outside of Israel, gentile nations will always find Jewish citizens more of a hassle than a blessing. I sure hope that is true because the odds that Israel survives another 50 years as a Jewish state are probably no greater than 50%. If Israel is destroyed and gentile nations start kicking Jews out, Jews will be in big trouble a la WWII.

Like all peoples, Jews have strengths and weaknesses. Jewish strengths include intelligence, industry, energy and a commitment to education. Jews have started disproportionate number of businesses in the West, and they’ve paid, I suspect, a disproportionate amount of tax compared to the public services they’ve used. Most Orthodox Jews, for example, send their children to private Jewish schools while paying considerable taxes to maintain public schools.

If Jews leave the diaspora, who will represent God among the nations? If God wanted goyim to have own countries, He would have given them the brains to defend them. If Jews leave the diaspora, who will teach the goyim how to be multicultural? If Jews leave the diaspora, who will teach the goyim the lessons of the Holocaust?

James M points out: “White people were nothing until the Jews came from the desert & created our civilizations.”

Richard Spencer has some interesting tweets:

When thinking of nationalism it helps to understand Latin. You are born into a nation. The word nation comes from the word for birth. You don’t choose a nation anymore than you choose a mother. This is why “civic” nationalism or “economic” nationalism is contradictory. “Civic” nationalism comes from civis, which means citizen. Citizenship had to be earned, not just believed really hard. It was difficult. And came with duties and that was why people wanted to be citizens. “Civic nationalism” defines citizenship down. Steve Bannon’s economic nationalism is also absurd. “Economics” comes from Greek word for household and its management. Economic nationalism then is either redundant or misleading about who is in the household. You can’t have many mothers in one house. You can’t have many peoples in one nation. Sooner or later one will dominate the other & there goes “economic nationalism.”

Ask yourself why it is that our country spends more time talking about and thinking about Israeli politics rather than Mexican politics.

In a way, Trumpism–as the last gasp of “Americanism”–has to fail for the #AltRight to fully emerge.

Let me make one thing clear: I’m a bit black-pilled about Trump; I’m enthused by the Alt Right.

The entire govt. and civil service will be aligned against him, and Trump’s appeasing Cucks, who don’t really have his back.

“Trumpism” will fail because it offers nothing but a cult of personality. Trump is our leader only so long as he is for our people.

I fear that Richard hasn’t learned the lessons of the Holocaust.

Have Jews learned the lessons of the Holocaust? Jews are not a great fit for every nation on earth at all times. For instance, once Germany became a Nazi state, Jews were a bad fit. Nations that regarded themselves as exclusively Roman Catholic were not a good for Jews. Any gentile nation that principally organizes itself around race or religion is not likely to be a good fit for Jews (unless the race is people of Northern European origins and the religion is Protestantism). Jews have done best in WASP countries because people of Northern European extraction who are of Protestant origins tend to see people as individuals rather than as representatives of groups, and a collective strategy will usually out-compete an individualist one.

Protestants nations have never committed genocide against Jews.

Judaism regards Jews as a blessing to the world, but one can believe in God and Torah and understand that in some circumstances, Jews are not a great fit for a particular nation (such as Nazi Germany).

My understanding of Orthodox Judaism is that God’s primary demand of Jews is that they obey the Torah, which would theoretically make them a safe choice for almost any nation. History shows, however, that whenever Jews have had a choice, they have chosen to not be Orthodox and to not be observant of Jewish law.

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‘Hitler actually wasn’t that bad’: How Neo-Nazis are using attractive young women to boost their movement

National Post: In one of her online videos from her suburban Toronto bedroom, 19-year-old Veronica Bouchard slouches before the camera in a low-cut dress and a choker, lamenting the Jewish conspiracy to control society by corrupting minds with degenerate inter-racial pornography.

In another, she offers cupcakes decorated with swastikas to a portrait of Adolf Hitler, as she sings him Happy Birthday.

“Hitler actually wasn’t that bad. He wasn’t evil at all. And he’s one of my favourite people of all time,” she says.

Petite and pretty, she speaks variously in an over-acted breathy whisper, or a treacly, girlish singsong, sometimes blatantly trying to force tears about the supposed genocide of white people. At other times, she is vulgar, smug, sarcastic, agitated and angry, swearing at the suggestion she is uneducated and ignorant.

Ignore what she says, and she could be any other petulant teenager talking to her phone. But Bouchard, known as Evalion, is fast becoming a leading star of neo-Nazism, and her runaway popularity threatens to upend the nearly unbroken tradition of male dominance in white supremacy.

Tagged online as “Future Queen of the Fourth Reich,” she is a prime example — the latest, not the first — of how young women can become the hot new thing in racist subcultures almost overnight, far easier than sieg-heiling, black-costumed, tattooed male skinheads.

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Steve Sailer: When Did the EU Become Europhobic?


* The EU is a recreation of Christendom without the Christianity. Soon enough to be Europe without the Europeans.

* It’s a very obvious but rarely spoken fact, that the main role of the EU is the integration of Germany into Europe, or in other words, the prevention of a German nationalism. This is the real meaning of the often mentioned goal of “preventing war in Europe”. France has been sidelined by events much like after Versailles. When German re-unified, peacefully, rather than through wars of restoration like last time, there was little that France could do to oppose it, even morally. German leadership knew how sensitive this issue was, so it pushed for the Maastricht treaty, firmly binding Germany to a new liberal institutional order, which became the basis of the new EU. So France became stuck in an impossible quagmire: it could not oppose German hegemony through war, but also not through peace. A more robust EU would eventually be dominated by Germany and France could do nothing to help it.

* Visualizing Values Mismatch in the European Union

In my July 1 post, Brexit as Destructive Creation, I argued that one significant cause for the European dysfunction was the choice made by the European elites to expand the union too fast too far. Why do I think this was a mistake? […]

The pattern is so striking it almost doesn’t require commentary, but let’s spell it out anyway. The original six (“Core Europe”) group together very closely. There are only two other countries that are part of the same cluster, Austria and Switzerland. Remarkably, the modern territories of both of these countries were encompassed by the boundaries of the Carolingian empire (see Is this the Beginning of the End for the European Union?). It looks like the “ghost” of the Charlemagne’s empire has more influence on today’s cultural values than such later distinctions as Catholicism versus Protestantism.

The current 28 members of the European Union, on the other hand, don’t cluster at all. On the contrary, they span three-quarters of world variation in values. Only African-Islamic countries and central America end up outside the ellipse that encompasses all 28 EU members.


Proponents of the cultural explanation for the North-South divide, like Tino Sanandaji from the Institute of Industrial Economics, are returning to a certain extent to the ideas of 19th century German sociologist Max Weber. The latter had suggested that Protestant countries in Northern Europe outperformed the rest of the continent because of their superior work ethic, because they were thriftier and because they possessed more effective social capital, that is to say the efficacy of social networks. Following in Weber’s footsteps, Sanandaji argues that the current gap in economic outcomes between North and South cannot be explained by differing policies, since both display roughly comparable levels of social expenditures, taxation rates and government sizes. Instead, similar policies are resulting in different outcomes because the latter are ‘mediated through the deeper structures of society’, such as culture, norms, or social capital.

Cognitive emotion regulation and psychopathology across cultures: A comparison between six European countries

Most notably, there were differences on strategies that have been linked to symptoms of psychopathology; overall northern European countries (Germany and Netherlands) made less use of strategies such as rumination, catastrophizing, and other-blame, when compared to southern and eastern European countries (Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Hungary).

* The EU was Europhobic in its origins. The first President of the Paneuropean Union, elected in 1923, was Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi. He envisioned the destruction of the existing European races through admixture with Africans. The new mixed race was to be ruled over by a new, primarily Jewish, aristocracy. From his book Practical Idealism written in 1925 (i.e. prior to the rise of National Socialism in Germany):

The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals …

Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe’s feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.

The Paneuropean Union is the oldest European unification movement.

The Coudenhove-Kalergi Foundation awarded its European Prize t0 Angela Merkel in 2010.

* Juncker seems to be very similar to Yeltsin. The more his project falls apart, the more he drinks. He drinks to avoid the reality of what he has created.

Trump is of course a teetotaller. I wonder if he will impose some of that philosophy on, for instance, the white women and Native Americans who are drowning in drink?

* It is interesting to note the impact of Muslim immigration on Germans. Having lived there for four years in the 1970s and visiting often, it was without question one of the safest places on earth. I’ve found myself in the Red Light districts of many German cities at night before immigration (no aspersions please :-), noting in surprise the number of women walking alone (including little old ladies with canes) and young mothers pushing baby carriages … something you would not dare to do in the United States.

From the news, many German girls and women today find it too dangerous to venture out of their homes to visit the town square during the day or leave their homes at night without male escorts. What a contrast as German cities areas start to reflect the seedier aspects of decaying urban ghettos in the United States and the generally degenerate conditions in underdeveloped countries.

It is difficult to comprehend the argument that the solution to the social decay in Germany caused by Third World immigration is more Third World immigration. “Quick, my house is on fire … quick, more fuel for the fire!”

* How did the US go from being a country founded by slave owners, to a country willing to send 600,000 to their deaths to end slavery? How did the UK Liberal party go from wanting to abolish the income tax in 1882 to introducing the welfare state in 1906? How did the Israeli Labour party go from “There’s no such thing as the Palestinians” in 1969 to Oslo in 1993? The list goes on and on. The basic point seems to be that liberalism should not be understood as a set of beliefs, but as a process, the telos of which is always receding into the future. The best work on unwrapping this remains Moldbug, but, of course, he never systemized his observations. Part of the problem is that much of basic mental equipment we use to understand politics itself comes out of the liberal tradition and is thus delusory. More recently, the blogger doing the most to carve out something like an explanation is the recently defunct Reactionary Future, but I’m not sure if he’s insane or not. It’s hard to tell when you lose your bearings.

In the specific case of the EU, though, it’s worth noting that it was constructed by liars – Leftist radicals working with the State Dept – who at every stage dissembled about their true intentions. It’s basic purpose has always been to destroy pre-WW2 conservative Europe.

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“California’s Birthrate Falls to Its Lowest Level on Record”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I have relatives in an affluent West Los Angeles neighborhood. Twenty-five years ago, Halloween was a significant neighborhood event, with regular trick-or-treating, Halloween parties, and the like. According to my relatives, this year, they had exactly one trick-or-treater the entire night. Prime neighborhoods in the area are graying as people hang on to their houses until they die (California’s Proposition 13, which caps increases on property taxes until the house is sold, is a big factor), and few households can afford both children and a house in these neighborhoods.

* The Roma are typical of a small tribe of low-trust people who have grafted onto a larger, high-trust society for sustenance. This has occurred throughout world history. Unfortunately for them, because of their natural sociopathy/low-trust tendencies make it impossible for them to run their own nation. When such people do get ahold of their own nation, the nation quickly falls into internal squabbling/strife/civil war as the various low-trust members stab each other in the back and ally with foreigners over their own countrymen.

* If you want to take this full-circle to the California example, you can. You have two very different models of immigration, exemplified well by the Bay Area versus LA. In the Bay Area, the tech industry draws (relatively) high-education/high-skilled people mostly from East or South Asia. There are issues with this type of immigration, in particular that they’re effectively indentured servants of the companies sponsoring their visas and they keep wages down for native workers doing the same work. But well educated and skilled people with an incentive to keep a steady job and not rock the boat make for relatively placid immigrants.

Los Angeles is the alternative. There, yes, you have a continual stream of Latin-American illegal immigration feeding the local labor economy. Problematic in a few respects, but hardly the worst category of immigrants you can find locally. That distinction belongs very much to immigrants from low-trust societies in the Middle East, the former Soviet Union, Central Asia, and (to a lesser extent) some parts of South and East Asia. The “Silk Road people,” as I call them. You find these folks very well represented in dodgy and often questionably-legal small businesses, if not running outright scams or involved in organized and white-collar crime. Many of them have figured out how to rig the game to a tee – a perverse version of the immigrant success story – insinuating themselves in apparently legitimate activities like charitable organizations and politics, and making use of ethnic affinity links to find victims as well as co-conspirators (e.g., shady professionals in various fields, like lawyers, doctors, or real estate brokers who are in positions to facilitate various fraudulent schemes).

* We lived in Southern California as a family in the mid-1980s and returned again in the 1990s. By the late 1990s, I thought we were living in Mexico. By 1996, we were refugees en route to Oklahoma. California wasn’t safe for adults or children. I felt my choice was either to buy a gun or leave; we left.

Our take was the the social contract in California was breaking down — wide-spread crime as the “have nots” looted the “have” communities at night, violent gangs with shootouts and carjackings, and extremely low-performing PC schools proselytizing multiculturalism, feminism, and other relativist anarchy. My perception was that the schools were psychologically damaging the kids, not educating them. Our recourse was private schools.

Almost every gringo we knew at the time was plotting an exit strategy. Those who did leave fueled real estate bubbles in Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Arizona, and Colorado as people realized they could sell their four-bedroom ranchers in LA for “mcmansions” outside the state and still put a couple of hundred grand in the bank.

California — a safe environment for raising children? You’ve got to be kidding! We still have family there. We avoid visiting on their turf. We encourage them to fly and “Great Flyover” and visit us on the East Coast.

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